Major League Baseball: 2012 Season

  • Thread starter JohnBM01
Ibanez for MVP!

Why? Because he managed to homer off someone who can't pitch anything in the first place? I wish it was that easy.

Wow. Took the Yankees long enough, but they caught up!

For now, they won't last though. Even if they do manage to get past the Tiger's they aren't going to be able to beat the Giants or Cards.

The Yankee's really are the worse possible thing in all of sports, with only our closing pitcher being slightly worse.
I'm at a loss for words. I saw Washington up 6-0 yesterday and assumed they finished St. Louis off. Wake up to find I was wrong. I know you gave plenty of answers for why they always seem to win, Smitty. But c'mon. What is it now, 6 elimination games won in a row now? How do explain that? :lol: And the Reds have some ex-Cards on the team, as well as Jocketty. So why can't they make Cardinal-like runs?

All 4 of the teams I was rooting for lost. The Reds obviously. The Nats, how cool was it to see a team that's stunk for so many years just turn it around and tear it up? The A's, a refreshing, different team (at least in my opinion). And the O's, who put up a heck of a fight against those other AL East teams (other than the joke of a Boston team this year).

And reasons I was rooting against these teams: The Giants, didn't want to beat the Reds and just won the WS 2 years ago. The Cardinals, obvious reasons as I've stated. The Tigers, between the largely paid Votto, Pujols, and Fielder, I wanted Votto to go the furthest for his respective team. Fielder has made it the furthest. And the Yanks, well, because they've won so many dam pennants including one from just 3 years ago. How 'bout we give other teams a chance? :sly:

Don't think I'll be watching the rest of the postseason. Just like last season, and the season before that, and the season before that, and....
New York fights back for the tie and then loses it anyways and more importantly loses Derek Jeter for possibly the series.

6-4 Detroit in 12.
Jesus H. Christ, that went entirely too long.

As much as I hate the Yankee's, I do hope Jeter's injury isn't serious. He's the only player on the Yankee's I don't hate mainly because he grew up in Michigan. Plus you never want to see a guy seriously injured. I want the Tigers to win, but not because of an injury.
Joey D
Jesus H. Christ, that went entirely too long.

As much as I hate the Yankee's, I do hope Jeter's injury isn't serious. He's the only player on the Yankee's I don't hate mainly because he grew up in Michigan. Plus you never want to see a guy seriously injured. I want the Tigers to win, but not because of an injury.

Why do you hate the yankees? Clearly it will be some new original excuse no one has heard yet right?
Why do you hate the yankees? Clearly it will be some new original excuse no one has heard yet right?

No matter what the Yankee's do people somehow think they are God's gift to the sport. They are a good team with a few really good players, I think Jeter has always been really good and Sabathia is one of the best pitchers in the game, but they are still nothing that special when you look at the other talented teams out there. Detroit, St. Louis and San Fran all have just as much if not more talent in their lineups then New York does yet the media seems to be glued to the Yankee's for whatever reason.

I feel like anyone who doesn't know anything about baseball automatically likes the Yankee's, which is really the only reason they are so popular. This isn't to say they don't have thousands and thousands of legitimate fans, but any time I meet anyone who doesn't know anything about baseball they automatically say they are a Yankee's fan. Although at least they aren't braindead like A's fans, so it could be worse.

I think if you took the pop culture out of the Yankee's I wouldn't have a problem with them because they are a good team. But I just get disgusted when a bigger deal is made out of A-Rod sucking then Cabrera winning the Triple Crown (I'm looking at you TBS).

"ex-Cardinals" the key word being "ex" perhaps. See Rasmus, Colby. Ludwick? Good player, not a guy that carry a team to that next level. Rolen, as much as I move the guy and would pay to watch him at defense, is last it and a questionable post season performer. Jocketty? Strong. Other very good young players in Cinci. They will be fine. The real
Problem there is Dusty Baker. And yes, I'm serious.

Jeter's injury? They will gain some defensively no matter who replaces him. The guys range has been substandard for YEARS. Quite a Captain and leader however he's a substandard defensive shortstop. I'm not a big fan of most of the new advanced baseball metrics, but a quick peak at them reveals Jeter's defensive shortcomings A-Rod's bat is a toothpick at the moment as well

I have no problems with the Yankees, their stature, media attention, etc. I went to a game at old Yankee Stadium with my then 8 year old son and my Dad. Pointing to the OF and telling my son "Babe Ruth played right there" was fun for all of us.
The problem with the Yankees is the media... The play that Jeter made coming in on the ball and throw out the runner was played over and over and over and over again. They analyzed the crap out of it. It was a routine play that every average shortstop can make.

BTW Joey, the fans you encountered likely aren't A's fans. Its been awhile since A's fans have had real numbers walking around, those are all bandwagon fans that started showing up the last two weeks of the season. Real ones are much better.
BTW Joey, the fans you encountered likely aren't A's fans. Its been awhile since A's fans have had real numbers walking around, those are all bandwagon fans that started showing up the last two weeks of the season. Real ones are much better.

I was surrounded by thousands of them the other night and they were the worse group of fans I've ever been around. I've been to quite a few away stadiums and I've never almost been jumped. My buddy that I was with was elbowed quite badly while walking around, we had all sorts of crap thrown at us and the guy selling programs screwed me out of $20. There was even a guy a few rows down wearing a Giants t-shirt who was pushed down the steps while people chanted "Giants Suck".

This is what I had to deal with...

I honestly can't think of a worse group of fans...well maybe Raiders fans but they're all the same.
Edit - the below post missed the mark... I misinterpreted Joey D, but I'll leave it.

There is nothing in that image for you to "deal with" in my opinion. Fans at the Giants Cards game tonight will be doing the same thing I suspect.

If the other incidents you described took place, then that indeed makes for a rough night. Congrats to you and your mates for not lowering your standards and acting like fools. The picture though.... Fans on their feet though... uh. That's what happens at intense rivalry games and postseason games.
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It's more of an illustration to show I was dealing with thousands of A's fans at a game and not just a bunch of bandwagon people. I don't fault them for standing up and cheering their team on.
It's more of an illustration to show I was dealing with thousands of A's fans at a game and not just a bunch of bandwagon people. I don't fault them for standing up and cheering their team on.

Very well. Sorry I misinterpreted. Cheers.
I don't know. Don't get me wrong, you shouldn't throw, push, or do anything like that towards visiting team fans, but I firmly believe that you should at least give them dirty looks. They are in your house. If they are in small numbers, and relatively quiet, I'm down. If they show up in the "other" teams hats & jerseys, become noticeably loud, chanting, standing up & clapping, I think they pretty much deserve what might be coming to them. Still, no violence, but if you get popcorn thrown at you, or home fans call you a girl(PG-version), I honestly feel that's part of the visiting fan experience. :dopey:

Go Yankees(not OK) & the Red Birds!
The Cardinals are this year's Cardinals!!!
I don't know what you are telling me!
I don't know. Don't get me wrong, you shouldn't throw, push, or do anything like that towards visiting team fans, but I firmly believe that you should at least give them dirty looks. They are in your house. If they are in small numbers, and relatively quiet, I'm down. If they show up in the "other" teams hats & jerseys, become noticeably loud, chanting, standing up & clapping, I think they pretty much deserve what might be coming to them. Still, no violence, but if you get popcorn thrown at you, or home fans call you a girl(PG-version), I honestly feel that's part of the visiting fan experience. :dopey:

Eh I don't care about people yelling, that's to be expected but acting like completely a-holes really isn't acceptable no matter what team or sport. I'd be ashamed if Detroit fans acted like that towards someone on the opposing team. At the end of the day we are all baseball fans and collectively we all hate the Rangers and Yankee's :lol:.

We were wearing Tiger's shirts but weren't chanting or anything. We knew we were going to be the odd man out but I didn't expect to actually feel unsafe.
Like I said those aren't real A's fans... I used to go to Giants - A's games in Oakland decked in Giants gear and got similar treatment. And then I go when they aren't as good and the fans are all real nice. Bandwagon fans.

Dodger stadium is probably worse, you get stabbed instead.
Most definitely agree on Rolen. The guy can play some serious D (that costly, postseason error aside). But he doesn't have anything left in the tank while up to bat. I think injuries have just hampered him so much to the point that he just can't hit anymore with them. I'm all for him being there as a clubhouse leader, but it's time for Frazier to take his spot. That dude can play. I was at the game where he hit one into the party deck above the batter's eye at GABP. I swear that ball was still going up. I've never seen a trajectory like that in my life. I would say he could win NL ROY, but with all the media hype surrounding Harper, there's no way Frazier's going to get it. Sad, really. Not to take away from Harper and his season, but Frazier was instrumental in helping to pick up the team when Votto went down. I may be slightly biased, but I would give it to him.

Sucks to hear Jeter went down. Like a lot of people, I respect him. I haven't heard any rumors about him and PED's like so many other players. Nice to see a guy have a good career without cheating.
Eh I don't care about people yelling, that's to be expected but acting like completely a-holes really isn't acceptable no matter what team or sport. I'd be ashamed if Detroit fans acted like that towards someone on the opposing team. At the end of the day we are all baseball fans and collectively we all hate the Rangers and Yankee's :lol:.

We were wearing Tiger's shirts but weren't chanting or anything. We knew we were going to be the odd man out but I didn't expect to actually feel unsafe.
Yeah, I think we are on the same page, Joey. 👍 Except the Rangers! Darvish baby! next year.
Like I said those aren't real A's fans... I used to go to Giants - A's games in Oakland decked in Giants gear and got similar treatment. And then I go when they aren't as good and the fans are all real nice. Bandwagon fans.

Yes, they are bandwagoners, and yes it's okay to lump them in with the rest of the diehards. I've never met a classy A's fan.

Dodger stadium is probably worse, you get stabbed instead.

Depends where you sit. :sly:

Actually, on the second to last day of the season (as in, the day the Giants officially eliminated the Dodgers from the WildCard) two SFG-fan friends of mine (a lesbian couple, wouldn't ya know) went to Dodger Stadium all decked out in Giants gear and ate all the delicious Dodgers food I told them to eat. They reported back having an awesome time, friendly interactions with random Dodger fans, and all around enjoyment of their experience.

Except some gastrointestinal distress from the Doyer dog I recommended they eat. It's more of an experience than a meal:


Fatty dog/bun plus chili, nacho cheese, jalepenos, tomatoes, onions, and cilantro.
This Cardinals Giants Game 1 has been intense! Just ended the 4th inning...

Great bullpen work by both teams, good defense too. Cards win game 1 6-4 and take the lead in the series.
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I have no idea. He did get the team NL Central titles 2 out of the last 3 years, but didn't make it out of the 1st round either time. And of course, he also does make some questionable decisions at times. I don't hate the guy like a lot of other people do, though. Kinda indifferent I suppose.:indiff: