Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

  • Thread starter Solid Fro
Here's how I see the difference between the two systems.

Microsoft took the Xbox and added numbers. It's bigger, faster, and more powerful. But it's pretty much the same architecture. They're developing on what they know.

Sony invested in new technology and developed something totally new. They took a larger risk, but they planned for the future.

Even if you make the assumption that the two are roughly the same in power, I believe that the Playstation 3 is more flexible to new technology and developments. It has Blu-ray and HDTV support. Even if they're not common right now, in a couple of years they will be. I imagine that in 3 or 4 years, Microsoft will be forced to develop a new system to take advantage of new technology while the PS3 will still have a few years of life in it.
Here's how I see the difference between the two systems.

Microsoft took the Xbox and added numbers. It's bigger, faster, and more powerful. But it's pretty much the same architecture. They're developing on what they know.

Sony invested in new technology and developed something totally new. They took a larger risk, but they planned for the future.

Even if you make the assumption that the two are roughly the same in power, I believe that the Playstation 3 is more flexible to new technology and developments. It has Blu-ray and HDTV support. Even if they're not common right now, in a couple of years they will be. I imagine that in 3 or 4 years, Microsoft will be forced to develop a new system to take advantage of new technology while the PS3 will still have a few years of life in it.

Hiya! :D :embarrassed: :lol: Meow! (='.'=)

I definately agree with you! 👍 It's true that Sony have already planned all these things. The technology of the past were too expensive back then, like HDTV and such. Nowadays, these stuff are cheaper than before and gamers are starting to use them. :embarrassed:

It is a wise investment in my opinion that the PS3 have HDTV support and Blu-ray technology. Perhaps in the future, there will be those Blu-ray players out in the market but they will be so expensive! :yuck: Thanks to the PS3, we don't need to buy them. :embarrassed:
The PS3 IS superior, but how that relates to games s debatable. The XB360 isn' trying to be anything but a games console, the PS3 is, thats why it'll cost more and it has more new technology in it. A lot of what the PS3 has could be scrapped if the sole purpose was to play games, you can't say it's a bad thing that the XB360 is simpler, it'd be overcomplicated for what it is if it wasn't.
Xbox 360 "IS" trying to be more than a game console. They want poeple to buy the console just to sell crap on xblive(Velocety Girl). They made a hugh deal of this during their mediocre E3 presentation. MS has already lost the "Hardware" battle seeing the Next GTA will use Blu-ray and take advantage of its "out of mix" multi streaming techology not possible with DVD.
Were talking totally different levels here, the PS3 is planning to be far, far more than what the XB36 is trying to be. Sure they're expanding the online aspectsect but that was the XB's strongest point, the brilliant online.
I imagine that in 3 or 4 years, Microsoft will be forced to develop a new system to take advantage of new technology while the PS3 will still have a few years of life in it.

That's exactly the question I raised in the General Gaming forum. What happens if MS creates it's next system out of "sync" with the others? What will happen if X720 launches two or three years ahead of the others?
You get more people buying two or more systems I guess. It wouldn't be a bad more for MS but it could be a bad move for the industry overall.
OK, it's time for some MGS4 talkl. Did anybody see the G4 MGS4 trailer? It looked a lot better than what is available on the net. Fantastic graphic quality, but the color is a bit off compared to real HD footage.

If you missed G4 Cinematch, or whatever that show is called, it will reair tonight at 11:30PM PCT. It was the last trailer of the show, which will start around 11:50PM, or so.
Yeah, I saw the G4 trailer. Oh, so clear and sweet! The G4 version didn't have subtitles or the Cell processor joke at the end.
Hiya! :D :embarrassed: :lol: Meow! (='.'=)

I saw that MGS4 trailer from G4 at 7:15 PM. I think its is incredible!!! :crazy: I can't stop staring at it because my head keeps on debating itself.


My dad came in and thought it was a real movie! He was all excited and stuff because it appears to look like a good action movie to him. Too bad I have to tell him its a game trailer. :lol:
Just let him watch you play it when it comes out! 👍 Better than a film, perhaps!

Now, if only there was a show we can see in Europe and the UK that has a nice showing of the trailer....ho hum :(
I recorded it and watched it a few times. Looks so damn amazing. There's on part I never noticed before. Near the beginning, as if first starts, the first guy taken out steps on a land mine, and jumps in the air, and does a whole flip. Very funny! I wonder if Snake did that with the M4's grenade launcher, or was actually a land mine?

The lighting effect is so damn beautiful. The light and shadows on the M4 and enemy rifles where breath taking. It made them look so real. However, Konami screwed up the part when Solid reloads his M4. He checks to see that he only has one round left. He puts the round in the clip, and loads the clip. He then pulls back on the charging handle to load that round in the chamber. But, you don't see the round at all being pushed from the magazine into the chamber. You see the magazine, and the bolt, even the ejector pin, but no round of ammo. Oops.
I did not see it but the online vids do the colors no justice. But small parts that were on AOTS was good enough for me. There is so much mre detail and the smoothness of the animaions make you beleive it could be a CGI movie.
I did not see it but the online vids do the colors no justice. But small parts that were on AOTS was good enough for me. There is so much mre detail and the smoothness of the animaions make you beleive it could be a CGI movie.
The one trailer FAB posted that a freind of his made had great color. DirecTV has horrible color, and isn't the sharpest picture, either.
Solid Lifters
I recorded it and watched it a few times. Looks so damn amazing. There's on part I never noticed before. Near the beginning, as if first starts, the first guy taken out steps on a land mine, and jumps in the air, and does a whole flip. Very funny! I wonder if Snake did that with the M4's grenade launcher, or was actually a land mine?

The lighting effect is so damn beautiful. The light and shadows on the M4 and enemy rifles where breath taking. It made them look so real. However, Konami screwed up the part when Solid reloads his M4. He checks to see that he only has one round left. He puts the round in the clip, and loads the clip. He then pulls back on the charging handle to load that round in the chamber. But, you don't see the round at all being pushed from the magazine into the chamber. You see the magazine, and the bolt, even the ejector pin, but no round of ammo. Oops.

I think the bullet goes from magazine to chamber during the firing process.

Who knows with these futuristic guns. Hahaha.
I think the bullet goes from magazine to chamber during the firing process.

Who knows with these futuristic guns. Hahaha.
No the M4 is spring loaded, when the bolt is pulled to the rear, the magazine pushes the ammunition up into the rifle, when the bolt rides to the front, the bullet is then pushed forward and chambered. Each shot pushes the bolt to the rear and the process repeats itself (until out of ammo or jammed).

Just a simple mistake in the animation.
But who knows what they've changed on the M4! Hahaha.

I wonder if we'll get some super high powered sniper rifles in this game. Could you imagine the carnage?

edit: Here's a pic of The soldier's gun in real life. (Remember, Snake stole the gun.)

But who knows what they've changed on the M4! Hahaha.

I wonder if we'll get some super high powered sniper rifles in this game. Could you imagine the carnage?

edit: Here's a pic of The soldier's gun in real life. (Remember, Snake stole the gun.)


Hiya! :D :embarrassed: :lol: Meow! (='.'=)

That really looks like a toy to me! :lol:
Hiya! :D :embarrassed: :lol: Meow! (='.'=)

Why did that one ammo pop out of that M4 when Snake did the thingy? :odd: Sorry I know little about how guns really work, except gunpowder! :lol:

When the bolt is blown back by the firing round, the empty case is ejected, to make way for the next one that's going to be racked into the chamber (there's an explanation of that up above, I think). What Snake did was manually cycling the bolt, which does the same thing.

Suffice to say, that's what's supposed to happen. :)
When the bolt is blown back by the firing round, the empty case is ejected, to make way for the next one that's going to be racked into the chamber (there's an explanation of that up above, I think). What Snake did was manually cycling the bolt, which does the same thing.

Suffice to say, that's what's supposed to happen. :)

Hiya! :D :embarrassed: :lol: Meow! (='.'=)

OoooHHH! :cheers:

I thought that scene of the ammo popping out was to show how Snake is getting too old for playing with guns. :lol:
PFFFT! Snake is never too old to play with guns.

Besides, he WORKS the guns. No play time here. ;)
Actually...Instead of Metal Gear Solid 5, I think they'll just call it Metal Gear Flaccid.

Instead of rations, you get prunes and Metamucile. Instead of a H&K USP, you get a roid gun. Oh, please, stop right there...