Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

  • Thread starter Solid Fro
Tenacious D
That is utterly bizarre. The Japanese will do almost anything.

I was thinking of Big O as much as Star Wars. But... just wild, the stuff that goes on over there!
I love how it starts up like a Nissan.

I've read that the number 777 that appeared in MGS4 banners at this year's E3 show was not meant to be a hint about the release date for MGS4. This according to Konami employees. So, what the hell does it mean, then? It could mean the 20th anniversary of the release of Metal Gear. But, what else could it mean?

I remembered I learned a long time ago that 777 was the number for divinity; the number of God. The number 666 is the number of the beast, and so God is 777. It reminds me of the The Pixes' song "This Monkey's Gone To Heaven" that has lyrics "And if the Devil is six, then God is seven!" I have a feeling Kojima is a The Pixes fan.

So, I did some research online and below is what I found. Some seems like BS, but I posted it anyway. You folks should decide what is BS or not. I'm really taking an interest to Unit 777. Seems to fit right in with Kojima's MGS4, don't you think?


Properties of the number 777


This number joins together the principles of the man, 700, the cosmic plans, 70, and their image in the Archetype, 7, according to R. Allendy. It is the universal organization, 7 + 7 + 7 = 21, the general evolution.

Represent the celestial perfection, 7, on the 3 plans of the manifestation: matter, astral (mental or soul) and spirit.

It is the number of the sacred work of the sons of God for the establishment of the Kingdom of God on the Earth, mainly for the period of the seventh millennium after Adam where it is written that Satan will be chained for thousand years.

In esotericism, 777 means that virgin spirits (those to which God gave the life with the mission to rise towards the Creator, until to absorb themselves again in Him) will know 777 incarnations during seven revolutions that the wave of life accomplishes around the seven globes of the seven world periods. The symbolism of this number is therefore the ascension of the soul through the physical body.

According to the tradition of Himalayan masters, 777 is the number of the celestial man and symbolizes the transmutation which takes place at the time where the man becomes conscious of the necessity to cover the path of initiation, and that he perceives, even of an elementary manner, that the goal is in God.

The purity - does not father and is not fathered.


Age of Lamech, father of Noah, when he died. In the posterity of Seth, Lamech is the last patriarch before the flood. (Gn 5,31)

The book of the Genesis contains 777+777-21 or 1553 verses.


It is question, in the secret doctrine of H.-P. Blavatsky, to solve "the problem of the 777 incarnations". If seven is the number of cycles and of the divine numbers, in it resides also the secret of the 777 incarnations of the man that should be taken care to not interpret as being the totality of incarnations of the man on earth, but that it should rather be reported to what the humanity must one day realize.

In a study on this number, H.-S. Green sees there the triple evolution of Manas, Buddhi and Atma - "The number 777", in "The Theosophist", London, n. 9, 1909, p. 326.

Raoul Auclair points out that when the Virgin Mary appears in Cova da Iria in Portugal, on August 13, 1385, this country was then 777 years old. And 532 years later, that is to say on May 13, 1917, took place the first appearance of Fatima.

In an Ethiopian apocryphal book, named "The Wisdom of Sibyl", it is written in conclusion of the book: "End the prophecy of the Sibyl. Praise to the Lord, Master of the world. Amen! That the Lord, eternally, makes you mercy. The Sibyl saw nine suns; each space of time is 778 years; the ninth is 777. The cycles of the Sibyl are 800 or 700; each is 800 years. There are 49 cycles of Ezra; each one counts 143 years. The cycles of Enoch are 10 and each cycle is 700 years. The Days of the Lord are 7; for us there are 2548000 days." By making the calculation, this cycle of the nine suns lasts 7001 years:

8 cycles of 778 years = 6224 years
1 cycle of 777 years = 777 years
Total = 7001 years

And the 2548000 days of the Sibyl have a duration of 7000 years minus 7000 days.

The document "the celestial sanctum" in the order the Rosicrucian A.M.O.R.C., titles also the "liber 777".

In Korea, in one of the speeches of the reverend Moon, this one declared to have already proceeded to the blessing of 777 couples.


The Christ said: "I am the resurrection". In Greek, resurrection is written "h anastasiV", numbering 777 = 8+1+50+1+200+300+1+200+10+6.

In the first verse of the Bible, it is written: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." (Gn 1,1) This verse consists of 7 Hebrew words and 28 letters, and it also counts three names: God, heavens and earth. The sum of the numerical values of each one gives 777: God = 86, paradise = 395 and earth = 296, where 86+395+296 = 777.

Written in Hebrew, "Orthodox Messiah", gives 777: he, mem, shin, yod, heth, daleth, taw and yod, giving 5+40+300+10+8+4+400+10 = 777.

Written in Hebrew, "YHWH in the YESHUA Messiah", gives 777: yod, he, waw, he, beth, yod, shin, waw, ayin, he, mem, shin, yod and heth, giving 10+5+6+5+2+10+300+6+70+5+40+300+10+8 = 777.

Written in Hebrew, "YESHUA saves", gives 777: yod, shin, waw, ayin, he, waw, shin, yod and ayin, giving 10+300+6+70+5+6+300+10+70 = 777.

By using the ASCII table, we find that the French word "EXORCISTES" (exorcists) gives 777.

The numerical value of the Hebrew word NMLA IVMM, meaning "filled with light", gives 777.


The number 777 is used 1 time in the Bible.
The word priest is used 777 times in the Bible.

UNIT 777 (Task Force 777)

Unit 777 (in Arabic: وحدة 777 قتال), also known as Task Force 777, is an Egyptian counter-terrorism unit created in 1977 and developed with help from the UK and US special forces communities. Unit 777 has sniper and counter-sniper capabilities, especially in urban and desert environments. Its members are also occasionally charged with VIP protection details for political figures and the president of Egypt.

Their only notable operation was an attempted hostage rescue of EgyptAir Flight 648 in Malta in 1985, following the execution of two passengers. At least 57 hostages were killed in the resulting battle. Many hostages were killed directly by Unit 777's actions, including an attempt to breach the roof of the aircraft with explosive charges and the sniper element killing hostages as they attempted to escape from the aircraft. The aircraft was destroyed in the resulting fire and there was nearly a friendly fire incident between Unit 777 and local forces.

Unit 777's international reputation was sullied by the incident, and has not notably improved since. It is believed that the United States still contributes training and technical assistance to Unit 777.

Unit 777 History

Task Force 777

In 1972, Egyptian President Anwar as-Sadat exiled more than 30,000 Soviet advisors and began moving towards peace with Israel and closer ties with the west. Egyptian intelligence began receiving word that groups such as the Abu Nidal Faction and Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine had vowed to take violent action against Egyptian targets and people. Because of this threat, the Egyptian Army was tasked with creating a unit capable of counter-terrorist and hostage rescue operations.

In 1977, Egypt's Task Force 777 was created. Initially, this unit was staffed by 3 officers, four NCOs, and forty operators. Soon after, they were thrust into battle unprepared in the Libyan desert. They had no order of battle, no experience and little organization.

Then, in 1978 they were dispatched to assault an airplane hijacked by the PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine) and flown to Cyprus. Having only an hour to plan while in the air they were unprepared. Then, the Egyptian Ministry of Defense neglected to inform the Cyprus authorities of TF 777's imminent arrival. The local police and Guard units thought the assaulting commandos were terrorist reinforcements and took TF 777 under fire. An 80 minute firefight that cost the lives of 15 777 operators and several Cyprots ensued.

TF 777's most notorious operation though, was the botched rescue attempt at Malta. Palestine Radicals, angered over Egypt's failure to protect the fleeing Achille Lauro terrorists, seized Egyptair flight 648 (ironically, the same airplane that had been used to transport the Achille Lauro terrorists out of Egypt) and flew it to Luga Int. Airport in Malta. This time, Egypt made sure that the foreign government new TF 777 was coming.

The members of TF 777 however, made several errors. First, they failed to perform any surveillance of the ground situation. Second, they failed to debrief hostages that had survived a botched execution attempt. Third, they didn't study blueprints of the Boeing 737. Fourth, they did not have stun grenades. Lastly, TF 777 operators elected to blow a hole in the roof to gain entry to the 737.

In order to stun the terrorists and gain time for operators to enter through the hole in the roof, the explosive charge was increased beyond recommended levels. The blast was so powerful SIX rows of seats were knocked loose and nearly twenty passengers were killed. Then members who entered though the doors began throwing smoke grenades and firing indiscriminately. Snipers positioned on top of rescue vehicles began firing at fleeing civilians. In all, the botched operation killed 57 hostages.

Understandably, Unit 777 has kept a low profile since this incident. They have been involved in Egypt's civil war against the "Brotherhood" and have lost several operators in this conflict. Because of the secrecy now surronding the unit, the exact weaponry used today is not known. However, because of close contact with the US military, who supplies much of their trainig, it is reasonable to assume they are using much of the same weapons US teams use.

Force 777 is based near Cairo with a fleet of Mi-8 and Westland command helicopters ready for immediate deployment 24 hours a day. They have recieved training from the American SFOD-Delta and SEAL Team 6 units (Before ST 6 was shut down ) as well as from France's GIGN and possibly Germany's GSG-9.

Deadly riot in Malta: A Unit 777 Failure

We couldn't say the following operation was a success. Let's face it: it was a total fiasco. On November 24, 1985, EgyptAir flight 648, a Boeing 737-200 carrying 98 passengers and crew, left Athens, bound for Cairo. After reaching cruising altitude, three well-dressed men stood up, got their guns out and ordered the passengers to freeze. One of them reached the cockpit and forced Captain Hani Galal to head for Malta. The terrorists collected all passports and sorted passengers by nationality. Afterwards, a General from the Egyptian Air Force shot one terrorist to death. The two others injured a security agent and many passengers.

The Maltese authorities refused to grand landing clearance to the 737 and turned off the runway lights. The aircraft was low on fuel and Captain Galal made a very elaborate landing, guided only by the position lights of another aircraft approaching the airport at the same time. On November 29, the Maltese Prime Minister, Carmelo Mifsud Bonnici, is in charge of negotiations. He refused to let the aircraft be refueled until hostages were released. 13 were (11 female passengers and 2 flight attendants), but the aircraft still wasn't refuled. After 3 radio calls for refueling without any answer, the terrorists announced they'd kill one passenger every 10 minutes until the plane was refueled. The first victim was a young Israeli woman. The bullet smeared her head. She was able to crawl to the tarmac using the airstairs. Ten minutes later, another Israeli woman is shot, along with a United States female passenger.

In the meantime, a special Egyptian unit had arrived in Malta and was ready to raid the grounded aircraft. At 8:30PM local time, the aircraft was shaken by explosions from the Egyptian forces, who made holes on the roof and forced the overwing emergency exits open. The commando members got inside and threw smoke grenades. One of the passengers interviewed later by the press claims the Egyptians were shooting in the blind, killing more passengers than terrorists, whether on the aircraft or outside. Many of the hostages who fled the bloodbath aboard the 737 were killed by the Force 777 snipers. It is true that the hijackers weren't very organized, and the commando team from Force 777 was even less organized. The total death toll was 57, mostly passengers. The investigation that followed has cleverly avoided from telling who was killed by the "rescuers". For more information on this "botched rescue", you're invited to consult this website about Task Force 777.

The Other Task Force 777

Early on the morning of Septermber 22, 1950, the 1st Marine Division issued orders for the capture of Seoul. Under this plan the 1st Marines would attack across
the Han River from Yongdongp'o while the 7th Marines would cross the Han
River via the same crossing point used by the 5th Marines and then deploy
north of 5th Marine positions, thus forming a line for a three regiment
assault on the Seoul. Meanwhile, units of the 5th Marines engaged in heavy
fighting at the western edge of the city, making little or no progress.

Shortly after midnight four North Korean T-34 tanks attacked 7th Division
Reconnaissance Company positions three miles south of Suwon. In this
encounter two T-34 tanks were destroyed. The remainder of the night was
fairly quiet and shortly after dawn Reconnaissance Company proceeded to
Suwon Airfield where it was joined at approximately 10 AM by Task Force
Hannum. Later that afternoon the 31st Infantry Regiment, 7th Infantry
Division, arrived at Suwon Airfield and relieved the two units. Meanwhile,
a number of small battles took place between the 1st Battalion, 32nd
Infantry and North Korean units seven miles northeast of Anyang-ni. In
these the 1st Battalion secured the hills south of the Han River railroad
and highway bridges.

In the Pusan Perimeter sector, the North Koreans counterattacked the 1st
Battalion, 23rd Infantry, positions on the Sinban-ni road. The day-long
battle ended in a stalemate. To the north, the 38th Infantry took
Ch'ogye. Meanwhile the 9th Infantry began crossing the Naktong, leaving
its 2nd Battalion on the east side of the river to mop, or contain, enemy
still on that side of the river..

In the 1st Cavalry Division sector, the division organized Task Force 777
consisting the 7th Cavalry Regiment, the 77th Field Artillery Battalion,
and the 70th Tank Battalion. Led by the 2nd Battalion, 7th Cavalry, Task
Force 777 jumped off from just west of Tabu-dong and advanced against
occasional organized resistance as it sped toward the river crossing at the
Sonsan Ferry. After the task force had turned on to the river road at the
village of Kumgok, it was ordered to proceed on to Kaktong-ni and cross
there. It arrived just before midnight and was fired on by an antitank
gun, which was destroyed. However, during this exchange a shell from one
of the tanks hit a North Korean ammunition truck, which exploded lighting
up the night. By the light of exploding shells the task force saw hundreds
of enemy in the water trying to cross the Naktong as well as a jungle of
abandoned tanks, trucks and artillery pieces. It immediately opened fire,
killing an estimated 200 North Korean troops in the water and capturing
another 200 plus.

In the mountains north and west of Taegu, the 1st ROK Division, augmented
by National Police units, continued their advance south and took the Walled
City on Ka-san (Hill 903,) then continued to clean out enemy pockets on
that mountain and from surrounding hills.
To the east, the ROK Capital Division took Kigye and advanced toward
Andong. On the east coast the 3rd ROK Division captured Hunghae, driving
the North Korean 5th Division northward toward Yongdok.
Spiritism is fantastically obscure, but the entries on the two Task Force 777s was interesting. It almost sounds like the Egyptian Unit was trained primarily by the Fronch. ;)
a simplistic mind would say that metal gear solid 4 will be released on 07/07/2007:dopey:

i know, they say it isn´t, and its too obvious, but we never know what goes on inside their heads
Tenacious D
Spiritism is fantastically obscure, but the entries on the two Task Force 777s was interesting. It almost sounds like the Egyptian Unit was trained primarily by the Fronch. ;)
It would be nice to see if Task Force 777 fits in to the MGS world, but I doubt it.

What I think 777 refers to is not the 20th anniversary of release of Metal Gear and not to the release date of MGS4 like a lot of people think. 777 refers to esotericism and Solid Snake, as well as us, finally being on the "inside" of everything. The Patriots, Outer Heaven, Revolver Ocelot, The Wiseman's Committee, etc. will all be exoteric at the completion of this game.
777 could stand for the three snakes ie solid snake, liquid snake and snake(cant remember 3rd snakes) name and that they have each been in the games 7 times (all of this just theory not sure how many games in total there are)
The third Snake is Solidus snake by the way. Jack was also codenamed Snake. And although he wasn't a clone himself, he could be counted since he was the farther of the three clones. But still, they haven't all appeared 7 times, Solid snake has appeared most by far.
Yeah all three of them (including Snakes revenge). Solid Snake, if you inlcude the MG:Acid and Twin Snakes games has been in more than 7 games, but none of the other snakes have been in 7 games, Jack has appeared in 3 and is going to appear in a 4th one on the PSP. And neither Solidus or Liquid have appeared in 7 games yet. It simply can not mean they've all appeared 7 times, because they haven't.
No video yet. I'll keep you posted.

Metal Gear Solid 4 trailer debuts at Leipzig
Tuesday 22-Aug-2006 9:53 AM Hideo Kojima's PS3 opus gets fresh movie love at this year's Leipzig Games Convention - with first in-game footage!

Metal Gear Solid 4 is a key title for the PlayStation 3's launch period and one of the first games guaranteed to give Sony's next-gen console some must have appeal.

Well as you'll know from E3, where we managed to catch a word with legendary creator Hideo Kojima on the next and possibly final incarnation of Solid Snake's adventures (though we hope Kojima will at least keep the door ajar for future offerings), MGS4 already has us more excited than a bag of puppies.

Well, more should be known at Leipzig tomorrow about this 'Most Wanted' of all PS3 titles with a brand new movie debuting, which should give further clues to the all-consuming beast which is MGS4. From what we hear on the wind it's going to be an absolute corker too, with attendees (including us) treated to the first in-game action from the title, which will feature actual PS3 gameplay visuals, as well as the usual carefully crafted and absorbing cut-scenes which are such a feature of the series.

Here's one from a German gaming website and then traslated.

GC: Konami zeigt Metal Gear Solid 4 Special Trailer

22.08.06 - Konami wird auf der Games Convention den Trailer Metal Gear Solid 4 Special zeigen. Das geht aus einer Prüfung der USK hervor, die den Trailer mit 'Freigegeben ab 16 Jahren gemäß § 14 JuSchG' einstufte. Release: 2007 (USA)

news from


Office: Konami shows Metal Gear solvent 4 Special Trailer 22.08.06 - Konami will show the Trailer Metal Gear solvent 4 Special to the Games Convention. That comes out from an examination of the USK, which classified the Trailer with “approved starting from 16 years in accordance with § 14 JuSchG”. Release: 2007 (the USA)
Well, no trailer today, so that means I can go to bed.

Here's the websites I've been watching...

Live cam...

Here's a pic of the trailer setup and testing. Old footage, but that's expected, unless they're testing with the E3 trailer.


Well, the new MGS4 trailer was just shown. Here's a pic...

LGC 2006: Metal Gear Solid 4 Teaser
First look at what Konami may be showing later today.
by Matt Leone, 08/23/2006

There have been rumors floating around for months that Konami may reveal a new Metal Gear Solid 4 trailer at the Leipzig Games Convention, which begins today in Germany. And while we can't say anything with 100% certainty just yet, we did happen to catch a brief glimpse of MGS4 running in the Konami booth on the show floor just a few minutes ago.
Konami has a scheduled press conference beginning in a couple hours, which should cover all the company's games including MGS4. Check back soon for our full report on what the company shows, but for now check out this teaser image:
Best part about it was the number of of those things on screen with zero slow down like the other trailer. :) It was a little lame. A direct feed would be better.
Im just downloading the trailer now, saw this over at beyond3d, and rushed over here to see if you guys had watched it, apprently yhr animations and frame rate are incredible. shame its downloading at 20kB/s, its going to take 45 mins to get the trailer :(
I don't know which trailer you were watching, but it was pretty awesome to me.

Oh, it was, trust me. Soldiers being punting like footballs is quite entertaining my sick side; but it did not feature any in-game play like I was expecting.

Still, it's a great trailer. I know I'll look through some stills and see what I can make of them.
Im in agreement with Solid here. Its was a good video in terms of physics and graphics, but no real gameplay. Still its something new and I enjoyed it.

ive just uploaded it to my box account as a PSP formated video, so you can grab it for your PSP over in the official downloads thread. Its in 3 parts you need all of them to un-rar the video.
There's something about this trailer that is making me very nervous. :nervous:

When I first saw the first MGS4 trailer, I drooled at the image of an enemy soldiers holo rifle sight. I imagined we'd get to use this as a rifle sight in game.

But, with the latest trailer, all soldiers are holo rifle sight (EOTechs) featureless. I seriously hope Kojima didn't take them all out because it wont be a feature in MGS4. I'm really looking forward to using an EOTech in game. It might seem silly to you, but it's a major selling point for me. Finally, an accurate, real world holographic rifle sighting system in game in a MGS game has been a dream of mine.

If you don't know what a EOTech is, here are some pics...




Solid, I'm sure the only reason you haven't seen it is because the said soldiers who wield it haven't been in the recent trailers (minus E32K6, in which they were featured, but it was also a clip included in the 2K5 trailer).

The other times they're seen, they're using sniper rifles. But I'm pretty sure it'll make the cut, as kojima said, he wants you to be able to use real world add-on's for your weapons. Considering that the EOTech is fairly common among M4 owners, I'm sure we'll see it in the game.

To talk about the soldiers who don't have them, I like that some do and some don't, it adds depth and realism. Some soldiers from the other side (they looked like civilian insurgents) had AK's, whlie the other more modern soldiers had Sniper Rifles and M4's (some with EOT sights and some without).

Basically I think they are trying to be geographically correct for the most part.


I also love the "ode to big boss". Notice when Snake ejects the round from his M4, and catches it, it's almost identicle to the butterfly scene in MGS3, where big boss turns the C4 into the shape of a butter fly, throws it up and catches it (this wouldn't be relevant if Solid didn't have his eye patch on in the MGS4 trailer, but it feels like a very big 'nod' to big boss,lol).
I hope the EoTech is something we can purchase and download from the start of the game if we don't have it in our arsenal. If it is available for download, oh SL here is spendin' some cash.

Just think, we can be well equipped or start off normal. Starting off normal might be fun, but so can buying tons of weapons and modular components and kickin' some ass from the start.
I've always enjoyed the OSP (on site procurement) element of MGS. I like starting out underpowered and slowly stealing from enemies and finding new weapons. While starting out with lots of weapons is fun, it certinaly takes a lot away from the game, at least to me.

maybe my second playthough that kind of thing is really fun :) But I like to be unarmed to start. Make me feel more badass!!! hahaha.
Er... I really doubt that Snake will enter a combat arena armed with his savage good looks and a potato peeler for backup. The only way I can see that happening is if Snake gets captured and has to fight his way out of prison. Now that would be fun, it added a bit of tension to Half Life and other games, but this is going to be a serious game after all. Things will happen and be a certain way for solid reasons.
Er... I really doubt that Snake will enter a combat arena armed with his savage good looks and a potato peeler for backup. The only way I can see that happening is if Snake gets captured and has to fight his way out of prison. Now that would be fun, it added a bit of tension to Half Life and other games, but this is going to be a serious game after all. Things will happen and be a certain way for solid reasons.

Uhh...are you new to metal gear? You've always started with either nothing, or one weapon, usually a SOCOM, Tranq gun, or some other sidearm. You've never started with anything over powering at all.

Even in MGS3, when you DO start out with weapons, you only get a Tranq Gun, then when you DO get a sidearm, it's promtply taken away from you. You had to get everything yourself (aside from the two weapons Eva gives you).

Going into an MG with a ton of weapons sounds completely unlike Metal Gear at sounds like Splinter Cell, which is a poor excuse for a stealth game.
Tenacious D if you havnt already you should play meatal gear solid 1 (with the rex)You get locked up in a cell after being touchered and only have ketchup to fight back lol.Or mgs3 where you only have a fork...
I think Solid is quite well up on MGS, no scratch that, very well up on MGS. His point was based on the fact that MGS4 doesn't appear to be a simple sneak mission like the last games, it's more open warfare. And you don't go into war empty handed. Now the story will probably have a twist where Snake does, but that is something we don't know about yet.
I would love to start with the following. :D

ITT-NQPVS-14 Night Vision/IR 3x Rifle Scope


EoTech 550 HWS (Holographic Weapon Sight)




Springfield Armory 1911-A1 TRP-PRO FBI HRT
