Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

  • Thread starter Solid Fro
I like the look of them. They share a similar theme in design and I like that.
As for their names I guess Wolf, Raven etc are names given to members of a new "Cell". And as much as I like the idea of re-animated bosses from MGS2 they do look new. Crying Wolf looks four legged and Raging Raven flies.
I wonder if their names will change? I guess not as the names are written in katakana.
So 4 bosses, not including Vamp and Liquid Ocelot. About right for a MGS game?

Edit: Trailer can be seen here. Not great quality (straight from the show floor).

LOL. Solid, beat me to it!!
Trailer available.

EDIT: The theme revealed, in case you didn't catch it, is "War Changes Humans Into Monsters" and the four new bosses represent those monsters, who were humans effected and changed by war. The subtitles were in German, and explained a bit of the theme. Well, I've got most of the German translated. My German is very rusty, so here it goes...

...but rather victims of war. (It's not the full trailer, the first part of this line is missing, so it doesn't make much sense in the German subtitles either.)

They suffer from war neurosis. PTSD. (Post dramatic stress disorder.)
Their psyche was completely damaged.

They were only able to overcome the reality of war, by becoming war machines themselves.

Their human part is locked up deem inside themselves. The monster inside them is visible on their outside.

(Then again, during the last seconds of the trailer.)

Snake...war turns humans into monster. War changes humans.
So that pretty much proves they're not MGS1 bosses re-animated? I wonder because Crying Wolf (the four legged boss) has a huge rifle on its back like a sniper rifle.

Now, whos side are they on?
So that pretty much proves they're not MGS1 bosses re-animated? I wonder because Crying Wolf (the four legged boss) has a huge rifle on its back like a sniper rifle.

Now, whos side are they on?

No, they aren't reanimated FOXHOUND members from MGS1. Decoy Octopus and Psycho Mantis were men, and these new bosses are women.

It obvious they're on the side of the PMCs, because Screaming Mantis has a vest and a symbol on it just like the PMCs seen the previous trailer. So, it looks like they're bosses in charge of PMCs, (remember, there are four top PMCs owned by Revolver Ocelot and there are four bosses) and I'm betting we battle them one-on-one after we defeat that particular PMC.

However, the issue of 'choosing sides' comes up. If we fight for a PMC, does that particular boss who leads it now become our ally, and do we skip the boss fight? Or, do the bosses know who we are and what we are up to, so they know to stop us, while the PMCs dont?
I have no problem with their design at all (to greatly simplify it they are cyborgs designed around their disturbed psyches - the result of unhealed PTSD). It fits perfectly within the MGS universe and adheres to Kojima's "story" just right. Yoji Shinkawa's designs are like this. You may not like them (as a question of personal taste) but they make sense in context to MGS.👍
And yes, they're very creepy!

Some more stuff here and here. Seem to be interviews or a conference with Hideo Kojima about MGS Online and the Bosses. Seems MGS4 will have an online element.
Will Metal Gear Online be separate from MGS4 or will it be included?

Hard to explain. When you play story mode you will be able to go online and it will have extra stuff at the end.
Haven't decided whether it will be separate or not, but if you buy MGS4 you can play a portion of online at least. The worlds of MGS4 and MGO are very similar and they want consistencies between them. Final discussions haven't been made yet.
There's some real interesting pics around. For example -

You can see a marionette of Psycho Mantis on the left (our left) and The Sorrow on the right. These bosses definitely tie up with earlier bosses from MGS2 and 3.
Another example -

You can see the weapon on its back is the same as Fortunes from MGS2, a Rail Gun.
The more I hear of MGS4 the better it gets. This had better get great reviews on release (as long as the gameplay is good is see no reason why it shouldn't be).👍

And heres a short vid showing the female models used in MGS4 to model the Bosses. This suggests they're ALL female.
Regarding Screaming Mantis I wonder if there's a connection with Vishnu? Probably not by why the multi arms?
And also there's a connection with French film maker and surrealist Jean Cocteau who wrote a book called "Les Enfants Terribles" and a film "La belle et la bête". Probably just a coincidence but I wonder sometimes with Kojima. He strikes me as being well read and knowledgeable.
Regarding Screaming Mantis I wonder if there's a connection with Vishnu? Probably not by why the multi arms?
And also there's a connection with French film maker and surrealist Jean Cocteau who wrote a book called "Les Enfants Terribles" and a film "La belle et la bête". Probably just a coincidence but I wonder sometimes with Kojima. He strikes me as being well read and knowledgeable.

Yeah, somebody pointed that out at TUS. Pretty clever stuff, from Kojima-san.

Crying Wolf. Cry wolf? Clever.
Trailer is on the PSn as of last night, looks much better than provided links. If you own a PS3, watch it.

I can imagine Kojima has some sweet stuff cooked up for us.
At 0:1:24 to 25 it shows the game is very brutal. You have to use slow mo to really see the carnage as the first time i did not understand what happened to the soldiers and it goes by so quickly.
I was tring to figure out how that winged boss could 'slice' them like that.

Speaking of the bosses...
Hmmm... I think I prefer them in their "beauty" form. ;)

That's nothing compared to Kojima speaking Engrish to describe BABU (Beauty And Beast Unit). Hilarious stuff! Don't miss the beginning!

Click here... and then enter "Beauty Beast" in the search field on the top left. Click on the MGS4 Beauty/Beast video that shows up in the search field.




More info here:

Lyndall Jarvis and Yumi Kikuchi are hot. :P

Seriously, this game is gonna be amazing. The Beauty And The Beast Unit have some great design and animation.

Seriously, this game is gonna be amazing. The Beauty And The Beast Unit have some great design and animation.

I can't wait to see what moves they'll have when you fight them. I noticed Lyndall (Laughing Octopus) has shoes like Raiden and knives like Vamp. Four knives; one per 'tentacle' per say. Plus, I'm sure she'll have moves like Raiden with the knife in the toe-slot thing. Cool. But, battling her with a knife in each tentacle is going to give me nightmares.
Excuse what could turn out to be a long post, but I need to vent here on something: XBox fanboys.

So there's a similar discussion to this one going on another forum I'm a member of - how could there not be, as MGS is a huge game - but this one was created by a group of XBox fans who are hoping that MGS4 will be a cross-platform publication. So far, so mental.

Naturally, I jump into the fray, defending MGS. And here's what really gets my goat: their attitude. I liken MGS to Halo 3 in its exclusivity; MGS is, after all, a major Sony publication. But they insist that since there's an audience for it, MGS should be carried over to the 360. I asked them to assume Bungie wasn't wholly owned by Microsoft, and was little more than a third-party developer much like Kojima Productions and then told them that if they get MGS, the PS3 should get Halo.

Cue uproar from the XBox fanboys. Halo is their game, even if Bungie were simply a developer, so Sony should never be given the title. I countered that under that logic, MGS is a Sony title, and should never be given to the 360. They didn't like that. As such, I've found 360 fans to be very hypocritical. It's probably a trait shared by PS3 fanboys (but I've never seen it). They're allowed to demand a game get carried over to their platform so that they can play it, but as soon as someone makes the same request of one of their games, they accuse us of fanboy-ism.

Personally, I don't much care for the console wars. My alleigance used to be with Sony, but I've steadily become a "retired" gamer now. I may not even buy a PS3 at all. I'm all for spreading the MGS experience around to as many people as possible, yet I can't stand their attitude: we're allowed to demand that a game get published for our console (never mind that it's previously been almost exclusive as coversions of other games in the series have proved unsuccessful), but as soon as someone makes the same request of us, they're entitled to accuse those people of being fanboys and making stupid, unreasonable demands. If I were Kojima-san, I'd be inclined to stubbornly stick exclusively to Sony if only because I don't like the attitude of gamers on the other console.

So to the XBox 360 fanboys out there, sharpen your game, guys. It's just not good enough. If you really want to play Guns of the Patriots as much as you claim, you'll buy a PS3.
Just to clarify a few points/facts...

Naturally, I jump into the fray, defending MGS. And here's what really gets my goat: their attitude. I liken MGS to Halo 3 in its exclusivity; MGS is, after all, a major Sony publication.
Actually it isn't. It is a huge Konami publication. Unlike Halo 3 which is published by Microsoft and developed by Microsoft (MS bought Bungie back in 2000), Sony isn't the developer or publisher of MGS4. Yes, MGS has so far remained exclusive to Sony, but it isn't nearly as important to Sony as Halo is to Microsoft.

A much better comparison would be Gran Turismo. Now you are talking about a series developed and owned by Sony and that has sold more games than any other PlayStation series, with the possible exception of GTA. I believe Sony sold around 25 million copies of GT3 and GT4 on the PS2 which was about 10 million more copies than Microsoft sold of Halo 1 & Halo 2, and several times more than the best selling MGS game for the PS2.

But they insist that since there's an audience for it, MGS should be carried over to the 360.
I actually agree with them, even though I consider the PS3 to be the superior platform. I've never been a fan of "exclusivity". That said, even if Konami wanted to release MGS4 onto the 360, they likely couldn't package it so all 360 owners could play it, because it would require multiple discs, or a large HDD, and let's face it, with some very rare cases, there have been no multiple disc games on consoles.

Now what is a possibility, and something I and many others have speculated might happen is that MGS: Online (which is being sold as a separate game) could be made to fit on a single DVD, and would be an excellent multi-platform type of game, as no one can deny that there are a lot of dedicated online players using XBL... while not nearly as many as I believe Microsoft would have us believe, but still a very wide audience. What's even more intriguing is that Konami and Kojima Productions are just the right kind of people to pull off a multi-platform online game where PS3, 360 and PC players could all play with each other online... now how cool would that be! 👍

If Konami does do this, I'd be willing to bet MGS: Online would dominate the market and would even convert a lot of Halo fans over... maybe not the hardcore Halo drones. ;)

Now as far as exclusive games go, I realize they are an important part of the console market, and while they certainly are not as bad an exclusive licensed games...(yes EA, I'm looking at you), I never like the idea of exclusive platform games as it means they have less competition and they are also limiting their potential sales. While some may be more cynical then I, from my business background I know the more competition that exists, in general that means better products and/or lower prices. Also, if a company can sell more product that means they'll have a bigger budget to develop better game with in order to compete with the other games.

That said, I also see a benefit to exclusive platform games, in that a game can be developed to fully tap into the potential of a particular console's hardware and design, where as cross platform games might be a compromise on one or both versions.

This is especially true this time around as one of the big strengths of the PS3 besides its Cell processor is the ability to play a game off a single 50GB (~49GB game data) disc compared to the 360 which is limited to games on 8.5GB discs (~7 GB game data). That's a huge difference that has already been tapped into by Resistance: Fall of Men, and several upcoming games.

To make multi-platform games for these large games would mean having to make drastic cuts to the 360 version if the developer wanted that game to play on all current 360's.

Any way, it's certainly an interesting topic, but I wouldn't get too worked up over their comments. If anything it just goes to show how much interest there is in MGS4, and you can't really blame them for that.
Just to clarify a few points/facts...

Actually it isn't. It is a huge Konami publication. Unlike Halo 3 which is published by Microsoft and developed by Microsoft (MS bought Bungie back in 2000), Sony isn't the developer or publisher of MGS4. Yes, MGS has so far remained exclusive to Sony, but it isn't nearly as important to Sony as Halo is to Microsoft.

A much better comparison would be Gran Turismo. Now you are talking about a series developed and owned by Sony and that has sold more games than any other PlayStation series, with the possible exception of GTA. I believe Sony sold around 25 million copies of GT3 and GT4 on the PS2 which was about 10 million more copies than Microsoft sold of Halo 1 & Halo 2, and several times more than the best selling MGS game for the PS2.
I used MGS because it was the much more relevant case study. I'm aware that is is a Kojima Productions publication, but it's published by them for the Sony platform. It may not be as important, but with the SP3's lacklustre sales the Big Three titles - MGS, GT and FF - are going to be the ones that really sell the system.
I actually agree with them, even though I consider the PS3 to be the superior platform. I've never been a fan of "exclusivity". That said, even if Konami wanted to release MGS4 onto the 360, they likely couldn't package it so all 360 owners could play it, because it would require multiple discs, or a large HDD, and let's face it, with some very rare cases, there have been no multiple disc games on consoles.

Now what is a possibility, and something I and many others have speculated might happen is that MGS: Online (which is being sold as a separate game) could be made to fit on a single DVD, and would be an excellent multi-platform type of game, as no one can deny that there are a lot of dedicated online players using XBL... while not nearly as many as I believe Microsoft would have us believe, but still a very wide audience. What's even more intriguing is that Konami and Kojima Productions are just the right kind of people to pull off a multi-platform online game where PS3, 360 and PC players could all play with each other online... now how cool would that be! 👍

If Konami does do this, I'd be willing to bet MGS: Online would dominate the market and would even convert a lot of Halo fans over... maybe not the hardcore Halo drones. ;)
I did float the MGS:embarrassed: idea (though not as a simultaneous cross-platform game as you have), but it wasn't good enough. They want Guns of the Patriots, and as far as they're concerned, they should have it simply because they play the 360. I too have never been a fan of exclusivity, simply because I didn't have the money for purchasing mulitple platforms. And while MGS:embarrassed: as a simultaneous cross-platform game would be a great idea, the attitude of the 360 fans is "Give us GotP or give us Death". That's just this particular bunch of fanboys, though. They're convinced the game should be made for the 360 - even abandoning the PlayStation project - simply because it's the "more superior" system (with no argument to back it up). My problem is that they then go on a tirade when I defend Kojima's decision to stay with the PS3.
Now as far as exclusive games go, I realize they are an important part of the console market, and while they certainly are not as bad an exclusive licensed games...(yes EA, I'm looking at you), I never like the idea of exclusive platform games as it means they have less competition and they are also limiting their potential sales. While some may be more cynical then I, from my business background I know the more competition that exists, in general that means better products and/or lower prices. Also, if a company can sell more product that means they'll have a bigger budget to develop better game with in order to compete with the other games.

That said, I also see a benefit to exclusive platform games, in that a game can be developed to fully tap into the potential of a particular console's hardware and design, where as cross platform games might be a compromise on one or both versions.

This is especially true this time around as one of the big strengths of the PS3 besides its Cell processor is the ability to play a game off a single 50GB (~49GB game data) disc compared to the 360 which is limited to games on 8.5GB discs (~7 GB game data). That's a huge difference that has already been tapped into by Resistance: Fall of Men, and several upcoming games.

To make multi-platform games for these large games would mean having to make drastic cuts to the 360 version if the developer wanted that game to play on all current 360's.

Any way, it's certainly an interesting topic, but I wouldn't get too worked up over their comments. If anything it just goes to show how much interest there is in MGS4, and you can't really blame them for that.
I'm not blaming them in the slightest for wanting to play MGS. I rented Sons of Liberty and Snake Eater from a local store over the end-of-year holidays (had to fill in the blanks myself as to what happened in the original) and I thought they were brilliant. My problem lies in the attitude of "We should get the game because we play 360, and %@#$! everyone else who doesn't. They didn't deserve to play such a brilliant game in the first place". It's just sheer hypocracy, and while I'd be willing to buy a 360 purely to play Halo, my enthusiasm for it has been muted somewhat because of attitudes like that. Sure, it might only be one group of fanboys, but since they're the only ones I've had any experience with, I can only assume that all "hardcore" (stupid term) 360 gamers are like that.
The latest Ryan Report is up. Pretty interesting stuff about the voice acting. Click on the 'Ryan Report' link in my sig.
Here is my version of Kojima's respond: 1up, you're a bunch of pathetic MS paid hairy d**k heads!:mischievous:
Seriously, 1up, they're all MS fanboy to an extreme level, I haven't visited their page in months, and I doubt I will ever go there again.
A message was found in 1up's office that says Hideo Kojima should eat a d**k. Most likely because he won't port the game to the Xbox 360. Here's the link

The actual video is here, it appears around 30-33 mins in

Here is a writeup

This same topic was posted at MGS TUS. I don't know why, really. I guess that poster didn't know that place is overtaken by MS Fanboys and 1UP employees, which is why the mod staff made fun of the thread and then closed it down.

Also, it's the reason why they had an exclusive interview with that huge jerk on their lousy pod cast show where he makes fun of and attacks Kojima. That place is now pathetic, but it's still a good place for MGS4 info.

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