Mapping "Zahara de la Sierra" (new GT6 track)

  • Thread starter Amac500
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Well, there's a description next to the track which could only be for a licence test.

It definitely make sense for them to have shorter segments to practice on.
Can anyone refresh my memory as to the estimated length of this track? Wasn't it supposed to be 25-30km?

I think it was 27km. Somewhere in the videos the cars go past a '26' sign, so perhaps there's a signpost every km.
It definitely make sense for them to have shorter segments to practice on.

I think it was 27km. Somewhere in the videos the cars go past a '26' sign, so perhaps there's a signpost every km.

All I remember hearing was it would be longer than the 'ring. Which clocks in at about 25.2 km for the 24hr version.
Is it just me or does there seem to be more barriers rather than invisible walls in the new video compared to the trailer a few months ago?
Can just about see the red line filling the whole track.

It definitely make sense for them to have shorter segments to practice on.

I think it was 27km. Somewhere in the videos the cars go past a '26' sign, so perhaps there's a signpost every km.

I marked this 'green signs' along the track on the video - the last one i found was a #44 sign (at @3:40)
the full length of the track is a bit hard to confirm... when i got in the NicoNico broadcast, the stream was already ending - that's why the chair is empty and nobody is playing

if my memory doesn't fail me, i lost some seconds between the livestream - because my program is set to record at 15fps (there's a part in the video at this framerate) and i stopped the recording to adjust the fps

i managed to record +-3 minutes of replay/ gameplay - and lost some seconds
maybe, this 'Sierra Rally Time' variation is 4 or 5 minutes long (half of the Nordschleife)
The very first video (this one) we saw, has cars both with headlights off and on and visibly different time of the day. (midday, afternoon, sunset)

Most likely this what we'll get - no night racing but morning-evening hours. Might be added later though.
No, I'm not a complainer, GT6 is fine for me as I haven't much time after all, so the addition of Zahara is a good thing. But I wonder why the track width is so huge compares to original images of this region. Why did they do that? To make the track more playable for a larger group? Or is it maybe an inter-active setup you can change the width of track sections like in gt5 course creator? Does pd have a trick up in their sleeve?
I marked this 'green signs' along the track on the video - the last one i found was a #44 sign (at @3:40)
the full length of the track is a bit hard to confirm... when i got in the NicoNico broadcast, the stream was already ending - that's why the chair is empty and nobody is playing

Good point, maybe there are 44 corner sections.
Looks the same as it's always been to me.

Pretty much this, I don't see anything different. It is however one of the higher-poly count standards though right?

If they seriously premiumized the Today G and nothing else, I'm going to be seriously disappointed.

I could see the GT6 section going up in flames if it were the case. :lol:
a bit related. Everyone receive the news about the quitting game when install? Whats interesting that its said its "effective" on 1.11 or older.

I wouldn't read too much into that as all it really says is "This fix will not necessarily work beyond 1.11"

Sorry to burst your bubble :)
A premium Today G would be a great April Fool's joke. However, that's nowhere near from now...

Also, the Today was my first car in GT4, back when I had no idea about cars. Painted yellow with a wing on the back. Once I found out how much I wasted I deleted and started over. :lol:
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