Little Big Planet 1

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I'd swear it said haswell00 on my screen... I thought his voice was a little high...

I actually have a headset, but it's on the fritz for some reason. But I'm quite good at reading nuances - and there was a 2s audio lag, so "Now" was always a little too late :lol:
Well... I'll aim to be online at 2100GMT tonight...

Do I need to have unlocked the levels to join in? If not, do you guys mind if I play with you (in the game....) at some point? I've never tried it online! I've got a headset so I can chat too. :)
You can go on any level the "host" chooses. So if you're the host you can only select levels you have done.

In any case the trophy is just for completing a level with three people on your friends list. So it can be an easy one or... not. :D Which is the next level after your last complete one? I'll add you to my GTP_ friends list (or you add me and I'll accept when I log in) and we can run through that level with you.
The Bunker is my next one to do

EDIT: My god this game is still annoying the hell out of me. Famine don't bother running through any of the levels, I'm going to trade it in for some Blu Rays before I burst a blood vessel. It's gone beyond enjoying it to just frustrating me to the point of wanting to snap the disc in half :mad:
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The Bunker? Wow, you're almost done! :D

In all honesty I just want rid of it now, it's making me mad more than I'm enjoying it. Going to trade it in for Drake's Fortune on Monday. The Bunker is about my threshold for the ratio of fun:frustration.
I Aced the Bunker today. Though one attempt saw me explode 2 obstacles from the end...
I wouldn't mind so much if you could infinitely respawn from your last point, but having to restart the entire level just because you can't do one bit that's waaaay more difficult than the rest is just a totally ridiculous idea in a modern game!

We're not living in the age of arcade machines giving you lives so you have to pay more money to play, so why implement it in a game as groundbreaking as this?!
Yeah, but it's a good goal for a gold trophy :D

It's equalled in difficulty by Auf Wiedersehen Petrovic for GTA4, and that's only a bronze!
I wouldn't mind so much if you could infinitely respawn from your last point, but having to restart the entire level just because you can't do one bit that's waaaay more difficult than the rest is just a totally ridiculous idea in a modern game!

We're not living in the age of arcade machines giving you lives so you have to pay more money to play, so why implement it in a game as groundbreaking as this?!
I think you missed the fact that the game is a nod to old school gaming.

Definitely don't get Mega Man 9.

And really, you got three levels from the end, finally found one that is difficult and are going into conniptions about it? I say put the game down for a day or two and then come back. If you have gotten yourself this worked up then I am guessing that you are actually doing worse and worse every time you play it. Put it down, take a chill pill, take a few deep breaths, play some Flower, and then come back in a day or two.

No one here will tell you they beat The Bunker their first few tries. But the fact that many of us were extremely frustrated by it then came back to Ace it later should tell you that it is isn't that difficult, you just have to figure it out, which requires a clear head.
DN, did you use my helmetless vader as a template?

Sadly no, I took the easy way out and just used the Kratos material as it looked close enough to a Vader face albeit with a red lightening mark across one eye. ;)

You can go on any level the "host" chooses. So if you're the host you can only select levels you have done.

In fact, this also allows you to play DLC levels like the MGS levels without having bought them. You just need to find someone who has, and then let them host the game and then you can join them in those levels. The only downside is that you can't win any trophies for those levels and I don't think you get to keep any of the many prize bubbles as well unless you actually purchase the DLC.... still, that's better than not being able to play them at all with your friends. 👍

I Aced the Bunker today. Though one attempt saw me explode 2 obstacles from the end...

:lol: and :cheers:

I think you missed the fact that the game is a nod to old school gaming.

Definitely don't get Mega Man 9.

And really, you got three levels from the end, finally found one that is difficult and are going into conniptions about it? I say put the game down for a day or two and then come back. If you have gotten yourself this worked up then I am guessing that you are actually doing worse and worse every time you play it. Put it down, take a chill pill, take a few deep breaths, play some Flower, and then come back in a day or two.

No one here will tell you they beat The Bunker their first few tries. But the fact that many of us were extremely frustrated by it then came back to Ace it later should tell you that it is isn't that difficult, you just have to figure it out, which requires a clear head.


It's not even requiring luck like soooo many games. It just takes practice and patience. As FK said in an earlier post. Once you get it down, it's surprisingly easy, or at least a good deal less difficult then the first few times... and if it was any easier frankly, I suspect we would just see people complaining how easy the game is. ;)

If my 6yr old son can get through every level and even ace many of them, I'm sure you can to. 👍
I think we'll have to organise a set time - DA needs some bubbles from the 4x area in the Bunker and that awful 2x bit on the Magician's Palace thing (that D-N, MiniD-N and I had a few goes at :D). If we can grab four of us then we can mop up people's missing bubbles AND net the trophy for 4-player Friends play for everyone.

So... I'm free all weekend anywhere between 0900 and 2200GMT.
You're right, both of you, of course it can be done with practice and patience, but I'm really not after a game that I have to try over and over and over to try and complete. For me there should be a challenge, but not one that frustrates me to the point of not wanting to play it.

Games like Call of Duty, for example, on harder settings are challenging but they never make you restart an entire level because you die 5 times near the end. They never frustrate to the same level unless you ramp up the difficulty right to the top.

For me, that extreme difficulty should be an option, not a forced thing. I don't mind a challenge at all, I know that the Wipeout games are very difficult for example, but I felt like I wanted to learn them and get better at them. With LBP I've not felt that need to get better, or the want to progress. I think it's mainly because with most games you get very precise feedback and you can learn that feedback and how it affects the game (CoD4 online for example) but LBP constantly leaves me flailing.

The amount of times I've shot over a jump because my sack person has jumped waaay further than the last time is shocking. Much in the same way that he automatically jumps towards and away from the screen. Earlier on I jumped away from the screen to an upper level and 'died' for no apparent reason. After looking closely I discovered a bit of the scenery had got stuck randomly and for some unkown reason it killed me off. I find it, on the whole, more infuriating than fun. I think it's just not my style of game after all. I bought it having read nothing but good about it and it's a chance I knew I was taking not knowing if I would like it, but hey there we go. I can at least say I tried it.

EDIT: Funnily enough I just had a look at Metacritic user reviews and the average is 6.5, well below the magazine and website average of 9.5! It appears that it's not just me who found it a bit of a let down.

so... I'm free all weekend anywhere between 0900 and 2200gmt.
Count. Me. In!!!

Just be warned that if I'm doing my sons treatment that my mic might be a bit loud. If it is, just tell me to turn the damn thing off 'til it's done. :lol:
You're right, both of you, of course it can be done with practice and patience, but I'm really not after a game that I have to try over and over and over to try and complete. For me there should be a challenge, but not one that frustrates me to the point of not wanting to play it.

Games like Call of Duty, for example, on harder settings are challenging but they never make you restart an entire level because you die 5 times near the end. They never frustrate to the same level unless you ramp up the difficulty right to the top.

Clearly this is more of a personal issue/preference thing... but if all you are doing is zipping through a level to get back to the point where you had to restart, then we are talking only a couple or so minutes at the most. If you aren't going for a high score or exploring around, most levels in LBP can be gotten through is just 5 min or less... so even if you had to start over near then end that really shouldn't even be an issue... seriously... it's not like it takes a huge amount of time to get back to where you were.

EDIT: Funnily enough I just had a look at Metacritic user reviews and the average is 6.5, well below the magazine and website average of 9.5! It appears that it's not just me who found it a bit of a let down.

Actually you should Google why that is the case... a bunch of 360 fanboys bragged all about how they organized a group smackdown on LBP by posting a rating of just 1 by countless participants... that is apparently why in return a bunch of PS3 fanboys did the same thing to Gears of War 2 user rating... For which the 360 fanboys did it to the Killzone 2 user rating... fanboys.... the worst thing about trying to find accurate truthful information. :ouch:

As you pointed out, the far more accurate assessment, being the average score of countless respected published reviewers resoundingly gave LBP top honors, and won several game of the year awards as well.

However if you want to ignore the published reviews and awards, and prefer to use a user scoring system that has been and likely continues to get abused by fanboys so be it. :indiff:

This isn't the first time you have complained about this game, and despite others offering tips and suggestions it doesn't appear to have made any difference. I have to say it seems like you may just be searching for something to justify your feelings about this game. There is no need. You have every right to hate something regardless of whether or not anyone else shares your feelings. I'd just sell it or give it away to someone who unlike you will enjoy it like the vast majority of those that have played it, and instead stick with games like COD.
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I create therefore I am

I create therefore I am

Nice... now all you need is a helmet and a really fast motorcycle! ;)

Oh and it appears LBP added to its large collection of awards by winning most of the awards it was nominated for including both Overall & Console Game of the Year at the 12th Annual Interactive Achievement Awards in Las Vegas.

Here are all the AIC awards it won:
  • Overall Game of the Year
  • Console Game of the Year
  • Family Game of the Year
  • Outstanding Achievement in Game Direction
  • Outstanding Achievement in Art Direction
  • Outstanding Achievement in Visual Engineering
  • Outstanding Innovation in Gaming
  • Outstanding Character Performance
It was also nominated for the following awards:
  • Outstanding Achievement in Soundtrack
  • Outstanding Achievement in Sound Design
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I think we'll have to organise a set time - DA needs some bubbles from the 4x area in the Bunker and that awful 2x bit on the Magician's Palace thing (that D-N, MiniD-N and I had a few goes at :D). If we can grab four of us then we can mop up people's missing bubbles AND net the trophy for 4-player Friends play for everyone.

So... I'm free all weekend anywhere between 0900 and 2200GMT.

I may be able to join you all. If you are still short, let me know and if the time works out, I'll send you my wife's or my kid's PSN IDs to temporarily add them to your friends list and then all play a level together... thus earning you the Party Person trophy. 👍
it's only £17.99 at

should i get it considering if a game does not have cars in it i like it to be relatively easy and fun to play both on and offline?

from the reviews i've read £18 seems like a steal but i want to see what gtp'ers have to say first because i'm running out of money this month very quickly
I may be able to join you all. If you are still short, let me know and if the time works out, I'll send you my wife's or my kid's PSN IDs to temporarily add them to your friends list and then all play a level together... thus earning you the Party Person trophy. 👍
You can still count me in on this! :D
should i get it considering if a game does not have cars in it i like it to be relatively easy and fun to play both on and offline?
Short of The Bunker level, LBP is pretty easy (The Bunker is the only one I have left to Ace, I think). While it is pretty easy, it's still a ton of fun, as well. I haven't played much online yet, but when I have, it's been a blast - and that's without anyone to talk to (apparently no one had a headset or at least wasn't using it).
i am free for this also. Re-playing through the game now and there are 5 levels that I cannot collect all items for as they are x2 (can't just use 2 controllers as needs some timing) and the x4 areas.
thanks for the help guys. Sorry about all the lag. Don't know why I have so much of an issue with it. All my other games run fine.
I figured there was an issue between you and I, since the lag was awful with either of us in charge. With TB in charge the lag was considerably less - but still dire! :lol:

I dragged my other half's Sackgirl in to play but, oddly, despite her being on my Friends list I didn't get the trophy...
I figured there was an issue between you and I, since the lag was awful with either of us in charge. With TB in charge the lag was considerably less - but still dire! :lol:
I'd apologize for the lag if it was my fault! *stupid Qwest* It's their 7meg down/1meg up package, too! :lol:
I dragged my other half's Sackgirl in to play but, oddly, despite her being on my Friends list I didn't get the trophy...
All the more reason to try again later! :sly:
Dunno who's fault it was (probably mine!), but I've just played with D-N and J-Pap (and got my Party People trophy) and nearly snapped my DS3 in half in sheer frustration at the piggin' lag. I couldn't even jump from one platform to the next - even if they were both static and there was no electricity, gas or fire underneath - because Kiddo didn't react until after I'd corrected, by which time she'd run 7 screen lengths into a whirling shuriken.

It. Was. Horrible.

So I've had to leave D-N and J-Pap to it.
Dunno who's fault it was (probably mine!), but I've just played with D-N and J-Pap (and got my Party People trophy) and nearly snapped my DS3 in half in sheer frustration at the piggin' lag. I couldn't even jump from one platform to the next - even if they were both static and there was no electricity, gas or fire underneath - because Kiddo didn't react until after I'd corrected, by which time she'd run 7 screen lengths into a whirling shuriken.

It. Was. Horrible.

So I've had to leave D-N and J-Pap to it.

At least you got your Party Person trophy! 👍

Fortunately I didn't get much lag and so J-pap and I knocked out all the remaining co-op levels he needed. 👍
I have had problems playing against almost everyone with lbp not from Australia. Was initially why i got rid of the game as it was hopeless. dn is probably the person i have had least lag with. I think reason why things were really bad for your famine was that you were playing against one person in Australia, one in the US and yourself being in Europe. Can't create a much bigger global triangle than that.

Anyhow famine good to see you got your trophy and thanks a lot DN, TB and yourself for helping me. Got the items I was missing in the end. Now to re-ace all the levels I had done. Then need to re-do the mgs levels when i get my ps3 back as im too slack to re-download the mgs pack on the borrowed ps3.