Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

  • Thread starter Solid Fro
The part where Snake is on his back and throws a grenade...the next time some game hack says "Gears of war style" I'm going to kill someone. Why must they mention GoW? It's as if they're deperately trying to downplay MGS4. And for their information that lined arc that you see was in SOCOM on the PS2 AGES ago..ffs!!!:grumpy:
The part where Snake is on his back and throws a grenade...the next time some game hack says "Gears of war style" I'm going to kill someone. Why must they mention GoW? It's as if they're deperately trying to downplay MGS4. And for their information that lined arc that you see was in SOCOM on the PS2 AGES ago..ffs!!!:grumpy:

Yeah, it's just Trolls trying to start something. I just ignore them. Well, most of the time I do.

I think people were getting sick and tired of not knowing EXACTLY where they were throwing the grenades in the MGS series. So, they had to come up with something. I think they did a great job with the new game play feature and I look forward to throwing 'nades in MGS4.
The part where Snake is on his back and throws a grenade...the next time some game hack says "Gears of war style" I'm going to kill someone. Why must they mention GoW? It's as if they're deperately trying to downplay MGS4. And for their information that lined arc that you see was in SOCOM on the PS2 AGES ago..ffs!!!:grumpy:
It's because they feel threatened by the game. They need to convince themselves that Guns of the Patriots isn't going to be Sony's magnum opus, the game that will leave the world stunned at its superiority.
Future Weapons is Awesome! Blippin Awesome but Blippin scary, But Blippin Awesome. :drool:

I can't stop watching the MGS4 playable demo vid. :banghead: This is the flagship reason why the PS3 WILL make a comeback and I will be playing it more. :)
I want one of those....With metal storm:D

"They" have one of those with Metal Storm.

With dwindling troop numbers year after year, remote controlled robotic vehicles are a huge necessity.

EDIT: Holy crap! Video proof MGS4 is coming to XBox360!!

EDIT: Holy crap! Video proof MGS4 is coming to XBox360!!

Wait a second....


Only 5 discs!!!!!! :ouch:

Looks like Xbox 360 owners just got a "kick in the go-nads", as weren't they supposed to be getting a 20 disc set?:

MGS4 Confirmed for XBOX360! Picture proof!




Seriously though, that was kinda funny... although the overheating part is likely too close to the truth to be humorous:

Good one.
Anyway, I've given up on Gamespot and CVG as their both running "stories" of HMV in the UK having a pre-order for MGS4 on the 360. Neither say how unlikely this is . In fact both sites suggest it IS likely. Freakin' hell! I want to be informed by these people not mis-informed. Idiots!! Honestly, this is the kind of "journalism" that proves how crap it is. Admittedly IGN are'nt running with it so I think I can still trust them. But as for CVG and Gamespot, they can kiss my ass!
Here's some links -
Bloody morons the pair of them. Obviously it's just an excuse to get hits on their site (and it's worked:mad:).
And as for their "source" -
So, no UTIII for the PS3? MUST BE TRUE...

Sorry if I sound cranky but this gets on my nerves. The big problem I have with the internet is sifting through all the BS that's out there. I don't have the time or the patience. Screw 'em..
Pshhh, all they have to do is watch the gameplay demo to see that snake controls Metal Gear with a sixaxis. It doesn't take a genius.
Solid Lifters great video, is there any where I can download that video, because I want to show someone at work that video on my PSP. Anyway after seeing MGS4 coming out for pre-order on the Xbox 360, I still think it will be a PS3 exclusive and will never see the light of day for the Xbox 360.

Because it would be like a watered down MGS4, which would ruin the MGS4 experience, while making it weak on the Xbox 360.
It's not so much that rumours of a 360 MGS4 exist (in fact I think there WILL be an MGS game on the 360, just not MGS4) but it's the way CVG and Gamestop keep plugging away with this BS when they're supposed to be a reliable and reputable games site.

These "stories" (and that term's used very loosely) prove otherwise. It's the principle of the thing, especially in relation to the internet in general. Honestly sometimes it's like wading through field after field of bull faeces when I "surf" the "net". I don't expect this from CVG and Gamespot. That's why I no longer visit their sites.👎

EDIT: ANYWAY, HMV admit it was a mistake (obviously). I wonder if CVG and Gamespot apologise? (I doubt it).
"In his enthusiasm, one of our online games team indicated that would start taking pre-orders for MGS4 on Xbox 360, when, in fact, he simply meant to ask customers if they wished to receive an alert in the event of this title one day coming out on this platform," admitted the retailer to aren't too bad. They still circulate rumours though.
Just like 1Up, gamespot staff is full of 360 hardcore fanboys, So I won't be surprised if they do this kind of crap again.
I remember Hideo Kojima himself once took out a double-page advert in an XBox360 magazine that read "Dear Mr. Kojima ... Jump In" that got a few fanboys excited. It was, however, in keeping with Kojima-san's tongue-in-cheek sense of humour; he was saying that he wouldn't be going over to Microsoft.
In last week’s episode of "The 1up Show" they spent over 10 minutes reviewing and discussing the MGS4 gameplay footage periodically cut with clips of an interview with Ryan Payton, an assistant producer for MGS4 where they show some new footage as well as discuss new gameplay features, including uses for the SIXAXIS controller.

They follow that up with 5 more minutes of discussion and footage of the recently announced MGS4 Online game, (which may possibly include an X360 version, but this is just speculation at this point). Again, they include clips from the interview with Ryan Payton where he eludes to the much talked about/speculated on SOP System, as well as Nanotechnology Weapons/Tools and Character Look Options & Skill Levels.

Lot’s of interesting MGS4 stuff to sink your teeth into, and even something for MGS fans with and X360 and not a PS3 to hold out hope for! 👍

Here is the LINK to the video.
Metal Gear Solid Online does sound good I could get right into that and I'm glad it isn't something that was just tagged onto the back of MGS4.
There's a chance it could be on the 360. Unfortunately I don't see PS3 and 360 owners being able to play against each other, which is a shame.

Edit: MGS4 will be playable at the Leipzig Games Convention later this month. Don't think it's on the floor though. I think it's Kojima playing through a different part of the game. There's a new trailer to be shown too.
Konami Europe has announced that Hideo Kojima will visit this year's Leipzig Games Convention, and will show an all-new Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots trailer and a playable demo of the video game during the game's presentation. The presentation will be held in Hall 4, Stand 11 in the Leipzig Games Convention venue (the event will run from August 22 to 26).
I also read that MGS4 is still PS3 exclusive, according to Hideo himself. (For the record, thats the same for UTIII, which is nice!)
You may want to recheck your records, or even just this thread. ;)

While it is true that MGS4 is a PS3 exclusive, it is also possible that MGS4 Online (it's a different game) might come out with a version for X360, but there is only speculation, as neither Hideo Kojima, or anyone at Kojima Productions has mentioned the possibility of an X360 version of MGS4 Online.

Why then are many, including myself speculating the possibility of an X360 version? Well, back in January during an interview with GamePro editors Vicious Sid and Mr. Marbles, Kojima said, "I do have strong interest in creating something for the Xbox 360.". he also went on to say that he was going to need more than 22 GB of disc space for MGS4, which pretty much ruled out an X360 edition, but...

MGS4 Online is likely going to be much smaller than MGS4, and with the large community of online players on XBL (Microsoft's latest claim is that there are *7.1 million users on XBL), so it would make a lot of sense to offer X360 users the opportunity to play the Online game.

* While I'm sure there are many XBL users, I seriously doubt that there are 7.1 million current individual users. Microsoft is able to count anyone signing up and then canceling as a "user", and they can double, triple, quadruple count users who cancel, then sign up using a different ID multiple times. If there truly is 7.1 current individual XBL members, then Microsoft would have to report XBL membership revenue of around $350 million, which is extremely unlikely considering past financial reports. :ouch:

As for Unreal Tournament III, it is a timed exclusive for the PS3, with an X360 edition supposedly coming out later sometime in 2008.
MGS4 Online is likely going to be much smaller than MGS4, and with the large community of online players on XBL (Microsoft's latest claim is that there are *7.1 million users on XBL), so it would make a lot of sense to offer X360 users the opportunity to play the Online game.

* While I'm sure there are many XBL users, I seriously doubt that there are 7.1 million current individual users. Microsoft is able to count anyone signing up and then canceling as a "user", and they can double, triple, quadruple count users who cancel, then sign up using a different ID multiple times. If there truly is 7.1 current individual XBL members, then Microsoft would have to report XBL membership revenue of around $350 million, which is extremely unlikely considering past financial reports. :ouch:

IIRC, that 7 million user count also includes silver members. I'm (purely) guessing that there's about 3-4 million subscribers currently, but Halo 3 is going to add a ton more that would in the end benefit MGSO.

I do think MGSO will make an appearance on 360 and maybe even PC. The very fact that they're taking a built-in mode from Subsistence and are making it a standalone game for more money makes me think they're not going to limit its sales as a PS3 exclusive. They could triple its regular sales with a port because of the far larger, mostly hardcore userbase (it snatches up any new game in sight, see Tenchu Z).
WARNING! Spoilers about the bosses will be discussed in this post. Avoid reading!

OK, so maybe, just maybe my theory of MGS4 is correct. Dead Cell was a group of people who were dead and brought back to life through some new genetic technique. Or, maybe it's just Vamp. That's why in MGS, FOXHOUND wanted Big Boss' body. They wanted to use Dead Cell technology to bring him back to life. I didn't understand why they wanted it for more genetic testing when they already had his DNA and genetic traits used for the clones. That just didn't make sense.

Now, with the bosses revealed, it could be Dead Cell reanimated versions of Psycho Mantis (Screaming Mantis), Decoy Octopus (Laughing Octopus), Sniper Wolf (Crying Wolf) and Vulcan Raven (Ranging Raven). Screaming, Laughing, Crying and Ranging. Similar in theme to The Joy (Laughing), The Pain (Screaming), The Sorrow (Crying), The Fear(?) and The Fury (Raging). But, they could just be new versions of the old FOXHOUND crew. In fact, I do think they are new and not reanimated former FOXHOUND members. But, I like how Kojima pays respects to both MGS and MGS3 with the bosses' names. For example, Crying Wolf = Crying, an emotion like the boss names of MGS3 and an animal name, Wolf, like with the MGS bosses.

Many are starting to balk at the idea of reanimated former bosses, and I agree, it seems cheesy. But, you never know. It's Kojima we're talking about.

EDIT: The title for the new bosses is "Beauties and the Beasts." It looks like Screaming Mantis and Laughing Octopus are female, and Raging Raven appears to be male, but what about Crying Wolf? Male, I guess. One thing is now sure, they aren't reanimated versions of old FOXHOUND unit members.

Weapon wise, it looks like the following...

Crying Wolf = Rail Gun or maybe a rotary cannon.

Raging Raven = Milkor M32 Grenade Launcher

Screaming Mantis = High Frequency Katana

Laughing Octopus = Large Knives (one for each tentacle)

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