Massive Changes Coming to Gran Turismo 7 in Response to Fan Feedback

  • Thread starter R3V
Well this is good. I was on the verge of selling my PS5 today but I guess now I have to rethink that. The AI need massive work though. I don’t care about new races when I don’t have fun in them. Most of the time you start over 20 seconds back and have to chase the leader, which sometimes just isn’t very possible in the WTC races. Or you pass everyone like they’re standing still. And the AI have no spatial awareness and will often punt you off. Often the races in this game are more of a frustrating experience than a fun one. Many games have way better AI at this point. Anyway, while this update is good, it’s not great. We were all lied to at the beginning, with PD hiding the economy from reviewers to get glowing reviews and then use us who spent 70 bucks as guinea pigs. That will also leave a bad taste in my mouth.
So, the rewards of some events were nerfed by more than 60% and now maybe they go up 100% from the nerf, I don't know but according to my calculations those events will continue to give less rewards than those that were given on day one.

But well, this is better than nothing.

Great news that we will be able to sell cars in the future.
Welcome news, and good to see so many aspects of the game's shortcomings are being addressed quickly.

I hope that people who have review-bombed GT7 consider adjusting their reviews (though somehow I doubt it) in light of the forthcoming improvements to the game.
I mean, critics don't generally adjust their reviews for games. Expecting users to has about as much justification. That was the state the game was in when they reviewed it. GT7 is probably stuck with a garbage User Score forever now, but if Polyphony didn't want that then perhaps they should have released the game in a better state.
It's the same game they reviewed, the MTX hate had nothing to do with the actual game and gameplay.
Uh huh, because the microtransactions have no effect at all on the game or gameplay. That's why they're there, right? So that they can have no effect?
Even live service games get replaced.
iRacing. DotA2 and LoL. CSGO. There's lots of games that are essentially immortal at this point. They keep getting updated and they're nothing like the same game they started as, but on paper at least they're the same game. It's just that it's really rare, and live service games really shouldn't plan around them being one of the lucky few to go infinite.
Hardly defenders of the decision but defenders of the work-in-progress that a game like this suppouses to be.

It may look like the same, but there is a whole universe of difference.
No $70 game is supposed to be a work in progress.
I'm glad Sony and Poly are listening. Obviously the attention their latest changes garnered played a very big part in the latest changes. So kudos to all who spoke out. All I ask for is openness and transparency. They are improving, and that is also good to see. But we also need to be patient. This game has great potential. They are fixing the glitches and bugs.
This is massive, the fans have moved the unmovable. Lets show them some support by undoing the rating mess when the patch hits. They did give us exactly what we wanted so I think that's fair.
Did they now? Are micro transactions gone? Can we sell cars? Are the ‘chase the rabbit’ races gone? Is the AI improved?

No, just because they were forced to do something does not suddenly make them gods.
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I’m genuinely excited! Great news!

I think people who’ve been defending PDs terrible decisions since the game release should realise that all of this ‘whining’ and ‘moaning’ was because people like me really love to play a good Gran Turismo game.

It’s nice to see specifics named, hopefully they continue to take note of the what the consumer base wants….
The tone makes the music (a German saying). It isn’t necessary to immediately damn Kaz, PD and all Sony and say they are just a bunch of greedy devs who have the worst intentions. You can also just say that you are not pleased with what you are seeing and tell them that you won’t play this game till changes are made because it isn’t fun for you right now, because why would you play something that isn’t fun and just grinding?
That’s at least what I did, you don’t have to rage, they will see how the player count drops.
And if there won’t be improvements in the future, I would clearly state that you want a refund and will never play a game from this developer anymore.
Acknowledging the faults of PD and being also someone who is really disappointed with the current state of the game right now, the false advertisement and so on, I also find it really sad how people (who claim to be fans) are willing to immediately turn a 180 on PD and say they are the worst and greediest ever, that Kaz just uses this game as a money printing machine like some said.
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Did they now? Are micro transactions gone? Can we sell cars? Are the ‘chase the rabbit’ races gone? Is the AI improved?

No, just because the were forced to do something does not suddenly make them gods.
Well said, still many issues need to be addressed. I cannot stand 'chase the rabbit' races, that's not racing to me. They should add qualifying first then an actual race.
Updated blog?
Beyond this there will be a few additional patches deployed between now and the end of April which will add new cars and tracks and make some other fixes.

Beyond this there will be a few additional patches deployed between now and the end of April which will add new cars and course layouts and make some other fixes.

Is there any difference between tracks and course layouts?
Wow ok that’s a big difference if it’s just new layouts of current tracks and not new tracks. That would be a bit disappointing to be honest. Saying new tracks then changing it kinda sucks. It may have been a typo or mistranslation originally and it was corrected after but in such an important message that’s a pretty big mistake to make.

Here’s hoping there are more tracks coming. I mentioned in another thread but I was hoping we’d see more of the original tracks and some real world tracks GT has had in the past.
You read good feedback like this, and realise that some poor PD employee has been crying into their ramen reading these forums... happy times lol
twerk dancing GIF
Hmmm cool, gives me a bit more time to indulge! Selling cars...though...I hope people arent too excited for this those selling prices are gonna be like a trade in at Gamestop. Hahah im sure we'll see a dime a dozen a day topics talking about the rip off that option is going to bring to the game as well.
Yes, MC shows how good economy is. One million is nothing in this game. Currently we have two cars for 36 million for both. Will you buy it for this awesome one million? I don't think so.
did you expect the PD gave you free 40 Million compensation credit? awesome for one million yes i will buy awesome cars for 1 million like SF19. its depend you how to use that 1Million cr.
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Just for my understanding, why are everyone talking about Offline functionality ? I simply do not get it :)
My personal view is that I refuse to invest my money or time into games that will become literal paperweights in the future singleplayer wise once the servers are eventually killed. I always look to the future these days (I'm a bit of an archivist at heart + the PS3/PS4 cmos battery issues opened my eyes to the future of my Sony platformed games), so a game losing it's entirety of it's singleplayer career the moment the servers die is a huge red flag for me.

This planned overhaul of 7 does fix SOME of my complaints (unsellable prize cars, credit cap, current lack of events) but if that DRM is going to remain until the game is end of life I just cannot bring myself to purchase it.
Bit too late lol
yeah, it's 21 days since release for a game that has an expected lifespan of several years, obviously dead!

One million doesn't feel good in this economy. It's like AE edition, I felt scammed after I saw what I got. I think it's not frozen yet.

From what i have gathered the last few days 1.000.000 is many hours of doing nothing funny :)
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A pretty damn good step in the right direction. Whether this is a working solution that leads into a long-term resolution, or is simply a kneejerk reaction to the well-deserved criticism remains to be seen.

Still, I am intrigued. Roll on that update.
I find it positive. If they up the rewards by 100% all the problems related to monetisation will be solved.

Doesn't fix the force feedback and physics issues though.
The physics made the biggest leap in the series to date from one entry to the next. Expecting them to suddenly be assetto corsa rivaling isn't a realistic expectation. They're A LOT better than gt sport and I think you should he happy about that. If you want only the best I'm not sure how you've been able to stand the series for so long

There's a bigger improvement from gt sport to gt7 than there was from the last 10 years of forza or f1 game frankly

However, the force feedback legit needs to get better. It's not terrible but it's worse than gt sport and that's unacceptable.
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All this is very good, the only thing missing is that it can also be played without the need for a permanent connection and I will give the game a chance
I still think they need to strongly increase Sport Mode payouts, it's the best way to make people play that mode.
Regarding Sport Mode completion rewards, I believe that they should be among the greatest in the game. I ceased participating during GTS as I satisfied my desire to compete in the human environment, but for those still racing, it is the toughest activity while requiring extensive preparation.
I would hope that increased reward would encourage participation.

Likewise the rewards for offline races also should should reflect their relative difficulty, race time considered so that a credit per minute ratio might be computed for quantitative comparison. Five laps at Daytona in an overpowered Ford F150 should pay considerably less than 4 laps in a Gr.4 Ford Mustang at, for instance, Dragon Trail.
Wait....I just realized I'll be able to sell my Tesla and get that ugly thing out of my garage!
Don’t bank on it. They might only allow selling of dupes, and you’ll have to keep one of each. Or like in Sport, you might only be able to sell cars you’ve bought, and prize cars have to be discarded for no money.

What they’re doing (whatever it is it involves selling cars) is a step in the right direction at least, but until it’s confirmed I can have total control of my garage I won’t really be satisfied. I just hate the C63 for one thing, ugly, ugly, ugly, want it gone...
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If the endurance races are in the mission sections, that must mean it's a one reward only and no payouts for future attempts?
It would be nice if they could provide a reward for repeating the missions, but at the same time, I think many people aren't aware that the conditions can be hugely different on different occasions you do them, so the leaderboards are a bit meaningless anyway.