Livery Editer Philosophy For GT5

  • Thread starter Crispy
United States
Allen, Texas
A lot of us know that GT5 was supposed to have a livery editor, but as with many things GT5 was supposed to have, it was scrapped. Now, I think one of the best livery editors in gaming is the F:censored: M:censored: series for X:censored:360. And recently, T:censored: 10 is holding a contest with the BMW Design Team to see who can create the best livery in Photoshop.

This got me thinking, without taking up too much memory with the tools and shapes, couldn't we add a feature where we could download templates readable by the PS3 and GT5 from the Gran Turismo Website for the car that we want to design a livery for, and use it to create one in Photoshop? Then GT5 could read it, and apply it to the car in the template. (As long as its in your garage.)

Now of course moderation would have to be used online, just so nobody created the Top Gear Peniston car. What they could do is implement a report feature, where it reports the player to whoever is in charge, and if they find explicit content on there car, then they have the livery removed, they get banned, and possibly have their livery editor feature locked for a certain amount of time.

Also adding a feature to the GT Main site that uses the B-Spec Remote Race Cr. System to add and subtract transactions for these liveries. Users could upload there livery template onto the GT Website, and then users can purchase and download them onto a USB Flash disk to apply to the game.

Of course this is just a suggestion, and knowing most suggestions that get thrown around the site, most will never come true. But if you have additions that you would like to make, feel free to post them!

Heres the link to the feedback section! Vote if you agree!
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That's like what Live For Speed does. You make a skin/livery in photoshop or whatever photo editor you use, then it appears in-game for you to use. So yeah, good idea. 👍
How does the FM series handle the profane liveries problem? That's probably a good, if not the best, way to do it.
Thanks for the feedback guys!

An addition to this could be that you could have the choice to upload your design to the GT Website, where you could download other liveries. Say if I wanted a Fast and Furious Skyline, I wouldn't have to create it, I could just search it up on the Website and find one I liked. A lot like the storefront idea, just without taking too much disk space.
That's a great idea!

Could we also allow these themes to be distributed to others? Foe example, I don't have Photoshop or any Adobe program.
I think this would be awesome, but maybe you would have to buy liveries in game, say for like 10,000 cr. I think this would be better than an in game livery editor, and probably easier for PD to implement. However, I imagine that the 'policing' would be tough, and I imagine that is the biggest thing standing in our way. On the other hand, I hardly race in open groups anymore because its such a punt-fest. I imagine it is the same people who would create phallusmobiles, and they can be avoided by racing groups you find on GTP.
That's a great idea!

Could we also allow these themes to be distributed to others? Foe example, I don't have Photoshop or any Adobe program.

Yeah, you would be able to download others work through the main website.

I think this would be awesome, but maybe you would have to buy liveries in game, say for like 10,000 cr. I think this would be better than an in game livery editor, and probably easier for PD to implement. However, I imagine that the 'policing' would be tough, and I imagine that is the biggest thing standing in our way. On the other hand, I hardly race in open groups anymore because its such a punt-fest. I imagine it is the same people who would create phallusmobiles, and they can be avoided by racing groups you find on GTP.

I think that the user should set up a pre-defined Cr. Amount for each livery. Maybe use the Automated Race function to add transactions for the liveries.

Forza Motorsport

edit: couldn't delete this post I was checking if forza was actually censored after reading first post lol

:D I just had to add the censored thing. I saw someone do it in the Forza Forums with GT so I decided to do it here.
I think the fact that hey don't do this could have to do with two things:

1. Memory. I've just been over my custom GTR skins and they vary wildly in size. Playstation memory is known for its tiny size. So, either they would need to limit the size of the skins (which would mean lower resolutions) or they might run into trouble when you accidently enter an online room in which everyone has big custom skins. On PC platforms this isn't a problem since most computers have a lot of memory.

2. Censorship. I know it's possible to make naked women in Forza and that any game that uses letters can make obscene words. With an option to use Photoshopped files the possibilities are endless ofcourse.

The second one probably isn't a big problem, the first is though... I think.
Problem is we know nothing about how textures in GT works. I'm not expert in 3D, but what if car don't have UV map required to make it texturable? Race cars do, but what about others? Yes it would be great and I would like it a lot better than ingame editor, but we don't know how it all works.
I'd love a livery editor but I'd prefer an ingame one, even when that means it's slightly more limited in scope.
I've read on this forum that the one in Forza is great and have seen some great examples of liveries created with it (haven't played Forza so can't judge it).
I'd like it ingame with some clear and basic tools (which do allow some complexity and plenty of possibilities) so that I don't have to learn or acquire an outside program which just sounds a bit too complex and, dare I say it, professional.
To me it still is a game I play on a console and having an ingame livery editor which I can use with my controller and nothing more would seriously extend the time (and enjoyment) I'd spend playing the game, as I'd love some more creativity (there's none now regarding cars apart obviously from Photo-mode and the ability to generate tracks) without spending more time behind a PC screen.
I would be happy just to put some stripes or flames on my cars. Or, to know that when I paint a car with stripes, whether they'll still be there after painting.
How does the FM series handle the profane liveries problem? That's probably a good, if not the best, way to do it.

Basically, it does not.

There is certain level of censorship around Auction House - place where people sell/buy their designs - where you can report user that have some problematic design. You can also report a user through XboxLive feedback system if he used inapropriate design and you have a proof.

However, it basically works on most extreme examples and very rare.

Both Forza 2 and Forza 3 Auction Houses are flooded with naked Anime/Hentai boobs and 🤬, together with vast amount of insulting messages on cars.

However public online racing raises it to another level to be honest, because most racist, nazi, white supremacist, anti-Jew, sexist and etc. designs are made by tools who does them for themselves and than race them online just for show off. Swastikas, Hitlers, White Power, you name it - Forza have it.

Also, 95% of designs in Auction House are pretty much lame and terrible in execution, while good designs - especially those made in resemblance to real-life counterparts - are very rare and made by dozen of same indiividuals who actually know what they're doing and have time to do it.

Although Livery Editor in Forza is masterpiece creative-tool, I really wouldn't like to see it that way in Gran Turismo. It ruins the experience, it allows for SpongeBob and My Little Pony cars everywhere and actual *good* use of it is pretty much ddone by less than 10% of users.

If any kind of Livery Editor ever comes in GT series, I would prefer it to be very limited in options to be honest. And FM's Auction House is the best example why I have such personal opinion.
Although Livery Editor in Forza is masterpiece creative-tool, I really wouldn't like to see it that way in Gran Turismo. It ruins the experience, it allows for SpongeBob and My Little Pony cars everywhere and actual *good* use of it is pretty much ddone by less than 10% of users.

But wouldn't it be great to see in a replay a spongebob liveried (no clue if that is an actual word) car blasting past a properly designed racing livery?
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I was only thinking this a couple of week ago when creating my mine craft skin
or its more work but you sign in on the gt5 site and then create it and save on your account it then give you a code which can be typed in on the items page then the liveries pops up as a paint chip
Something I've been suggesting before is a few premade templates, or possibly even randomly generated ones (like the course creator works) for each car.
Imagine a pattern or grid of both straight, curvy, freeform or all combined in some form or other, etc. appearing on your car which you can 'colour in' for example using paint chips (multiple paint chips for one car) or a seperate colour system.
First you choose a pattern (choosing is a very important part of the creative process in general, don't forget) and then you select colours, you can then even alter the selected pattern or grid by using the same colour on surfaces or lines which are next to each other, in effect changing the design of the pattern itself.
Add some company logos, numbers, etc., perhaps able to change the size, and hey presto, a 'limited' livery editor which can be used by everyone and which still offers plenty of freedom for those with true creative skills (creative people often thrive due to limitations and cleverly working around them).
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But wouldn't it be great to see in a replay a spongebob liveried (no clue if that is an actual word) car blasting past a properly designed racing livery?

No it wouldn't it would look stupid. I would like real and make believe ones that look real. If they have the time to make 660 different race suits and helmets then possibly they could make 20 different ones for race cars.

Or like Analog has said, company logos numbers and sponsor stickers to place on the car. Give us some freedom without every car on the track looking the same.
This is a good idea, as it would save Polyphony Digital development time and money. Have you suggested this in the Feedback page?
at the very least, as a actual fan, i would be thrilled for some sort of way to have a/any flag with my name or psn name on the rear window, like a proper race car. so simple but very meaningful to race fans.
I would love a GT5 livery editor, it should be something like LFS, where you can just upload an image file to create a pattern or a specific design over the body shape.
Creating liveries in photoshop or just uploading images is a bad idea. The reason the livery editor in Forza works so well is because it creates a need for effort and creativity due all the designs being created from simple shapes. I wouldn't want a livery editor if it didn't involve any skill or effort. Using photoshop or just uploading a file renders it pointless.
I honestly don't see a livery editor happening. That's just not kaz's style. Plus there would be no control over what people could have on their car's, cuss words etc. (you know people will do it) Also, when is the last time a really ground breaking feature has been added to a GT? Only thing i can think of is when we got Nitrous on GT4.

That's pretty much is the only thing that made me say 'wow' as far a feature for the car's themselves goes. Nothing has really changed since the first GT if you sit back and look at it. If anything we're getting less now. Look at the amount of wheels we got, or the watered down/ limited "racing modification" system. We just have to deal with it i suppose.
I would love a Livery editor, ripped straight from Forza 3.

Yeah, some people would draw penises and such on the cars, or make some "my little pony" livery on them, but so what?
You can always, you know, NOT race with them and race with people that use just real life racing liveries or no liveries at all.

This is why I would want my livery editor:






Although I definitely would create things like these too


From my Forza 3 photo album. Motorsport 3/?start=all