Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

  • Thread starter Solid Fro
That just harkens back to what I was whinging about earlier: 360 fanboys believe that they - and only they - should get the good games because they play the 360. Their justification for this is that the 360 is the superior system, though they never offer any proof as to why. We're just supposed to take the word of a bunch of well-adjusted and rational (read: rabid) fanboys who can't believe that anything decent might get made for another console.

Thanks for the link Earth.

Finally! Some Metal Gears!!! and a monkey!
Not just any monkey... a jeans shorty short wearing, caffeine carbonated drinking junky monkey. :D


Apparently Snake doesn't trust the lil monster. ;)


Doesn't she know Snake is androgynous and won't be easily distracted by a wardrobe malfunction? ;)


Is it just me, or does this character look an awful lot like Jeff Goldblum? He even does the same mannerism of adjusting his eye glasses.



Nothing quite like a mecha battle to get the heart beating... my money is on Snake.



Uh... that’s one full moon I could have gone without seeing. ;)
Just got done watching the new trailer. Great stuff.

Rex vs. Ray battle? Awesome. But, I bet this is the 'too much info' Ryan was talking about. Obviously, it reveals the last boss fight of the game.

The 'monkey and the man' characters appear to be a weapons dealer we can get weapons from during the game. Kind of like the weapons dealer in the Resident Evil 4 game that was a great feature.

I cannot spend to much time here today. Gotta go. I just quickly chimed in what I thought.

Rose looks hot. I hope she isn't an annoying **** in this game.
I didn't see Rose in the trailer. That's Naomi with the wardrobe malfunction.

That's what others are saying, but it looks so much like Rose. Dr. Naomi Hunter was a spy in MGS, so it's either the real Naomi Hunter or Konami did a bad job of coping her; the 'spy' Naomi Hunter, that is.

Plus, the child looks like Raiden and she has a rose in her hair. But, it was pointed out that the little kid is Olga's child.

In the video, I notice the new 'gun runner' character is an active character in the game. His name is Drebin. He owns the striker we see help rescue Dr. Naomi. The striker has 'EYE HAVE YOU' on the side with 'Drebin 893' on the rear panel. Oh, and they were drinking beer, not a soda. I think that's why we see him at the end of the video screaming something odd and burping. Notice the bullet wound across his left temple and through his hair? Running guns is a dangerous business.

I noticed the four 'Vamp-like' soldiers that attack Meryl and the rest of the FOXHOUND team are women. No doubt, they become our "Beauty and Beasts" boss characters, I take it.

Also, the 'unaffected' FOXHOUND member from the E3 trailer is not Dave after all. His name is Akiba which means otaku ( in Japan, which Otacon is named after. Is this Akiba Otacon in disguise? Remember, he gets into the action in this one. Nahhhhh...
I thought Naomi was the scientist that injected Snake with Foxdie in MGS? Rose from MGS2 seemed a lot more girly (if you know what I mean). And I thought that girl was Olgas. Slightly wacky with the monkey but hey, no change there really.
Anyway, I need to watch the trailer again. Too much information.
And there's supposedly 50 demo kiosks running MGS4 at TGS, including rumble! No idea if it's true though.
I thought Naomi was the scientist that injected Snake with Foxdie in MGS?
No. That was Deep Throats (Cyborg Ninja, Gray Fox, Frank Yeager's) little sister. She took the place of the real Dr. Naomi Hunter, who was missing and last seen in the Middle East, so she could kill Solid Snake with Foxdie. Remember, she changed the formula of Foxdie to kill him.

Rose from MGS2 seemed a lot more girly (if you know what I mean).

No. She was an annoying pain in the ass. I hated her so damn much...

And I thought that girl was Olgas.

That's who I said she belonged to, but she looks so much like Raiden, though, plus the rose in her hair is there to throw you off a little. Sneaky Kojima.

And there's supposedly 50 demo kiosks running MGS4 at TGS, including rumble! No idea if it's true though.

Yeah, it is. Click on the link in the post I made a week ago. It's all there.
I've been watching the trailers over and over again. Look where the Rex and Ray are fighting. Alaska? I guess Liquid finally gained Outer Heaven.

The helicopters in the trailer is also interesting. Both of them have the NOTAR system (no tail rotors) and the Black Hawk that Snake is in has Coaxial rotors (two sets of blades that spin in the opposite direction) as well. I've never seen helicopters like that before!

This trailer shows the beginning and the end of Vamp's and Raiden's battle from the E3 2007 trailer. It doesn't seem Raiden came out on top.

Who is Snake holding in the church when he meets Big Mama? A church in the middle east? Strange.

Naomi can have all the wardrobe malfunctions she wants.
I've been watching the trailers over and over again. Look where the Rex and Ray are fighting. Alaska? I guess Liquid finally gained Outer Heaven.

I think it's supposed to be Shadow Moses.

Who is Snake holding in the church when he meets Big Mama? A church in the middle east? Strange.

It looks like Vamp.

Naomi can have all the wardrobe malfunctions she wants.

True that.
But, more than just Shadow Moses. Control of the PMCs, FOXDIE, the Patriots, and Metal Gears, he can finally create Outer Heaven.
But, more than just Shadow Moses. Control of the PMCs, FOXDIE, the Patriots, and Metal Gears, he can finally create Outer Heaven.

You mean, "Outer Haven?"

Big Boss had Outer Heaven. Liquid Ocelot has Outer Haven.

Weird; I know.
Something's wrong with that link. I try to follow it and the page loads, but then the entire screen goes blank and nthing can be done but reboot the computer ... maybe it's just the computer I'm on. Anyway, I saw the English version on YouTube (though not in high definition) ... and there isn't really anything I can say. Slightly confusing, but once again it's Kojima-san's usual high standard of work.
Not too shabby of an endorsement (and this guy has been been loathing the PS3 ever since E3 2006... actually maybe even since TGS 2005):

By Chris Kohler

The PlayStation 3 is so, so very lucky that Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots is exclusive to the platform. I just got finished with an extensive hour-long demo of the Tokyo Game Show playable version, and I am in love all over again. The demo showcased the return of so many of the things that make MGS great -- stealth action, a wide variety of weaponry and gadgets, and riveting storytelling -- but added a whole array of new features.

What Metal Gear Solid 4 won't feature is any substantial Sixaxis control. Although the team at Kojima Productions had experimented with various ways of using the PS3's tacked-on motion sensitivity, like shaking the controller to do a barrel roll, they've decided not to use them. "Sixaxis is pretty hard to work with," says Kojima Productions' Ryan Payton, "as other developers have found out." What MGS4 will feature is rumble, thanks to the Dual Shock 3 controller.

"Is this... in-game?" I said incredulously as the first scene began. It was. It's not as if it technically looked impossible, but the style, the lighting, and the amazing job they've done with the game's main character Old Snake (yes, that's what it says on his energy bar) all combined to make me do a double-take. Guns of the Patriots is a wonderful-looking game in every respect; Payton says he spent a week in the Middle East taking photos that were used for the opening level's textures and embellishments.

Okay, on to the gameplay changes. All environment-based actions are now moved to the triangle button, which has become the one-stop context-sensitive go-to button for moving up against walls, jumping through windows, and dumpster-diving (which is the one place where you can use the Sixaxis to open the lid). Similarly, all attacks have been moved to the R1 button, and that's going to fire your weapon when you've got it raised with the L1 trigger, or initiate close-quarters combat if you want to sneak up on somebody and choke them out.

Another major addition is the ability to walk around while crouching. Now you can be stealthy without actually lying down on the ground, which has taken crouching from useless to awesome. And there are no cardboard boxes -- if you need to be unnoticed, you can just play dead by hitting triangle while lying down. You're on a battlefield -- dead bodies are more commonplace than cardboard boxes.

As for staying hidden, you won't have to manually switch your camouflage this time around -- you can just move up against a wall, and Snake's "octo-camo" suit will take on the appearance of whatever it is you're up against or lying near. You'll be able to collect the different camo textures, well over a hundred of them, and put them on whenever you want. This is pretty much only for crazy maniac players.

Eventually, of course, you will find yourself in battle. In that situation, you have two fighting options, which you can toggle between by pressing Square. In "Auto Aim" mode -- for Japanese players, said Payton, but I suck at stealth so I'll probably use it too -- you'll just lock on automatically to the nearest meatbag when you hold L1. In standard mode, the camera switches to a tight over-the-shoulder view aka Resident Evil 4 or Gears of War. Even better: you can switch shoulders for a better viewpoint depending on the situation.

But the biggest change is that the traditional radar system has been thrown out for the Threat Ring, which is a translucent aura of white that floats around Snake in a manner unobtrusive to the graphics, but still visible. As enemies get closer to you, the ring will develop little waves that rise and fall as they come nearer or walk away. In this way, you can get a sense of what's around you, but it's not handed to you on a silver platter.

This is important because MGS4 is the first game that's designed for true 3D stealth. Previous games in the series have taken place from the top-down 2D perspective. There have been some third-axis elements but not many, and MGS3's over-the-shoulder view was merely an option -- and the game wasn't designed for it. But MGS4 is true over-the-shoulder 3D, which means you've got to be on red alert all the time. It feels so much more natural -- I know it's cliche to say this, but as if I'm really on the battlefield.

Speaking of which, that's the milieu that informs much of MGS4's new gameplay. Snake is traveling to different warring countries where private military corporations are becoming involved in wars with the local militias. He suspects that Liquid Snake is somehow behind it all. But while you're there, if you hear gunshots, they might not be directed at you. They could just be shooting the local guys, who you can either try to kill as well or team up with.

In the scene that concluded the demo, you no longer had to worry about stealth. There was a full-scale skirmish going on between the PMC guys and the militia, and so Snake can jump right on in there and help blow them away without worrying that they've spotted him -- because they've got so many different targets to deal with. Using a rocket launcher given to me by Otakon to blow up some tanks with turrets on the top, we dealt with all the PMCs and the militia guys loved me, represented by little hearts above their heads. I shared a ration with one (using triangle, of course) and he gave me an incendiary bomb as a reward.

With every one of these PlayStation 3 games, you have to ask the question: is this worth the high price of admission? Metal Gear Solid 4 might be the first game where the answer is "yes." Assuming they drop the price to $400 by the time MGS hits in the first quarter of 2008, I mean.
But the biggest change is that the traditional radar system has been thrown out for the Threat Ring, which is a translucent aura of white that floats around Snake in a manner unobtrusive to the graphics, but still visible. As enemies get closer to you, the ring will develop little waves that rise and fall as they come nearer or walk away. In this way, you can get a sense of what's around you, but it's not handed to you on a silver platter.

Exactly like Zone of The Enders. The ring becomes smaller as Orbital Frames came closer and you can gauge their threat level, especially with very dangerous Frames, even if they were not visible to you.
Kojima speaks...

It's become a tradition for Konami director Hideo Kojima to hold a stage presentation every year at the Tokyo Game Show. This year was no exception, and GameSpot was there to cover it.

Visitors to Konami's Metal Gear Solid 4 area were given a thick, 50-page booklet that was sure to be a treat to fans of the stealth-action series. Aside from pages of CG artwork, photos from the development scenes, columns, and interview articles, the booklet also gave a little bit more detail on MGS4's storyline.

The latest Metal Gear saga takes place five years after MGS2, but the world has dramatically changed in that short time period. After the Big Shell incident in Manhattan, the US government required all soldiers working for Private Military Companies (PMCs) to be injected by nanomachines called the SOP (Sons Of the Patriots), which control their physical capabilities and emotions. The new technology allowed war zones to be completely controlled by PMCs. As a result, wars expanded, and PMCs grew larger and larger. By the time the game starts, warfare has become a vital part of the world's economy.

Roy Campbell now works for a subsidiary organ under the United Nations and reviews PMCs. According to his research, the total combined PMC military forces have grown to a size equivalent to that of the US Army. What's more, the top five PMCs are all operated by a single mother company named Outer Haven, commanded by Liquid Ocelot.

In order to assassinate his brother, Solid Snake--who's aged into an old, gray-haired man due to defects in his DNA--makes his way into the war zone in the Middle East.

The new trailer shown at TGS hinted that Liquid has kidnapped doctor Naomi Hunter to hijack the SOP system and to lead an insurrection, although his motives aren't explained yet. It can only be assumed that he's trying to create the Outer Haven that Big Boss attempted to make; a utopia for soldiers, where they can battle forever without interference from forces such as politics.

Director Hideo Kojima appeared on stage at Konami's booth and started off by talking about the new bosses in MGS4. Although they were revealed to the press last month, this is the first time that Kojima directly showed them off to the public himself.

"In the first Metal Gear Solid, we featured a special forces unit that consisted of elite active soldiers," he explained. "In MGS2, we needed an even stronger team, and after a while of thinking, we went with a Special Forces unit that trains and instructs other special forces units. We decided to give superhuman abilities to those characters, kind of like in American comics. In MGS3, we had to make even stronger characters, so we went with a 'legendary' Special Forces unit."

"MGS4 was really tough since we had to go beyond legendary soldiers, so we thought that it might be better off if they weren't human. We made [a unit of] monsters, called the Beauty and the Beast," said Kojima, outlining the birth behind the oddly shaped new set of bosses in MGS4.

As GameSpot reported last month, Beauty and the Beast is a unit of four monster-like ladies that are, for an unknown reason, named like the Special Forces unit in MGS1; Laughing Octopus, Crying Wolf, Raging Raven, and Screaming Mantis.

The team members all look like bionic monsters, but they're actually women. Each has distinct characteristics; Laughing Octopus is constantly laughing as she makes her deadly rounds with bionic tentacles made of the same technology as Solidus Snake's appendages in MGS2. Octopus can also use the same thermoptic camouflage that Old Snake uses throughout the game, so finding her could be prove to be tricky.

Raging Raven is constantly in a state of anger. As her name suggests, she has wings, made of the same technology as those of the bio-mechanic bomber creatures called Sliders seen in previous trailers of MGS4. Raven is strong enough alone, but she can also call out the Sliders, making her an even tougher opponent. Crying Wolf is always crying, and she's the fastest monster in the unit, being able to use all four feet for running.

Finally, Screaming Mantis should be quite an interesting character for series fans. Leaving aside the fact that she's always screaming, she's got extra hands and she carries marionettes that allow her to control soldiers in the war zone. Her two marionettes are modeled after Psycho Mantis from MGS1 and The Sorrow from MGS3, and Kojima promised the reason behind the resemblance will be in the game.

According to Kojima, the player's objective against the Beauty and the Beast unit is not to kill them. Much like the "Little Sisters" in BioShock, the monsters were originally girls with pure hearts, and it's up to the player to rescue them from their misery.

"There's the old fairytale about the beauty and the beast, where the character gets enchanted in the forest and gets turned into a beast," said Kojima. "These girls have been turned into a beast by the forest known as the war zone. It's up to the player as to whether or not they can break the spells on the girls."

For players that can lift their curses, there's a little bonus. As previously reported, Kojima used live actresses to model the Beauty and the Beast unit, and he also took 3D data of their faces. If the player can rescue them, they'll be able to unmask the beauty inside the beast and see what they actually look like.

Kojima confirmed that Raging Raven is modeled after actress Yumi Kikuchi, who's also doing the motion capture acting and voices for the Japanese release. He kept the rest of the voice actor identities a secret, saying that it'll be up to the player to discover them.

Kojima then went on to give some details on the new characters that were shown in the TGS trailer: Drebin, Sunny, Big Mama, Johnathan, Ed, Johnny, and the Haven Troopers. Drebin is an arms wholesaler who delivers weapons registered to a corresponding solider with matching SOP nanomachines in them. Since he is able to modify these weapons, Drebin will play an important role in the game, delivering various kinds of arms to Snake.

As can be seen in the trailer, Drebin has a hairless pet monkey in shorts named Little Gray. According to Kojima, the motion capture actor who played Raiden was extremely good at monkey impersonations, so Kojima decided to add one as a sidekick to Drebin, especially since Drebin seemed a bit plain compared to the other characters in the game.

Kojima and art director Youji Shikawa explained that Drebin was one of the first characters to be written in MGS4's plot, but they had a hard time making him stand out. The developers decided to make him a master of magic tricks, and they hired a real professional magician for Drebin's motion captures. In the Japanese release, Drebin is voiced by Keiji Fujiwara, the same man who did Sigint in MGS3.

Sunny is a 9-year-old genius who is also the daughter of Olga, who died in Metal Gear Solid 2. Kojima joked that this is the first time a little girl is appearing in the series, and that she's been extremely vital to uplifting the spirits of the MGS4 developers since the other characters in the game are all old. In the Japanese release, Sunny will be voiced by Kikuko Inoue (Rosemary in MGS2, The Boss in MGS3).

"Sunny plays a central role in MGS4. Like her name says, she's like the sun, with the other characters in the game revolving around her. She's extremely important," said Kojima.

Another thing that the Metal Gear Solid series hasn't had up until now is an aged woman. Eva from MGS3 returns to the game as a strong lady that's around 80 years old. She's now known under the code name of "Big Mama," and she's fighting against the Patriots.

"She's called Big Mama. Her name might suggest something, but I won't comment anything further on it", said Kojima, who also noted that Big Mama carries a Mauser C96 just like she did back in MGS3, which is one of Kojima's favorite guns.

Kojima also gave some additional details to Meryl Silverburgh's teammates, who remained more or less nameless until now. The soldier with the mohawk is named Jonathan, and he's mainly in charge of backup support. Johnathan's mohawk looks like an exclamation mark when he's seen from the back, and as that might suggest, he isn't too fond of anyone catching him from behind. According to Kojima, Johnathan's motion captures were done by the MGS series military advisor Motosada Mouri himself, so he moves a lot more professionally compared to the other characters in the game.

Meryl's other teammate, Ed, is the team's subleader. His specialties are in communication and sniping. If Johnathan and Ed's names seem familiar to old gamers, it's because Kojima named the two characters after the protagonists in his old adventure game, Policenauts.

Meryl's third team member is Johnny. The name should ring a bell to MGS fans; this is the same soldier who had stomach problems in the restroom, back in the original MGS. Kojima commented that Johnny is the least useful member in Meryl's team, as depicted in the last few seconds of the TGS trailer.

In the TGS trailer, Meryl's team gets assaulted by a group of armored soldiers. Kojima revealed that they're called the Haven troopers, and they're Liquid's special forces units. The Haven troopers wear the same enhanced muscle armor gear that Vamp wears on his legs, which allows them to move beyond normal human capabilities. Kojima also noted that the Haven Troopers look a bit busty, hinting strongly that they are female.

Going on to talk about details in the game's system, Kojima introduced three new additions in MGS4: the Threat Ring, which acts like a radar and alert indicator; The Psyche Meter, which replaces the traditional stamina meter from previous MGS games; and the Baseline Map, which looks like the traditional radar map on the top of the screen but with a re-sizing circle in the middle that visualizes the presence of Snake. When Snake makes a noise or moves around, the circle gets bigger, making him easier to be discovered. If he crouches or lies on the ground, the circle becomes smaller.

Kojima and art director Shinkawa took their time to mention that there's going to be over 70 weapons in MGS4. What's more, players can customize their weapons by adding parts, such as a scope..

At the end of his presentation, Kojima showed off a trailer for Metal Gear Solid Online, and then announced that the game will be included in MGS4.

"We often get asked whether Metal Gear Solid 4 and Metal Gear Solid Online will be sold separately," said Kojima. "Metal Gear Solid Online will be included in Metal Gear Solid 4, in the form of a 'Starter Pack.' Once the service launches, it'll keep on going with additional new stages, new rules, and so on. So in the end, MGSO will outlast MGS4."

Kojima ended his presentation after inviting the audience to try out the MGS4 demo at Konami's booth. As Kojima has said in the past, MGS4 is going to be the last adventure for Solid Snake, and most likely the last in the franchise that Kojima will direct.

"Solid Snake's story is really going to end in MGS4," explained Kojima. "Using cloning [as a plot device] was really cheating. I wouldn't be working on [MGS4] if I thought there was a sequel… I've said it numerous times, but Solid Snake fought against a lot of strong foes back on the MSX, so we should've started from scratch when we worked on the PlayStation. But we released it as a sequel, so we had to bring out even stronger enemies. As a result, we had to create an adversary with the same strength [as Snake] and we decided to go with a clone storyline, but that's where things got difficult."

"One of my ideas [for MGS4's ending] was that, since Snake and Otacon are breaking the law in order to fulfill their justice, I was thinking of having them turn themselves in, and for the sake of Justice, they'd get convicted and executed by the law," he explained "But all of my staff went against the idea, so I decided not to go with that."

But even if Snake doesn't get executed at the end of MGS4, Kojima seems firm that he doesn't want Snake back.

"As long as there's a game called MGS5 and it's a game where you sneak around, it doesn't have to be Solid Snake, right? I'd like that to be created by the younger developers," he said. "To put it another way, Solid Snake is one character that I don't want to entrust to other people."

Shuyo Murata, one of the co-directors of MGS4, agreed in the booklet that Solid Snake just wouldn't be authentic if someone aside from Kojima depicted his continuing story.

"When someone other than director Kojima is writing, they can make scripts that sounds like Solid Snake," Murata said. "But, they can't write up a Solid Snake that's growing up. Snake in MGS4 really grew up [since MGS2], but only director Kojima can write that kind of material."

Whether a new hero will star in MGS5 remains to be seen, but if there's one thing that fans can be certain of, all the unsolved mysteries in the past three MGS installments will be answered in MGS4. "It's the concluding chapter, so we've even went around our own staff members to ask if they wanted anything answered," explained Kojima. "It turns out that there's a lot."
Payton reveals he and others are currently working on an English version of the playable demo featured at TGS '07 to be available soon.

Work FAST, gentlemen.
Could someone clear up something for me? What exactly is MGS online? Is it a separate game? If so then what is the point?
Could someone clear up something for me? What exactly is MGS online? Is it a separate game? If so then what is the point?

It will be included with the MGS4 game as a "starter pack" and then you update it online with downloads for weapons, levels, characters, features and maps.

The point is you get to play a MGS4 style game online.
You know how some games meant for the PS3, where also made for the PS2 since the PS3 didn't sell as good as Sony expected? Well I hope this also happens to MGS4. Because I'm a middle class 15 year old in Niceville, Florida. That means I can't afford a PS3. And I can't get a job. I can't get a job because it requires my social security number. My mom won't let me see my social security card so I don't have a clue what my social security number is.

But getting back on topic, I hope MGS4 is made for both PS2 and PS3.