Looping When Trying To Load Game After 2.10 Udate *FIXED*

Are you having the looping problems after 2.10 update

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looking at this thread for fixes, glad you guys are trying it instead of me, still waiting for a patch or a working menthod (which i dont think will appear, you guys can keep on trying though).

i do have the same issue some of you guys have with cars not being deletable or sent or sold. i deleted my system update because the nascar event was taking me too long, i deleted system update to when you could still turn of the asm and completed that race easily. that same day i did a couple of other races.

now for the fun part. when i updated and dl the newer system update the cars i won during my play in the old system update could not be chosen, deleted or sold, nothing. the have a yellow exclamantion point on their left side i believe, im talking about the garage picture of these cars. i have 4 or 5 cars i cant choose or delete or nothing. i was thinking it might have been these cars that caused the problem, but since cargorat says he doesnt have cars like this but still experiences this problem that it must not be the case.
@z06fun: Tried that...twice.

christara321: As I've said, I don't think its a car causing it because I tried it with only one car in my garage (car I bought with no upgrades) and still have the same problem.

As for Playstation support, you have to understand how they work, and many other support systems for that fact. They are reading from a computer screen and the computer is telling them what to say, or how to fix the problem. You tell them the problem, they then type it into the computer and it tells them generic fixes, nothing at all specific to this problem. This problem really needs to be analilzed my PD in order to fix the problem. Sony support themselves is not going to be of any help except for presenting this particular issue to the appropiate people so that it can be looked into and fixed. No amount of re-formatting or anything else like that is going to fix the problem as I have proved that yesturday with all of my experimentation. Sure, customer support may work for some things, but not in this case I'm affraid. A new patch is going to have to be brought out in order to fix the incompattability issue between 2.10 and some peoples' gamesave.

So, keep reporting the problem and hopefully enough complaints will be registered in order for PD to actually look into it and figure out what the issue is. You need to tell customer support to report this issue to PD. And by all means, feel free to link this thread to your report so they can see that it is indeed a widespread problem.

If you sit there and listen to customer support go through their generic fix, you're just waisting your time with them as I have already tried it all. You need to get them to submit this problem to the proper people so that it can be analyzed and solved.

@DiersZee1: I don't quite understand your post above.
The guy I spoke to at PSN said make sure your ISP has opened the right ports before installing the new.update... ???
The guy I spoke to at PSN said make sure your ISP has opened the right ports before installing the new.update... ???

Oddly enough, I did try changing some settings on my router when I re-downloaded the updates. Sorry that I forgot to mention that, but it didn't work anyway. That was when I was at the point where I was just pulling things out of my ass to try, lol. Kinda like a Hail Mary type of thing.
christara321: As I've said, I don't think its a car causing it because I tried it with only one car in my garage (car I bought with no upgrades) and still have the same problem.

Yeah I don,t seriously think it is but am clutching at straws for you mate trying to figure some reason why its happening.
Am slowly running out of ideas and I think its same for everyone.:(

Still think like you that best possible route is PD fixing it. Has its becoming more widespread with new people reporting has they come in thread?
Chat soon mate bye for now.:)
Edit: Just an update. The whole assigning the gamesave to another account thing will not work either. This has been confirmed on two difference instances now so we can throw that into the list of things tried and won't work.

What do you mean assigning the gamesave to another account?
With xploder or something?

We need a poll or petition to track how many people this is affecting.
Hi guys.

I enter in my game with 2.07 (academy versión...yes I buyed a new one to save me to wait 2h of downloads)
I still having a locked car : Nissan 240ZG (HS30) '71 in brown

I can't enter, choice or sell. Is completly locked.

Like some people says about looping screen is while the game is updating the modified PP's for the cars, maybe for that corrupted car the game can't modify and update.

What do you think? How to delete the car?

Anyone with that car or another locked car?
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Have you tried signing out of PSN and loading the game.

I got "long loading" yesterday too. What did i do to fix it? Well, nothing cause it fixes itself.

Reason for long loading times:

1) The PD servers can't be reached (when you get stuck in the GT5 logo loading)
2) Your savefile gets the PP changes, you have a lot of cars it takes some time (that is a guess, cause i had to wait several minutes after hitting the "GT Mode" button and have 1100+ cars. While waiting i got the car in the Pits background movie playing 3 times, then GT mode opend)

This is what i've had to do with my 2 main saves ( which are constantly at item /& garage limits) to get the game fired up.
Other saves load with no problems.

So that solution was to stay logged off PSN before reaching the main screen where you can select GT Mode , Arcade Mode ect.

Now that I've read this thread I see this is not likely going to help.

Any of you having the looping try bringing your gamesave to a different PS3? With Cargo deleting everything except one car and still having the issue I don't see much else to try.

If anyone writes to PD I would include a link to this thread so they can see its not an isolated problem.

I have not updated my PS3 firmware to the latest , 4.31 and I won't , as I have a reason to belive it's not compatible with certain size GT5 saves.

Just for the record , what firmware and GT5 version are you all having this problem with?
If you wish to help with collecting the data , please use the form below.


GTP username - country - region - firmware - GT5 version - stuck at looping GT5 logo (yes/no)

MadMax86 - Finland - PAL - 4.30 - 2.10 - no

Have read this entire thread and really feel for you all. I know nothing about computer tech but just wondering what system you are using( old fat, new slim, size of hdd) and how many GB were left in reserve? Just maybe there was not enough room left for the entire update? Like I said I know nothing about this stuff. Sorry this happened to people!
I updated to 2.10 on my 120gb when the maintance on the GT5 servers was going on. No problems with it. My 320 about 2 hours after, no problems with it and my sisters PS3 11am this morning, no problems with it.
It's a sad day in Mudville, the poor update has struck out. I can confirm that downloading the 'Vette THEN doing the update didn't affect my game play.

Having said that, my console isn't without it's issues, and I'm beginning to believe it's a SONY problem and not a PD problem. I hadn't tried to log in to my other accounts since the update, so I decided to try today. I'm able to get on my accounts and play GT, but keep getting playstation network errors, and a message that the network is under maintenance. Yet, when I go back to my main account, I'm able to login to the network just fine. I'll send my report to Sony today, hopefully they will fix this problem for those who are essentially locked out of their accounts. Just to clarify, I'm getting the network errors regardless of whether I'm playing GT5 or not. They immediately present themselves upon logging in to any other account than my main one.
GTP username - country - region - firmware - GT5 version - stuck at looping GT5 logo (yes/no)

megamanchris - australia - pal - 4.31 - 2.10 - AFTER THE LOGO AND BLACK SAVE SCREEN LOOP GRRRRRR/SIGH
It's a sad day in Mudville, the poor update has struck out. I can confirm that downloading the 'Vette THEN doing the update didn't affect my game play.

Having said that, my console isn't without it's issues, and I'm beginning to believe it's a SONY problem and not a PD problem. I hadn't tried to log in to my other accounts since the update, so I decided to try today. I'm able to get on my accounts and play GT, but keep getting playstation network errors, and a message that the network is under maintenance. Yet, when I go back to my main account, I'm able to login to the network just fine. I'll send my report to Sony today, hopefully they will fix this problem for those who are essentially locked out of their accounts. Just to clarify, I'm getting the network errors regardless of whether I'm playing GT5 or not. They immediately present themselves upon logging in to any other account than my main one.

Theres PSN Maintance today from 4pm UK till sometime early hours of the morning.
Please guys try what I said. Go to 2.09 and search for a locked car.

I have a Nissan 240ZG (HS30) completly blocked. I cant take it or delete them. I push to update miniature image and the game crash and go again to GT menu.

Another: I join it the car to favourite list. I moved to Arcade mode and the when the game want to load the favourite list, crash agains and back to arcade menu.... thats really extrange
I think this is pretty dumb, but have you the intro video on or off???

Almost no options left so... :boggled:

I'm still in 2.09 BTW
Please guys try what I said. Go to 2.09 and search for a locked car.

I have a Nissan 240ZG (HS30) completly blocked. I cant take it or delete them. I push to update miniature image and the game crash and go again to GT menu.

Another: I join it the car to favourite list. I moved to Arcade mode and the when the game want to load the favourite list, crash agains and back to arcade menu.... thats really extrange

I did this already which I posted some posts ago. I went back to 2.09, bought a new car and did not upgrade it. I deleted every single car in my garage...every car. It still loops. It is not a car that is causing the problem. All of my cars were able to be deleted or sold. The issue lies somewhere else.

Like I said, I'm done messing with it anymore as I firmly believe it has to be fixed with a patch.
GTP username - country - region - firmware - GT5 version - stuck at looping GT5 logo (yes/no)
PR1VATEJ0KER - IRE - PAL - 4.31 - 2.10 - YES

Forced Retirement

I did this already which I posted some posts ago. I went back to 2.09, bought a new car and did not upgrade it. I deleted every single car in my garage...every car. It still loops. It is not a car that is causing the problem. All of my cars were able to be deleted or sold. The issue lies somewhere else.

Like I said, I'm done messing with it anymore as I firmly believe it has to be fixed with a patch.

Daaamn, I was hoping to use my brother's ps3 which is on 2.09 and do a few things to re-write the save.
This is bad form from PD, worse that they never really communicate or say they are working on fixing a particular problem.
cargorat323 - USA - NTSC - 4.31 - 2.10 - Yes

EDIT: Just added a simple poll just to see how many people are having this problem. Please vote. Thanks
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I did this already which I posted some posts ago. I went back to 2.09, bought a new car and did not upgrade it. I deleted every single car in my garage...every car. It still loops. It is not a car that is causing the problem. All of my cars were able to be deleted or sold. The issue lies somewhere else.

Like I said, I'm done messing with it anymore as I firmly believe it has to be fixed with a patch.

but you have old save file
maybe that's problem
but you have old save file
maybe that's problem

Ok, whats the point if I have to start a new save file and lose everything? (tickets, paints, ect.) I only deleted all my cars just to see if that was the problem, which it was not. I prefer not to lose my cars.

I'm not sure I'm understanding what you are trying to say.

Save file, not game file..ok, I see. Yes tried that too.
I didn't see it mentioned, is the looping account the first account you tried to update, or did you update your GTP account first?

My game save is pretty close to what yours is, and I had no trouble, but I havn't updated my secondary or tried my second PS3 yet. I'll have to check those tonight.
I think we need to eliminate GT5 as being the culprit here. Especially after my issues with the playstation network being unavailable on all but my main account. Those who updated on secondary accounts probably just compounded the issue with the SONY update.
Ok, whats the point if I have to start a new save file and lose everything? (tickets, paints, ect.) I only deleted all my cars just to see if that was the problem, which it was not. I prefer not to lose my cars.

I'm not sure I'm understanding what you are trying to say.

Save file, not game file..ok, I see. Yes tried that too.

because when i started new game, it works
but old save file on usb not works
it must be save data and new update 2.10
I can't log into the PSN either, I am in germany.

Edit, we should send a link to this thread to Kaz via Twitter.
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I didn't see it mentioned, is the looping account the first account you tried to update, or did you update your GTP account first?

My game save is pretty close to what yours is, and I had no trouble, but I havn't updated my secondary or tried my second PS3 yet. I'll have to check those tonight.

I updated my GTP account first because that was the one I was playing on at the time. I then went to my main and thats where the problems started.

@ZoidFile: Thats because PSN is down for maintence. Nothing to do with the problem at hand.

@petrenjdin: Yes, thats what I've been saying for awhile now. Gamesave is incompatable with update 2.10 for some reason.
Can anyone confirm that they've updated more then one account on the same PS3 without an issue?