MCU Phase Four

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Thaaaaaat joint was cool!

Now, did I see an "X", in Wanda's eye, during that final bit? Just sayin'...

Edit: didn’t realise that was Professor X that rolled up, with Strange in cuffs.
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"Deadpool" in the Doctor Strange 2 poster:


I honestly have no idea what I'm even looking at there, or how it's supposed to be Deadpool...
I honestly have no idea what I'm even looking at there, or how it's supposed to be Deadpool...

I guess they mean the "red suited" blob with the black and white "eyepieces".

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No Deadpool in this one, but really rather a lot of Chris Pratt. So... yeah, Chris Pratt warning, I guess:

Very intrigued by the trailer. Doesn't reveal much, maybe to avoid some kind of spoiler for Multiverse of Madness.

Really looking forward to this movie.
More - and possibly lightly spoilery - info on Multiverse revealed in this new spot:


That'll be Sir Patrick Stewart as comic-book Professor X, some weird version of Captain Marvel (doesn't look like Brie Larson...), and Captain Carter from What If, in the Illuminati...
I'm moreso hoping the story is good. If she's going to be in hulk form 90% of the time, that has to offset how it looks.
When she's carrying the guy to the bedroom, it reminds me of Little Man.

New Thor trailer dropped last night.

Gorr gives me Kratos vibes. Even the God-killing story arc is quite similar. I'm excited to see what they do with him.
Fun fact: That isn't makeup. Christian Bale is so method that he actually tattooed himself grey and... darker grey for the role.
I wonder if Bale's nose will be... removed digitally to better mimic Gorr's comic book appearance. However, the end result might resemble He Who Must Not Be Named too closely, so I guess not. I dig all the grayed-out imagery during VS Gorr scenes in the trailer. Gives off a seriously ominous vibe, that.
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I've reworked the opening posts, so that rather than a bunch of YouTube links which might embed, might unfurl, or might do neither, each show/film has a clickable header image going to the official YT videos.

I've also put in the new trailer for Wakanda Forever, which I've left embedded as the current "active" project (along with She-Hulk in the shows post).
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