Lewis Hamilton challenge - which club are you in?

  • Thread starter AlexDB9

Which club are you in?

  • Noob here - haven't even bronzed them all

    Votes: 22 8.9%
  • All-bronze

    Votes: 16 6.5%
  • All-silver

    Votes: 57 23.2%
  • All-gold

    Votes: 90 36.6%
  • Pfft that was easy - All-diamond baby!

    Votes: 61 24.8%

  • Total voters
Only just got this add-on so I've completed (Diamond) two so far, Monza and Interlagos.

Can't get the feel for braking at all though since I've returned and I was never the best at it before, does not matter so much to beat Hamilton at these two tracks but trying to get the best I'm capable of has wasted more time than anything and even then my best lap at Interlagos has me putting a wheel on the grass at the exit of the last turn, hardly the best way to do things. :dopey: :lol:

Just done Dragon Trail and Brands Hatch now. Hamilton isn't great at Dragon Trail so it was easy enough even though I often mess up there. Brands was tougher and I only just scrapped under the time for Diamond there, just as I was about to turn it off and I'd say I am not bad here usually but that car is totally not made for this track at all. I can see why a number of guys have/will struggle with this one.

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All silver except for the Nordschleife which is currently still bronze for me. Some are close to gold and some will need a bit of work. Diamond is a bit off. But might come one day...
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Got the Diamond at Nurburgring GP and Maggiore now too. :)

The Nurb GP is actually quite a stiff time to get. I can beat Hamilton in the first sector but I was just trying to stay in touch through the middle of the lap where he has a clear advantage. Luckily you can drive like an idiot through the chicane and beat him otherwise this one would be very tough for anyone other than the very best.

Maggiore was a little tricky too but only because it's been a very long time since I've turned a lap there. Once I got used to it I was finding more and more places to gain on him, ended up almost crawling through the last turn just to make sure I got the Diamond so only beat him by around 2 tenths, could have been half a second easily and it wasn't a perfect lap either.

Just the more difficult ones left now. :nervous:

Just got it a few days ago. So far Diamond for:

Brands Hatch

Gold for:
Nurburgring GP (.3 to go)

it’s really annoying that you have to restart after each lap. No way to build a rhythm.
You see the restart thing does not bother me at all since I do it a lot anyway when trying to set a fast time, even when learning a track, it's not really the thing you should be doing though and I need to stop it. :lol:
All silver for now, 7golds and with some dedicated time or a couple of hours on the weekends I'll get all gold's (virus hasn't affected me working from home)

Spent some time this morning and got 8golds in total, 8th was Bathurst, silver on the Nurburgring and Nordschleife still, probably tackle one of them next week
Suzuka done now and again with a good lap on my Gtp account too. Only got Gold on Willow though so far, that one is tough to Diamond no doubt.

Suzuka lap on GTP account (1'58.188) now added, should be easier to copy than any alien lap for most people. ;)

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Spent some time this morning and got 8golds in total, 8th was Bathurst, silver on the Nurburgring and Nordschleife still, probably tackle one of them next week

Got gold for Nurburgring this morning, will try Nord another time
6 Diamond 4 Gold. Found out I need to do Gold first to optimize the credit payout. So knocked those out, now to Diamond the last 4.

Still need to diamond:
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Laps from Monza and Interlagos now done on my GTP account. +2 BB on both.

1'46.174, more than enough to beat Hamilton, he is too fast and deep into multiple corners so you can gain on him on exits easily, which is why this is the easiest challenge. ;)

1'30.536, not super quick but decent enough, again as at Monza you can beat Hamilton by exiting corners quicker than him. ;)

To beat these would probably take me a while for not much gain so I'm satisfied with them.

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I have 6 silver and 4 bronze, but I picked all silver for majority reasons and there is no "mix" option.
I would dedicate more effort into this if I didn't have to look at Lewis' and my own ghost after my first attempt. It's really distracting.
Really strange... Don't you have the on/off ghost assigned to some button? That would hide both ghosts though.

I'm gonna get on here and check it out again. In your defence I was trying to switch it off while doing an event and wasn't able to, maybe it needs set in the options before I begin. Will report back in a mo...

EDIT: you are right, I can switch it off. Just wasn’t possible while doing the event.

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I'm in the club of the not bothered to finish because I simply hate driving that Sauber so I'll just stick with Bronze to Gold for all other tracks except this one with nothing
I can't, it is greyed out in the options :confused:

Right at the top left there is ghost settings, you have to do it there not in the normal place in the Hamilton challenge. I guess because you can turn yours off and Hamilton's if you want to.

I have mine permanently off and will toggle Hamilton's off with the button if he's distracting me. :lol:
toggle Hamilton's off with the button if he's distracting me. :lol:

I'm at a point where his ghost almost always gets 'reset' at least once during my attempt, it's so bloody annoying. I realise the solution to this is to 'git gud' but I've always been a silver level driver :lol:

I would probably do that more if it wasn't limited to 1 lap. Why can't we make as many laps we want in a row.

Right? This also makes no sense, and it's hard to get into a good rhythm when you have to restart each time :irked:
I'm at a point where his ghost almost always gets 'reset' at least once during my attempt, it's so bloody annoying. I realise the solution to this is to 'git gud' but I've always been a silver level driver :lol:

You can also change all that too, I turned the reset off. You can also offset so he starts up the road and stuff. Play with the settings. ;)
You can also change all that too, I turned the reset off. You can also offset so he starts up the road and stuff. Play with the settings. ;)

Where are all these options? :odd:
Where are all these options? :odd:

On the final screen where you hit the flag to race or one of the other four buttons, replay, play Lewis's lap, driving options and ranking board, instead go up to the top left of the screen near the GT logo (which is clickable too, but not relevant here) and click ghost settings which is next to the replay button that saves replays.:)

All golds except of course at Nordschleife .:banghead: I'm sitting on a bronze toilet at a track that hates me and I hate it ,Maybe one day I will have a few beers and say "WHAT THE 🤬"and give it another shot .:gtpflag:

Good luck then, man. This is not exactly a track that rewards racing with a few beers in the system with quick lap times. :lol:

Felt real good getting to switch my vote to all Diamonds! Definitely wasn't easy though! Proud member of the All Diamond DS4 club :D

Good luck everyone, it's doable with some roll-up-the-sleeves determination and sweat!

Hats off to you, man. I would never have done it with a DS4. I may have the skill but definitely not the patience. :lol:

I would probably do that more if it wasn't limited to 1 lap. Why can't we make as many laps we want in a row.

Exactly. I wonder if this is how he has done it but somehow I just seriously doubt it. Why the 🤬 would you restart after each lap when you're hot-lapping? It completely kills your rhythm. :confused:
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