March DLC Clue Thread

  • Thread starter willbsn13
I'm glad T10/Playground have picked up the car encyclopedia approach Polyphony has dropped.

Yes, the writing on the wall was getting clear to me before FM6 released, which forced me to cash out for an Xbox One I otherwise wouldn't need. After all, Playstation is where I prefer to play third-party titles, and even if Polyphony had stayed true to their classic formula, they've been stuck on PS3 for longer than my patience allows. I sometimes wonder if Mr. Yamauchi is aware of anything happening outside his once so game changing studio.
I'm glad T10/Playground have picked up the car encyclopedia approach Polyphony has dropped.

Me too, but... There is that je ne sais quois that the Gran Turismo games had (and arguably, still have) and T10/PG products are missing. Maybe it's in the presentation and the small details - you can't really beat the Japanese in this, I guess? Hopefully GT Sport will be a return to the form of the Prologue games, and GT7 a return to the halcyon days of the series being a car nut's favorite by default.

That Series 3...oh my lawdy. :drool:

I know, right? The Bronco and FJ will have a hard time getting my attention - not to mention the poor old Defender which at this point is sitting, almost forgotten, in a corner of my virtual garage...
Me too, but... There is that je ne sais quois that the Gran Turismo games had (and arguably, still have) and T10/PG products are missing. Maybe it's in the presentation and the small details - you can't really beat the Japanese in this, I guess? Hopefully GT Sport will be a return to the form of the Prologue games, and GT7 a return to the halcyon days of the series being a car nut's favorite by default.
Couldn't agree more,yes I enjoy FM games,yes they look good,but they have no heart in my opinion,maybe it's cause I was a GTer first,I don't know,maybe it's just me? also it might be cause career mode has sucked since after FM4 aswell.
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Me too, but... There is that je ne sais quois that the Gran Turismo games had (and arguably, still have) and T10/PG products are missing. Maybe it's in the presentation and the small details - you can't really beat the Japanese in this, I guess? Hopefully GT Sport will be a return to the form of the Prologue games, and GT7 a return to the halcyon days of the series being a car nut's favorite by default.

I think the intangibles are our rose-tinted glasses. :P

But seriously, I think a lot of the "character" some of us assign to Gran Turismo is largely due to it being our first racing franchise (at least compared to Forza). I think "character" is also used as a friendly-sounding synonym for "flaw" in a lot of instances, too: GT's menus are a riot of bad UI design, but Forza's are relentlessly logical, so they feel boring. The car selection screen is a great example of this: Polyphony builds the thing up as a shrine to the car, loading times be damned. Forza has a quicker-access approach that's essentially a glorified spreadsheet.

When I separate myself from the nostalgia of GT though, I find GT Sport's various trailers and menus supremely clinical. I think this obsession with being a company beyond making video games has hurt the main product: Polyphony is off chasing "relationships" with companies as elite as Bugatti, and it shows in the self-serious presentation of everything.

I think Forza more accurately represents general car culture these days (unfortunately, that sometimes includes the whiners complaining about the missing hypercar that was introduced most recently). Gran Turismo represents Gran Turismo culture.
The car selection screen is a great example of this: Polyphony builds the thing up as a shrine to the car, loading times be damned. Forza has a quicker-access approach that's essentially a glorified spreadsheet.

GT5 was especially time consuming on that front. Having to go through 4 (5?) different screens and two loading zones just to receive your prize car, with the entertaining music and build up (lights going on and creeping forward etc) kinda lost its charm the 5th time around... Especially when you win something boring like a VW Lupo. :lol:

Forza tried something a bit more personal with the lady telling you "this is your whatever year whatever car" but it's just something I find annoying when she goes on and on and on with every single word in the car's name and you're just waiting for her to finish... Yes, I know this is my 2014 #2 Audi Sport Team Joest R18 e-tron quattro, no need to word it out for the better part of 30 seconds, just let me drive the thing already.
This game is proving to be a system seller, I'm seriously considering buying an XOne for FH3 alone. However, I made that mistake with the X360 for Forza 4 and wasn't all I expected it to be. However, Horizon is a different kettle of fish and looks like a seriously fun open world racer that's miles ahead of anything on current-gen consoles at the moment. MS have a winner on their hands and the car variety (especially Aussie muscle) is seriously tempting! 👍
Couldn't agree more,yes I enjoy FM games,yes they look good,but they have no heart in my opinion,maybe it's cause I was a GTer first,I don't know,maybe it's just me? also it might be cause career mode has sucked since after FM4 aswell.
I try to like FM6 as much as an old GT given that FM is the new GT. However, I can't, not the same magic IMO. It's a polished game with so much content and generous but the art direction of Turn10 is clearly not my thing.
I prefer the identity of FH3, more distinct than FM6.
But seriously, I think a lot of the "character" some of us assign to Gran Turismo is largely due to it being our first racing franchise (at least compared to Forza).

When I separate myself from the nostalgia of GT though, I find GT Sport's various trailers and menus supremely clinical. I think this obsession with being a company beyond making video games has hurt the main product: Polyphony is off chasing "relationships" with companies as elite as Bugatti, and it shows in the self-serious presentation of everything.

I think Forza more accurately represents general car culture these days (unfortunately, that sometimes includes the whiners complaining about the missing hypercar that was introduced most recently). Gran Turismo represents Gran Turismo culture.

This is fair cop, however, one thing that has struck me about GT is that it has it's own "open world" approach in that you can choose from dozens of cars to tackle any given race and go about winning events in a way that few modern games offer. So many racing games railroad you into a "class" with a handful of choices, whereas GT says "this is what you're up against, find something to match it." For me that's the true romanticism behind the game.

Also, there are two very different cultures behind each game. GT will always be fairly serious, I think it's part of PD's culture (if not Japan as a whole) and from time to time, you do get to see some wacky WTF inclusions that really have no place in a racing game (Model T anyone?). Forza though have always been a lot looser and a lot closer to the everyday man's ideal of balls-out fun. Forza wouldn't be Forza if it suddenly donned a corporate image, and neither would GT be the game it is without PD at the helm.

Having said that, I think we live in fortunate times to have such incredible games available, I think every single racing game is worthy of love and respect and they all offer varied views on car and racing culture. Forza Horizon 3 is a game I seriously want to get! :)
Back when I played GT (GT4 was the last I played when I was a fair youngster), I almost never raced in it, I just loved to go through all the dealerships and what not and looked at all the cars. It was almost like a car museum in the form of a video game for me.
Oh that name... God darn it, India. :lol:

But yes, undoubtedly, the Racemo is Forza's first Indian car, and indirectly, the first Tata.
This obviously means FM7 will feature the Nano and create a new Forza legend in the process... The meme kind. #wishfulthinking(notreally) :lol:
Seems like we'll see the Racemo+ version of Tata's new Tamo racecar in FH3 soon according to Badned! ;)

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Back when I played GT (GT4 was the last I played when I was a fair youngster), I almost never raced in it, I just loved to go through all the dealerships and what not and looked at all the cars. It was almost like a car museum in the form of a video game for me.
That's all about I can hack in GT6,it's that bad for me.
The thing I liked most in GT was having the paint names. They're not always spot on in terms of hue, but having that small touch is appreciated.

Easily one of the most-missed features for me in Forza, in terms of customization. It really does bump things up a notch.
Did anyone else notice that the release for this on the website noted that this was the last DLC as part of the season pass?
Damn, how time flies. its like only yesterday the first DLC came out and joy of joy, the Crown Vic finally coming to the Forza series.

The 6 packs so far are quite decent efforts, with one or two non-hits for me. (why do we need more Silvias?)

Can't wait for the next expansion pass and the next DLC pass rotation!
Just tried tuning the Camaro ZL1 and it turns out the displacement upgrades actually REDUCE engine displacement.

Stock: 6181cc
Street: 4928cc
Sport: 3388cc
Race: 0cc



