Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

  • Thread starter Solid Fro
Solid Lifters
Finally, Kojima made some comments on the game's visuals. MGS4 is widely regarded as the finest representation of console graphics at E3, but Kojima states, "It will get even better."
I actually read a post somewhere saying "yeah, MGS4 looks good, but it's all CG". I could have punched them.
You do read some twaddle on the internet.
Kojima talks MGS 4, Wii and girls' panties
Friday 12-May-2006 8:56 PM "I'd like to run away from MGS 4 creation", says Kojima as we catch up with him at E3

Hideo Kojima has a big challenge ahead of him. Currently working on the most anticipated PlayStation3 game in the world, the design genius is in Los Angeles to tell the world about Metal Gear Solid 4. We caught up with him to chat about his plans for MGS 4, his love of Wii and what he's getting excited about right now.

CVG: So, the big PS3 E3 surprise is the motion sensitive functions of DualShock 3. Do you plan to use this function in MGS 4?

Kojima: It was a big surprise to me when I found out at E3. I'd like to go back and discuss the functions with my team of game designers and see how we can incorporate ideas into the game. As an example, the tilt functions could be used to control the FPS camera and you could shake the pad to get items from dead enemies. I have many ideas to talk to my team about.


CVG: How do you find PS3 as a development platform?

Kojima: PS3 is a big, powerful machine and it's high definition - it takes much more work than the previous consoles I have worked on.

CVG: Can you tell us about the weapons in MGS 4?

Kojima: I can't really talk about key details but some are based on real weapons and we're taking that a little further with our own ideas and expectations of what real future weapons will appear in the MGS 4 development timeframe. We take military concept ideas too, so they're not really fake.

CVG: What are your impressions of Nintendo Wii and how did Snake appear in Smash Brothers?

Kojima: I've played Tennis, Zelda and Mario on Wii. I find Tennis very interesting. I played the early version but the E3 version is far more advanced. As a game designer, I'm very interested in creating something for the Wii. I'd like to run away from MGS 4 creation and create something for the Wii but unfortunately, I don't have anything that I can announce at the moment. I have lots of ideas for Wii but I have a heavy schedule with MGS 4 and Metal Gear Online. Concerning Snake's appearance on Wii in Smash Brothers, I'm friends with the designer of the game and I thought it would be nice if you could play as Snake - when I heard about the new game last year, I contacted the designer and we started working together.

CVG: In MGS 4 we see the return of Raiden, Liquid Snake and Ocelot. Can you tell us about the plot which combines all these familiar characters?

Kojima: In MGS 4, the only character you will be able to play as will be Snake. In the story, I'd like to include all the characters from the whole series if the story allows it. I would like to have a big wrap up in MGS 4 which explains why the characters acted in the way they did in previous games, so everything can be finally revealed in MGS 4.

CVG: How about E3 2006 - Seen anything exciting?

Kojima: I haven't had a lot of time to walk around the convention centre yet. My feelings are that the show has a little less energy than last year, even though I was really looking forward to the show so I could see Wii and PS3 games and Xbox 360 games a year on. I'd like to go and play Gears of War. Also, I hear there's a GTA style game at the show where you try to steal panties (laughs). It's a very interesting idea and I'd like to check it out this afternoon. I understand they're giving away free panties...

CVG: Killzone on PS3 is a competitor to MGS 4 - are you surprised that Sony has chosen not to show a new Killzone trailer or even a playable version at E3 2006?

Kojima: Actually, I don't care about it. I don't really look at it - as a games designer, I have interests in games that I personally like and admire such as Okami from Capcom.

CVG: When will MGS 4 be playable?

Kojima: Well, since MGS 4 is due to be released in 2007, it think will be playable at next E3 at the latest. The current state of play is that we're changing the gameplay every day. We don't want to serve something to people that isn't built or set in stone because my team wouldn't be satisfied.

CVG: Can you tell me a bit more about the online features in MGS 4 and Metal Gear Online?

Kojima: Of course, MGS 3 has online battle functions and downloads and these will feature in MGS 4. Basically the MGO project is moving by itself and it might be packaged with MGS 4 as a second disc or there's still a possibility of selling it as a stand alone game. Therefore, the MGO project will be the centre of online activity - of course, if it comes with MGS 4 it will be for PS3 but if not, it could be for something else but we haven't decided. On the stand alone side, everything you see in the current online version of MGS 3 will be available in MGS 4.

CVG: Can you see people using the Wii controller to play as Snake at some point in the future?

Kojima: I haven't thought about Snake with the Wii controller - I think about completely different things. If I created something for Wii, I would like to create something entirely different to a normal FPS. I don't mind using the MGS world as a theme but currently I'm not thinking about that. I'd like to give Wii users a new experience - I think the Wii controller can be used in more innovative and fun ways.

CVG: The future war setting of MGS 4 is quite bleak, especially as we see Snake with a gun in his mouth in the trailer. Are there any rays of light which could see romance or something similar lift the story?

Kojima: Yes! It won't all be dreadful! There probably won't be any romance in MGS 4, however, as Snake will not fall in love. There are many characters that appear in the game and it's the drama that occurs between the people that leads the story. So, in that sense, it's not just Snake that has a chance of a positive story line.

Kojima Productions Wants You!
Want to help shape the future of MGS online? Here's how.

Ever wanted the opportunity to help shape or improve the gameplay of a franchise you love? 1UP is proud to present a unique opportunity for Metal Gear fans. Kojima Productions is looking for feedback on MGS Subsistence and online games in general to improve the online gameplay in Metal Gear: Portable Ops and Metal Gear Solid 4.

We've worked with Kojima Productions on a 1UP club where you can directly give your feedback and input, which they will then collect and refer to for the development of their future online-playable Metal Gear titles. So just head over to the Kojima Productions Wants You! club and start giving your feedback.

Remember, this is a rare opportunity for you to directly influence the future of Metal Gear online, so make sure you take advantage of it!
Hayter isn't going to play Snake in the film, that's certain (unless it's a CG film, which it's not...well 99.9% sure is not). So I wonder who? Perhaps someone should put up a hitlist or wish list for preferred actors/actresses.
I tell you what, the idea of a film is going to keep people busy with ideas about plot etc. Any thoughts for now?

Eric Bana works.

I think that Kurt Russell if he slimmed down a bit, he is old enough for the new older snake, and he has already played a character with the same name, so I nominate him.
I think that Kurt Russell if he slimmed down a bit, he is old enough for the new older snake, and he has already played a character with the same name, so I nominate him.
Kojima took the name Snake from the character Kurt Russell played in Escape From NY. He does that quite a bit; that is, get details for his Solid series game from movies. He also gets them from music, from musicians like David Bowie. Kojima got the idea for Old Snake from actor Lee Van Cleef who played in those Spaghetti Westerns.
^^ MGS3 more than any other MGS title illustrates that, lol.

Personally I'd opt that they DON'T make it into a movie. THe game is already movie enough, I don't need it tainted by the hands of hollywood.
This is the game I'm most hyped about, I can't wait for it. I've read 90% of the info on it already and I've watched the trailers many times over, it's just amazingly good. MGS3 is possibly the best game I've ever owned, I have no doubt that this will change that.
It's going to take a while, but when it gets here... woah nellie! I'm going to have to snatch up all the previous Metal Gears and experience the whole story, because that's one series I've been putting off for too long.
Tenacious D
It's going to take a while, but when it gets here... woah nellie! I'm going to have to snatch up all the previous Metal Gears and experience the whole story, because that's one series I've been putting off for too long.
You have a great opportunity to play it in chronological order.

Get MGS3: Subsistence. It has the MGS3 game, only better, Metal Gear (first game of the series), Metal Gear: Solid Snake (second game of the series) and a bunch of other "extras" and online play.

Then get Metal Gear Solid (PSOne) and then Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty: Substance.

There are other games in the Metal Gear lineup, but this is all you really need.
Im not 100% sure if you guys have seen this vid, It's Kojima and a Programmer from the MGS4 team demonstrating certain graphical effects in MGS4. using the the Dev kit, its quite old but cool none the less.

BTW its 9:13 long so it takes a while to load, and it also stop for some reason in parts for a split second too, but still very good to watch.

Oh yeah, that's very old. I posted that a while ago, back in September or November of 2005.

I think I just got rid of it from my hard drive a few weeks ago. It's still nice to see it again, though.
I agree solid, its always nice to view things that remind me of just how good the console is in these dark times :D, but its the little bits that make this video great, like the DOF & colour change ability. This game truly shows what can be done with a little time and knowlage.

Roll on the releae date for MGS4, and prepare to take 6 or more weeks off work.
Thanks Solid 👍

Great news and updates, cant wait for Super Smash Bros on the Wii, definatly a game I want (loved the SSB games), I heard also that the camo thing can only be done on the PS3, as the shader tech cant be achived on the 360. one great game, definatly a PS3 selling title.
I don't think it gives away anything more than that E3 video personally.
The following below was posted at the link below. If you think it's BS, just keep it to yourself.

Ok so I was at the McFarlane booth and I see a asian guy with dark black hair from the back, and think "hmm thats guys head kinda looks like Kojima's." I really didn't think it was him, just thought it was a funny coincedence. I walk around the crowd of people, and end up right in front of him. I looked at his name tag, and it said "Hideo Kojima". I was so shocked, I stood there like a moron for what seemed like forever. It really caught me by surprise.

I stuck my hand without saying anything and shook his hand. Tried to tell him how big of a fan I was and how I met him before at a signing up in LA. He couldnt speak enlisgh very well at all. His friend(ended up being the senior producer for MGS4) was next to him and translated a few things I said. I was still in shock that Kojima was right in front of me. My face must of been so red, I was really embarrassed. Then I said it was really nice to meet them, and to have a good time in San Diego. They seemed to be really surprised and startled by my actions. Like they couldnt believe I knew who he was.

Then my girlfriend suggests I get a picture with them. So I run back up and ask, and he says ok. All the while people are just walking around me like normal. No one knew who he was except me. heres the pic:


Ok after that I couldnt stop thinking about what just happened. And how I wanted to ask so many questions regarding Metal Gear. My girlfriend was looking for some T-shirts at this stand, and they so happened to be doing the same thing. You can see the Tshirt stand to the left if i get it loaded on here.

I couldnt resist the urge to go up and talk to them again. They were standing within 5 feet of me for about 10mins. The guy who spoke english was on his own so I worked up the balls and approched him again. We strted talking about how huige of a fan I was, and I told him i felt embarrassed about the way I approached them the first time. I was much more calm this time around thank god. He ended up revealing to me that he was the Senior producer for MGS4.

Alrihgt Im going to get straight to the point here. I basically gave him an interview while he was picking out T-shirts, Kojima was off doing the same thing aboiut 5 feet away. Hedidnt seem to notice I was talking to him. I talked to him for about 10-15mins. Heres what I found out.

- No way it will fit on a DVD9. Wouldnt give me a number as how big the game will be. Said he couldnt do that, and nothing is been confirmed as how big the final game will be, cause "there still making it." But went on about how Sony is pushing HD content and in no way will it be possible to fit it on a normal DVD, and BD is totally necessary for MGS4.(he kept calling it BD) I brought up compression, but he didnt seem like he liked that idea. Forgot what he said. Basically they dont want to do that. I dunno. This lead into a question about resolution.

-MGS4 will be 1080. Im assuming 1080p, but he said 1080. He said Sony is "forcing" them to do it in 1080. He hesitated when he said this. Im thinking he could not find the right word, and chose to say "forcing." But didnt really mean that. As he continued to talk about it I assumed he meant "pushing". So anotherwards Sony is really pushing for 1080p on MGS4, and he said thats what it will be.

- wouldnt reveal whos grave it is. said you will have to wait and see.

-Expect MGS4 to be in playable form next E3. He gave me a "hint" as he put it, and said to expect it to follow like all the MGS games have done in the past. In that they were always shown in playable form for the first time in the same year they were released. Which all happened to be at E3. so its releasing in 2007, so expect it at the 07 E3. I sugested TGS but this is what he told me

- still learning the PS3 A lot of things are moving along nicely, but they are also struggling with other things. Because of this he told me this is the biggest MGS team ever, and they have tons of people working on the game. Since its a next gen PS3 game. Made it seem like it was kinda hard to develope on PS3 thus far.

-Tilt controller might be used for cracking necks. I asked him about the tilt controller, and he said there testing a lot of things out. I said how I thought it would be really cool if you could crack guards necks with the controller. He laughed and sai another team member came up with the same idea, and there testing it out. He kept reiterating the fact, "ther estill making it"

Kojima has idea's about another ZOE wouldnt confirm anything. But said he thought Kojima wanted to do another one, but is busy with MGS4 right now. Didnt know wether he meant there are already plans for a next ZOE, or already has ideas for it. Whastever it is, it means will will most liekly see a ZOE3 sometime in the future.

I asked a lot of things he couldnt answer. I made a lot of sugestions as well. I told him if this really is Kojimas last MGS game plz kill off snake so someone else doesnt come along and screw things up. I also asked about Raiden in playable form. And he said he couldnt reveal anything. I also commited on how they made Raiden seem so powerfull in the E3 trailer, and how im worried Snake seemed to weak in comparison. But he reassured me that Snake is the main guy, and you'll just have to wait and see.

One other thing. When I asked a lot of my questions. He hept telling me there still making it. And a lot of things will be changed from now and when MGS4 is first shown in playable form.

Sorry this post is so unorginaized. I cant remember a lot of stuff, and my thoughts are all over the place about what happened. lol There is a lot more stuff as well that Im sure will pop back into my mind. Ill post them as they do. Feel free to ask any questions.

Sorry for all the typos. Dont have time to proof read all this. Have to run.
Very nice solid, I visited the forum that you posted, and there's a guy who loves Ken so much that he identifies himself as Ken and talks Iike he is Ken:lol: here the screenshot, funny as hell:lol:

God, what an awful site!
Interesting read though. Impossible to fit onto DVD9, eh? Could use compression but that screws up textures etc. Better to be uncompressed. But 1080p? Can that really be done so early on? 1080i certainly. Well, wait and see I guess.

- Kojima is happy that he will kill off Snake in MGS4. He wants to move on and create new games. He says that the storyline will perfectly explain Snake's death.

- The action won't take place in only one region of the world. The E3 trailer was constructed so that gamers would think that the game plays out in one location when in fact it is not.

- Snake will have an upgraded and expanded assortiment of CQC moves. The production team after a harsh military training had gained valuable info about how a Special Forces Agent should act and move.

- The healing system form MGS3 might return. Face point and disguises will prove invaluable for Snake's survival (dressing up as other soldiers etc.)

- For Octa-Cam to work Snake has to stand still for a few seconds. The Ota-Cam also doesn't hide Snake face and hair so a 100% blend in into the enviroment is impossible ("No place to hide.")

- While fighting the robots (Snake will encounter true MG's later in the storyline) Snake will receive help from an AI controled Raiden. Raiden is apparently a cyborg with white fluid for blood. His looks may have changed but his personality has remained intact.

- some of the events that have happend after MGS2 and before MGS4 MIGHT be shown in the MGS movie which is in production in Hollywood ATM.

- nods to the series fans: Exclamation and question marks above the soldiers heads will return in 4. Also Meryl has an earring - a bullet attached to a chain which is a nod to Policenaut's fans.

- Snake will have limited time to acomplish his misson. He's dying and the next half year will be his last. In his advancements he will meet civilians. They will either help him in his misson or try to hinder it. Snake will see them fighting and dying alongside him. The enviroment is supposed to be heavily destructable.
That is utterly bizarre. The Japanese will do almost anything.

I was thinking of Big O as much as Star Wars. But... just wild, the stuff that goes on over there!