- 1,684
- Houston, TX
- The_TetsuKobura
Ignoring you? Now that's funny.No one is blaming the NRA. They are being shamed for their agenda and actively working against and dismantling proposed and existing gun control laws.
Like i stated multiple times. Law enforcement is only part of the problem. The wide availability of guns is also a part of the problem. I am acknowledging you, but you are ignoring me. I repeat 88 guns per 100 people is not normal.
Except what you said about the NRA isn't entirely true, since they advocated for the banning of items like the bump-fire stock, used in the Vegas Shooting, while groups like Gun Owners of America were against such measures. Not to mention I just posted about the national database, which GOA also doesn't advocate for as far as I'm aware, yet because it's the NRA, and the media puts all of their coverage on people like David Hogg, instead of others like Kyle Kashuv and Cameron Kasky (even though Kasky had far more coverage), they are put out to be the absolute devil.
Having a collection of guns doesn't mean anything at all. I have a couple of rifles, handguns, and a pump-action shotgun, all locked away in a vault, and I don't even have access to the vault, because my dad is the only one with a key to open it. These guns during my entire lifetime will not kill 10s of hundreds of people, yet illegally obtained firearms will commit a majority of crimes around the US on a yearly basis, yet you want to go after those with a mass amount of weapons.
One final point to note is that the people turning in all of their firearms or destroying their firearms in an attempt to stop mass shootings do zero to prevent them, because, like I've said before, criminals don't care about gun laws, or the laws put in place to prevent these shootings, are not being enforced.