Certainly not all, not by any stretch. Though it seems to be restricted to family groups (the Animal Kingdom version of Utah).
Lions/Tigers = Ligers/Tigons
Lions & Tigers/Ligers & Tigons = Liligers, Litigons, Tiligers, Titigons.
Lions/Jaguars = Liguars, Jaglion
Lions/Leopards = Liards/Leopons
Tigers/Jaguars = Tiguars (no male Jaguar/Tigress cross ever reported)
Tigers/Leopards = Tigard/Leotid
Leopards/Jaguars = Lepjag/Jagulep
Other cat species - Bengal cat, caraval, servical, marlot, blynx, eurochaus, pumapard.
Horses/Donkeys = Mules/Hinnies
Zebras/Horses = Zorse/Zebroid
Zebras/Donkeys = Zonkeys/Zeedonks
Zebras/Ponies = Zonies
Yak/Cow = Yakow/Dzo
Buffalo/Cow = Cattalo/Beefalo
Camel/Llama = Cama
Killer Whale/Dolphin = Wolphin
And so on...
I wonder what you'd get, if anything, if you crossed a human and any other primate... Orangu-man? Chimpanhe?