Looking for a song?Music 

I'm looking for music from the Lexus commercials for the current gen. IS300 from when it was launched in the US some time last year, the ad is one where a man and a woman are dancing in the forest with the car and they start multiplying as they dance, then they all dance back into the original two people and get in the car to drive off. Any help would be appreciated:tup:

www.graysonmatthews.com > Our Work > Advertising Music

They've done some Lexus ad music, not sure if it's the right one.

A am afraid it isnt that though maybe it is was a song that was specially created for the DVD. Here is another one then.
For those who went to MPH06 last year what was the music that played in the presenter's entrance. It says in it "Going out tonight when the feelings right" quite alot but I dont know what it is. Please help
no problem

can someone please help me find the music i'm looking for. i've posted before looking for song and almost every time, no one responds. i'm generous enough to help someone out, so can someone please return the favour?
Has it ever ocurred to you that those songs are composed specifically for the show? I heard most of them and coulnd't even place them in some other setting. They're basically instrumental synth-ish loops.
I'm looking for music from the Lexus commercials for the current gen. IS300 from when it was launched in the US some time last year, the ad is one where a man and a woman are dancing in the forest with the car and they start multiplying as they dance, then they all dance back into the original two people and get in the car to drive off. Any help would be appreciated:tup:

Ah, the power of Google... looks like it was music specifically written for the ad....link (although I might be wrong, I've linked to the advert below though...)

“Running Rings” shows numerous versions of a man and a woman in a forest, with each couple interacting in unique ways.

Honigsberg shared sound design credits with Bob Gremore, who mixed the spot at Juice in Santa Monica, and -- on the "Running Rings" spot -- with the team at music and sound design company X-Tracks in Paris.

Link to advert here... and here (more detail)
congrats on the big 5-0 (followed by two more 0s)
I was searching with different words like IS 350 and commercial so maybe that was the problem, anyways thanks
Alrighty now... I'm looking for teh song that's in this video, from the start until about the 3:00 minute mark. It's nu-metal-ish with some -core in it.

I ask here because I know many people around here are pretty savvy on -core, so thanks :)

Notice: I have basic windows firewall, and as far as I know, there's no porn on that site. No annoying pop-ups and no porn links, so I'm posting it here. There's some F and S word sin the vid, though.
This is one song I heard on the radio. It says "You're a great driver" at the start. Also, the song that they play on the Ford Fusion commercial. The one when they're driving on the wall. The last song is the one they play on the new Doritos commercial. The "Sizzling" version. If you could also give me the files, that would be great! :)
You're not going to get the files, since that would be ilegal. :irked:

Try either Googling or Youtubing them. If you're unsuccessful, we'll help :)
What are the songs called?! I asked for the song name. Sorry for asking for the files. I can just download the songs on iTunes. Now, the song names, if you will. Does anyone know what they are called? Oh. I also want the name to the song that they play on the Reese's Penutbutter Cups commercial. The one when the poeople are dancing in the speech bubble. Thank You.
Ok i want to know what this song is.....

The singer is a black dude with big ear gauges and its on mtv some of the lyrics go something like "it must be love" or " i think im in love". It would be nice if you gus cold tell me what this song is.
Sounds like that new Bloc Party song, which the title I forget.

Heres a different one. I know the song, the name and everything, however, am looking for a certain version. Goldfinger, as most of you know, had 99 Red Balloons on GT3, however, the GT3 version was slightly different. They excluded the g=German verse, and inputed the correct English verse (Captain Kirk one[some of you may not know, but, the German verse that is in there, is simply a re-singing of the verse before it, the "99 Decision Street" one, it is NOT the Captain Kirk one]) I was wondering if someone could lead me to a file or something of that version, as I love the English/German version, but would like the full English one as well.

Sounds like that new Bloc Party song, which the title I forget.

Heres a different one. I know the song, the name and everything, however, am looking for a certain version. Goldfinger, as most of you know, had 99 Red Balloons on GT3, however, the GT3 version was slightly different. They excluded the g=German verse, and inputed the correct English verse (Captain Kirk one[some of you may not know, but, the German verse that is in there, is simply a re-singing of the verse before it, the "99 Decision Street" one, it is NOT the Captain Kirk one]) I was wondering if someone could lead me to a file or something of that version, as I love the English/German version, but would like the full English one as well.

Fire Emblem, it may have been released on an EP or extra track on a single release, so look for something along those lines, then search whatever program using the album search criteria to maybe find something.

I've got one now. I heard this song while at the snowpark at my local ski hill, and I thought I would check it out for the guitar part. It's a rap song, and has a guitar intro playing this kind of Spanish lick, possibly? I don't know how much of the song went, I had a helmet on and the speakers were pretty crappy, but I think the chorus contained a repetition of the words "ride away" but I'm not 100% sure. I've tried searching, but haven't come up with much. Any help?
anyone know this song,ive heard it somewhere before but cant for the life of me remember what it is,its the one in the new bbc 3 trailer,tried google and yahoo questions and noone seems to know

http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcthree/ click watch a clip then bbc 3 spring season and its the backing song
Does anyone know the peice of music that is used on the new BMW X5 add in Australia?

I've only seen the ad twice so im guessing its fairly new, and i can't find the song or artist anywhere.

Theres no words, just music, and it sounds like an electro thing?

If anyone has seen the ad and knows what it is....thanks


Edit: Never mind.http://evanelam.photo-log.com/?p=373
That has the ad with sound, and it also states about halfway down the name of the song and artist...and also the fact it cant be found because it was made exclusivley for BMW 👎
I need help finding a song. It's on an A&E commercial for the Sopranos. It's song by an Italian group I'm assuming. The lyrics say something about Momma I'm going to hell, or something along those lines.

Please help.
I've got one now. I heard this song while at the snowpark at my local ski hill, and I thought I would check it out for the guitar part. It's a rap song, and has a guitar intro playing this kind of Spanish lick, possibly? I don't know how much of the song went, I had a helmet on and the speakers were pretty crappy, but I think the chorus contained a repetition of the words "ride away" but I'm not 100% sure. I've tried searching, but haven't come up with much. Any help?

Doesn't anybody listen to mainstream rap?