March 2010 release compared to expected Dec 2009

  • Thread starter Gumuz
If Japan gets it in march 2010, that means the US will get it in August...LOLZ

Glad I'll have FM3 and my monthly DLC to keep me busy while the PS3 collects (more) dust.
I'd think it's more of shops' concern rather than Sony's, since for all I know they'll be the ones earning less on each copy sold below those $60. Sales numbers at the beginning might be potentially less, but GT's strength is in it's longevity and long term sales.

It's both to be sure and very much Sony's concern if buyers end up waiting to buy second hand rather than right away. A few contributing factors may be such as:

It's not xmas rush so no hurry to buy right now
Already have F3, got my fill of sim racing for a while, I can wait

I disagree. I don't feel there is really much folk looking for a game so narrowly targeted (and if Forza widens it - it has a competition from Shift, or even Burnout-like titles), besides - you don't shop so much for yourself during Christmas, rather for your kids/family (so I'd even say you are less likely to spend those $60, given the GTPlanet demographics).

Well the problem there is two fold; one you are right, the demographic is pretty slim, BUT that's a demographic you want and want to yourself. Remember GT fans will probably buy no matter what, you want to keep that solid, don't let those GT fans risk slipping into another kind of fan and also as much as many pride themselves on knowing both games and saying which is best, many really haven't played a lot of both. Give a GT fan a taste of Forza and while he may still like GT and want to buy it, he may suddenly start to see flaws he didn't before experiencing the competition.

Two, yes mostly you shop for others during xmas... and if you know your kids/relatives/friends whatnot like racing games and Froza is the big thing this xmas, you may well be buying that 360F3 bundle for them if they dont' have consoles already. A lot of people will be getting their only console this xmas, that's a market you don't want to miss out on, especially considering a household with only one console is likely to be so because for whatever reason money is not made available for more than one. That may be the definining moment between being a PS3 household and a 360 household.

This is a very important market, it's what I call the "Swingable" market. In customer service you often get those questionairs, was service 1 2 3 4 or 5? Well what they have found out is that if you rate it a 1 or a 2, you probably can't be won over, you hate the company and are just a hater, not worth trying to win those custmoers back. If you are a 4 or a 5, you are essentially a fan and it will be very hard to loose you, things would have to be drastically bad.

The golden one is the 3's... those are the ones who can be influenced the most easily. A little niceness can win them into a 4 or a 5, but screw up and they might slip into a 1 or a 2.

In console sales there is a similar world, you have your 360 fans and owners and your PS3 fans and owers (or GT/F3 if you like). Once in a camp, it's very hard to drag a user out... many of course stradle the line, but you don't waste your time marketing to the competition becuase they are entrenched. You fight for that middle ground, the ones who can be easily brought to your side. Straddlers are straddlers, you both share them, the oppositions customers are theirs, it's hard to win them over, but what you want to do is convert the middle ground to your fans, make them hard to win away from you.

That's what GT and Sony are missing out on here. MS did it already with the 360, RROD and all the early jump is still paying off for them. Even with all it's good reviews, KillZone2 being late to market certainly made it hard to dent a solid halo 3 demographic. It's just how busines works.
And if I was an "aimed for GT" kid, I'd want a PS3 + another game, and then I'd save and wait for GT. Also - the argument of Sony focusing on other important franchises (very, very important) such as GoW and Uncharted is 100% valid.

Sure, like I said if you are die hard GT fan, this isn't likely to change whether you wll buy or not. But any and every thing to potentially get in the way of making a sale needs to be avoided from a business standpoint. If you have a potential 5 million sales, and loose 2% from odd one off reasons, that's 100,000 missed sales.

Another fact - "forzamen" often already do have a console, so not much system-selling there.

And also GT fans probably already have a PS3. A lot of the market is locked already either into seperate camps or whichever console they are going to go with, but the remaining market, that's the market that's most important. You want to capture those sales more than anything, and delay like this means that you risk loosing a large percentage of that market.

Yup. But you got it wrong - GT5 released 2 months after FM3 might = no sale for "dual-wielding" gamer (these games take long to fully appreciate). GT5 released 5-6 months later = gamers already "quite done" with Forza (I mean those who enjoy both games, not extremely dedicated fans) and already looking for another, fresh experience. GT sells better.

How timing a release effects sales is far too complicated to generalize like that. You didn't factor in that after 5-6 months of racing, you might be done with it and ready to get your hands wet in something else for a while. Only the die hard minorty want to race, race and more race, many are in it for a while, but take brakes in between. Far more people will say "I already ahve a racing game, why do I need another" than will say "Awesome, I 100% Forza, I need more! GT here I come!".

Also 2-3 months might be enough to hold on, especially if it's before xmas anyway (ie october or dec release doesn't matter, it's not gonna be in my hot littl ehands utnil xmas anyway) but 5-6 months is likely to be enough to put off a potential buyer into saying "whatever, I am not waiting that long (and potentially longer) gimme something now.

While overall it's very complex, I don't think you can argue against first to market almost always being an advantage. Sometimes it's balanced out in the long run, but it's much more likely an advantage than not.

In this case, xmas was a defining factor, realistically anything between now and xmas is more or less released at the same time, but once you push out after xmas, you are looking at two DRASTICALLY different relaese scenarios.

To sum up - I'm not happy about the wait (I was convinced it will be out soon), but I understand the possible consequences. And probably not having a GT5 around will help me get through the semester more easily, those frigin' mechanics won't master themselves ; ).

There's a silver lining to almost anything, so that's not in question. But if you want to look at it from marketing and sales point of view (which Sony and PD absolutely should be doing) the silver lining of this info is far outweighed by the cloud.

The only plus I see from this is that perhaps PD influenced T10 to hit a shorter deadline than they would have liked. T10 likely believed the same thing we believed and may have rushed to be first to market. Had T10 known march 2010 or later, their game plan might have changed.

But considering xmas sales and being the newcomer against the encumbant, I think T10 had no realistic choice but to hit a pre xmas launch alongside the console price cuts.
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quick question. why didnt forza 2 out sell the gt5p, when the ps3 during that time period was like 399.00? you would tihnk millions of ppl would jumped ship back then.
quick question. why didnt forza 2 out sell the gt5p, when the ps3 during that time period was like 399.00? you would tihnk millions of ppl would jumped ship back then.

Like I said, it's hard to take pull someone from one camp to another. That's why you never want to risk sales to those who aren't already in a camp.

It's like when a football team stinks but it's fan's won't change to another team.

If the established team with lots of fans just stinks it up this year, but a new team which is solid comes along, the established team will still probably sell more tickets, more merchandise and all at a higher price tag.

Changing the momentum of a fanbase is a long and slow process. Remember the GT fanbase has been building since around 1997... that's a lot of momentum to dent.
Sales won't be affected, anticipation will just grow.

Christmas is busy enough, it will soon be upon us, and once we're ino the New Year the GT5 countdown will be on.

Frustration with GT5 has not been the release date as such, it's the lack of news.

With Forza 3 about to launch, PD can release more info about GT5, the videos released this week have clearly shown GT5 is a significant step ahead of the competition.
It's a shame, If they actually released GT5 at the beginning of Nov, and actually produced enough copies that it couldn't sell out right away, maybe they could set sales records, to bad, never happen in march, or april, or may, or june....

GTA4 & MGS say hi :D (as well as GT1, 2, 3 & 4 in Europe)
It's a shame, If they actually released GT5 at the beginning of Nov, and actually produced enough copies that it couldn't sell out right away, maybe they could set sales records, to bad, never happen in march, or april, or may, or june....

It's hard for me to believe in this day and age, cranking out enough copies is a problem... I guess anythings possible but it just seems so unlikely.
Look at it this way, in a freak twist of events, I might get my tax refund before GT5 comes out, then buy a 360, forza 3, and a wheel for that, then, GT5 could wait just long enough that I've spent my whole refund, and I won't have the cash to buy it for a while, neat ain't? Or are they thinking tax refund will cause people to have the money to buy, rather than Christmas time?
It's a shame, If they actually released GT5 at the beginning of Nov, and actually produced enough copies that it couldn't sell out right away, maybe they could set sales records, to bad, never happen in march, or april, or may, or june....

Or you can save your Microsuck donation money and just wait like the rest of us. Seriously, buying a 3shoddy just for Fartza? In 2 years you'll be buying the next hexbox, just like your uncle Bill did when the 3shoddy came out. He pulled the plug on the first xbox. He'll do it again. He's a maniacal tyrant!

Best selling game on the PS3 was released when? Spring/late winter of 08.

Look at all of the MAJOR problems with Shift. Are they adressing it? NO, they are tweeting away as if the game is perfect. Online blows, random rooms....WTF?, bouncing cars....WTF, flag girl standing in the back seat...WTF!!!
Or you can save your Microsuck donation money and just wait like the rest of us. Seriously, buying a 3shoddy just for Fartza? In 2 years you'll be buying the next hexbox, just like your uncle Bill did when the 3shoddy came out. He pulled the plug on the first xbox. He'll do it again. He's a maniacal tyrant!

Best selling game on the PS3 was released when? Spring/late winter of 08.

Look at all of the MAJOR problems with Shift. Are they adressing it? NO, they are tweeting away as if the game is perfect. Online blows, random rooms....WTF?, bouncing cars....WTF, flag girl standing in the back seat...WTF!!!

Fanboy Hunter

From: Michigan
PSN: DaveTheStalker/GTP_DTS
Online Now

Does this mean you hunt fan boys, you are a fanboy who hunts? Because from the looks of that post, I know which meaning seems most accurate right now...
Fanboy Hunter

From: Michigan
PSN: DaveTheStalker/GTP_DTS
Online Now

Does this mean you hunt fan boys, you are a fanboy who hunts? Because from the looks of that post, I know which meaning seems most accurate right now...

What's your point dude? YES, I despise what MicroSuck has done to gaming and software in general. They want to own the world and they are taking every step they legally can to do so. Don't you see it?

"If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything".

Didn't your mother ask you when you did something dumb, "if your friends jumped off a bridge you would too?"

I make no bones about it, I LOATH MICROSOFT. Now defend your substandard "next gen" xbox 1.5. It's full of "features" because it's weak on hardware.
It's both to be sure and very much Sony's concern if buyers end up waiting to buy second hand [This type of games isn't really a big "re-saler" (similar to COD4, for the online/collecting aspect). It's rather delaying the whole buy.] rather than right away. A few contributing factors may be such as:

It's not xmas rush so no hurry to buy right now - no problem, already pointed out why.
Already have F3, got my fill of sim racing for a while, I can wait - not a case there. You're mixing everything again..
I bolded myself here.

Give a GT fan a taste of Forza and while he may still like GT and want to buy it, he may suddenly start to see flaws he didn't before experiencing the competition.
Well, they had 4 years for that, don't see how that's an urgent issue now.

Two, yes mostly you shop for others during xmas... and if you know your kids/relatives/friends whatnot like racing games and Froza is the big thing this xmas, you may well be buying that 360F3 bundle for them if they dont' have consoles already.
Well, I wouldn't demonize it so much. If a kid is into racing - he probably knows something about it, so he's not as prone to advertising. Also he might already have the console (so no biggie again), and if not - it depends on a particular case, but I'd say it's also a rather rare issue.

A lot of people will be getting their only console this xmas, that's a market you don't want to miss out on, especially considering a household with only one console is likely to be so because for whatever reason money is not made available for more than one. That may be the definining moment between being a PS3 household and a 360 household.
Yup. That's why Sony is attacking with some heavy hitter for Christmas with a promise of more goodness incoming (GT5, MAG etc.). This way they sell a console and have a higher probability of selling more games (since game that's going to be "purchased later", because it was released in a torrent of releases is at risk of being overshadowed by newer titles).

This is a very important market, it's what I call the "Swingable" market. In customer service you often get those questionairs, was service 1 2 3 4 or 5? Well what they have found out is that if you rate it a 1 or a 2, you probably can't be won over, you hate the company and are just a hater, not worth trying to win those custmoers back. If you are a 4 or a 5, you are essentially a fan and it will be very hard to loose you, things would have to be drastically bad.

The golden one is the 3's... those are the ones who can be influenced the most easily. A little niceness can win them into a 4 or a 5, but screw up and they might slip into a 1 or a 2.
Technically true - look a bit higher for commentary on that. FM3 and GT5 themselves aren't usualy so much of a factor here.

In console sales there is a similar world, you have your 360 fans and owners and your PS3 fans and owers (or GT/F3 if you like). Once in a camp, it's very hard to drag a user out... many of course stradle the line, but you don't waste your time marketing to the competition becuase they are entrenched. You fight for that middle ground, the ones who can be easily brought to your side. Straddlers are straddlers, you both share them, the oppositions customers are theirs, it's hard to win them over, but what you want to do is convert the middle ground to your fans, make them hard to win away from you.
Well, GT has a huge reputation. Better to lose 3 months of sales than damage your rep heavily. Of course if the (assumed) shift is not spend on working on the game - that's a bit worse. But for all we know - the decision wasn't a purely marketing one (even the half-year old wind fits).

That's what GT and Sony are missing out on here. MS did it already with the 360, RROD and all the early jump is still paying off for them. Even with all it's good reviews, KillZone2 being late to market certainly made it hard to dent a solid halo 3 demographic. It's just how busines works.
It's not just Halo 3. It's a whole Halo franchise - the situation is the opposite of console racers here, that's right. As for MS's headstart - we will see in few years if it really paid out. Right now they're loosing money way bigger than Sony.

How timing a release effects sales is far too complicated to generalize like that. You didn't factor in that after 5-6 months of racing, you might be done with it and ready to get your hands wet in something else for a while. Only the die hard minorty want to race, race and more race, many are in it for a while, but take brakes in between. Far more people will say "I already ahve a racing game, why do I need another" than will say "Awesome, I 100% Forza, I need more! GT here I come!".
We were talking about the people willing to buy both games (I would gladly snatch FM3 if it wasn't for the fact that I don't want to spend a dime on buying an XO), so I'd bet on the later. Those are very specific games, attracting more collectors than casuals, so risk of "having such game already" is lesser.

Also 2-3 months might be enough to hold on, especially if it's before xmas anyway (ie october or dec release doesn't matter, it's not gonna be in my hot littl ehands utnil xmas anyway) but 5-6 months is likely to be enough to put off a potential buyer into saying "whatever, I am not waiting that long (and potentially longer) gimme something now.
Yes, but as I said - that's for the undecided folk. Many owners of both systems are either dedicated to one franchise (as you pointed out - almost impossible to win them over) or buying both games, even if just to check them out (they had the money for the systems, there will be some for those games).

While overall it's very complex, I don't think you can argue against first to market almost always being an advantage. Sometimes it's balanced out in the long run, but it's much more likely an advantage than not.
Yup. And GT has a 8 year head start, so it's not a good idea to rush and spoil everything :).

There's a silver lining to almost anything, so that's not in question. But if you want to look at it from marketing and sales point of view (which Sony and PD absolutely should be doing) the silver lining of this info is far outweighed by the cloud.
Marketing-wise: GT will sell. For sure. It's more a MS problem, since some casual XO owners might say "I already have FM2, why do I need another racing game [FM3]?" ; ).

The only plus I see from this is that perhaps PD influenced T10 to hit a shorter deadline than they would have liked. T10 likely believed the same thing we believed and may have rushed to be first to market. Had T10 known march 2010 or later, their game plan might have changed.
Agreed. T10 HAD to rush, they have yet to establish their reputation. But we will see how it's gonna be after first reviews, and even better - in March.
Agreed. T10 HAD to rush, they have yet to establish their reputation. But we will see how it's gonna be after first reviews, and even better - in March.
Garbage. Sorry, but you really think T10 rushed FM3 in anticipation of what PD would do? It's been over 2 years since Forza 2, so they have hardly had to rush anything. What they have done, which PD have no concept of, is understand project scope, deadlines, and marketing. They have clearly nailed what they wanted to achieve, and are putting out a game that looks like a well rounded, feature-rich racing game. No, it might not have the polish that GT5 has/will have, but nor have they spent 6 years locked away working on it, pretty much ignoring and disappointing their fanbase with each announcement. Any issues they do find can be fixed with updates, and the extra content that I'm sure they would have loved to put in up-front, but didn't so they could get the game into people's hands, can be made available via DLC. SONY and PD could learn a thing or two from Microsoft in this respect. GT5 could be the best thing ever, but it all counts for nothing if you cant play it.
You got me wrong - by "rush" I meant "make it before GT5". They probably were just going with their schedule, but I highly doubt that one of their important goals wasn't to publish the game before GT5 comes out. (All this rambling about being "definitive" [gosh, even pointing this is getting played out ; )] and clear fingerpointing at GT suggests that).
Well, they had 4 years for that, don't see how that's an urgent issue now.

Well it's a slippery slope, at exactly what day does it suddenly go from "meh" to urgent situation? 4 years 23 days? 4 years 200 days?

The point is with each a passing day, damage is done and it does get more urgent. Big sales points (black friday, xmas mainly) are even more important and I would say bump the urgency noteably when missed.

Well, I wouldn't demonize it so much. If a kid is into racing - he probably knows something about it, so he's not as prone to advertising. Also he might already have the console (so no biggie again), and if not - it depends on a particular case, but I'd say it's also a rather rare issue.

You are making a lot of assumptions there and I think giving too much credit. To us here, every detail is scrutinized 50 times, but to your average joe (especially kid who mom is buying that new "nintendo gamebox" for for xmas) it's a much simpler process: Wow! I see it, I want it! Put that under the xmas tree".

Yup. That's why Sony is attacking with some heavy hitter for Christmas with a promise of more goodness incoming (GT5, MAG etc.). This way they sell a console and have a higher probability of selling more games (since game that's going to be "purchased later", because it was released in a torrent of releases is at risk of being overshadowed by newer titles).

And in that case this is more directly at PD than sony. No matter how you look at it, not having it for sale is something you have to put a silver lining around. The argument also doesn't hold well for what is easily considered a console mover. This is the game you DO want out there around xmas to move PS3s so that people will buy OTHER games later.

Well, GT has a huge reputation. Better to lose 3 months of sales than damage your rep heavily. Of course if the (assumed) shift is not spend on working on the game - that's a bit worse. But for all we know - the decision wasn't a purely marketing one (even the half-year old wind fits).

Well it can be argued that the delay DID damage the rep of PD and Kaz (especially in terms of truthineses) and this is assuming that this time is being spent making the game better. If the game is just behind schedule, the result is that you get a delay to get a product that is only as good as it should have been.

It's not just Halo 3. It's a whole Halo franchise - the situation is the opposite of console racers here, that's right. As for MS's headstart - we will see in few years if it really paid out. Right now they're loosing money way bigger than Sony.

If you mean by virtue of RROD, then I can see that's arguable, but loosing more money than Sony? I am not really up to date on that kind of stuff but I thought that sounds off...

We were talking about the people willing to buy both games (I would gladly snatch FM3 if it wasn't for the fact that I don't want to spend a dime on buying an XO), so I'd bet on the later. Those are very specific games, attracting more collectors than casuals, so risk of "having such game already" is lesser.

I don't know why you get to make the distinction of who we are talking about... sales is sales, everyone's $ is a $. And I don't undersatnd the "having such a game already" chance being lesser... I don't see how relasing GT5 way after F3 will not result in more people already having a racing game by the time GT5 does hit...

Yes, but as I said - that's for the undecided folk. Many owners of both systems are either dedicated to one franchise (as you pointed out - almost impossible to win them over) or buying both games, even if just to check them out (they had the money for the systems, there will be some for those games).

Again I don't understand where you are going with this? First off the undecided folk is the market you want to go for... they are the market you can take. So that is the very essence of why it's important to not be late to market.

And the argument of having money for a console thus money for games is pretty flawed, the vast majority of people underestimate the long term cost of gaming consoles and I know plenty of people with consoles gathering dust because "there just isn't $60 to throw away on a game this month".

Remember us here, you and me, Gtplanet members, we are not indicative of the majority of people. I buy a new laptop every year becuase I do, computers are my hobbie and my work, but most people give me a funny look when I say "it's just $400-500 a year, no biggie".

Yup. And GT has a 8 year head start, so it's not a good idea to rush and spoil everything :).

It's two different things, the battle and the war. GT is riding on it's 8 year head start to stay ahead in the war, but loose a battle and the tides can turn quickly.

Remember every major franchise that died off was doing great... until it didn't.

Marketing-wise: GT will sell. For sure. It's more a MS problem, since some casual XO owners might say "I already have FM2, why do I need another racing game [FM3]?" ; ).

Yes GT will sell, and being the only full GT on PS3 doesn't hurt either as you have a cornered market, but remeber it's the battle for the open market that matters most and those who have FM2 and don't need another racing game, weren't potential GT customers either by that rational. BTW you argue above that the number of people who "already have a racing game so don't need another is slim". You can't well put weight behind that for this argument all of a sudden.

Agreed. T10 HAD to rush, they have yet to establish their reputation. But we will see how it's gonna be after first reviews, and even better - in March

To an extent T10 does have to push harder than PD. Remember PD is the encumbant, it's always harder to make headway into ground that is already taken. But doing it right can pay off. T10 and PD are playing two seperate games on the same field. PD is holding the hill, T10 is trying to take it. The strategies are vastly different, but what's important to remember is that either side (or even both) can slip up and ruin their chances.
Well it's a slippery slope, at exactly what day does it suddenly go from "meh" to urgent situation? 4 years 23 days? 4 years 200 days?

The point is with each a passing day, damage is done and it does get more urgent. Big sales points (black friday, xmas mainly) are even more important and I would say bump the urgency noteably when missed.
It's really hard to determine, but I stand by what I said - there were already few Christmas seasons without a full GT. Thankfully there still is a Prologue, so it's not like Sony is left completely naked. You're overdramatizing, although I agree that MS is in slightly better situation there.

You are making a lot of assumptions there and I think giving too much credit. To us here, every detail is scrutinized 50 times, but to your average joe (especially kid who mom is buying that new "nintendo gamebox" for for xmas) it's a much simpler process: Wow! I see it, I want it! Put that under the xmas tree".
I already said - for those ones there are another ways to attract. You're mixing the genre-dedicated ones with easily attracted.

And in that case this is more directly at PD than sony. No matter how you look at it, not having it for sale is something you have to put a silver lining around. The argument also doesn't hold well for what is easily considered a console mover. This is the game you DO want out there around xmas to move PS3s so that people will buy OTHER games later.
Well yes, that would seem so. But don't forget, that the pricecut alone is selling PS3s quite well. No GT during holiday season might mean a bit smaller sales now, but this might translate into better monthly sales later in the long run. We'll just have to wait and see how it'll all play out.

Well it can be argued that the delay DID damage the rep of PD and Kaz (especially in terms of truthineses) and this is assuming that this time is being spent making the game better. If the game is just behind schedule, the result is that you get a delay to get a product that is only as good as it should have been.
WHAT. FRIGGIN. DELAY. ARE. YOU. TALKING. ABOUT. It's a first time we were given anything even remotely resembling a release date...

If you mean by virtue of RROD, then I can see that's arguable, but loosing more money than Sony? I am not really up to date on that kind of stuff but I thought that sounds off...
Nope, I don't know the costs related to RROD and piracy, but I know that MS lost over $500 lately: [LINK]
And I remember people on verge of panicking given Sonys financial numbers earlier this year.

I don't know why you get to make the distinction of who we are talking about... sales is sales, everyone's $ is a $. And I don't undersatnd the "having such a game already" chance being lesser... I don't see how relasing GT5 way after F3 will not result in more people already having a racing game by the time GT5 does hit...
I would like to politely remind you, that it is you who happily replies whenever possible "Reading comprehension > you". The case I was discussing here is the people having both consoles AND interested in this particular niche, that GT and FM fill. Now have that in mind and read my answers again.

Again I don't understand where you are going with this? First off the undecided folk is the market you want to go for... they are the market you can take. So that is the very essence of why it's important to not be late to market.
Well I already touched few types of "undecided", so I don't feel like repeating myself. The real-real undecided are the ones without a console, so it's not really down to GT vs. FM. Those are important, but not the only arguments.

And the argument of having money for a console thus money for games is pretty flawed, the vast majority of people underestimate the long term cost of gaming consoles and I know plenty of people with consoles gathering dust because "there just isn't $60 to throw away on a game this month".
I buy games very rarely (seems I'm the one of those people), but games such as GT or FM aren't the buy/rent-play through-get rid of type. And again - if the owner has TWO consoles, there is a chance that his gaming budget is bigger. Or he is buying wisely, and if he has some interest in racing/driving games - neither GT nor FM aren't waste of money.
If you start talking about the more thrift PS3 owners - not a big problem. Worst case scenario - they buy GT next Christmas. Not really a big deal. Also rethinking their buy five times applies (and that's spoken from the experience, games here in "decommunised land" are really expensive).

It's two different things, the battle and the war. GT is riding on it's 8 year head start to stay ahead in the war, but loose a battle and the tides can turn quickly.
Well, it's true at the core. But remember - it's highly probable, that those six months aren't just idling, but are spent on polishing/further developing the game (I don't know if it wasn't you, who said that "so close to release there is no time for new features" - well, now it's not so close, so who knows what is possible, especially with those additional crew members PD just hired). PD might loose the holiday battle, but allies screwed up Market Garden too - that doesn't mean they'll do badly overall. We'll just have to wait and see, the real Waterloo will be when GT5 launches.

Remember every major franchise that died off was doing great... until it didn't.
I can't think of any franchise comparable to the GT abruptly ending and becoming a flop right now.

Yes GT will sell, and being the only full GT on PS3 doesn't hurt either as you have a cornered market, but remeber it's the battle for the open market that matters most and those who have FM2 and don't need another racing game, weren't potential GT customers either by that rational.
Well, there is the same factor that applies to GT - they might try the opposition and find it way better suiting. But you're right, it's more a T10's problem than PD's advantage.
BTW you argue above that the number of people who "already have a racing game so don't need another is slim". You can't well put weight behind that for this argument all of a sudden.
It's called irony.

To an extent T10 does have to push harder than PD. Remember PD is the encumbant, it's always harder to make headway into ground that is already taken. But doing it right can pay off. T10 and PD are playing two seperate games on the same field. PD is holding the hill, T10 is trying to take it. The strategies are vastly different, but what's important to remember is that either side (or even both) can slip up and ruin their chances.
Yup, but remember that the higher you are, the harder you fall. FM might have it flaws, but they're taken more lightly, often justified as "infancy problems", whereas GT flaws will get nitpicked, and bad (and I'll be one of the nitpickers after the release too). The shortcomings of GT not seen in FM will have twice (or even more) the impact, so if I was in place of PD I'd too take my time, to avoid the "NFS-like crisis" of rushing craptastic games.
A couple of hours ago, I started a forum thread, pointing out that GT5 delays are connected to Forza III. A moderator then threatened me and locked the thread.

I hinted on a theory that GT5 has never been "almost ready" and that they can't "release it anytime they want". The feeling that the release is just around the corner is probably only created to make people wait for GT5 "just a little more".

The word "Forza" keeps on repeating in this thread as well but no rational conclusions are being made.

Yet my theory is not a good one, right :)
^^ nilsleven - you also gave it a quite obnoxious title, so don't be so surprised.

You guys have a lot of free time ;)
I only look up the more interesting threads and I find some of you guys to be more "involved" in discussions seeing how tens of your posts doubled the TGS thread in few hours. I find it more rewarding to engage in more in-depth discussion once in a while :).
lets not beat around the bush here.

sales will be affected. sure GT will sell millions as usual. Heck i was not suprised prologue sold nearly as much as Metal gear solid 4. But launching in holidays is certainly better than launching at other parts of the year.
But Sony believes that the PSPs that GTPSP will sell will more than make up the difference. Good for Sonys bottom line bad for us.

It's really hard to determine, but I stand by what I said - there were already few Christmas seasons without a full GT. Thankfully there still is a Prologue, so it's not like Sony is left completely naked. You're overdramatizing, although I agree that MS is in slightly better situation there.

I don't think I am, but it's possible I am over dramatizing. I would say you are over emphasizing any positives and reaching though... I mean when you get down to "thanfully there is still a prolog so we aren't completely naked" as a positive, you gotta admit that's pretty bad...

I already said - for those ones there are another ways to attract. You're mixing the genre-dedicated ones with easily attracted.

And I am saying you are giving dedicated ones too much credit, I would say the vast number of race gaming fans out there don't do anywhere near as much research as we do here, probably just read reviews on ign and pop up a comment every now and then (generalized). And I think you are putting the credit in the wrong persons hands... a lot of shopping is done by the uneducated parents/family and what can be bought for xmas is what is physically available.

Well yes, that would seem so. But don't forget, that the pricecut alone is selling PS3s quite well. No GT during holiday season might mean a bit smaller sales now, but this might translate into better monthly sales later in the long run. We'll just have to wait and see how it'll all play out.

Again that's putting the best spin on something. Yes it's true that if you don't have a huge sale around xmas, those sales might help pad numbers later, but I don't think you can deny that packaging two big hitters together combines their sales potential over splitting them. Basically it's pretty rare that you would sell more later over the long run than hitting the sales season square on.

With things like price drops and new hardware, you want to push it fast while it's still the new hot thing. Despite being the same price, a hot "NOW ONLY 299" PS3 slim seems more enticing than 6 months from now when it's just the normal price for a PS3.

WHAT. FRIGGIN. DELAY. ARE. YOU. TALKING. ABOUT. It's a first time we were given anything even remotely resembling a release date...

I believe Q4 2009 was specifically mentioned, and if you look at the front page news, even Jordan listed reasons we should be surprised at this release date. Besides, I would say "very shortly after GTPSP" as more than remotely resembling a release date amongst other things.

Nope, I don't know the costs related to RROD and piracy, but I know that MS lost over $500 lately: [LINK]
And I remember people on verge of panicking given Sonys financial numbers earlier this year.

Those numbers are windows live and mobile services... not just the gaming console devision. If you want to start looking into more than gaming console numbers (which are already pretty broad and can have a lot read in from a lot of angles) from both consoles, it exceeds the scope of this discussion and I think becomes way to nebulous to be of value here.

I would like to politely remind you, that it is you who happily replies whenever possible "Reading comprehension > you". The case I was discussing here is the people having both consoles AND interested in this particular niche, that GT and FM fill. Now have that in mind and read my answers again.

While I do like to drop that line, I reserve it for when the obvious meaning is replaced by the reader by a ridiculous jump in logic or extreme analogy beyond reason. In this case I think the concept we are dealing with is so multifaceted that we are bouncing back and forth on different but similar ideas and what you say makes perfect sense as long as you have the same point of view as you...

Markets segmentation (like who owns both consoles and likes racing games, vs only one console but wants racing games, vs wants a console but doesn't like racing games etc) is just goign to get too confusing, that's a whole thesis paper or marketing study in and of itself.

I will just revert to my original position that overall, not being availble alongside your competition can only result in one of two things:

1 the exact same number of the competitions product sold despite your void

2 more of the competitions product sold because of your void

and neither improves your chances of making more sales in a general way. Ask any marketing major or business person and I think the vast majority of the time you will get the same answer - time = money in cases like this.

Sure you can look for the silver lining such as "people will be done with forza and ready to for more" but that really is the lining, the cloud is much bigger.

Well I already touched few types of "undecided", so I don't feel like repeating myself. The real-real undecided are the ones without a console, so it's not really down to GT vs. FM. Those are important, but not the only arguments.

Yes the real real undecided are the ones without consoles, and that's what console moving games are most important for. GT is certainly a console mover and Forza arguably also... in the absence of GT forza strengthens it's ability to move consoles simply by lack of immediate competition. There is no way that this isn't giving up market share. Some of this market share may be recoverable later down the road, but I don't see how in any meaningful way, it could be BETTER than releasing alongside the competition for Sony.

I buy games very rarely (seems I'm the one of those people), but games such as GT or FM aren't the buy/rent-play through-get rid of type. And again - if the owner has TWO consoles, there is a chance that his gaming budget is bigger. Or he is buying wisely, and if he has some interest in racing/driving games - neither GT nor FM aren't waste of money.

You are taking a lot of possibilties and then going with them as if they are the norm or the majority. Realistically they are probably neither. Yes chances are almost anything, but again in the big picture, in general, in a way that can be worth examining without becoming mired in millions of minute possibilites that can't be factored due to the sheer number of factors... at best you are picking out a few outlier situations that aren't a negative for a late release, but again, that's like justifying the cloud because of the silver lining.

If you start talking about the more thrift PS3 owners - not a big problem. Worst case scenario - they buy GT next Christmas. Not really a big deal. Also rethinking their buy five times applies (and that's spoken from the experience, games here in "decommunised land" are really expensive).

Well you have to consider $$ now is always better than $$ later if they are the same number of $$ and while a simplified view of "a sale anytime is the same sale" sounds good, it really isn't. That's why marketing is so important, why companies have whole departments and strategies for marketing.

Again, you are taking a bad situation and showing how it's not as bad as it could be viewed. I am not arguing that, it's not the end of the world or gonig to kill off the GT franchice... but it's still looking at a bad thing in the best possible light, which still comes down to looking at a a bad thing.

Well, it's true at the core. But remember - it's highly probable, that those six months aren't just idling, but are spent on polishing/further developing the game (I don't know if it wasn't you, who said that "so close to release there is no time for new features" - well, now it's not so close, so who knows what is possible, especially with those additional crew members PD just hired). PD might loose the holiday battle, but allies screwed up Market Garden too - that doesn't mean they'll do badly overall. We'll just have to wait and see, the real Waterloo will be when GT5 launches.

It may be the lesser of two evils to delay. If PD has somehow really dropped the ball so much that in 5 years (regardless of other projects, this is their flagship, their meat and potatoes) they have missed a huge Xmas sales season (PS3 slim surely sony let them in on early to make a target and everyone knows xmas is huge sales time both for games and the consoles they move) then it's not necessarily a good thing.

Will the game be better in 6 months than it will today? Almost certainly. But is that a good thing?

Well in a nother post I made an analogy about a chef dropping your steak mid cooking. He may then say "it's gonna be another hour for a replacement steak". Will that replacement be better than your current floor steak? Yes... but if it's not better than a steak should be, is it really a good thing you had to wait?

Like I said, it's very likely the lesser of two evils. If you want to look at it in the best possible light, lesser of two evils is certainly better than the worst of two evils! But in an honest light, it's still an evil.

That's where we differ... you are always looking at it as the lesser of two evils, showing that there is still something salvageable from this ordeal and it's not a catostrophic cluster ****. And I agree! This is not the worst possible thing that could happen, it's not a career ender for PD... and when the dust settles, there will be some shining moments as a result.

But in the big picture... when the dust settles the damage will far outweight the shining points.

I can't think of any franchise comparable to the GT abruptly ending and becoming a flop right now.

The biggest ones I can think of were Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat. It's arguable how comparable they are to GT being completely different genre of tames, but they bear a lot in common in terms of dynasty, mass appeal and riding their previous success. If you look at similarities you will see that it's important to remember that just because a series has dominated for a long time, no one is invincible.

Well, there is the same factor that applies to GT - they might try the opposition and find it way better suiting. But you're right, it's more a T10's problem than PD's advantage.

Yes the sword cuts both ways, but remember outside the undecided market, the GT market is what Forza is fighting for and GT has the most to loose (they have the biggest fanbase so the most people who could "defect").

But remember, if Forza is out when GT isn't, that means people who would have otherwise skipped forza and just gotten GT now are given an opportunity AND reason to try forza. The opposite is not true of GT, no one waiting for Forza will now be tempted to pass it up and wait for GT.

That's where your argument fails. The sword cuts both ways, but in this case, only one side can possibly get hit.

It's called irony.

No it's called saying what sounds good to make your point at the time.

Yup, but remember that the higher you are, the harder you fall. FM might have it flaws, but they're taken more lightly, often justified as "infancy problems", whereas GT flaws will get nitpicked, and bad (and I'll be one of the nitpickers after the release too). The shortcomings of GT not seen in FM will have twice (or even more) the impact, so if I was in place of PD I'd too take my time, to avoid the "NFS-like crisis" of rushing craptastic games.

Again lesser of two evils. It's not a question for PD of how to get out of this unscathed, it's how to take the least beating in the procsess. And the problem with that predicament is you always come out looking bad becuase when the customer didn't have to experience the WORSE of two evils, they don't realize they got the better, they just realize it was an evil.

Like I said, the strategies are different for both, but the REAL correct strategy for GT wasn't to choose the lesser of two evils now, it was to focus correctly on the obvious goal this whole time. Again, this isn't something they didn't see coming and know they were up against... they have had plenty of time to nail it and the fact they are only 3 months off target makes it even more heinous.

This must be some kind of record for quotes in a thread...
lol, dev never backs down. You just have to shake your head at him or agree with him.

nice debate, btw

My 2 cents = slim to no effect on sales over the lifetime of this game until GT6:P comes out. It might have sold faster or a bigger chunk at one time being released for christmas but overall, little to no effect.

Dev, still waiting for your vote at my poll

I know I'm on your bad side but its for a good cause.
I strangely still think it's coming in December because Sony is going to push the Heck out of PD to release it then and if I remember correctly didn't Kaz say the game is already finished but they are just doing some final tweaks.
Because of the March release, lack of new content and no really new features, GT5 will be completely overshadowed and out classed by Forza Motorsport 3!

The facts show that Forza Motorsport 3 will have so much more to offer, and better yet, It's coming this year!! Everybody can play at christmas time.

Gran turismo missed it's moment.

I know it's not a competition as in GT5 vs Forza 3, but if it was, Forza definitely kicked GT5 ass imo.

GT5 will still sell lot's of copies but it has lost it's title as the "best racing game for consoles". Let's just hope that this is not the beginning of the end of Gran Turismo.

I'm sure a lot of you don't agree and will love the new GT5(hardcore GT fan like me), but I already hear lots off people finding it not renewing and more of the same. If Polyphony doesn't deliver serious damage or any kind of new exciting stuff, it will fail in the eyes of many gamers.
I mean when you get down to "thanfully there is still a prolog so we aren't completely naked" as a positive, you gotta admit that's pretty bad...
Well yes, it's nothing to celebrate, that's for sure.

And I am saying you are giving dedicated ones too much credit, I would say the vast number of race gaming fans out there don't do anywhere near as much research as we do here, probably just read reviews on ign and pop up a comment every now and then (generalized). And I think you are putting the credit in the wrong persons hands... a lot of shopping is done by the uneducated parents/family and what can be bought for xmas is what is physically available.
That's a topic for another major debate, since we could split the sole definition of "racing fan" into a few subdivisions. As for uneducated purchases - that's right, but rather for very young audience, and the GT/FM appeal to rather more mature folk. I would go out on a limb and say that buyers below 12-14 are either random or very susceptible to marketing or opinions of others (often through parents). Also there is a "friend factor" in today's world, especially in the US market, which gives T10 the edge since they've already managed to establish a good on-line game-centered community. So ironically it does come down to the dedicated folk, but in a twisted way of recruiting easily convinced newcomers.

Bottom line is: I admit, GT is losing here. But it'll take much more than a December release to fix it (again: polished online at least as featured as in FM is a must upon a release, otherwise it's a undisputed failure).

[...]but I don't think you can deny that packaging two big hitters together combines their sales potential over splitting them. Basically it's pretty rare that you would sell more later over the long run than hitting the sales season square on.
Yes and no, it depends on situation. However I'd say that two big titles at once (maybe not available, but released) are a big no-no, yet probably two months break would suffice, especially with different genre games. Yes, that's some loss here too.

Despite being the same price, a hot "NOW ONLY 299" PS3 slim seems more enticing than 6 months from now when it's just the normal price for a PS3.
Look at the big picture, you got this backwards again - Sony's playing console sales catch up right now. I'm not sure it's intentional, but the lower price should help sell some big numbers during the holiday season, and GT in spring (as a system-seller name suggests) could help reinvigorate them later (and it works, as we've seen few times in Japan). Sony's gain, GT's loss.

I believe Q4 2009 was specifically mentioned, and if you look at the front page news, even Jordan listed reasons we should be surprised at this release date. Besides, I would say "very shortly after GTPSP" as more than remotely resembling a release date amongst other things.
Well, your beliefs are wrong then. I was fooled into taking 2009 launch date as granted too, but even the vague flier wasn't anything officially official. Besides - everyone believed that Earth is flat, until they were proved wrong by a one man ;).

Those numbers are windows live and mobile services... not just the gaming console devision. If you want to start looking into more than gaming console numbers (which are already pretty broad and can have a lot read in from a lot of angles) from both consoles, it exceeds the scope of this discussion and I think becomes way to nebulous to be of value here.
Another fact - we don't see the console-related numbers alone, so no point in discussing it deeper. But MS IS losing money too, and that's a fact. Lest just not go there, since it has little relevancy to the topic.

While I do like to drop that line, I reserve it for when the obvious meaning is replaced by the reader by a ridiculous jump in logic or extreme analogy beyond reason. In this case I think the concept we are dealing with is so multifaceted that we are bouncing back and forth on different but similar ideas and what you say makes perfect sense as long as you have the same point of view as you...
In short: you got lost for a brief moment, I understand that : ).

Markets segmentation (like who owns both consoles and likes racing games, vs only one console but wants racing games, vs wants a console but doesn't like racing games etc) is just goign to get too confusing, that's a whole thesis paper or marketing study in and of itself.
Yep, and that's why we just got the basics here.

I will just revert to my original position that overall, not being availble alongside your competition can only result in one of two things:
1 the exact same number of the competitions product sold despite your void
2 more of the competitions product sold because of your void

and neither improves your chances of making more sales in a general way. Ask any marketing major or business person and I think the vast majority of the time you will get the same answer - time = money in cases like this.
Generally speaking, that's right. And nothing will reverse this damage. I am tempted to pull the standard "it's even worse to sell inferior product earlier" line, but I just want to kill this branch of discussion.

Yes the real real undecided are the ones without consoles, and that's what console moving games are most important for. GT is certainly a console mover and Forza arguably also... in the absence of GT forza strengthens it's ability to move consoles simply by lack of immediate competition. There is no way that this isn't giving up market share. Some of this market share may be recoverable later down the road, but I don't see how in any meaningful way, it could be BETTER than releasing alongside the competition for Sony.
That's right, the best scenario is indeed to launch a polished product alongside your competitor. Yet it seems this time it wasn't possible.

You are taking a lot of possibilties and then going with them as if they are the norm or the majority. Realistically they are probably neither. Yes chances are almost anything, but again in the big picture, in general, in a way that can be worth examining without becoming mired in millions of minute possibilites that can't be factored due to the sheer number of factors...
No, in this particular case it was experience and observation.
at best you are picking out a few outlier situations that aren't a negative for a late release, but again, that's like justifying the cloud because of the silver lining.
Once again - it's true, I'm not gonna deny the cons of those situation. I'm just the "think about even deeper" type of guy. You are not going to solve the problem by just pointing it out, and that's why I'm looking for possible ways out of the hole. There is no guarantee of PD taking them (unfortunately for us, fans, but they are here.

Well you have to consider $$ now is always better than $$ later if they are the same number of $$ and while a simplified view of "a sale anytime is the same sale" sounds good, it really isn't. That's why marketing is so important, why companies have whole departments and strategies for marketing.
No doubt about it, cash is better sooner than later. Yet there is also a very important aspect, with is keeping the money flowing in. Which again comes down to quality of the product (if you sell an inferior product you won't be able to sell it again to disappointed people - in this case next iterations, DLC, etc.). The key is finding a golden mean, since you can't withhold forever.

It may be the lesser of two evils to delay. If PD has somehow really dropped the ball so much that in 5 years (regardless of other projects, this is their flagship, their meat and potatoes) they have missed a huge Xmas sales season (PS3 slim surely sony let them in on early to make a target and everyone knows xmas is huge sales time both for games and the consoles they move) then it's not necessarily a good thing.
There is your Achilles feet - you are making very far going assumptions. I'm too almost sure that PD has some serious info on Sony's strategies, but I wouldn't go so far and say that they had a goal to reach, being it a December release. From what I see, I'd rather say that they were told to try, but in the end decided that the juice isn't worth the squeeze. Which is still a heavy speculation.

Another fact is the delay counted not in months, but in years - PD showed us a few roadmaps clearly pointing to much earlier releases of GT5. No real dates, but clearly they had some difficulties and concept changes along the road.

Well in a nother post I made an analogy about a chef dropping your steak mid cooking. He may then say "it's gonna be another hour for a replacement steak". Will that replacement be better than your current floor steak? Yes... but if it's not better than a steak should be, is it really a good thing you had to wait?
It's surely not a desired thing, but in theses situation you often get some free grub, a discount or another sort compensation. It all comes down to the particular preferences and the way it was handed by the restaurant.

But in the big picture... when the dust settles the damage will far outweight the shining points.
We will see. I don't rule out this possibility (after all many leaps of faith I take while "defending" PD might prove fatal), but instead of just pointing out the bigger evil, I look at the lesser with a "you just try to screw me over" attitude. You can be sure you'll see me among finger-pointers if something goes bad, just I said earlier.

The biggest ones I can think of were Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat. It's arguable how comparable they are to GT being completely different genre of tames, but they bear a lot in common in terms of dynasty, mass appeal and riding their previous success. If you look at similarities you will see that it's important to remember that just because a series has dominated for a long time, no one is invincible.
Mortal Kombat was much more of a one-hit-wonder, and Street Fighter franchise isn't quite dead yet, it was more on a hiatus than in a hole.

But remember, if Forza is out when GT isn't, that means people who would have otherwise skipped forza and just gotten GT now are given an opportunity AND reason to try forza. The opposite is not true of GT, no one waiting for Forza will now be tempted to pass it up and wait for GT.
True. No point in arguing the fact, that you've got to want GT right now to wait for it.
Yet you've ovesimplified again - the sword cuts both ways, but it's way easier to cut with one of them that the other.

No it's called saying what sounds good to make your point at the time.
Nope, irony. Hence the quotation marks and a emoticon in the end.

Again lesser of two evils. It's not a question for PD of how to get out of this unscathed, it's how to take the least beating in the procsess. And the problem with that predicament is you always come out looking bad becuase when the customer didn't have to experience the WORSE of two evils, they don't realize they got the better, they just realize it was an evil.
That's in case of the product being on par with competition. That's why PD must have something better to make GT5 worth the wait.

Like I said, the strategies are different for both, but the REAL correct strategy for GT wasn't to choose the lesser of two evils now, it was to focus correctly on the obvious goal this whole time. Again, this isn't something they didn't see coming and know they were up against... they have had plenty of time to nail it and the fact they are only 3 months off target makes it even more heinous.
One more false assumption - it was never said (even remotely by any official, there were a few "supposedly good" leaks. In fact PD was never big on pre-holiday releases. Gran Turismos always launched either in the spring period, or way too close to (and often even later than) the actual Christmas to be considered holiday buys. So it's another argument confirming, that it's not a slip-up.

This must be some kind of record for quotes in a thread...
And still no flaming.

Because of the March release, lack of new content and no really new features, GT5 will be completely overshadowed and out classed by Forza Motorsport 3!

The facts show that Forza Motorsport 3 will have so much more to offer, and better yet, It's coming this year!! Everybody can play at christmas time.
Please, don't throw such BS unsourced claims in this thread (GT overshadowed, inferior etc. You haven't even seen a full feature list yet...).