Mad FinnTuners Co.™ - Finished 301010 with GT-Rdammerung - BIG THANKS everyone!

  • Thread starter Greycap
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Talk about a day of mixed feelings...

There's a 6 where a 6 belongs again but Leo's banned.

This needs to be fixed and quickly.
I just got confused.Both of you have the avatar,I thought that mafia boy double posted.
Seen it also early today.. :( I'm trying to get the avatar but I keep getting some crap about the JPEG being the wrong file extension. :mad: Custom title for now.

Edit: Fixed.

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Guys, it's being looked into.....the powers that be will let us know what's going on as to Leo's status. For now, just show your support for Leo via the headstone avatar and just let things run their course in the meantime. 👍

This is bad. Hope to see him back here again. I hope that someone could give this a look on what actually happening to him. :confused:
Something tells me that perhaps he has a relative who got pissed off with him, logged into GTP as Leonidae and then posted all sorts of messages that would land Leonidae in deep dog crap. It's just a conspiracy theory though, and I'm high on Red Bull.
I've already said it's being looked into, just show your support and let it be for now guys. And we don't need conspiracy theories or anything bogus being said. *looks at driftking*
In order to put some minds at ease...

Leonidae had amassed 25pt already. He was issued with a Warning last week about an area of his conduct where he wasn't meeting with the expectations of the AUP. For reasons known only to him, he chose not to heed the Warning and was issued with a further Infraction which, unfortunately for him and his fans, took him beyond the 30pt mark and resulted in his ban.

Now, personally, I can't imagine the thought processes of someone on last chance status when they decide to ignore a Warning and as a result I have very little sympathy and, had I been the one who issued the Warning I'd have also issued the subsequent Infraction - though I wasn't.

I don't intend for this to spark a discussion into what Leonidae did wrong, or the AUP, or which moderator did what. It's just an explanation for those of you who are/were his friends - he was on last-chance status, received a Warning which he ignored and was banned.
Thank you Famine, for offering as detailed a report as you fell can be issued under such circumstances.
Thank you for letting us know what was going on there Famine. 👍 I'm not getting into anything to question why he was banned, I think the lack of this being logged down in the banned user log had a lot of us (including myself) going what the 🤬 had happened to him, as he is/was such a respected member of the GTP community, especially from the people who looked to him (and Greycap) for the many tunes that people use on their cars when they play GT4, even to this day. :cool:

As I was the one who brought this up (ie. the enquiries to the staff in the first place), I even did things like checking on his final posts to look for what he could've done to bring the banhammer down on him and couldn't see what he had done to tell you the truth so I was more than confused as to why he was banned. :confused:

I just hope for the community's sake that he will be given a special dispensation to be allowed back onto GTP in the near future, even if it is as a new profile. It can happen, you guys have allowed this before for one of our other fellow tuning members, so I hope in your kindness as moderators and administrators that this generosity can be shown once again for Leo. :) I'm not saying do it for every Tom, Dick & Harry but Leo's contributions far outweigh any mistakes he has made. 👍

Thank you for the clarification, Famine. As mafia_boy said, I hope that he can return as his good qualities were well surpassing his negative ones.

I suppose Mad Finn Tuners is dead now?
So it'd be called Mad Finn Tuner (note the lack of the "s") then?
No I'm sure Leo is still going to be tuning! Just because he's not on the site doesn't mean anything.

Thanks for the information!
No I'm sure Leo is still going to be tuning! Just because he's not on the site doesn't mean anything.

Thanks for the information!
i agree, Leo might post thru Greycap, or give tunes to him...
Perhaps I should post them myself. Greycap doesn't quite have style that I do.
Thank you. It was unpleasant experience, but I survived, and learned something as well.. Well, atleast I hope so. :lol:
Thanks, everyone. It's good to be back. It was also good to see that certain australians had a soft spot in their hearts for me. :lol:
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