
  • Thread starter MitchZ06

Remove GT1 and go with just LMP and GTE(GT2) or leave as is?

  • Yes, bigger GTE field and more competition.

    Votes: 14 53.8%
  • No, leave as it is.

    Votes: 12 46.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I've had first lap problems from 1), being run into (Le Mans...) and 2), Posi stopping on the start/finish line. If those 2 things hadn't happened I'd have had a race to run....
I can't use 3rd person view at all... Its bumper caview for me, cockpit (when available) is to restricted.. Can't see mirrors or anything in most cars.
I generally use bumper cam when I race. Recently I've been doing endurances with cockpit and all instruments off. Feels like a new game for me in a good way. Wouldnt dare try it in any online series. Not knowing how much tires anf lap times you run can get a little :scared:.
I'm so used to bumper when I do try cockpit the 'feel' of the car is completely different resulting in a crash, lol.. I've used bumper since GT3 (used 3rd in 1 and 2)...
1st person when I'm cruising or messing around in offline. Bumper for the serious racing / online. 3rd person to check for battle scars on straights :D
I prefer 3rd person in most of my races but the cockpit/1st person view in karts and formulas especially the f2007 or f10
1st person when I'm cruising or messing around in offline. Bumper for the serious racing / online. 3rd person to check for battle scars on straights :D

I use third person to listen to the cars haha.
Cockpit when I'm not racing against other humans.
Copy and paste your names if you're in the race this Saturday:

1) MitchZ06
I use third person to listen to the cars haha.
Cockpit when I'm not racing against other humans.

You tried playing the game through a decent sound system or head phones? If not try it, especially in a RM Integra, and listen to it at tick over. Then go to a 787b :D
You tried playing the game through a decent sound system or head phones? If not try it, especially in a RM Integra, and listen to it at tick over. Then go to a 787b :D

Are you talking abouy the v-tec crossover? Did they fix it so you can actually hear it now? I was kind of shocked that they somehow left this detail out of the game. In Forza its very pronounced when it changes over.
I'm so used to bumper when I do try cockpit the 'feel' of the car is completely different resulting in a crash, lol.. I've used bumper since GT3 (used 3rd in 1 and 2)...

I've always used the bumper cam since GT1, on Rome I used the cockpit cam since the F1 has a great field of view you really know where your car is the whole time. On the last GTPFIA race I tried it on free practice and the Ford GT isn't bad, but for serious racing bumper cam it is with the exeptions being the Ferrari F1 cars, McLaren F1, Audi R10 and X2010.
Ever notice the different height of the bumper cam on certain cars? When testing the 908 and r10 there is a pretty drastic difference. The R10s is so high where the 908 is practically on the road. Probably the cockpit is a lower view in the R10... lol not really, but seemed like it going back and forth between the two (908 and R10)
Are you talking abouy the v-tec crossover? Did they fix it so you can actually hear it now? I was kind of shocked that they somehow left this detail out of the game. In Forza its very pronounced when it changes over.

I wasn't referring to the vtec cross over, but if you listen to it at idle, you can hear something chatterring away . I like the way the revs rise and drop when you pop it in neutral.

Back on topic, I won't be at Laguna Seca!
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Ever notice the different height of the bumper cam on certain cars? When testing the 908 and r10 there is a pretty drastic difference. The R10s is so high where the 908 is practically on the road. Probably the cockpit is a lower view in the R10... lol not really, but seemed like it going back and forth between the two (908 and R10)

Compare the bumper cam of the McLaren F1 to pretty much any other road car...
Yeah and 2 weeks ago you stuck with GTE....I didn't jump on your case either, its called frustration. You asked what cars aren't allowed in LMP, I said "the ones not on the list" and proceed to write out the list of cars on the allowed list. You seemed to have not understood that was the allowed list and started asking what cars are allowed and you can see where the frustration lies in that....

You just got issues with things you shouldn't. I made my intentions clear after the race at LeSarthe. You said that was fine. Now you go back on your word. I never raced at Rome with the GTONE because I had issues with the g/f's family. You're 'frustration' is a waste if you ask me. I said what cars don't you allow then you gave me that list. I wasn't even using cars for your series and you get all pissy. Talking to me like I'm stupid when you're in my room. You don't know wtf I'm doing with whatever car, so don't act like you can tell me what to do, and get bent outta shape cus I wasn't using one of your allowed cars. You're starting to annoy me with the constant negativity towards me. It's getting old. All I asked for was to move classes cus everyone who was joining went to GT. You even said that it was fine but "you still gotta start at the back" -Sound familiar? Stick to your word, I'm sure you're good for it.
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Here is another version of it at veoh... I tried megavideo but, as with megaupload, in order to upload long or large videos one must pay to join the site... the only thing i shall point out about the last race is that Whoever was on pole did not start the race properly.... I was second and was still waiting at the last corner for the rest of the prototypes to line up while the pole care (Bentley Speed 8) was long gone. At this point i paused, wrote "WTF?" then continued and because i had paused and thus slowly crept down the front straight. Mitch slammed in to the back of me. Personally I dont find him at fault because i was going so slowly that he couldnt have expected me to be traveling at that speed. For this i am sorry, however, By the time my car was fixed I was a full lap down and had no hope of catching the bentley that had jumped the gun. Let me know what you think. Also I will be going through the thread to see if i need to capture from a different angle to settle any other disagreements.
Last thing Callum wants to join the league in gte. I was thinking also that perhaps we could drop 1 score throughout the season in case we miss or have a bad race. Let me know what you think.
It is this one tissimo. Can someone that saved the replay send it to me on PSN. I think you can attach it to a message.

U can't send anything over 15 minutes. Also, after reading some posts people inquiring about adherence to the specified regulations, I will more rigorously be enforcing weight and power levels in gte as it seems as though suspicious lap times are being set. This will, of course, only be the case if I am running the room. I have to thank jav for the procedure involved. Last but not least, if the "me.com" link isn't working check veoh.com user posiloan for replay of round 1.
You just got issues with things you shouldn't. I made my intentions clear after the race at LeSarthe. You said that was fine. Now you go back on your word. I never raced at Rome with the GTONE because I had issues with the g/f's family. You're 'frustration' is a waste if you ask me. I said what cars don't you allow then you gave me that list. I wasn't even using cars for your series and you get all pissy. Talking to me like I'm stupid when you're in my room. You don't know wtf I'm doing with whatever car, so don't act like you can tell me what to do, and get bent outta shape cus I wasn't using one of your allowed cars. You're starting to annoy me with the constant negativity towards me. It's getting old. All I asked for was to move classes cus everyone who was joining went to GT. You even said that it was fine but "you still gotta start at the back" -Sound familiar? Stick to your word, I'm sure you're good for it.

Do you really have to complain all the time or not? I'm not going to answer to you're little rant posts anymore simply because its like I say one thing then you bring up one little irrelevant line and try change the meaning of what I've said. Please, just stop with it or leave because this really has gotten old.
I've had first lap problems from 1), being run into (Le Mans...) and 2), Posi stopping on the start/finish line. If those 2 things hadn't happened I'd have had a race to run....

If I was stopped at the start line (which I admit to) it is because I was still waiting for the grid to form up. We, according to the rules laid out in the first post are supposed to line up in grid order at the last turn. The bentley in first position took off at the final turn and was gone as I slowly crept to the start line briefly pausing to exclaim "wtf?" i then noticed that gte was quickly coming upon the lmp pack so I quickly went to the pits after being rear ended in the middle of a straight. I was off to the right because I knew I was slow as racing ettiquite necessitates. I am truly sorry for any confusion this caused but if anyone should be penalized it should be the bentley that jumped the start. According to both the ACO and the FIA rolling starts must be evenly spaced and tightly packed and in order. Failure to do so results in another warmup lap and restart.
I'm not trying to be a pain about this but a dq in a race in which I came in 2nd after immediately being put a lap down from the start after being rear ended no less is a bit overkill. At the very least I should have been notified before I apparently wasted 3 hours of my Saturday that I was being dqed. Mitch, you said I was to start from the back immediately after the incident. I thought "fair enough, even though I've never seen anyone penalized for getting rear ended, I ruined someone else's race" I also decided I would take up the jump start after the fact and come to an agreeable decision that works for everyone.
The whole reason that I am putting the effort forth to capture the races is to settle disagreements after the race with the advantage of letting tempers cool and to allow other, uninvolved parties to make an objective decision based on what happened, NOT on one persons perspective in the heat of the moment.
All I ask is that I don't get dqed for last race, I'm fine starting from the back or whatever but we can't have pole position racing off in to the distance as soon as they can. If for no other reason than the warm up laps will end up being racing laps with massive carnage at the first corner. What do u guys think?
I'm in at laguna too... I better be at least cause I'm supposed to be hosting the race. Sheesh.
Gotta agree with your last line posi but I stand by the decision made. Yes you did get rear ended, why did that happen? You stopped on the start line as the race was starting which is extremely dangerous behavior and as a result has earned you the penalty. Simply, if you feel the need to inform me of something like Sephy racing off at the last corner instead of staying in formation do it after the race and not during the start.

As to your line about doing another pace lap if the packs aren't in order, if we had a safety car then that could be possible but we don't, I'm racing in GTE and as such cannot make the decision.

Marls, sorry but you're staying in LMP.
Also, You still haven't addressed Sephey Jumping the start, which doubtlessly shows your impartiality in this matter. Don't penalize me cause i had the misfortune of you rear ending me, in turn ruining my race too. I didn't sit out the rest of the race and i faught back to second. at the very least, if you had your mind made up you should have told me i was dqed instead of telling me i had to start from the back. In any case Mitch, you should not be the one making the decision on this as you were involved in the incident. Or, at the very least you should have said i was black flagged and we could have had it out then and there. This is the last thing i will say on the matter unless a statement is directly inculpating me or asking a direct question. Either give me a time penalty, drop me a place, or send me to the back. but a straight DQ- after the fact, after apparently wasting 2 hours of my weekend when all u had to say is, "hey bro, you are black flagged" is unacceptable. If this is how it will be for the next 8 weeks or whatever, I can find something better to do than drive around trying not to piss you and only you off. The fact that the Bentley driver has barely been mentioned, except by me, demonstrates this point perfectly. Like i said though this is the last I will speak on the matter and my final appeal. I joined this league cause everyone seems to take the racing seriously, and I have enjoyed it. However, being in a league, in a video game, and dedicating effort and precious time off to it is ruined when the rules are applied unequally or unfairly. This, I feel has got out of hand because a of a decision that was made in the heat of battle before the situation had fully run its course. So please either reconsider, or allow me to appeal to other league members that were not involved in the incident now that the red mist has faded.
Anyone else want to run this series? Why is every decision I make an arguement? I'm over this and seriously cbf reading thru this crap anymore. Yes it looks like I've had a anger explosion but any time I say something it gets turned against me and anytime I make a decision it turns into a 5 page bitch fest. This is over, thanks for participating everyone, look out for a new series soon.
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