"Man's Best Friend"... Caution! Content May Offend.

  • Thread starter Famine


GTP Editor, GTPEDIA Author
United Kingdom
Rule 12
Don't ask why, but I've been wondering for a few days now...

Should "relations" with animals be legal or not?

On the one hand, I can't think of any particular reason why it shouldn't - we do far worse things to animals by breeding them and stuffing them into cages, simply to be killed and eaten before they're even old enough to breed themselves (if they hadn't had their goolies hacked off, that is).

On the other hand, I can't think of any particular reason why it should - what the hell would you want to bonk an animal for anyway?

Given that animals are incapable of "informed consent" (if only legally), does any act of this kind with an animal constitute rape? If the human is "receiving", does that count as consent?

Does this class as animal cruelty? Does it go against an animal's rights? Do animals even HAVE rights, and if not is it even possible to be cruel to one?


Note: It may be that this subject matter is too close to the knuckle for GTPlanet. If so, moderators can go right ahead and lock it without (my) complaint. However, we have a number of intelligent members who frequent this particular forum and I believe we can maintain an "adult" debate - as with the Prostitution thread.
This will be quite interesting once the Kiwis get in here :lol:

Apart from that, I don't think Bonking animals should be allowed...
Animals do not have the same rights as humans do - but I wouldn't say they're without rights altogether. At the very core of this discussion is why human beings have rights at all, and whether that extends to animals as well.

There are some very cruel things that animals should not have to suffer, but sex isn't one of them. I think it should be legal to bonk (or be bonked by) an animal.
After mulling this over for a few minutes I really can't think of any reason why it should be illegal, other than it is disgusting, but hey what one man does in his bedroom is none of my business.
Although I don't care one iota to regulate any consenting adult's personal relations with another (or another?), I still feel that animals, like children, can't possibly consent with an adult concerning matters of sexual intercourse.

An animal can't say yes, no, or maybe. Thus, not consensual, and therefore, not acceptable in my book.

there are a few states where it is law that cannot sleep with your mother / father / siblings. I don't remeber seeing anything about animals though...for most people it would seem like a given....I thought I read somewhere that was how AIDS started though, could be comlpetly misinformed, but I would rather not 'google' that sort of thing here at work.
Although I don't care one iota to regulate any consenting adult's personal relations with another (or another?), I still feel that animals, like children, can't possibly consent with an adult concerning matters of sexual intercourse.

An animal can't say yes, no, or maybe. Thus, not consensual, and therefore, not acceptable in my book.

If the human is "receiving", does that count as consent?

I'd suggest that willing participation might indicate consent.

Anderton Prime
No one hacks off dogs' "goolies" anymore.

That particular sentence was referring to meat animals... Though granted, they ARE meat animals in some countries.
Given that animals are incapable of "informed consent" (if only legally), does any act of this kind with an animal constitute rape? If the human is "receiving", does that count as consent?

But surely if an animal attempts to escape you clutches it is showing it's unwillingness? I think most animals will make a run for it if you sneek up behind them (Not speaking from experience... Well I am... but not that way)

If a human willingly stands/kneels/bends over for an animal then yeah, it is consent I suppose.
Why would anyone want to.. I have so many conflicting views about this it's unbelivable.
On one hand it is possible that some animals will willingly participate, however it's certainly not natural, and ow would you ever proveto someone that it was willing participation.

I feel as if saying people can't "bonk" their animals i'm an activist but they really erm *filters swear word* annoy me.
Most of UK law and probably most countries laws are based on their fundamental religions, and i can't think of a single religion that would encourge or not condemn this sort of activity.

It's really not a matter of whether or not this activity should be encouraged. I don't think smoking should be encouraged, but I think it should be legal. You don't have to think it's a good idea to think it should be legal.

At issue here is whether you think animals have rights, and if so, how many, what kind, and why.
It's really not a matter of whether or not this activity should be encouraged. I don't think smoking should be encouraged, but I think it should be legal. You don't have to think it's a good idea to think it should be legal.

At issue here is whether you think animals have rights, and if so, how many, what kind, and why.

Well.. At least smoking is something you bring upon yourself. I can't remember the last time someone caught "bonking" an animal tried with "But the horse clearly wanted to"...

And yes, I know, passive smoking is bad for those around you, but that's not the issue here...
Well.. At least smoking is something you bring upon yourself. I can't remember the last time someone caught "bonking" an animal tried with "But the horse clearly wanted to"...

Obviously you didn't see that video of the mule in the comedy thread before the mods found it...

The smoking example was not intended to be parallel with the animal issue. It was intended to illustrate one point and one point only - that you don't have to think something is a good idea to think it should be legal. The rest of your argument falls into the category I was talking about, defining what rights animals have and why.
, and ow would you ever proveto someone that it was willing participation.
Any conscience animal will make it obvious it isn't happy if you attempt to 'rear end it'.

Horse, sheep, goats, donkey. They all pack a kick you don't want to be on the other end of.
I take it you been watchin Boston legal famine?

Are there any animals that have sex with other species naturally?
And from what Ive seen go round on mobile phones when the animals male they sure seem to be consenting.
I can't think of any offhand - except the obvious hybrids (Wolphins, Ligers and Tigons, Mules).
Well some dogs will go for alot of things.

I have seen sheep and cows mount TV presenters. Nothing is forcing them to, they just go for it.
Bonobo apes - our closest animal relatives - will bonk rocks, their (immature) kids and engage in rabid cluster****s.

Hot ape-on-ape-on-ape-on-ape-on-ape-on-ape-on-ape action...
Bonobo apes - our closest animal relatives - will bonk rocks, their (immature) kids and engage in rabid cluster****s.

Hot ape-on-ape-on-ape-on-ape-on-ape-on-ape-on-ape action...
Well... That they'll engage rocks should prove that evolution has gone "somewhere"... Then again.. Humans are known for bonking plastic figurines resembling other humans - Maybe the bonobos have quite the imagination..

But the "Immature kids" thing alone should prove the Bonobos to be a bunch of ****** up turds.... There's a big case here in DK at the moment where a father rented his 10 year old daughter to men aged 54 to 73 IIRC.. Seriously seriously fubared... (The "renting" thing going on for 3 years....)

But hey.. If mature people want to get into some hot human-on-human-on-human-on-hu... etc. etc. etc. action - By all means, they should feel free to do so..
Well... That they'll engage rocks should prove that evolution has gone "somewhere"... Then again.. Humans are known for bonking plastic figurines resembling other humans - Maybe the bonobos have quite the imagination..

But the "Immature kids" thing alone should prove the Bonobos to be a bunch of ****** up turds.... There's a big case here in DK at the moment where a father rented his 10 year old daughter to men aged 54 to 73 IIRC.. Seriously seriously fubared... (The "renting" thing going on for 3 years....)

But hey.. If mature people want to get into some hot human-on-human-on-human-on-hu... etc. etc. etc. action - By all means, they should feel free to do so..

The whole rocks thing just sounds like a means for "getting off", I would think an ape is at least smart enough to know that he or she can't really "bonk" the rock. Like you suggested, it parallels humans and plastic figurines, but the apes dont have the means to fabricate fake apes :D

The whole youth thing almost seems to be inline with humans in a way, aside from the whole humans have morals thing. Its easier to get some when youre younger, and Im sure if there were no repurcussions teenage kids would be out of control as well. But when you get older you settle down a little bit (get married or the like), but sometimes have to go "find a rock". :D

Anyways, not arguing your points, just expanding on them a little. Technically this is more of a response to famine's post that you quoted.

To respond to the question at hand....hmm, well....if an animal tries to "bonk" you do you think it is going to ask for your consent? exactly.
OH! OOH! I can't believe I've avoided this all day. This is genius!
(thinks to self...)
Let's keep this appropriate, Keith, and don't tell them what you actually think...

OK. Humans bonking animals? Ugghhh! Actually, one time I ran across a "tutorial" on how to bonk a dog. By accident. And, ehhh, I...read it. I...learned?...something. It will never be implemented, though, that's disgusting.
Now, animals bonking humans. I support one type: horses. And a girl. You can imagine why. It's actually quite...interesting.
Anyway, I can guarantee you that that male horse is not objecting to what it's being put through one bit. Human chicks can do a lot more than a horse chick. And if the animal sits there and doesn't try to get away, well, he likes it. Or he's really stupid. But he probably likes it. I would. The girl doing the thing, that is.
So I don't think anything is wrong with the practice, as long as no animals get hurt in the process. I hate it when people hurt animals for no obvious reason. They can't defend themselves like we can. (Here's an example: http://www.bonsaikitten.com/ don't worry, it's appropriate, though I wish it wasn't)
But I don't think beastiality is illegal now, is it? I think we should leave it like it is.
But I don't think beastiality is illegal now, is it? I think we should leave it like it is.

It is, though I'm not sure if it's illegal in every state. Those girls you find "interesting" can be put in jail with actual criminals for helping those horses out.
I don't think the girls are interesting. I think the result of their actions is interesting, amazing, stupendous, and funny. Mr. North has got nothing on those horses. You should check it out.
I support one type: horses. And a girl. You can imagine why. It's actually quite...interesting.
People can die from that you know. Ive heard of at least one instance, a radio show I listen to was talking about it but Im not about to go searchin for a video of it. That said, Im not scolding you or anything, just adding to the subject.

as for the bonsaikitten thing, Ive heard its fake, just some trick photography/photoshop. It sure is downright hilarious though. I'd like to show it to my boss at work but he would either A. Think Im some sort of sicko or B. Have a heart attack (he loves cats)
People can die from that you know. Ive heard of at least one instance, a radio show I listen to was talking about it but Im not about to go searchin for a video of it. That said, Im not scolding you or anything, just adding to the subject.

as for the bonsaikitten thing, Ive heard its fake, just some trick photography/photoshop. It sure is downright hilarious though. I'd like to show it to my boss at work but he would either A. Think Im some sort of sicko or B. Have a heart attack (he loves cats)

Although I have no proof, I am 99% sure that it is real, I have heard of it being done before.

EDIT: Never mind, after some research, I have found it is a fake, the bonsia website is just a joke.

As for the animal thing, I find that disgusting. In my opinion, gay/lesbian marraige is already bad enough, and this is just sick. I have no real reason why I think it should be illegal, other than my personal feelings.

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