Lexus IS F CCS-R '11 One Lap Time Trial: Nürburgring 24H

  • Thread starter JogoAsobi
Ha ha, my bag of excuses? How about this monster excuse of yours........""I really didn't notice anything differently as far as the cars handling goes that I can recall, it was mainly the fact that the car was just plain slower than hell.""

The car was slower? Was that just for you or for everyone? That takes the 'excuse' cake any day mate. Hoo haa!

If you would have been following the discussion, its a bug of sorts that more than just me have experienced in past TT's.
@et_ It was definitely a bug mate as i was almost 3 seconds behind my best time on the recent rear wheel drive TT and i even checked what assists i had on because i was stumped why i was losing so much time.
It was a steering issue for me, It felt like all the ballast weight was thrown towards the front.
So my final position is 191th on the leaderboard and after checking the boards more closely, I noticed I'm the 14th fastest DS3 user overall and unbelievably the fastest Brit with a DS3. :eek:

I checked who was second and in a surprise twist, it was the same person who told me I was the fastest British DS3 user in the first place. :lol:

Small world. :D

Overall it was quite a fun event, could've given more incentive to other players to keep going with a bigger paycheque but not bad overall. 👍
@CRANK_U1 I didn't feel a big difference of the car, but then again, it made for about 3 seconds on the entire nordschleife, so it's not as severe as it was for you, but still a very noticeable loss of speed. I did however notice a hint more understeer, and I cant shake the feeling that it must have been a bug of some sort because I just cant get that bad just by taking a break for 2 hours. if anything, that break should make me better.

As I said, I feel cheated on, I didn't get the chance to reach my goal, which was 8:47.5 for 4'th. And I'm sure I'd get it if I'd continued when the car felt fine. After all, I did 8:49 with ease, and alot of mistakes. I was 2.7 sec behind prasinar coming to the 2'nd carousell once, and screwed up.
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@CRANK_U1 I didn't feel a big difference of the car, but then again, it made for about 3 seconds on the entire nordschleife, so it's not as severe as it was for you, but still a very noticeable loss of speed. I did however notice a hint more understeer, and I cant shake the feeling that it must have been a bug of some sort because I just cant get that bad just by taking a break for 2 hours. if anything, that brake should make me better.

As I said, I feel cheated on, I didn't get the chance to reach my goal, which was 8:47.5 for 4'th. And I'm sure I'd get it if I'd continued when the car felt fine. After all, I did 8:49 with ease, and alot of mistakes. I was 2.7 sec behind prasinar coming to the 2'nd carousell once, and screwed up.

Like I've said before, I believe it to be a bug as it has happened to other people also. They too experienced the loss of speed where they couldn't even come close to their ghost. I can only assume that it has something to do with the servers or something.
I experienced it. It was bizarre. I was extremely consistent in the first few GP sectors, and suddenly lost .5-1.0 seconds per sector one day. I happened to purge the network cache before that happened. Is that related? My next session was back to normal, and even improved.
@CRANK_U1 I didn't feel a big difference of the car, but then again, it made for about 3 seconds on the entire nordschleife, so it's not as severe as it was for you, but still a very noticeable loss of speed. I did however notice a hint more understeer, and I cant shake the feeling that it must have been a bug of some sort because I just cant get that bad just by taking a break for 2 hours. if anything, that brake should make me better.

As I said, I feel cheated on, I didn't get the chance to reach my goal, which was 8:47.5 for 4'th. And I'm sure I'd get it if I'd continued when the car felt fine. After all, I did 8:49 with ease, and alot of mistakes. I was 2.7 sec behind prasinar coming to the 2'nd carousell once, and screwed up.
I've been doing some online racing recently and the amount of people that were getting disconnected or couldn't get in the lobby was shocking. Maybe that has something to do with it.
And like you said, if you're finding it hard to beat or come close to your lap time after just a few stints then there's definitely something wrong.
If you would have been following the discussion, its a bug of sorts that more than just me have experienced in past TT's.
Of course, I fully understand, it was the games fault you were slower.
I always thought it was just me when I couldn't improve my time although it was never the 'improving' in my case, it was the 'managing to stay on the track until the end trick' I failed to master.
I achieved the gold on 2nd clean lap attempt, where my first lap was a Bronze time after what I thought was a good cruising clean lap, and thought to myself, wow, this one timed for ringmasters.

then 5 laps inbetween of that huge Zelda not from our galaxy sunrise scaring the crap out of me everytime, it just looks so weird that it lights up big like that.. totally disrupted my line off track a few times.

but then I tried to be more aggressive and barely improved my just enough time of 9:15

and people are over 25s faster than this? what the hell? I have a lot still to learn. Maybe I should set ABS from 0 to 1 , add some training wheels and try again?
I achieved the gold on 2nd clean lap attempt, where my first lap was a Bronze time after what I thought was a good cruising clean lap, and thought to myself, wow, this one timed for ringmasters.

then 5 laps inbetween of that huge Zelda not from our galaxy sunrise scaring the crap out of me everytime, it just looks so weird that it lights up big like that.. totally disrupted my line off track a few times.

but then I tried to be more aggressive and barely improved my just enough time of 9:15

and people are over 25s faster than this? what the hell? I have a lot still to learn. Maybe I should set ABS from 0 to 1 , add some training wheels and try again?
ABS makes it quite a lot easyer!

And don't worry man, just do as much laps on these TT's and you'll get faster, and those top guys are just very very very fast.
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OK I know this sound ridiculous as it feels ridiculous as well, but this is among the proudest moments in my life :D

I mean my initial goal was ...

...Well that's just what i love, and all the anticipation during the work days made my days fly by thinking how and what I'll be trying this evening on this monster of a track.

I'm just really exhausted and happy, thanks again GT, I just love you so much ♥


Well done, mate. 👍
Ha ha, with a 2 way mirror?

Well I had more of something like this in my mind :D

❤️❤️❤️ I have a HUGE announcement to make ❤️❤️❤️

After 43,657 attempts, I have FINALLY got Gold on this event!!:P:P:P:P:P

I went from my previous best of 9:20.134 toooooo 9:19.516 and i will never click on its seasonal square option ever again! I don't care that its after the leaderboard registration! I don't care about the 400,000 credits or the Metalic orange chip(even tho its pretty)! I wanted to get this one sooooo bad because i honestly think i am in the top 3 people that spent the most time on this seasonal. Easily 1-2/3 hours everyday since it was available, easily 20,000 red laps:mad:!

So anyways:P Thank you everyone that gave helpful tips to me and told me not to give up... I wanted to really bad sometimes. Your support really means a lot to me when I'm sliding around the track at 3am by myself. You guys rock:P

PS- @PolophonyDigital, Don't ever make another seasonal a 9-10 min lap around Nürburgring, please.⛄️
❤️❤️❤️ I have a HUGE announcement to make ❤️❤️❤️

After 43,657 attempts, I have FINALLY got Gold on this event!!:P:P:P:P:P

I went from my previous best of 9:20.134 toooooo 9:19.516 and i will never click on its seasonal square option ever again! I don't care that its after the leaderboard registration! I don't care about the 400,000 credits or the Metalic orange chip(even tho its pretty)! I wanted to get this one sooooo bad because i honestly think i am in the top 3 people that spent the most time on this seasonal. Easily 1-2/3 hours everyday since it was available, easily 20,000 red laps:mad:!

So anyways:P Thank you everyone that gave helpful tips to me and told me not to give up... I wanted to really bad sometimes. Your support really means a lot to me when I'm sliding around the track at 3am by myself. You guys rock:P

PS- @PolophonyDigital, Don't ever make another seasonal a 9-10 min lap around Nürburgring, please.⛄️
I feel you! I feared I'd never make it; when I was ready to give up, I turned on Active Steering and gained about 7 seconds for a 9:15. I felt guilty and intended to redeem myself with no aids. Funny, I just never quite got around to making that attempt!

I do intend to return to GT5's AMG Academy and gold all those events.
Funny, I just never quite got around to making that attempt!

Hahaha:P Story of my life

I feel you! I feared I'd never make it; when I was ready to give up, I turned on Active Steering and gained about 7 seconds for a 9:15.
I wouldn't make out using Driver aids as a negative thing. I use them. Its a option put into the game for are choosing, so shouldn't be looked down upon. Those that are at the skill level driving with 0-aids are just very talented and have had a lot of practice. If your trying to compete in GTacademy and Big Online events its probably best to learn how to drive with just ABS-1. But for these TT Seasonals, if its a open option, i think its perfectly ok. Actually if using certain driving aids makes you faster, than i think ur skipping a valuable option if you choose not to use them. So i Congratulate you on that very fast time, with the aids❤️

For this one i had the Driver Line- ON, Active steering- MILD, Traction Control- 0, ASM- ON, ABS- 6.
I can tell that i could probably drop 2-4 seconds with ASM off, but it would just take me way too long to string together a solid lap without spining out.

Thanks for the support!:P
I had the line on to find my way in the dark, and to wake me up if I dozed off.

I ran only one lap with steering assist--and it was STRONG! It saved my ass.

Every other 2,346,879 attempt was with no assists except ABS1. I completed 8-9 actual laps in about ten days. I had some REALLY fast sectors, but I couldn't put a lap together. I was going to destroy my wife's TV. I had to capitulate. my best lap had slow sectors, but the assist was just enough to keep me from leaving the track.

I don't even like Orange. BUT I NEEDED THAT CHIP!!! :/
Every other 2,346,879 attempt was with no assists except ABS1.

Only 2,346,879??? Thats mayyyybe how many times i didn't even get to daylight, haha JK:P!

I completed 8-9 actual laps in about ten days. I had some REALLY fast sectors, but I couldn't put a lap together.

Riiiiiight? I wish i would have taken note, I'm sure i probably only completed 10-15 laps altogether.

AND THOSE (I had some REALLY fast sectors, but I couldn't put a lap together..) were the worst! I would always run my ghost that was '0:00.134' off from Gold. So I didn't even care about time, all i had to do was beat the ghost by maybe a full cars length. And there was times that i swear the Online fairies put SuperGlue on my tires and i would be 5-6 second up on my Ghost, and than they would shoot Ice on a corner that i have taken 1,000 times the same way and would send me spining off track..... RED LAP! :Controller/Wall:
❤️❤️❤️ I have a HUGE announcement to make ❤️❤️❤️

After 43,657 attempts, I have FINALLY got Gold on this event!!:P:P:P:P:P

I went from my previous best of 9:20.134 toooooo 9:19.516 and i will never click on its seasonal square option ever again! I don't care that its after the leaderboard registration! I don't care about the 400,000 credits or the Metalic orange chip(even tho its pretty)! I wanted to get this one sooooo bad because i honestly think i am in the top 3 people that spent the most time on this seasonal. Easily 1-2/3 hours everyday since it was available, easily 20,000 red laps:mad:!

So anyways:P Thank you everyone that gave helpful tips to me and told me not to give up... I wanted to really bad sometimes. Your support really means a lot to me when I'm sliding around the track at 3am by myself. You guys rock:P

PS- @PolophonyDigital, Don't ever make another seasonal a 9-10 min lap around Nürburgring, please.⛄️

Wow, its good to see that I'm not the only one that logs some crazy long hours into these and other events, but 3 hours a day is just warm up time for me in certain events. :lol: Take for instance the current WRS TT that ends tomorrow. I've put in about 6-7 hours a day for the last week into that event. :crazy: Sometimes I'll put in up to 10 hours a day depending on the event. And we don't even want to talk about the time I put into the final event in the Academy. :crazy: So yea, its cool to see someone else that's as dedicated and determined as I am. Kudos to you for putting in such a herculean effort and achieving your goal. :bowdown: Congrats, well done, and very well deserved. I really applaud and admire your dedication. :bowdown: :cheers:
This may bery well be THE event that breaks me. Ive spent too much time on this single event already. And the completely inconsistent handling of this Lexus turd makes the event absolutely unbearable. I can see why no one wants to buy these cars in real life, if this is any indication of how they handle in the real world.
This may bery well be THE event that breaks me. Ive spent too much time on this single event already. And the completely inconsistent handling of this Lexus turd makes the event absolutely unbearable. I can see why no one wants to buy these cars in real life, if this is any indication of how they handle in the real world.
This is nothing easy, but you should be hard on the throttle before apex in almost every corner, car starts to handle better ones you start get it close to it's limits. It will probably feel like your going too hot in and out of those bends ones you start to get it close to it's limits.
This Time Trial is the hardest I've ever done. I still can't crack that 9:20 barrier. Closest I got was 9:21.43
This Time Trial is the hardest I've ever done. I still can't crack that 9:20 barrier. Closest I got was 9:21.43
Keep trying, don't give up. There are plenty of places where you can make up time, specially on the fast sections. You just need to trust the car. Turn off the ghost lines on the back straight of the GP course and just concentrate on the track, always thinking about the next corner. Also watch some of the videos posted on this thread. They can help you learn the track.
This is nothing easy, but you should be hard on the throttle before apex in almost every corner, car starts to handle better ones you start get it close to it's limits. It will probably feel like your going too hot in and out of those bends ones you start to get it close to it's limits.

Yeah, I understand HOW to drive the car. The HOW isn't the problem. The problem is that the car doesn't always respond the same with the same inputs.
Ive even gone so far as to take long looks at the telemetry data, and see where my breaking and acceleration points are in comparative laps, and they are within milliseconds of each other. Yet, despite the consistency of the driver inputs, sometimes the car will rotate under throttle, and sometimes it will hopelessly plow towards the guardrail, and on rarer occasions, it will try to swap ends. I have literally lost my lap on the right hander into Hohenrain because the car suddenly decides to not turn in.

This car is an absolute pile...
Yeah, I understand HOW to drive the car. The HOW isn't the problem. The problem is that the car doesn't always respond the same with the same inputs.
Ive even gone so far as to take long looks at the telemetry data, and see where my breaking and acceleration points are in comparative laps, and they are within milliseconds of each other. Yet, despite the consistency of the driver inputs, sometimes the car will rotate under throttle, and sometimes it will hopelessly plow towards the guardrail, and on rarer occasions, it will try to swap ends. I have literally lost my lap on the right hander into Hohenrain because the car suddenly decides to not turn in.

This car is an absolute pile...
Assuming that the game does a good at simulating real life, there are other forces at work than just driver inputs. Car speed, Yaw, weight transfer and/or road imperfections are just some of the things that can affect how a car reacts at a given moment. Also you need to take into account how abrupt your inputs might be. Simply lifting off the throttle while cornering is enough to send some cars into a spin.

While watching my replay there are some high speed sections where the car will bounce and slide ever so slightly as the weight comes back down, then the tires regain grip and grab on to the track as if they were claws. It's a beautiful thing.