Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

  • Thread starter Solid Fro
They have no source either, how lazy!

I can confirm it though. Here is what Konami posted on Facebook just this morning:

The long-awaited Trophy patch to METAL GEAR SOLID 4 is in development! This will coincide with a new budget-priced version of the game with Trophy support. We will continue to update this page as details become available, coming soon.

And Kojima was seen talking to Naughty Dog about how to integrate trophies to old PS3 titles like Naughty Dog did to Uncharted...


I think that because they are re-releasing it as a budget title, they were forced to develop the patch because trophies became mandatory.
Yes I did but I am expecting some of those trophies to be in game.

You're probably right there, I imagine the HD collection trophies are a pretty good indication of what we'll get... There will be one for getting all the emblems, no doubt, which is cool as the BBE was the only one I needed before my PS3 YLOD'd.
You're probably right there, I imagine the HD collection trophies are a pretty good indication of what we'll get... There will be one for getting all the emblems, no doubt, which is cool as the BBE was the only one I needed before my PS3 YLOD'd.
As long as it is easier as MGS3 HD and less painfull as MGS2 HD, it took me almost 1week to defeat the last boss on extreme until I found I could stop his attacks and shooting the frogs on MGS3 has annoying too.
Can't wait for this! This is my favorite game of all time, and I will try my hardest to achieve this platinum. This game deserves to be played by each and every gamer that has ever existed 👍
As long as it is easier as MGS3 HD and less painfull as MGS2 HD, it took me almost 1week to defeat the last boss on extreme until I found I could stop his attacks and shooting the frogs on MGS3 has annoying too.

Luckily there's nothing like the Kerotans in MGS4. I'm guessing the trophies will be something like:
- The usual 'you completed Act x'
- Maybe ones for beating bosses
- Find unusual Octocamo (like Hand)
- Collecting all guns
- Amass 9,999,999 Drebin Points (or something similar)
- A certain number of kills with certain guns/weapons
- A no kills, no alerts, no continues completion
- Find certain things in cutscenes using the Metal Gear Mk.II
- Hide in a bin
- Buy a gun on a Wednesday or Sunday during Act 5
- Get some emblems
- Get half of the emblems
- Get all emblems
- Download music and/or camo

I'd be surprised if they reactivate MGO for the re-release but I suppose they either have to exclude it or reactivate it. If they do I wouldn't be surprised, but I would be disappointed, if there were trophies relating to it.
Let's see if Konami add a trophy for dancing or other hilarious MGS4 moments.

Metal Gear Solid 4 Patch Includes Full Install Support.

Kojima Productions has confirmed that Metal Gear Solid 4's upcoming patch will include not just Trophy support but full install functionality as well.

While the Trophy support was confirmed earlier, the wording at the official site suggested that the install functionality would be limited to the game's package re-release. This is not the case.

Select to give the game a full install, and you won't have to wait between chapters for data to be cached to your system's hard disc. This lengthy caching, which was accompanied by an image of Solid Snake smoking, was a major complaint by players.

The budget re-release that includes the new functionality by default will be released in early August. The patch for current owners will also be offered around this time.

Credit: Anoop Gantayat

Metal Gear 25th Anniversary site.
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More Metal Gear Solid 4 Patch & Install Details.

In their latest podcast episode, the studio revealed that you can’t just load your old save file and expect to earn trophies. Instead, you will have to replay Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Kojima Productions explained that this is done because the game created before the trophy system was in place and that it will prevent players from downloading saves to exploit the trophies.

As for the full install update, they revealed that the previous chapter-by-chapter install was necessary due to initial batch of Playstation 3 having small hard drives. The new patch will let you play through entire game with “quick loading times.” Credit: Shui Ta
Full game installing and trophy patches, if only other studio's were not so lazy. I think Sony should have made it mandatory that all old PS3 games be given trophies, one of the biggest complained about ones was COD4 which didn't have them.

Full game installing like the 360 is a must!
I'm most looking forward to this patch, I hate having to install after every, single, 🤬, chapter. Trophies are just the icing on the top of this delicious cake. Just one request to Konami, bring back MGO!!!
I will have my day off this coming Tuesday, so I plan to just play MGS4 most of the day. I could probably beat it all in one sitting?
My first playthrough, with all the story, took 36 hours. Second time was 12 hours without cutscenes, third was down to 6 hours and my best was 5 hours 5 minutes. Never did get the Big Boss Emblem (which was obtained by finishing the game with no continues, no alerts and no kills in under 5 hours).
My first playthrough, with all the story, took 36 hours. Second time was 12 hours without cutscenes, third was down to 6 hours and my best was 5 hours 5 minutes. Never did get the Big Boss Emblem (which was obtained by finishing the game with no continues, no alerts and no kills in under 5 hours).

36?! That's alot, I personally took about 12 first time, 6 or so the second and then went for the Big Boss Emblem and did about 4 hours 30 minutes and got the emblem along with it.
The platinum is going to be a lot harder than the MGS HD Collection, there is one trophy that you have to get all iPod tracks which means all emblems. :nervous:
IMO I think that this list is incomplete because they said something about 38trophies so I guess there are some hidden trophies that they haven't revealed. Source
Bronze You enjoy all the killing, that’s why. Killed many enemies in one area, and vomited.
Bronze Divine Wind Caused a “divine wind” using the Tanegashima.
Bronze Hands Up! Held an enemy soldier at gunpoint and performed a body check.
Bronze Emotion Control Controlled an enemy soldier’s emotions using an Emotive Magazine.
Bronze Hurt me more! Shocked an enemy soldier using Mk. II/III.
Bronze Drum Can Addict Knocked an enemy soldier flying using a Drum Can.
Bronze That Tune Is His Mind Control Music Played Oishii Two-han Seikatsu and made one of the BB Corps dance.
Bronze Overhead view — just like old times… Used overhead view on Shadow Moses Island.
Silver SUNLIGHT! Obtained the Solar Gun.
Silver I Just Don’t Fear Death Caused ALERT status while wearing the Corpse Camo.
Silver Where I Can See Ya Located enemy soldiers using the Scanning Plug.
Silver Ghost Photography Addict Snapped at least 5 shots of ghosts on Shadow Moses Island.
Silver FaceCamo Addict Obtained 10 or more types of FaceCamo (excluding types obtained via password).
Silver Can you feel my power now!!!? Took control of an enemy soldier’s body using the Mantis Doll or Sorrow Doll.
Silver Are you an Otaku too? Viewed all model posters.
Silver You’re pretty good. Got kissed by Ocelot during the final battle.
Gold Flashback Mania Viewed all flashbacks.
Gold Sounds of the Battlefield Obtained all iPod® tracks (excluding tracks obtained via password).
Gold I am THE expert on weapons, equipment and cutting-edge technology. Obtained all weapons (excluding weapons obtained via password).
Platinum The Legendary Hero Obtained all trophies.