Yeah it's a shame, but I think that issue is that only an alien will get it out in the open soon enough to push the limit. And only in certain circumstances.
With the stratos, you can pull away and usually with the spins, it's the drivers own fault in the Stratos... driver error, not race conditions. IE: not door to door dangers.
That was also the problem with the 90s MR2 (before it got cut)... when the average driver would try to get the full potential... they wound up creating
massive race incidents 
from the risks it provided door-to-door.

But if you drove it carefully so as to strictly adhere to good track etiquette in a pack of cars - you would immediately lose out to the stable cars who had no such worries.
We don't want to create situations where being rule abiding about cornering rights is going to cause people to lose in certain cars.
The 90s Sports has this problem still on some tracks. Lancer Evo vs NSX is a big problem.
NSX - you can put the power down - but you really risk wrecking another car that's close by.
I've had to throw races, in essence, in the NSX in order to take the clean racing high road and that's frustrating enough.
What happens is that some cars around are so super-stable, that it winds up being that people in some of the cars have to baby the more difficult cars so much just to not make a nuisance on the track.
If you're behind, beside, or in front of other more stable cars... trying to maneuver around their movements & surprises, or their taps & waggles... then forget about it.
I was so worried about hitting Tarnheld as he would come up to pass on Cape Ring... that I had to slow just because I worried that if I took the car for what it could do, I would
exponentially increase the risk of colliding... so he was able to pass me in the Lancer Evo like I was standing still.
And the Lancers dominated the podium.
So it was really annoying when it's the 🤬 #3 car.
And I fully realize that anyone in that race who didn't see the test drive lap times, was thinking... that Lancer Evo is too fast to be the #3 car. It's in the wrong place in the list... it's too good.

Well given a time trial - it's NOT that good. But given tight & dicey racing conditions - you can't hope to have a more stable car.
Because it's only because the car is stable... and people tend to be more confident that they're not going to wreck themselves or others too easily. And it also recovers out of grass & sand like nobody's business... so what if you go off with understeer at a turn? Just get back on the track & go... while most of the other cars are tip-toe trying not to dip a wheel into the grass.

Because the minute you get sand in the tires with some cars... you're shaking it off still 2 turns later.
Sorry, I'm starting to rant.

It's just that the Lancer Evo in the 90s list brings back unpleasant memories of crappy shuffle rooms where they'd keep the shuffle ratio at zero, and keep the PP at 420 or whatever it was, and then half the grid would get the Lancer and have an exciting race up front after barging everyone else in T1, and the rest of the room would be driving around 20 seconds behind everyone, all spread out.