"Man's Best Friend"... Caution! Content May Offend.

  • Thread starter Famine
Well, I clicked the back button and my paragraph disappeared. I'm glad it did, I probably would have gotten banned for my feelings about that Bonsai ****.

You better be right, Mr. Pib, PB.
I just don't get why anyone would even think that was funny.
:lol: That is one funny thread ;)
Well at first I'd say that it is only ok if the animal "likes" it. But when you really think about it... We put animals in tiny cages without daylight and feed them as long as they need to get fat and sick. Then we kill them and eat them.

I wonder which animal has the better life : The animal I described or the one living on a farm in nature, raped by a pervert every now and then...

So it is "right" to rape animals ? I don't think so. But sadly many animals on this planet have to face worse conditions...by far worse imo...
I think having sex with a different species is just a tad weird. And by a tad I mean completely disgusting and insane.

How would you like it if someone just randomly decided to rape you? I have a feeling you wouldn't remember it as a pleasent experience...
I guess it is a question of what constitutes consent, and whether or not that consent can be rightly communicated and understood. I don't think any animals are capable of making an informed decision about whether to 'allow' a human being to perform a sexual act with them, and even if they were, they are largely incapable of expressing that consent in any specific way... a pet owner may well think that they have the 'approval' of their pet (because their pet is aroused/stimulated) by their actions, but that still (in my view) doesn't constitute 'consent'. Where there is a grey area, the law has to err on the side of caution. The same thing (much more importantly) applies to children - paedophiles can always claim that they had the consent of a minor to justify their actions, but in the eyes of the law, the minor is not capable of providing that consent. In reality, most 14 or 15 year old individuals are probably most capable of making an informed decision with regards to consent, but there are those who are not. (Of course, there are plenty of people above the age of consent who are less capable too, but that's another matter...) So the law draws the line (here in the UK, anyway) at 16, because below that age, the proportion of people capable of making an informed decision with regards to sexual consent starts to drop away exponentially. The problem with animals is that they are never going to be able to provide proper consent in the terms that are required by law presently - you could argue that animals don't need the same sort of protection in the eyes of law as children (and arguably they don't) - but if consent is by-passed by any measure, then the door lies wide open for abuse.
in all honesty..I'd rather have my "goolies" hacked off as apposed to testicular attrophy..

I mean you could always have that "I couldn't do anything about it" in the back of your mind..

but to see em decay away after the shot...eee...terrible..

As for this arguement....I think it should be illegal, because no an animal can't consent however you can do things that society has deemed "inhumane"
the fact that we as humans have the inellectual ability to judge this stuff...means we've kinda got a responsibility to keep ourselves in check..And no do things like this...

Yeah, we "chop off goolies" Reason? Because about 4 miles from me there is atleast 3 stray dogs per mile.....

And every other day one is hit by a car..

Now not only is that cruel to have them be out in the cities elements all alone, considering the buildings make everything 943294238x hotter(made up #) It's not very safe to have a buncha dogs runnin around not under control.

as for the interspecies animals..
arn't like 99.9% of them sterile...but then there's that one that makes "Ripley's" or something..but yeah..off topic
I like hunting them, and then rotating their dead, succulent, rotting corpse on a spit, then enjoy eating them with a tasty sauce and that's it.

I like dogs, but not that way.

I would never hang around anyone who thinks sex with animals is something we should participate in. :yuck:
haha..Imagine that conversation around the water cooler...

Bob: Yeah that was a great movie.
Rich: Yeah but didn't you think the acting was a little over the top?
Bob: Yeah at points but tha
Dave * Walks in *
Bob: Oh hey Dave
Rich: Hi Dave
Dave: hey you guys, man i'm tired..I was up all night pounding away on my labrador. you guys should have seen it
I don' think humping any animal is right, but there is nothing to really stop people. You would have to be pretty crazy to even consider it anyway. As for the rights of humans & animals, it's complicated. Rights are given to protect people & animals. For example, you have the right to walk down the street in peace. At the same time, somebody walking the other way might punch you in the face. It's only the law that says you can't punch someone in the face. Rights are given to protect us.

If you look at chimpanzees they will attack other monkeys from nearby groups. They smash there head open with rocks and then usually eat the meat. The only reason they attack the other monkeys is because they are trying to maintain the well being of there group & the resources in there area. I know it's a bad comparison, but imagine two gangs, one in the East & one in the West (bloods & crips if you will). They will shoot eachother if another gang comes on to there turf. They do this usually because they are making money from drugs & prostitution in that area. It's human nature to do what's best for you.
Didnt some nut marry a dolphin recently ? I wonder how they managed the " honeymoon " ...???
It was a British woman and a female dolphin.

I wonder if the word "Bottlenose" had anything to do with it.
It was a British woman and a female dolphin.

I wonder if the word "Bottlenose" had anything to do with it.

Famine, your just plain wrong. You should be banned.

Probably not safe to step in here for me after my whaling thread issues but...

If a dog is allowed to come up to you and hump your leg, why shouldn't you be allowed to turn around and hump it back? Only seems fair.
Hey Famine, I wonder if that woman realized that dolphins have teeth inside that conveniently shaped snout.
Sorry, I...couldn't help myself. Prostitution is illegal:sly: so I had to resort to animals. It's all I get. :lol:
In south america men had sex with dolphins all the time.

The russian mafia have a farm in kazaghtsan were man pay to have sex with animals.

Ive seen plenty of dogs doin it with chicks and horses too.
However, we have a number of intelligent members who frequent this particular forum and I believe we can maintain an "adult" debate - as with the Prostitution thread.
Hmm...let's see.

It was a British woman and a female dolphin.

I wonder if the word "Bottlenose" had anything to do with it.
haha..Imagine that conversation around the water cooler...

Bob: Yeah that was a great movie.
Rich: Yeah but didn't you think the acting was a little over the top?
Bob: Yeah at points but tha
Dave * Walks in *
Bob: Oh hey Dave
Rich: Hi Dave
Dave: hey you guys, man i'm tired..I was up all night pounding away on my labrador. you guys should have seen it
*looks down at shredded winkie*

" That explains alot...... "
Richard Gere likes doing it to gerbals...
No, he likes putting a tube in his anus and inserting gerbils into his rectum through it. Not exactly having sex with gerbils, that.

I am guessing, no. This is still entertaining and the topic does occasionally get debated so I say leave it be.
Don't ask why, but I've been wondering

Alrighty then.

for a few days now...




On the gerbil thing... my girlfriend was telling me that story the other day while behing on hold with our phone company's customer service. Incidently, the rep had to pick the call exacty as she was saying the words "then he inserted the gerbil up is ass". I had to go laugh in another room...
he wants to experience something new. I wouldnt reccomend cats or dogs though. Or cows or horses or anything that can kick out.

Thinking about it now woman have it alot easier than men.
Not to try to get back on topic, but...

I've seen some discussion about whether animals can give consent and whether it is "right" to rape animals. Is it "right" to murder animals? We do it all the time, how is that better than rape? The question here is whether animals have any rights, and if so, how many and why.

It's a tough question, not one that I have a particularly good answer for. It may seem heartless but I'd have to say that most animals (the ones that don't have much in the way of higher order brain functions) have almost no rights whatsoever. But what distinguishes one animal from another?

It's easy to just say that every living thing has rights and be done with it. That's easy because it means that there are no difficult questions and it makes everyone subject to criticism. It gives one a sense of higher morality over one's peer. It's almost as easy to just say that no animals have any rights and be done with it. That's easy because it means that we can do whatever we want to them and there are no tough questions. But what if there was another species on this planet (similar to humans) that was also highly intelligent, perhaps more intelligent than we are. What would distinguish that species from us? Would it have rights? Why? What if aliens were to land here, would they have rights? Or could we lock them in cages and make slaves of them. What is the fundamental reason that we afford ourselves rights?

It's because we recognize the wrong that has been done to us, and are intelligent enough to take advantage of the opportunity. Murder is illegal between humans because it causes massive emotional damage to all invovled. It's illegal because of the intelect that may have been lost - because of the ability for the victim to understand his own demise and grasp the magnitude of the offense (the victim is perhaps the only one who can fully grasp it). In short, we grant ourselves rights because we value justice between humans.

But do we require justice between animals? Does our society require non-human animals and human animals to interact in a just way? The whole concept is ludicrous. It is impossible for humans to be "just" with animals. They have no concept of justice, they lack the ability to understand it at all. They have no concept of property or fair exchange. We can't ask them if they want to carry our stuff or jump through hoops or have sex with us, because we can't properly gauge the answer.

One might say, we offer them food, make them perform a chore (like carrying a saddle or something), and then offer them freedom and see if that take it. If they don't, then they've agreed to stay.

But will they understand what we've offered them? Probably not.

My take on it is this. Until they have a concept of justice. "This is mine, that is yours. I won't take your stuff, you don't take my stuff. I don't hurt you, you don't hurt me." Then we can't give them any rights. This is why it is ok for us to put criminals in jail. They clearly do not understand justice if they go around taking other people's property or hurting people. They've basically reduced themselves to the level of an animal and we treat them accordingly by locking them up in a little zoo and feeding them occasionally. The magnitude of their misunderstanding of other people's rights is in accordiance with the magnitude of the removal of their own rights - culminating in death for the criminal at the most extreme end.

This view, incidently is why I consider it wrong to take away the rights of people who are not acting in an unjust manner. If someone wants to sell their body for sex (for example), or freely engage in games of chance for money, or put mind-altering substances into their bodies - they have not acted in an unjust manner toward anyone, they haven't violated the agreement among civilized people that property rights and personal rights be observed. In short, if you haven't hurt anyone you don't deserve to be punished.

But back to the subject at hand. Does a dog understand justice at all? Does he understand that the carpet is "yours" and that peeing on it is an assault on your property? Does he understand this after he has been trained that he will be smacked on the nose if he pees on the carpet? No. He understands action and reward, or action and punishment. He learns association between different acts - but cannot grasp the morality behind those acts.

As such, a dog cannot understand the moral violation behind rape. A dog does not have the faculty to comprehend the injustice done to him. He understands a life only of pleasure and pain, fun and work.

Does a cow understand that branding it's ass is a violation of personal rights, a moral injustice? Does it understand that a fence violates its freedom? No. It understands only that there is a fence in the way of eating grass on the other side.

What I'm getting at, is that the capacity to understand wrong doing is essential to the existance of wrong doing. Without the ability to understand that wrong has been done to you, it hasn't. This is why we can remove animals of most of their rights without concern... and yet we can afford the "missing link" we may find in some african rain forest rights, even if it is not classified as homo sapien, or we can offer an alien race from another world rights - since they will no doubt have the capacity to understand justice (of some form at least).

All that being said, animals do have the ability to understand injustice at some point. An animal that has had its appendages amputated and is starved and tortured for weeks and months on end is certainly able to understand that this is not natural or right. I think animals must be able to understand that certain degrees of abuse are unfair, it would be almost impossible to be concious and not understand at some level.

Which is why I have an apparently self-conflicting take on this issue. I don't think animals should be physically abused for long periods of time... and by abuse I mean the only kind of abuse an animal can recognize - pain. I think animals that have to live in a constant state of massive pain are well aware that they are treated unfairly, but aside from that they will not understand.

I define abuse and justice from their own point of view. Dogs bite their owners occasionally, some dogs even kill their owners. Many animals would rape each other and, in some cases, their owners. But no animal would torture another animal for an extended period of time. They don't understand evil well enough to explore it that way.

There you go. Complicated? Certainly. But I think it makes sense. Animals have almost no rights, but they do have a right not to be subject to extended period of torture.

Edit: By the way, when I say the capacity to understand wrong-doing is essential to the existance of it, that includes the capacity at any point in time or of your owners/guardians. You own your body while you're alive - it is your last remaining property after you're dead and you have some say over it (thus the existance of wills). That's why it isn't cool for someone to rape you after you're dead (in case that was the next thread that was going to start up). Similarly, if you become Terri Schaivo you don't get raped then either. That also means that nobody gets to abuse your animals or your brother (who you are guardian of) but who was born into a comatose state and will never know anything about anything - but who you keep alive because you're a little insane. Children also can't be abused because eventually they'll understand the injustice. There are lots of tricky issues about this, but it kindof a "tree falls in the forset" excercise. If nobody understands the injustice, has it been done? I would say no, but that that is a pretty high standard.
I was just thinking what kind of offspring these people could have if it worked out right, I mean, they have ligers and animals like that, but I think this kind of crossbreeding is a little extreme.
Here's a story I remember from our local paper from a few months ago. Neighbors heard a dog waling, screaming and yipping and they called the police when it kept happening. Read below what happened.

RANCHO CUCAMONGA - Prosecutors filed felony animal cruelty charges this week against a 39-year-old Ontario man accused of performing sex acts with a dog.
Ubaldo Vasquez Huizar pleaded not guilty to the charge Tuesday in West Valley Superior Court.

Huizar, a convicted sex offender, was apparently living in a doghouse in the back yard of a home when officers arrested him last month.

He was initially charged with misdemeanor animal cruelty. The new felony means Huizar could face prison time if convicted.

Huizar is also charged with misdemeanor counts of sexual assault on an animal and failing to register as a sex offender.

He will return to court Nov. 7.
I was just thinking what kind of offspring these people could have if it worked out right, I mean, they have ligers and animals like that, but I think this kind of crossbreeding is a little extreme.
I'm pretty sure that most, if not all, species are incompatable with others. So thankfully the only way we will get human/dog crossovers is with bizzare photoshop images.
I'm pretty sure that most, if not all, species are incompatable with others.

Certainly not all, not by any stretch. Though it seems to be restricted to family groups (the Animal Kingdom version of Utah).

Lions/Tigers = Ligers/Tigons
Lions & Tigers/Ligers & Tigons = Liligers, Litigons, Tiligers, Titigons.
Lions/Jaguars = Liguars, Jaglion
Lions/Leopards = Liards/Leopons
Tigers/Jaguars = Tiguars (no male Jaguar/Tigress cross ever reported)
Tigers/Leopards = Tigard/Leotid
Leopards/Jaguars = Lepjag/Jagulep
Other cat species - Bengal cat, caraval, servical, marlot, blynx, eurochaus, pumapard.
Horses/Donkeys = Mules/Hinnies
Zebras/Horses = Zorse/Zebroid
Zebras/Donkeys = Zonkeys/Zeedonks
Zebras/Ponies = Zonies
Yak/Cow = Yakow/Dzo
Buffalo/Cow = Cattalo/Beefalo
Camel/Llama = Cama
Killer Whale/Dolphin = Wolphin

And so on...

I wonder what you'd get, if anything, if you crossed a human and any other primate... Orangu-man? Chimpanhe?
Touring Mars

They tend to just call them Titis (pronounced tie-ties).

Ligers are honking MASSIVE. They have a growth-promoting gene from the male lion, but no counter-acting growth-suppressing gene from the female, as the female is a tiger. They make lions look tiny...
