Max Drive, Game Save and making video files thread.

  • Thread starter Kent
The problem is that i don't want to spend €40 on a maxdrive, since i would only use it for this competition. And when GT come out for PS3, the maxdrive would have little use left.

(oh, and you mean dutch, not french ;) )

but buying the draxter one would be useless now i think about it, since the draxter is probably not compatible with the maxdrive.
here is an action replay max for sale.
Can you also copy gamesaves and replays to your usb stick with this?
I have an usb stick, so no need for the one with the max drive.

The betting ends in 1,5 hours, so please replay fast.

Edit: i have to learn to search first :) The answer is said a couple of posts earlier

Edit 2: I've just read on a site that sells this software that it's not compatible with the slim ps2
I've been looking for a max drive that is compatible with my Mac, and none of them specify. What do you guys with Macs do?
Bleached can't you format the stick to a mac format? Not fat32 but something else. should still be ok with Armax disk saves but im not sure
I've been looking for a max drive that is compatible with my Mac, and none of them specify. What do you guys with Macs do?

Bleached can't you format the stick to a mac format? Not fat32 but something else. should still be ok with Armax disk saves but im not sure

I have an ibook g4 here and it can read the stick with no problems. This means you'll have no problem transfering max files from your mac to your ps2 memory card etc. The only problem you'll have is using the software that isn't really required if all you want to do is use the stick to transfer max files to and from your mac/ps2
Hi all.

just got my maxdrive! and downloaded gamesaves, But is there any way around so i can load another gamedata file at startup or do i have to transfer the old mine ones and just keep one single gamedata to load? and what is the best way for me to convert my max files on my comp to some read format to edit my video replays?

sorry if the answer already excits in this thread..
I think the answer to your question Sebastain is, one game data per memory card at any one time. You say you have more than one memory card so put the new one on your 8mg card and tranfer your old one two the 64mg card. The vids well you will have to use a video camera of some sort to record it of your tv.
Hope this helps, Mike :)

Edit is the file pal and did you uncrush it?
I think the answer to your question Sebastain is, one game data per memory card at any one time. You say you have more than one memory card so put the new one on your 8mg card and tranfer your old one two the 64mg card. The vids well you will have to use a video camera of some sort to record it of your tv.
Hope this helps, Mike :)

Edit is the file pal and did you uncrush it?

i finaly got it to work, and thanx,:)

the thing was ur last edit notes.. no i did not uncrush it:)

aah ok! damn i realy thought there was a way to view those replays on my comp when id copyed them over to pc. But ok will take my cam out hehe.

thanx mike:)
I've been looking for a max drive that is compatible with my Mac, and none of them specify. What do you guys with Macs do?

I just recently acquired a 128mb Max Drive ($24.99 at Best Buy after Christmas), and I use a Mac G5 running OS 10.4.8. As was stated by someone else, the drive itself is just plug-n-play with the Mac. With no special software of any kind you can read everything from the USB drive and copy anything to the USB drive (even folders) on the Mac. You can also delete files from the MaxDrive, just like any other drive on your system.

The only tricky part is that when you plug the USB stick into your Mac, all of the just-added PS2 files will have ludicrous names that tell you almost nothing about the file's contents (97328_2178_GRAN_TURIS.max, for example). So if you have more than one save from one game (such as multiple replays) on the MaxDrive at the same time, you will have a REALLY hard time telling which is which. Luckily for me, I have a Windows PC at home as well- with the Max Drive software loaded on it I can read what the original PS2 filenames are (GT4 Full Replay[1], for example).

The good news is that from the Mac you can simply rename any of the .max files as you see fit (for example: GT4_AllGolds_Day101.max). Doing so will make your many gamesaves and replays MUCH easier to sort through and organize. When you copy one of these re-named files back to the USB stick (and then to the PS2), it still functions EXACTLY the same as the original poorly named file, and can be read by the Max Drive software, and also by the PS2 system (once the file is "uncrushed"). So why Datel didn't provide better file naming (or at least allow the user to name their files at copy/save time) is beyond me. Seems completely unnecessary.

As long as you are willing to work around the initially difficult filenames (such as only transferring one file at a time so you know exactly what file it is until it can be renamed), the Max Drive works JUST FINE with a Mac.

One last thing- be sure to EJECT the USB stick from your system before you pull it out of the Mac. You should do this with all your USB and Firewire peripherals anyway. As with any data device, not doing so could cause your Max Drive files (or the drive itself) to become corrupted.

I hope this all puts your mind somewhat at ease! Other than the filenames, using a Max Drive with a Mac is no problem. (so far, anyway)
I may be getting ahead of myself, but on the assumption that someday soon I'll get gold and have to provide a replay I started looking around for a Maxdrive.

When I searched, though, I got only one hit - on Amazon - and it is listed as unavailable. I have, however, found Action Replay Max and Action Replay Max Evo Edition available everywhere. Are either of these two appropriate for transferring replays to my PC? I ask because all of the writeups / comments on these two prooducts mention only the cheat code capabilities (of which I am not interested) and don't really say anything about file transfer.

Thanks in advance for any insight
I may be getting ahead of myself, but on the assumption that someday soon I'll get gold and have to provide a replay I started looking around for a Maxdrive.

When I searched, though, I got only one hit - on Amazon - and it is listed as unavailable. I have, however, found Action Replay Max and Action Replay Max Evo Edition available everywhere. Are either of these two appropriate for transferring replays to my PC? I ask because all of the writeups / comments on these two prooducts mention only the cheat code capabilities (of which I am not interested) and don't really say anything about file transfer.

Thanks in advance for any insight

All three should be fine. 👍

I personally would just go for the MAX Drive 16MB that's linked below.

MAX Drive 16MB

Action Replay MAX

Action Replay EVO Edition
Thanks for the response. 👍

I guess I should have clarified that I coud not find the Maxdrive in the US. I had seen the site you posted but as soon as I saw the prices in pounds I looked elsewhere.
Thanks for the response. 👍

I guess I should have clarified that I coud not find the Maxdrive in the US. I had seen the site you posted but as soon as I saw the prices in pounds I looked elsewhere.

You asked "Are either of these two appropriate for transferring replays to my PC?".

If you can't find any supplier in the US (I've had a quick look and couldn't find one either) then the links I posted here is one option for you.

Here is the same web page that displays USD instead of GBP.$&r=0&l=1&ProdID=282

Be sure to check shipping costs before buying.
Both of the AR Max are available at my local electronics store so I'll take a drive and pick one up there. (After all this effort I sure hope I need to use it :lol:)
Both of the AR Max are available at my local electronics store so I'll take a drive and pick one up there. (After all this effort I sure hope I need to use it :lol:)

I'm sure you will use it. 👍

Good luck.
Having read the first 16 pages of posts, and not having an AR Max, I was wondering if there was anything that could convert from .max to .ps2 (raw) format, aside from the AR Max? :dunce: I have 2 512MB USB drives, so that won't be a problem.
Hey I Have a Max Drive but I just recently got a PS3 due to my PS2 breaking months back. I dont have the CD that came with the Max Drive, so I dont believe it will work. I know you can pull game saves off the PS3 but they come out in a .psv format not .max which is needed for the WRS. Does anybody know of a converter for the .psv file or if there is a way to get the Max Drive working on the PS3?? I want to race but I also want to be able to share my replays if needed. Any help appreciated!! :dunce:
Is a Max drive the only way I can swap my ps2 game saves to my PC? and is it a specific one I need? If so where can I get one? I've treid a few places and they no longer sell them.
I've just got my MAX drive and I tried putting the CD in that came with it for the PS2. Now for some reason it keeps falling down and infact just got stuck in my PS2 (i've managed to get it out again). Could someone please tell me how to prevent it falling out of the CD tray thingy and instead letting the PS2 read it...
I've just got my MAX drive and I tried putting the CD in that came with it for the PS2. Now for some reason it keeps falling down and infact just got stuck in my PS2 (i've managed to get it out again). Could someone please tell me how to prevent it falling out of the CD tray thingy and instead letting the PS2 read it...

Tried to put the PS2 flat?