bbq0801I dont have the slim ps2, Mine is one of the original run.. The max drive disk isnt blue (but it might be Cd format).. and Its a us spec Max drive and us spec ps2.. I got it to work once, but i havent been able to since (10+tries)..
JR, ive never tried it (for obvious reasons), but are the files bigger than 100k? I dont think GTP can take files bigger than that..
~Sp33~Im pretty sure they have to be zipped (.zip) format to host them here. As for not being able to read the disc... Muh Playstation is sooo lacklustre with its reading ability im sure i could do a better job with a microscope :/
When i put the disc in it takes ATLEAST ~15+ goes to get anything working.. how sad. I hope the next ps is a bit more reliable.
Dr_Watsondid you buy it?
the one i have is blue, and the one my friend has is also blue.
(yes it is CD format)
if you made a burn of somone elses, it will not work without a mod-chip.
if its a legit disc, the only thing i can recomend is trying it in someone elses ps2... if it works: clean / adjust your laser
if it doesn't, return it to the store you got it from
holl01um, if u beat me, i swear, i will send u 500 dollars, i swear to god...honestly
I still havn't done that stupid mission yet!MisterWearyHeck...even I beat mission 34 with ease!
You came into the WRS talking yourself up.GT ProYes, you are right but as for Mission 34:
No, I haven't finished it yet, simply because i've yet to get used to the SLR.
Yes, I actually never 'confirmed' (I still barely know what 'irrefutably' means) that I could beat any of you, I simply was having a bit of fun, why take it as a head-on challenge?
No, im not the greatest driver out there, although i didn't say I was.
And that Quote in my Signature was simply a internet saying that was going around a few several months ago so I added it for the sake of it.
But if you are having queries about the statement I will remove it for your sake.
I wish not to go on with this pointless dispute as It was a joke, I was not being 100% serious. As for racing I really don't think i'm that good, but i'll try my best anyway
CasioCan I take that bet?
sure:tup: any aussie who beats me in wrs race i will personally send them 500 big ones:tup:
holl01sure:tup: any aussie who beats me in wrs race i will personally send them 500 big ones:tup: