Is anyone else tired of fighting their grandfather's war? I understand that WWII had a fairly clean cut line drawn between good guys and bad guys and anything modern creates issues with political correctness and/or PR, but I have been killing Germans since the FPS genre was invented. And if it isn't Germans it is zombies (or similar) or aliens.
I prefer the idea of an alternate, non-science fictioned, reality. If Ace Combat can create fake wars with fake countries why can't a good FPS?
Welcome to April, 2007.
It depends on what you are trying to do. You can take pre-made objects and just put them in place, which is simple enough with a controller. It is side scrolling so the only real 3-D element is thickness of things and which depth plane it is on (there are three).
Now, if you are attempting to create something from scratch then you need to put forth some effort. You have plenty of tools, but when shaping I do think a mouse would be helpful. However, I cannot draw a straight line, so using large objects with pre-defined edges to cut and shape others works best for me.
I only played with creation a bit last night though. I think with some work I can get much better. Last night I did manage to build a working car. Granted it looked like a screwed up classic F1 car, but it worked and only ran when my Sackboy grabbed onto the front of the cockpit to start it. When I let go it stopped. Then I built a ramp and jumped it. I should probably use something other than bottle caps for wheels though.
To fully answer your question though I think it works fine for not using a mouse and keyboard. Some of the creations I have seen so far look and work well. With a wider variety of objects and shapes (the beta is limited) I think it will work even better. If you are used to using some kind of CAD program you will probably feel it is dumbed down, but for your average everyday person I think this is extremely well set up.
I have an idea for a level that I want to try out tonight, so once I do that I will have a better insight. I can say this though, the required tutorials can teach an idiot to do it. Ability will not be what holds people back. Creativity is.