Little Big Planet 1

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This has nothing to do with being "politically correct" it's all about being business-appropriate.

I'd be damned if I was going to do something to offend a client, and, appropriately, Sony is taking the correct measures to please a big chunk of its consumers.

Very, very good point.

This is arguably the PS3 release of 2008, SOny have adopted 'Sackboy' as a mascot. The very last thing they want to do is risk offending any group at all and hand 2008 to MS on a publicity platter.

So have to wait a bit longer for LBP, well as Far Cry 2 is also out next Friday I was in for a busy day, so I'm OK with it being delayed from that point of view. I can hang out in Africa for a while first.


Ether way a situation such as this needs all parties to understand how the other views the world.

That is correct. However, if someone were to ask for this game to have been removed off the shelves due to the words in the song, would they not be failing to understand other views of the world themselves? (I.e. other religions?)

I know why they did it from a business standpoint but it would have been interesting to see reactions had it been released.
I haven't followed this game at all until I read in the paper today that the release is being delayed.

Now I have seen the videos on the first page, I think it's time to get a PS3. It looks amazing, HD it's going to be awesome.

This will definitely be a console seller.
If not for this, you'd have been able to try it at the Dixie...

it would have been interesting to see reactions had it been released.

You'd have seen effigies of people you'd never ever seen the faces of - MediaMolecule execs and programmers - being burned along with Union Jacks in the streets of al-Riyadh by a crowd holding "Death to the evil game makers", "Behead those who make this devil game" and "Satan Sony" placards, having been whipped up into a frenzy by a radical Mullah keen to make a name for himself and abuse the trust ordinary Muslims put in him.

As opposed to the more measured response from the individual who pointed it out along with the reasons why it might cause offence.

Where do they get all these flags from, and how do they know what these people look like? I wouldn't know Mark Healey from Fu Manchu, and had never heard of him before yesterday.
If not for this, you'd have been able to try it at the Dixie...

You'd have seen effigies of people you'd never ever seen the faces of - MediaMolecule execs and programmers - being burned along with Union Jacks in the streets of al-Riyadh by a crowd holding "Death to the evil game makers", "Behead those who make this devil game" and "Satan Sony" placards, having been whipped up into a frenzy by a radical Mullah keen to make a name for himself and abuse the trust ordinary Muslims put in him.

As opposed to the more measured response from the individual who pointed it out along with the reasons why it might cause offence.

Where do they get all these flags from, and how do they know what these people look like? I wouldn't know Mark Healey from Fu Manchu, and had never heard of him before yesterday.

It is said that faces of the infidels spontaneously appear in mohammed's footprint. For face-crushingness.
here is another link to the song. There's no such thing as bad publicity... unless it makes people want to behead you.
I'm just glad to see that GT Planet has managed to avoid the seriously disturbing tone and comments I have read on a lot of other forums over this issue.
After I posted the story I began seeing how the PlayStation Blog was having to delete comments 20 at a time and even closed commenting. I worried about GTP, but I am very happy to see that no moderation has been required (that I know of).

I think it is a testament to our members, the AUP, and the effectiveness of the staff to make sure that this site is not used by those who wish to have a platform to voice unreasonable hate.
I'm as anti-PC as anyone, but I don't agree with your analogy at all. If the lyrics had been in English then I doubt any problem would exist, however as they are in Arabic it makes them a direct quote from the Koran.

What this boils down to is a fundamentally different approach to religious scripture. Christianity is one of the few religions in which the 'holy books' have changed language and even meaning (the oldest bible bears little resemblance to the modern bible in many, many places), as such we are quite culturally neutral in it being quoted and changed.

Just about every other religion on Earth maintains 'holy books' in the original language and finds placing them out of context to be very offensive (Islam is certainly not alone in this way of thinking).

Try thinking about it this way, Islam treats the 'words' in very much the same way as Christians treat the 'image' of Jesus, now do you think people would be right to demand a recall of the product if it had an image mocking Jesus contained within it? That's a better analogy to work with, because that's a pretty close match in terms of how its seen.



Cheers Scarf a different viewpoint and one I now agree with 👍

Youtube seems to be being bombarded with the "younger" gaming element spouting prety much pure vile about this issue, Youtube are being kept busy at present deleting these post The song in question is by Toumani Diabaté who is muslim himself, he's been paling around with Bjork for a couple of years so I recon it's an Icelandic plot after recent UK terrorist laws being used against themLOL......last bit was a joke guys.
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I've been traveling most of the Summer and been very busy since coming back, so I ignored almost all of my incoming email that was not business or personal... so what did I find looking back through some of the older emails?


I've been traveling most of the Summer and been very busy since coming back, so I ignored almost all of my incoming email that was not business or personal... so what did I find looking back through some of the older emails?

And now you must wait even longer.

That really sucks. It would have been fun having you or your kids play through my level and giving me pointers.

Of course, if you had it you wouldn't have gotten those Buzz! trophies by now.

That's OK though, I got two emails from Best Buy regarding my preorder.

The first said that the game had been delayed and my new release date would be 12/30/2008. :eek: Needless to say I was considering canceling.

A few hours later I got another that said the game had been delayed and that my copy will be available for pick-up on 10/28/2008 :D
Cheers Scarf a different viewpoint and one I now agree with 👍

Youtube seems to be being bombarded with the "younger" gaming element spouting prety much pure vile about this issue, Youtube are being kept busy at present deleting these post The song in question is by Toumani Diabaté who is muslim himself, he's been paling around with Bjork for a couple of years so I recon it's an Icelandic plot after recent UK terrorist laws being used against themLOL......last bit was a joke guys.

Thanks, and it does make me proud to be a member at GT Planet because we have not had to delete, moderate or caution any post in regard to this, and as you say most otehr forums have been working overtime doing just that.

You raise an interesting point in regard to Toumani Diabate being Muslim, as this has been used on some boards as a reason why Sony were wrong to delay and pull the song.

Once again it misses the point, simply because a Muslim is singing doesn't mean that it will be accepted by all. As an example from another faith (and to show these things are not limited to just one), the popular Hasidic Jewish entertainer Lipa Schmeltzer has been roundly condemned by Orthodox Jewish leaders for mixing traditional Hasidic verse with contemporary music....

....which amounts to pretty much the same thing as we have with LBP.

Even those who don't have a problem with the verses being mixed with song, may well then have an issue with it then being played during a game. It could be quite easily seen as trivialising the song and lyrics.

Its very easy for people to jump up and down and condemn faith groups for comments such as these, but most of those involved have never stopped and looked at the situation from both sides (and I apply that to both sides).


As I browse the interweb on my PS3, I went to the LBP's website. They say they'll be shipping the week of the 27th. So it's not a HUGE delay.
Once again it misses the point, simply because a Muslim is singing doesn't mean that it will be accepted by all. As an example from another faith (and to show these things are not limited to just one), the popular Hasidic Jewish entertainer Lipa Schmeltzer has been roundly condemned by Orthodox Jewish leaders for mixing traditional Hasidic verse with contemporary music....
Madonna got in the same issue.

I think the main thing people are overlooking is that Sony is not bending to the will of any group that has threatened them or even went into full complaint mode. The letter from the concerned Muslim gaming site was much more polite and reasonable than the Church of England's response to Resistance using the Manchester Cathedral.

No, Sony is protecting the public viewpoint of their new system headliner. Imagine if Mario had anything that may or may not have been offensive to a limited minority of a group of people. It woudl hurt the Mario image. Sackboy is supposed to be cute and innocent fun and anything that can be construed wrong in anyway can harm that image.

And the thing is: I am almost positive that had this slipped through and no Muslims complained at some point some extremist Christian group would have accused Sony and MM of attempting to spread Islam to our innocent children with their minds wide open to all kinds of evil incluences through this subliminal song. Sure, it would have been a very small minority that actually thinks it but those guys can be so loud.

As I browse the interweb on my PS3, I went to the LBP's website. They say they'll be shipping the week of the 27th. So it's not a HUGE delay.
Yeah, I am supposed to have mine on 10/28. But of course, I am sitting at home this week playing High Velocity Bowling and Wipeout HD thinking to myself, "This is not LBP." :grumpy:
I called GameStop today to see if I reserve it so "late", will I still get the God of War specials. They confirmed a yes, so I'll have to go & reserve it over the weekend. If not, I'll still be trying to pick the game up on Monday.
Pluto is obviously not read to lead this country. Pluto's radical associations with the Kuiper Belt and promises to raise taxes on 95% of celestial bodies is not what America needs.
Gives gold to Thorin and sits back to enjoy the impending song...............turns to Gandalf and asks "bit quiet on the LBP news front" Gandalf nods, sucks on his pipe then smacks Thorin for singing about gold again............Sorry slow day LOL
Gamestop has my pre-order in!

Gonna play it now :)

Wow the game is charming fun creative and it puts a happy grin on my face...:)

Who says you need violence in a game in order for it to be fun? It's just so creative and imaginative...

The voice over narrator sounds perfect and charming. Sackboy is just so adorable and fun.

This all and it still doesn't feel like I'm playing a pre-school game. The game does require some thought and patience to do certain things.

All in all it is a perfect blend of everything stated in a fun and adorable package, without it being too cutesy and feministic or childish.
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I got the game today as well. :) Good thing I pre-order WOOOTTT

Ok guys, I need help on making a super-duper-uber-cool car :) any good tips?

I unlock few cars that the creators made... How they do thin cockpit/rails? I cant figure it out... As well How they make THIN LINES?
What I mean by thin lines is that when I create something, I always need to choose between depth 1,2, 3, by pressing L1 and L2. And making something always takes out ONE FULL space. How can I create single thin Pole or wall out of wood?
I know there was another thread but it didn't get to much response. Is Little Big Plant in the works for the PC? I would much rather play in on my computer, especially for the design elements of the game.
PS3 exclusive.. Yeah ON PC it would have more tools, bigger levels.. but hey, its old school style performer, so it deserves to be on Console.
Joystiq Presents
PS3 Fanboy
LittleBigPlanet now available at GameStop

Posted Oct 25th 2008 3:17PM by Majed Athab
Filed under: News
The headline says it all. Media Molecule's world-designer/platformer, LittleBigPlanet, is now ready and waiting at GameStop stores across the United States. The brick and mortar franchise started making phone calls to pre-orderers, letting them know the game would be available on Saturday, October 25. That means the retail chain is selling them today, yes today. So, before you head off, call your store and make sure they have copies in stock.

It looks like the LittleBigDelay has been diverted, or at least for the United States anyhow. The official release date was originally "week of October 27," which means GameStop patrons have gotten an early treat. We're not sure if any other retailers are getting their copies in, but best give them a call to check.

-PS3 Fanboy

I went to GameStop a couple of hours ago and got my game!
After a while of playing, 2 or 3 hours, my eyes hurt like crazy.
The game is fantastic but it will take you some time to get used to the controls, deffinetly not very "user friendly." The game CAN be frustrating at times when you're trying to finish a level without dieing or just trying to beat it.
There are also TONS of items/shapes to collect in each level. Some levels may have 15 items and the next one may have 50 something items! I replayed some levels to get the items missed and I still did not get 100% level completion. I've done about 6 or 7 levels and I've only gotten one 100%.
The level creator lets you make HUGE levels, but I've yet to sit down and seriously make one. I was messing with the controls in the level creating and they're also kind of awkward.
This game has a tutorial for anything you do. It can get annoying at times but, hey, they help.

Bleh, I would write some more but I have to leave right now.
Go get your copy!

EDIT: Oh, and the redemption code things for the Kratos costume won't work 'till tomorrow. You won't be able to play online 'till tomorrow either.
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