"Man's Best Friend"... Caution! Content May Offend.

  • Thread starter Famine
Human / Monkey = Humkey :lol:

Ligors are massive, Hobbs is over 12feet tall, and weights 1000pounds


here is another ligor

Imagine the strength!
Though it seems to be restricted to family groups (the Animal Kingdom version of Utah).

This will sound weird, but my Aunt lives on a farm, and I swear to GOD!!! That they have a bunch of Cabits. They're a cross between a house cat and a rabbit... They are insanely fast too!!! Picture the front end of a cat with only slightly longer ears, but the back end of a rabbit, complete with a little tail... They're rediculous, but cute.

Procreation aside, many animals go "after" other animals or things in their environment. Apparently dolphins try and hump humans all the time durring their mating season, as well as apes... more so females after men. The obvious dogs on humans, as was stated earlier. Basicaly, if one animal wants to get it on, as long as the other is smaller, or the horny animal is faster, then it'll try and make a move on it.

Someone had also said a while back that they didn't think that female human/male animal wasn't wrong. Well, kittens and chickens aside, do you even think that a mare, cow, or other live stock will even notice what's going on... I mean come on. Even John Holmes couldn't have made a cow flinch... And then there's the old "peanut butter trick"... What then?
Certainly not all, not by any stretch. Though it seems to be restricted to family groups (the Animal Kingdom version of Utah).

Lions/Tigers = Ligers/Tigons
Lions & Tigers/Ligers & Tigons = Liligers, Litigons, Tiligers, Titigons.
Lions/Jaguars = Liguars, Jaglion
Lions/Leopards = Liards/Leopons
Tigers/Jaguars = Tiguars (no male Jaguar/Tigress cross ever reported)
Tigers/Leopards = Tigard/Leotid
Leopards/Jaguars = Lepjag/Jagulep
Other cat species - Bengal cat, caraval, servical, marlot, blynx, eurochaus, pumapard.
Horses/Donkeys = Mules/Hinnies
Zebras/Horses = Zorse/Zebroid
Zebras/Donkeys = Zonkeys/Zeedonks
Zebras/Ponies = Zonies
Yak/Cow = Yakow/Dzo
Buffalo/Cow = Cattalo/Beefalo
Camel/Llama = Cama
Killer Whale/Dolphin = Wolphin

And so on...

I wonder what you'd get, if anything, if you crossed a human and any other primate... Orangu-man? Chimpanhe?

Just how the hell do you happen to know all of that, or did you a google search on that??

Damn those ligors are HUGE
Not as big as a Whephant would be...(Whale x Elephant)
So would that be kind of like an amphibious mammal? Thunders around on land and then goes swimming in the ocean and can hold its breath for hours. Is the trunk the blowhole?