- 45,741
- Texas
I can understand how the gun vs. vehicle argument may be stretched at times (I think it depends on how one really words it), but the blunt object one remains as strong as ever in my eyes because typically, the call for a ban on guns is 95% targeted towards "military/assault" weapons (long rifles) because "mass shootings happen every day". That reasoning shows flaws for 2 reasons; rifles contribute to less deaths than blunt objects and human fists/legs individually each year, and most mass shootings (by the definition of 4 or more people) are not carried out by such weapons.So again, why is homicide by car, bat, knife, fist, ice pick, shovel, leg, water, rental truck, poison and falling, a few at a time an acceptable risk but not by gun?
According to Mass Shooting Tracker, 2,299 people have been affected by mass shootings. I'm going to assume any event that involved 10 or more people was long rifle-related as the argument typically flows that long rifles can injure multiple people quickly and the reported cases that reached as high as 8 or 9 sometimes involved multiple suspects involved. A couple of the cases I included also did not actually specify a weapon, but I'm going to assume a rifle anyway due to body count. There is 1 shooting that involved 11, but the gun was specifically listed as a handgun.
In any case, out of the 2,299 people listed, 631 are the result of 8 events with 10 or more affected. Going off a 2014 FBI homicide chart, that's 196 more involved than 435 deaths by blunt objects, 29 less than 660 deaths by personal weapons (hands, feet, fists, etc.).
Now, this isn't a summary intended to downplay the violence or argue that we need long rifles, and the numbers can skew a bit one way or another; it's not definitive. More so to combat those who want a specific weapon banned because "no one needs military weapons" that contributes to less deaths than any other gun-type. If the argument is to ban guns to save lives, the argument needs to start with handguns and I'll wager most of the anti-gun groups don't generally call out handguns because it'd be impossible. The argument for self-defense alone strengthens immensely for pro-gun folks for that specific weapon. This isn't a shot at you either @RC45, just highlighting your post pointing out blunt objects.