Little Big Planet 1

  • Thread starter Earth
Ah, so you were one of all those 10 people! :P
I only had 4. I think since we both published less than 24 hours before it closed our levels never got played. I also could not find mine or yours anywhere on the big map.

Things I would like to see changed:
  • Better control moving on the Z-axis.
  • A QWERTY keyboard for text chat.
  • More shapes for level creation that can be used for sloping down/up from an even level, and for a slope down into a slope up. Designing these transitions by drawing them didn't always come out smooth and would cause a vehicle to lose speed or crash.
  • Have strength meters on winches, etc show how many sackpeople it will actually lift. I don't always have four people helping me test my levels so I cannot test it to see.
I doubt a demo will be released.
Yeah, nothing official has been said regarding it, but I think it would help them if they did as some people haven't been sold on the idea yet. I still see the "What's the big deal?" comments in every LBP story on PS3Fanboy and Joystiq.

I know of a few people that thought that way and then got into the beta and immediately changed their mind. A friend even said it looked OK, but nothing great. Yesterday he told me that since the beta ended he has really had a big urge to get back into the game.

So, I really hope that Media Molecule can setup a demo and maybe even have a few user created levels from the beta available for them.

The best way I could see a demo working is having it with much of what was in the beta and limited access to the level servers. Maybe allow each person only one level upload. Then have their save and account transfer to the full version so they don't lose any level creation they did. It seems like a tricky situation, but if Warhawk can pull it off then I think MM could too.
A demo would help with sales for sure because I know I would like to try it before I buy it. I mean the game really could go either way, although in this month's Game Informer magazine the author of the LBP review/preview basically said if user created content doesn't flourish then the game is doomed to fail. I don't really know as I haven't played the game so I can't comment on that one way or another but I'm still confused on what the point of the game is. I see there is a story mode but what is the story?
Yea I need to play it first before I buy it because I'm not really sure of if it's my thing... with GT5 it's easy because I just like good racing games but this game it's different. I need to know if I like the gameplay too, but I think there are quite alot of fun modes there are to do I guess.

All reviews and most people are very positive about it and when I saw this game for the first time, I was like wow, is this even a game, and everything could move and it's just so creative. But chances are that I have bought it for 70 eur and that I don't like it so that's a waste of money you know.
A demo would help with sales for sure because I know I would like to try it before I buy it. I mean the game really could go either way, although in this month's Game Informer magazine the author of the LBP review/preview basically said if user created content doesn't flourish then the game is doomed to fail. I don't really know as I haven't played the game so I can't comment on that one way or another but I'm still confused on what the point of the game is. I see there is a story mode but what is the story?
The beta only gave the background of the story in the intro (see spoiler below) video because our only story levels were the tutorial levels that teach you the controls. The beta was testing the online servers mainly.

But from what I can tell you have to go around the world stopping bad guys from ruining LittleBigPlanet.

Background story from the intro video:
When the people of Earth dream all our dreams follow a connection to a central place where they all come together and form LittleBigPlanet. It is a land of dreams and imagination. There are curators who organize these dream items in areas that they rule over.

That's all I got. I am assuming that not all curators are as friendly or helpful as the King and Queen in the tutorial levels of the beta were.

One thing to remember is that when Media Molecule started on this they were just an independent game company working to revive the traditional platformer model and provide a unique creation experience so that we could all try our hands at it. When they first presented the game they did not expect the response they were given. Neither did Sony, but Sony reacted by immediately giving MM all the help they could.

Generally I find hype to disappoint (GTA and Halo games come to mind) but this hype is a bit different in that it wasn't started by Sony or MM, it was started by gamers Had gamer reaction not been so excited I think this would be a much smaller game that ended up on PSN. Instead the hype from one preview video led to it being handed a big budget and thus became a big game.

After playing the beta I can say that it did give me that "can't...stop...playing" feel that I only also received from Starcraft, MGS and, GT games.

But the nature of it being something different may lead some people to not enjoy it at all. So, I definitely suggest anyone on the fence about this give it a rental first.
In a nutshell its Super Mario but you can create what you want, as was said, if the user content ends up sucking or people bail out a few months down the line it will probably fail because I dont think the story is enough to make it viable... this could almost be a totally online game with no story at all and it would sell just as much provided people are into the idea of getting creative with it.

I had the beta and I did enjoy it but im still on the fence. Yes it seems like this game has infinate mileage but im not so sure. Lots of amazing games also coming up soon.

After playing the beta I can say that it did give me that "can't...stop...playing" feel that I only also received from Starcraft, MGS and, GT games.

I got the same way, I was on it so much that a few people messaged me and were like "stop shwing it of 🤬" :lol:

SCEE: LittleBigPlanet delayed worldwide due to Qur'an references in music
by Ross Miller Oct 17th 2008 12:26PM

That little, er, BIG delay that we reported earlier today? Yeah, it's now effective for the entire ... planet! In a statement published on semi-official site Three Speech, SCEE confirms that the worldwide delay is indeed due to "one of the background music tracks licensed from a record label for use in the game," which references "two expressions that can be found in the Qur'an." (We've posted the full statement after the break.)

No word yet on the new release date for any territory. And we're still awaiting SCEA's response to the matter, which we hope to update with shortly.

Update: Media Molecule has released a statement noting that they have an official patch ready for day one, but "a decision was made within Sony that the right thing to do for quality and support of people with no on-line was to replace existing disks." The patch is still ready and the post suggests it will likely "go live at the same time as the game," which still has no new release date.

SCEE statement:

"During the review process prior to the release of LittleBigPlanet, it has been brought to our attention that one of the background music tracks licensed from a record label for use in the game contains two expressions that can be found in the Qur'an. We have taken immediate action to rectify this and we sincerely apologise for any offence that this may have caused.

"We will confirm the new launch date shortly."
A little more light on the subject:

LittleBigPlanet Release Update
+ Posted by Patrick Seybold // Director, Corporate Communications & Social Media

During the review process prior to the release of LittleBigPlanet, it has been brought to our attention that one of the background music tracks licensed from a record label for use in the game contains two expressions that can be found in the Qur’an. We have taken immediate action to rectify this and we sincerely apologize for any offense that this may have caused.

We will begin shipping LittleBigPlanet to retail in North America the week of October 27th. Sorry for the delay, and rest assured, we are doing everything we can to get LittleBigPlanet to you as soon as possible.
Week of October 27th? And that means? Will I get the game on 10/27 or hopefully sometime that week?
The lyrics contained expressions found in the Qur'an, right? The songs were released, the game should have been released.

This is an absolute joke! From what I can tell, the lyrics aren't even offensive, so what's the big deal? People need to grow up...
The lyrics contained expressions found in the Qur'an, right? The songs were released, the game should have been released.

This is an absolute joke! From what I can tell, the lyrics aren't even offensive, so what's the big deal? People need to grow up...
I don't know what the lyrics actually are, because it is in Arabic, but from what is supposedly the original email sent to Sony these are the lines:

1- In the 18th second: "كل نفس ذائقة الموت" ("kollo nafsin tha'iqatol mawt", literally: 'Every soul shall have the taste of death').

2- Almost immediately after, in the 27th second: "كل من عليها فان" ("kollo man alaiha fan", literally: 'All that is on earth will perish').

I'm not sure if it is a political correctnes move or the fact that the lyrics themselves do not mesh with the attitude of LittleBigPlanet.

The interesting thing is that the letter only requests a patch, and Sony themselves took it the next step further.
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I had a plan to get it on Tuesday too! Muslims are too sensitive really. Tons of TV shows make jokes about Christians but you don't see TV Shows getting delayed because of a request of removal.
I'm not sure if it is a political correctnes move or the fact that the lyrics themselves do not mesh with the attitude of LittleBigPlanet.

The interesting thing is that the letter only requests a patch, and Sony themselves took it the next step further.

I found the following on the ars technica website:

"This story began on the official Sony community boards, when an Islamic gamer heard the song and verified the words with friends. You can read the conversation from the cached page."

Hopefully the following link will work (cached page)."tapha+Niang"+quran&hl=da&ct=clnk&cd=1&gl=dk
Hey your literaly copuwriting a statement with you cant say "XXX" in public, Ok if it was a racist comment that was causeing offence but the line "All that is on earth will perish" Must be in a dozen books and films and even a few songs, am I or rather this forum causeing offence by printing the words? I Say we start a new religion and we will worship the colour blue.......and thus all blue must be removed from anything we do not create as it causes us offence.......Sorry going over the top but this political correctness is going a little stupid....Now if Sony were a Danish company thered be no problems LOL
Hey your literaly copuwriting a statement with you cant say "XXX" in public, Ok if it was a racist comment that was causeing offence but the line "All that is on earth will perish" Must be in a dozen books and films and even a few songs, am I or rather this forum causeing offence by printing the words? I Say we start a new religion and we will worship the colour blue.......and thus all blue must be removed from anything we do not create as it causes us offence.......Sorry going over the top but this political correctness is going a little stupid....Now if Sony were a Danish company thered be no problems LOL

I'm as anti-PC as anyone, but I don't agree with your analogy at all. If the lyrics had been in English then I doubt any problem would exist, however as they are in Arabic it makes them a direct quote from the Koran.

What this boils down to is a fundamentally different approach to religious scripture. Christianity is one of the few religions in which the 'holy books' have changed language and even meaning (the oldest bible bears little resemblance to the modern bible in many, many places), as such we are quite culturally neutral in it being quoted and changed.

Just about every other religion on Earth maintains 'holy books' in the original language and finds placing them out of context to be very offensive (Islam is certainly not alone in this way of thinking).

Try thinking about it this way, Islam treats the 'words' in very much the same way as Christians treat the 'image' of Jesus, now do you think people would be right to demand a recall of the product if it had an image mocking Jesus contained within it? That's a better analogy to work with, because that's a pretty close match in terms of how its seen.


Try thinking about it this way, Islam treats the 'words' in very much the same way as Christians treat the 'image' of Jesus, now do you think people would be right to demand a recall of the product if it had an image mocking Jesus contained within it? That's a better analogy to work with, because that's a pretty close match in terms of how its seen.
I agree with the rest of your post, but this paragraph fails, particularly the last bit.

After the Danish Mohammed cartoon incident South Park did an episode mocking it where throughout the episode they have Jesus and various other important historical and religious figures mocked in many ways. I believe Jesus was defecated on. At the end they were going to have Mohammed in the cartoon, and Comedy Central cut it out, so they had a blank screen that said "Image removed by Comedy Central."

They made a point and made it well, that it doesn't happen as roughly with many other images that people hold sacred, religious and not.

All that said, I am really thinking that this is less about being PC and more about not creating any kind of trouble whatsoever on what is supposed to be their flagship title going forward.
Maybe, instead of worrying so much about religion interfering with games (Resistance, LBP etc.) the people who are likely to get offended by these symbols should just grow up? Or stop and think for themselves for once instead of letting their religion get in the way of rational thought.
I agree with the rest of your post, but this paragraph fails, particularly the last bit.

After the Danish Mohammed cartoon incident South Park did an episode mocking it where throughout the episode they have Jesus and various other important historical and religious figures mocked in many ways. I believe Jesus was defecated on. At the end they were going to have Mohammed in the cartoon, and Comedy Central cut it out, so they had a blank screen that said "Image removed by Comedy Central."

They made a point and made it well, that it doesn't happen as roughly with many other images that people hold sacred, religious and not.

That various organisations deal with complaints from different religion in different manners was not something I even commented on, nor do I disagree with the point you are making.

My specific point was that similar degrees of offence would be felt by the two parties in these incidents, not that they would or even should be dealt with in differing was. My anaology hold true, its the realtion from the people who handle the complaint that is skewed here, not the degree of offense.

The precedent has already be set in games and other mediums for religious groups to complain and get things changed and/or public apologies made. Well before this we had the incident with one of the Hitman games using a Sikh holy shrine in one of the levels, that was removed following complaints, Sony issued a public apology after using Manchester Cathedral in RFOM.

All that said, I am really thinking that this is less about being PC and more about not creating any kind of trouble whatsoever on what is supposed to be their flagship title going forward.
Which would explain why Sony are actually taking action over and above what was actually asked of them, the original e-mail to them was both polite in tone and non-threatening, Pointing out that it may cause offence and asking that existing copies of the game be patched and it changed in the future. The delat has actually come from Sony themselves.

I'm just glad to see that GT Planet has managed to avoid the seriously disturbing tone and comments I have read on a lot of other forums over this issue.

Maybe, instead of worrying so much about religion interfering with games (Resistance, LBP etc.) the people who are likely to get offended by these symbols should just grow up? Or stop and think for themselves for once instead of letting their religion get in the way of rational thought.
Very easy to say if you are not someone who follows an organised religion, rather different if that faith is a central binding part of your entire culture. A little empathy and understanding of how others view the world would not go amiss here, rather than demanding that others see the world only from your viewpoint why not also try and practice what you are demanding.


Very easy to say if you are not someone who follows an organised religion, rather different if that faith is a central binding part of your entire culture. A little empathy and understanding of how others view the world would not go amiss here, rather than demanding that others see the world only from your viewpoint why not also try and practice what you are demanding.

I'm not demanding anything, it was simply a suggestion based upon my opinion.
I'm not demanding anything, it was simply a suggestion based upon my opinion.

OK, so I will rephrase

Very easy to say if you are not someone who follows an organised religion, rather different if that faith is a central binding part of your entire culture. A little empathy and understanding of how others view the world would not go amiss here, rather than suggesting that others see the world only from your viewpoint why not also try and practice what you are suggesting.

Ether way a situation such as this needs all parties to understand how the other views the world.

This has nothing to do with being "politically correct" it's all about being business-appropriate.

I'd be damned if I was going to do something to offend a client, and, appropriately, Sony is taking the correct measures to please a big chunk of its consumers.
"Tapha Niang" from the 2006 album Boulevard de l'Independance by Grammy award-winning Malian kora player Toumani Diabaté. High quality sound

I'd like a full translation of the song, it sounds uplifting and suits the level well.

I can understand though, if what's said to be correct that these phrases or text are strongly associated to the Quran that people offended would try to limit the songs exposure. Also this is a game for all ages but if this was sung in English I don't think MM would add it anyway, so if young Muslims can hear it, it's also inappropriate.

I got into the Beta and looking forward to getting the full game.
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Of all the titles which are contravertial you wouldnt have thought LBP would be one of them, any copies which have been shipped to retailers have been recalled... gosh they are going to have to reprint all those disks! Hell, I'l have one of the originals! To be honest though Sony should have checked these things a bit better.
