Max Drive, Game Save and making video files thread.

  • Thread starter Kent
and any arcade race on tarmac

Sounds good.

will get back to you on a combo! 👍

Combo: Arcade Mode

Mitsubishi CZ-3 tarmac rally car.

+20% power - 10% weight
any top speed

Test course

No wall hits 2 wheels on the track at all time.
unacceptable combo there smally, good try though ;) combo must require use of the brain....
Does anyone know if there's a uber-save that has all of the used cars with 0 miles? I like to know how much i've driven my cars, but it's hard to tell with my used cars and the already high mileage :(
I just uploaded and posted my first replays.

Is it normal for the file size here to be less than is displayed on my memory card? On my memory card a replay is 30KB, but here registers just 19KB.


Is this normal? Just the 'crush' feature at work?

Or have I ****ed it up?
I just got the Max Drive I ordered off eBay today.

Everytime I try to load the cd in the PS2 it wont recognize it. I have tried numerous times and still no go. I have an old PS2, not the new slim ones. Any ideas?
Is it a blue bottom disc (I use Sharkport so I don't know about the max drive), but it could be that your laser needs adjusting.
Ive got an old ps2, and it takes sometimes 20 tmes before it will recognise it. Is your ps2 chipped?.. Make sure youve ordered the right version (Pal, NTSC) for your ps2.
Nope, my PS2 isn't chipped. And its a normal cd-r type bottom.

I'll keep trying it I guess. Is there any way to copy the original cd to a cd-r and will that work?
What i do is completly power off the ps2 then put the CD in and boot it up. If that doesnt work, have the CD in the tray and shut off the ps2 for a bit, then re boot it.

If that wont work then i dont know really.
Make sure you're not putting the 'PC Software Disk' in the PS2. It's in yellow block on the right side of the disk.
Mine is sometimes not recognised. I take it we've all got the 'little' disk, or just me?

Anyway, I just open the tray, shuffle the disk a little (it doesn't seem to sit right in the center) and reboot. The most I've ever had to do it is about 3 or 4 times though.

I don't think you'll be able to copy it. AFAIK, the PS2 bit (the bit which comes up 'Playstation2' on the TV screen) is written right on the inside of the disk, and won't get copied when you copy the data through the PC. This could be total cobblers, but that's what I know at this stage. :indiff:
when i got mine it had 2 discs with it and only one worked so i threw the other one out...
One's for the PS2, the other's for the PC. It has the drivers for the USB stick.

:rolleyes: :lol:

But yeah, if you don't need it there's no point having it hanging around I suppose.
The Max Drive USB stick comes with 2 CDs.
The yellow box on each CD says PC software disc if it contains the USB drivers or for Playstation 2 if it contains the soft to copy replays from and to the memcards.
You can indeed throw the first one away (unless you're using Windows 98 and have no Internet connection).

You could try placing the PS2 on its side and load it that way. Dosen't work all the time but its another method you could try before throwing it through the window.
Well I placed the PS2 on its side and it finally worked once. Tested everything out and it all works. :indiff: Hopefully it does not take 30+ tries everytime to use this mini-cd.

EDIT: BTW does the Max Drive work for transfering pictures from game to PC?
No. For some reason you can not use your maxdrive to transfer pictures. The game doesn't recognise it as a USB device.
How can i delete corrupted files?

I cant get them off with the maxdrive "delete" or with the browser "delete"

Is their a way to "wipe" or "format" the memory card?

Ive since had a problem with GT4 not regonising my memory card, which means not loading or saving GT4, as well as a hit'n miss with saving/loading replays and watching them.

How can i reformat my mem card?

I found out how to format it.

In the max memory screen, you can highlight your memory card, then press square and it will format it.
Is it possible to contract a pc virus from downloading GT4 replay (.max) files using a maxdrive?
ROB 256R
Is it possible to contract a pc virus from downloading GT4 replay (.max) files using a maxdrive?
Not in the way your PC can be infected.
Viruses are designed to perform specific tasks (erasing your data, logging your keystrokes, etc) and use specific support (Executable attached to an e-mail, Word or Excel macro...)
All these PC viruses leave .max files untouched, and even if some could infect a .max file it would certainly be corrupted and wouldn't load in the replay manager.

Yet, if someone designs a PS2 virus that targets .max files and that would contain code executable on the PS2 (.elf file), that could indeed cause damage on your memcard.
But I don't know how the PS2 works internally, so I don't know if it's can happen as I suggest or not.
Not in the way your PC can be infected.
Viruses are designed to perform specific tasks (erasing your data, logging your keystrokes, etc) and use specific support (Executable attached to an e-mail, Word or Excel macro...)
All these PC viruses leave .max files untouched, and even if some could infect a .max file it would certainly be corrupted and wouldn't load in the replay manager.

Yet, if someone designs a PS2 virus that targets .max files and that would contain code executable on the PS2 (.elf file), that could indeed cause damage on your memcard.
But I don't know how the PS2 works internally, so I don't know if it's can happen as I suggest or not.
OK, thanks mate. I didn't think it was likely, it's just that i had a trojan virus detected last week the day after i downloaded some .max files to check some peoples replays. From what you've said it doesn't seem likely it's come from those though. My anti-virus software kicked it's ass anyway. Cheers Cyril 👍
ROB 256R
OK, thanks mate. I didn't think it was likely, it's just that i had a trojan virus detected last week the day after i downloaded some .max files to check some peoples replays. From what you've said it doesn't seem likely it's come from those though. My anti-virus software kicked it's ass anyway. Cheers Cyril 👍
I'm always downloading all replays for the WRS archive, and I never had any virus problem (and I'm using 2 antiviruses : McAfee resident + avast regularly for full scans ; and I'm using 3 antispywares : Ad-aware, Spybot, Spyware blaster).
I just got my maxdrive.
Copied game data and all replays to it and transfered to my PC. The filnames makes no sense to me. Do I have to transfer one at a time and rename them, or do i have other options.
In the maxdrive menu on the PS2, it only says full or ghost-save and a number + a small icon that is hard to interpret.
I just got my maxdrive.
Copied game data and all replays to it and transfered to my PC. The filnames makes no sense to me. Do I have to transfer one at a time and rename them, or do i have other options.
In the maxdrive menu on the PS2, it only says full or ghost-save and a number + a small icon that is hard to interpret.

Sadly the filenames are a pain, they make little sense, however, if you use the little MAX Drive program for the PC and hold your mouse pointer over the filename it should give you some more details.
Filesize is usually the easiest way to tell what is what. A game save is about 1488KB and replays will be somewhere from 20KB to 70KB depending on the number of laps.
You can get a rough idea of what the filesize will be from the Replay Theatre, where it lists the size on the memory card in KB, but remember, if you copy game or replay data to the MAX Drive, it is automatically crushed, and the filesize becomes smaller, (roughly 1.8:1 compression ratio.)
You must remember if you're transferring game saves, or replay files from the MAX Drive back to the memory card to use the "Uncrush" option, not the "Copy" option, or GT4 won't be able to interpret the crushed data.
I'm hoping they re-wrote the manual to explain this, as my one doesn't explain it anywhere! Had to figure it all out by trial and error! :grumpy:
I just got my maxdrive.
Copied game data and all replays to it and transfered to my PC. The filnames makes no sense to me. Do I have to transfer one at a time and rename them, or do i have other options.
In the maxdrive menu on the PS2, it only says full or ghost-save and a number + a small icon that is hard to interpret.
When I got mine, I got as much detail from the GT4 replay screen as possible. Full replay or Ghost? Date? Size? etc.

From there, I went to the browser and was able to translate the replays from GT4 into FullReplay[1], GhostReplay[2], etc. Then it was just a matter of copying them one-at-a-time to the USB, then onto the PC for a rename.

A bit slow and tedious, and definately not foolproof as I submitted a wrong replay for the WRS, but that's my method. :indiff: