Max Drive, Game Save and making video files thread.

  • Thread starter Kent
What's the best way to locate the replay that you're looking for when you copy it from PS2 to MAX drive. All it shows you is ghost replay 12, or something like that. Is there any way to change the file name? I don't know if I'm making any sense, hopefully someone knows what I'm talking about?
What's the best way to locate the replay that you're looking for when you copy it from PS2 to MAX drive. All it shows you is ghost replay 12, or something like that. Is there any way to change the file name? I don't know if I'm making any sense, hopefully someone knows what I'm talking about?

You can't change the filename. But what I do, is when I'm working on a race I change the save option to the second mem card slot, and save all my ghosts for that particular run onto the second card. Then when I'm done I just erase all of the extras and keep the one I'm going to submit. That way there's only ONE save on there so it's about impossible to get the wrong one.
You can't change the filename. But what I do, is when I'm working on a race I change the save option to the second mem card slot, and save all my ghosts for that particular run onto the second card. Then when I'm done I just erase all of the extras and keep the one I'm going to submit. That way there's only ONE save on there so it's about impossible to get the wrong one.
OK, thanks CFM!! That makes good sense!!! (why didn't I think of that? :dunce: )

Based on some tricks dug up over at Gran Turismo By Numbers, I've got an inexpensive solution for any Macintosh users that may be looking for a way to transfer files between their PS2 and their computer. This is also an inexpensive solution for Windows users who already have a USB flash drive. You need two things for this to work:

1. Any USB flash drive
2. A Get Connected PlayStation Portable USB media manager ($15) available here

Doesn't sound like it should work but it does. Plug your flash drive right into the USB port on the PS2...don't use the cable that comes with the media manager. When you start the Media Manager PS2 disc in your PS2, the software will recognize the flash drive as a "Max drive." Then, you copy your files over and they end up as a .max file just like the UK max drives do I guess. You can then take the flash drive to your Mac and transfer the files to your desktop without the need for the Media Manager PC software. Mac OS X treats the flash drive (with the *.max file) the same as any other flash drive.

Disclaimer: there was on person on GTBN with the 1st gen PS2 that the software would not run on. However, it ran fine on my 1st gen system.

Hopefully this will help people out!
Well i finally got the AR max drive thingy, and sent in my qual-time to CFM. So now i can join WRS now that i bought this AR max thingy lol.
Well i finally got the AR max drive thingy, and sent in my qual-time to CFM. So now i can join WRS now that i bought this AR max thingy lol.
You didn't need to send a .max replay to CFM. All he needs for the qualification race is a time. You didn't waste your money though because you'll probably have to have it eventually and now you can watch other peoples replays and chase their ghosts! :)
You didn't need to send a .max replay to CFM. All he needs for the qualification race is a time. You didn't waste your money though because you'll probably have to have it eventually and now you can watch other peoples replays and chase their ghosts! :)

LOL umm i didnt send him the max file, i just sent him the time :P but i willl keep every single max file replay for ppl who want me to varify my times i will have them.
As far as I know, you are only able to have 1 game save per memory card, but I stand to be corrected.

I use 1 memory card for my game and a seperate one which I use for the WRS.

only 1 save per card.

around post 209 i have a uber Pal save hosted. 100% all cars even with special colours and its got 4 gazillion $$.

Welcome to the WRS :cheers:
Question: Ok, I've read the thread but I am still in doubt... what is the difference between

Action Replay Max ($19)
Action Replay Max Evo ($39)

Does both of them work with old PS2 and are both of them able to handle save files to be sued here at WRS? Just have afriend of mine in US and I am going to ask him to bring one of these to me...
Question: Ok, I've read the thread but I am still in doubt... what is the difference between

Action Replay Max ($19)
Action Replay Max Evo ($39)

Does both of them work with old PS2 and are both of them able to handle save files to be sued here at WRS? Just have afriend of mine in US and I am going to ask him to bring one of these to me...

I believe the only difference is that the Evo comes with a USB flash drive and the normal AR Max doesn't, but if I were you I'd wait for someone to confirm that first.
I believe the only difference is that the Evo comes with a USB flash drive and the normal AR Max doesn't, but if I were you I'd wait for someone to confirm that first.

And, if so, would the Max work with any other USB drive? 'Cause I have one 64Mb USB drive that I use for Photomode, and it works great... :)
And, if so, would the Max work with any other USB drive? 'Cause I have one 64Mb USB drive that I use for Photomode, and it works great... :)

Yeah, it should do. The USB drive included is just a bog standard USB flash drive, nothing special about it.
Yes, if you already have a USB drive then the regular AR Max would be all you need. Just make sure it is the NTSC version if your machine is NTSC, or the PAL version if you have a PAL machine. I think in Brazil most of the PS2's would be NTSC from what I've seen.
Hi all,

have just dipped my toes into the world of GTP/WRS and purchased the "max drive", got the basics on how to use it so will have a go when it arrives, my question involves people mentioning that you can download others ghost times to try and better your own driving, where are these usually hosted ie is there one central place to find them?

Last but not least when sending in a replay for verification is this via email or message on here (do you attach someway?) again is there a thread to which they all get posted?

I know it might be simple for all the experienced members but its a mindfield for a newbie.....but thanks in advance for any advice.


Hi all,

have just dipped my toes into the world of GTP/WRS and purchased the "max drive", got the basics on how to use it so will have a go when it arrives, my question involves people mentioning that you can download others ghost times to try and better your own driving, where are these usually hosted ie is there one central place to find them?

Last but not least when sending in a replay for verification is this via email or message on here (do you attach someway?) again is there a thread to which they all get posted?

I know it might be simple for all the experienced members but its a mindfield for a newbie.....but thanks in advance for any advice.



Check out the subforum here called the WRS Archive, and go to previous race results threads. Replays are simply attatched to the posts by each driver in there. When it comes time to post your replay in the results thread for the current week, you simply attatch it to your post using the manage attatchments tab before you finalize your post.
Today I was going to move all my replays to PC, but it turns out my goddamn maxdrive thought otherwise. I moved all my replays to the Max drive with no problem and removed it from the PS2. NOw, my PC and PS2 don't recognize it's there :ouch:. Is there anything I can do to fix it, or will I have to buy a new one? Also, will a regular jump drive show up when using the max drive disc on PS2?
Today I was going to move all my replays to PC, but it turns out my goddamn maxdrive thought otherwise. I moved all my replays to the Max drive with no problem and removed it from the PS2. NOw, my PC and PS2 don't recognize it's there :ouch:. Is there anything I can do to fix it, or will I have to buy a new one? Also, will a regular jump drive show up when using the max drive disc on PS2?

UGGHH, that doesn't sound good. I'd imagine that you should be able to reformat your Max Drive fob somehow, but I have no clue about how to do it. I tried using my Lexar Jump drive with the Max Software, but no go there. If you can find an AR Max disc somehow, that would allow you to use a regular USB Drive.

BTW- Did you use the move command, or the copy command in the Max Drive menu? I always use copy, just in case.:ill:
I used the move command :nervous:

Edit: It now is recognized by the PS2, however, I can't move anything to it or format it. It says press square to format but nothing happens. When I try to move a file to it I get an error.
Just got an Action Replay Max and I think I might have a little problem now. Went in the memory section in the menu and I selected my MC as my primary then I selected some of my other games saved files to delete them and once I did so nothing was left on my memory card. So I boot the PS2 in the browser and all is left are a bunch of corrupted files. :nervous: Is there a way to fix this because right now all I have left is like 4mb out of the 8mb card. :guilty:
Problemo looks solved but just a couple of questions.

I guess you can only save one game (GT4) on the memory card you use to import and export replays?

If I use a saved game with a full garage, how do I make them become available in arcade mode? In my previous game once I won or bought a car it would automatically appear in arcade but right now none are showing. Anything special to do?
Problemo looks solved but just a couple of questions.

I guess you can only save one game (GT4) on the memory card you use to import and export replays?

If I use a saved game with a full garage, how do I make them become available in arcade mode? In my previous game once I won or bought a car it would automatically appear in arcade but right now none are showing. Anything special to do?
Yes, only one gamesave per mem. card. I used a gamesave from Z,

His save already has the cars in arcade mode. This is a NTSC save. If you need a PAL, you can find them earlier in this thread.
Well last night I was making hOt6o4bOi's replays and somehow I got two merged into one replay was driving me BONKERZ!!!! :dunce: But then I realized I had my merg/split button checked and was editing them one after another without changing the file name..... :ouch: :dunce: :indiff: Life happens right? I will supply anyone with my gamesave file I have on my site, except that its down right now. :mad: On my game save I have 100% completion witha 100% win ratio and a ton of cool cars (not all but a LOT), 23mil and a few b-spec points to get you started I think 2800. Plus ALL the black cars, and no you cant buy them twice I tried to find them this week on their second time around and if u bought them already they are gone. I dunno what happens if you sell them before week 100, but I wouldn't chance

I have a similar problem to ballstothewall had. I want to connect my PS2 to my PC but need a TV card.(Well I think I do, I'm not sure if my PC has one or not) Where did you get your TV card from ballstothewall if you don't mind me asking?

EDIT:My PC already as a TV Card! Silly Me. I got it working and it works fine. Anyone know any good software for watching the AV channel? Because the software I got with my PC is rubbish.

Thanks, Rad
Hey guys, now that I got my ARMax I want to know if the file "OLR SAVE COMPLETE.sps" is really complete with all cars to be used in OLR. My ARMax also came with a 16Mb PS2 memory card so I'll keep the OLR Save on it 👍 👍 👍