Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

  • Thread starter Solid Fro
Actually guys, I am indeed inexperienced in the ways of Metal Gear Solid. I've been meaning to get the games for quite some time, but things kept interfering like Phantasy Star, Half Life, Gran Turismo and Forza. But with some free time this fall and winter, I'm taking Solid's advice and going through the series in chronological order. Which if I remember right, I play the third game first, the first game second... bah, I'll have to check. :D
I think Solid is quite well up on MGS, no scratch that, very well up on MGS. His point was based on the fact that MGS4 doesn't appear to be a simple sneak mission like the last games, it's more open warfare. And you don't go into war empty handed. Now the story will probably have a twist where Snake does, but that is something we don't know about yet.

7 entries into the series and Kojima hasn't broken the formula yet, I really *really* doubt that he's suddenly going to abandon the stealth / no kill element he's been so fond of in every Metal Gear in exchange for a shoot em up suggestive opener.

We'll just have to wait and see, but I'm willing to put money on the fact that you'll start with only 1 handgun at most.
There's something about this trailer that is making me very nervous. :nervous:

When I first saw the first MGS4 trailer, I drooled at the image of an enemy soldiers holo rifle sight. I imagined we'd get to use this as a rifle sight in game.

But, with the latest trailer, all soldiers are holo rifle sight (EOTechs) featureless. I seriously hope Kojima didn't take them all out because it wont be a feature in MGS4. I'm really looking forward to using an EOTech in game. It might seem silly to you, but it's a major selling point for me. Finally, an accurate, real world holographic rifle sighting system in game in a MGS game has been a dream of mine.

I think that thing's still there Solid:)
Hideo Kojima is the Ridley Scott of video game producers. What an amazing achievement. Crysis who?
according to konami japan, they will have 40 minutes of MGS4 at TGS.

40 minutes!!!

i just downloaded the last trailer and put it in a dvd to watch in my TV... can´t wait for this new 40 minutes...

and i wonder... aren´t they showing too much of the game? is there such thing as showing too much?
Just to be clear, it's not a 40 minute trailer, it's a 40 minute demonstration, which means it will likely be broken up into segments, speaches, and other presentations for MGS4.

Gameplay will also be shown mixed in with the trailers / footage.
and i wonder... aren´t they showing too much of the game? is there such thing as showing too much?

Maybe, but if the game is going to take up 30 GB or so of disc space, it's probably going to be huge, so showing 40 minutes isn't going to be that big of a deal.

But showing a whole 40 minutes of the game... that's long. It's like a movie in itself.
Here's the schedule for Kojima at this year's TGS...

Tokyo game Shaw 2006 Kojima production event schedule September 22nd (gold)
Place/time Event contents/performer
10:30 - 10:50 OPENING TALK
□performer: Yumi Kazuo Kojima Kikuchi door island Soutarou
10:50 - 11:20 My suns Django&Sabata
□guest:Maki Mizuma Sato grand way
□performer: Yo****omi Ken mediating/helping
11:20 - 11:35 RYAN REPORT
□guest:アレックス タイラビッチ (Logan)
□performer: Ken Ichiro ライアン ペートン Imaizumi
□commentator: Pine flower Ken harmony
□performer: Okamura law discernment
12:25 - 12:55 HIDECHAN's Cafe
□guest:Beach village Hirokazu (ファミ group representation)
□performer: Yumi Kazuo Kojima Kikuchi door island Soutarou
□performer: Kazuo Kojima Okamura law discernment Murata lap Yumi positive Kikuchi
13:45 - 14:00 SENJU REPORT
□guest:embarrassed:kamura law discernment
□performer: Thousand hand Akihiko
14:00 - 14:40 METAL GEAR SOLID 4 GUNS OF THE PATRIOTS--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
□guest:アレックス タイラビッチ (Logan)
□performer: Kazuo Kojima Murata lap Yumi positive Kikuchi
14:40 - 15:10 HIDECHAN's Cafe
□performer: Yumi Kazuo Kojima Kikuchi door island Soutarou
15:10 - 15:40 ? ? ? ? ? ? Production concert
□chairmanship: Sato ball river way
□performer: Kazuo Kojima Okamura law discernment
15:40 - 16:10 HIDECHAN's Cafe
□guest:須 rice field hardness one way (grasshopper マニファクチƒ…ア)
□performer: Yumi Kazuo Kojima Kikuchi Shida England 邦

Here's some more info about the TGS presentation...

According to what's listed on the event schedule, six HIDECHAN Radio sections are planned for each day of TGS (18 sections in total!) in conjunction with each stage event of the day. On top of that, there will be 40 minute presentations regarding MGS4 on each day of TGS, with different guest and performers for each day. Also a multiplayer tournament for MPO is planned for each day of the event.

According to the schedule the first MGS4 presentation will occur on 22nd (press & business passes only) at 2PM (Tokyo time). This is quite likely when the MGS4 trailer will make it's first appearance. Also the 6th radio section for 22nd will have Goichi Suda “51” of Grasshopper Studios as a guest. Could this possibly be in reference to the yet to be named Stage 5 event, which might finally be the official announcement of the Project 'S' Wii game Hideo Kojima and Suda 51 have been working on? Only time will tell.

Here's HIDECHAN RADIO link... During this radio section Hideo Kojima and his co-host, Yumi Kikuchi, discussed Snake's movement in the trailer and how nature and similar to cutscenes it looked when he is being controlled in gameplay.

Here's the Kojima HIDEO BLOG link...

Metal Gear Solid gaming website with details and links about the presentation...
It's more than likely not going to be a 40 minute video, trailer, or anyting like that.

I'm banking that Kojima will have some gameplay up, and the entire presentation will be broken into segments, him stopping to tell you what's new, describe new features, talk about mechanics, and play more video, on and off, for 40 minutes. I expect maybe 20-25 minutes of actual footage.
GT will always be my 1st love, but under the circunstances, i think when MGS4 is released it will be known as the best game of all time up until his date.

i just downloaded a lot of videos and burned in a DVD to see in my big TV. i just can´t believe that MGS will actually play with those visuals. its unbeliaveble, and the story should have the same quality. its a must buy, even for people like myself, that are not really huge fans of the genre.
It's more than likely not going to be a 40 minute video, trailer, or anyting like that.
As I pointed out with their itinerary, it will be a 40 minute "presentation" for each day of TGS and will have a "special guest" for each day. We can only speculate whom the special guests will be at for what purpose.

I'm banking that Kojima will have some gameplay up, and the entire presentation will be broken into segments, him stopping to tell you what's new, describe new features, talk about mechanics, and play more video, on and off, for 40 minutes. I expect maybe 20-25 minutes of actual footage.

Since the presentation will take place each day of TGS, I'll doubt we'll get more than 10-15 minutes of gameplay or cutscenes each day. Again, it will be more talk and explaining, especially with a guest coming on stage each presentation.
New IN GAME shots revealed! Sorry, they ain't in great quality, but it's better than nothing.





EDIT: OK, one shot in the mag article was unbelievable, but was too hard to see with the bad quality scans. So, another person with the mag took a better scan of this shot... WOW!


Notice in a new shot of Solid he is wearing a face mask. Now, with the pic directly above, you can see what it's for! Cool!

Also, notice in the scans Solid using an empty oil drum! AWESOME!

Man, this game is going to blow every other game out of the water! I cannot wait!!!
details from IGN


TGS 2006: MGS4 Trailer Details
Early details on the Tokyo Game Show trailer. Plus, a few intriguing comments from Kojima.
by IGN Staff

September 20, 2006 - Although Konami hasn't issued official word on the matter, one of gaming's finest traditions will indeed be continuing at the Tokyo Game Show. The latest issue of Famitsu reports that the Konami booth will, as just about everyone out there had been expecting, house a Metal Gear Solid 4 trailer.

Director Hideo Kojima revealed to the magazine that the trailer will clock in at about 6 minutes length. A bit short, but to make up for it, Konami will also be showing the E3 trailer.

While previous trailers were comprised of cut scenes, the new trailer will be made up of nothing but game play sequences. Konami has taken liberty with the camera in order to make the trailer easier for viewers to understand, but aside from the perspective changes, this will be our first look at MGS4 gameplay.

Famitsu seems to have gotten its hands on the trailer in advance and was able to deliver a few screenshots and details. The trailer shows a number of new gameplay elements. In one scene, Snake uses an oil drum to sneak around -- a replacement for the classic box, perhaps? In another scene, Snake is avoiding enemy patrols. We see Snake carefully making his way over an arched gateway, just above the viewpoint of his armed foes.

In addition to these traditional types of "sneaking," MGS4 introduces a new form, the Octocam. Short for octopus camouflage, this new gameplay system lets Snake change color in order to match his surroundings. The effect is heightened in dark areas like tunnels and caves.

This gameplay system is also highlighted in the trailer. In one scene, Snake is shown crawling on a battle field in the direction of enemies who are firing in his direction, but over his body. Snake has changed color to match the ground and is attempting to get close to the enemy in order to toss a grenade from close range.

In another sequence, we see a giant Metal Gear unit marching through a narrow street. Look closely, and you can see that Snake is camouflaged on the ground, and is aiming a gun directly at the mechanical beast.

Still another sequence shows the aftermath of Snake infiltrating a building through the window. A guard, having taken note of the noise, runs back to inspect the window. He doesn't seem to notice Snake who's adopted the properties of the tiled walls.

The trailer also shows a number of battle situations, in doors and out. And we're not talking just Snake with a gun here. It appears that the Metal Gear Mark II robot that's operated by Otacon will also be capable of attacking. One scene shows Mark II extending a wire out and shocking an enemy soldier.

In addition to killing off enemies in gun fights, Snake will also have an opportunity to negotiate with enemies. This was called the CQC system in Metal Gear Solid 3. The trailer shows Snake having pinned down and enemy, apparently questioning him for information. You'll be able to get information, items and weapons from enemies.

Speaking on MGS4 with Famitsu, Kojima made note of one of the big updates from previous titles. The game is no longer about "sneaking missions." You have a goal, and you're free to decide how to get there. You can use stealth to get to the goal with minimal resistance, or you can kill off all your enemies.

Kojima also had some saddening news to report to the magazine. Konami has previously promised a 2007 release for Metal Gear Solid 4. Apparently, the release will take place, at the earliest, late in the year, as the game still has over a year's development time.

Looks like we'll be getting a few more trailers before sinking our teeth into Kojima's last Metal Gear game.

Sorry guys but i really dont know why ppl are getting so "omg this is best ever wow great fantastic" all over a couple of pre-rendered trailers. Whoopdee doo. Where's the actual real game information? I can see plenty of trailers at lol

Again. sorry to be the thorn here but sheesh. yaz could at least be hyped when you've got some real hype to hype about coudlnt yaz? :) Just sick of that "full motion video is real PS3 game footage" and "omg this game will be so awesome:" type crap thats been around for the past 12-18 months. Umm news flash... i've seen great intro's and trailers for games for years... means squat about its gameplay and content. *sigh*
The videos are the ingame engine running in real time, the only difference between what we've seen so far and what we'll see at the TGS is that this is all scripted footage. Thoes are the same graphics as when your controling Snake.
Sorry guys but i really dont know why ppl are getting so "omg this is best ever wow great fantastic" all over a couple of pre-rendered trailers. Whoopdee doo. Where's the actual real game information? I can see plenty of trailers at lol

Again. sorry to be the thorn here but sheesh. yaz could at least be hyped when you've got some real hype to hype about coudlnt yaz? :) Just sick of that "full motion video is real PS3 game footage" and "omg this game will be so awesome:" type crap thats been around for the past 12-18 months. Umm news flash... i've seen great intro's and trailers for games for years... means squat about its gameplay and content. *sigh*

Are you a pathetic MS fanboy? Or have you lost your mind?

This thread is for people who love MGS, if you don't like it, get lost.:)


Dont be a lame fool. its simply a rant. Fanboy? Get a life. I'm over the age of teenage idiot thank you very much.


Well i really would love to believe that those trailers are in game graphics and that the only difference is pre scripted vurses real time. But frankly... i find that very hard to beelive. Especially considering all the faulse 'tricks' that every game developer seems to play in the last few years (i.e. fake aleged photoreal graphics only to be proven completely and utterly wrong in the end). But id much like for this to be true with what we're seing in said trailers. here's hoping.

But realistically, i'm not holding my breathe. thats all i'm expressing. I havnt played this MGS game at all but from what i've seeen it looks like its a FPS type game and i'm very keen on those. Specially one that will offer something new and exciting and actaully good. Not just another crap quake4 style clone.

PS. Oh just a side note while it springs to mind. pre scripted Vs real time.... what about physics? alot to do with pre-anything means you can compute physics offline (i.e. not real time). This would mean a massive difference from what you see in trailers (another thing ppl get fooled on) vurses what you actually get.
Sorry guys but i really dont know why ppl are getting so "omg this is best ever wow great fantastic" all over a couple of pre-rendered trailers. Whoopdee doo. Where's the actual real game information? I can see plenty of trailers at lol

Well then, it's obvious you're either ignorant or stupid. Regardless, why should we care what you have to say about this game or other PS3 games if you're either?

Again. sorry to be the thorn here but sheesh. yaz could at least be hyped when you've got some real hype to hype about coudlnt yaz? :) Just sick of that "full motion video is real PS3 game footage" and "omg this game will be so awesome:" type crap thats been around for the past 12-18 months. Umm news flash... i've seen great intro's and trailers for games for years... means squat about its gameplay and content. *sigh*

Again, you're proving how unbelievably ignorant you are. Kojima in the past has shown numerous trailers for MGS games and they have ALWAYS lived up to the "hype."

Go play your XBox360 and sulk.

Well i really would love to believe that those trailers are in game graphics and that the only difference is pre scripted vurses real time. But frankly... i find that very hard to beelive. Especially considering all the faulse 'tricks' that every game developer seems to play in the last few years (i.e. fake aleged photoreal graphics only to be proven completely and utterly wrong in the end). But id much like for this to be true with what we're seing in said trailers. here's hoping.
First of all, MGS has never used FMV, all the trailers and cut scenes have always used the ingame engine and graphics in past titles. Secondly we know that these are the ingame graphics running realtime, Kojima has already shown one of these clips and he manipulated it in real time. The bottom line is you've come in here thinking you know it all and thinking everyone else is being all premature, but your the one who hasn't got all or even near to all the facts. As Solid said, that's rather ignorant of you.