Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

  • Thread starter Solid Fro
A few rumours floating around on a Japanese forum claim that Hideo has said in an interview with a Japanese mag that in the eventual game (MGS4) Snake will be comprised of more polygons that the entire Big Shell from MGS2. I don't know if it will be true but it certainly is doable with the PS3.

While on the subject, did you guys know that one SPE is 4 times more powerfull than the PS2? It was mentioned at the Eurographics 2005 event that was held on August 29th. One SPE can process more than 700 million polygons per second (PS2 can do 200 million polygons per second at it's peak). Multiply that by 8 and add the RSX in the equation and you'll have an incredible system.

The future never looked this good.
There is also a rumour that MGS4 might make it as a launch game but that is just that, a rumour.
Don't tell me it might be a launch game, theres only so much exitement I can take.
launch game is highly unlikely.

MGS2 debuted at the TGS IIRC, and it made it out a year after PS2. I don't think it'll be a launch, maybe close, but def. not a launch. It'll release in the US first, and given the average development scale of a game, it'll take about two years for a game of this calibur. Given that, they've possibly worked on it for 6 months, so about 1.5 years later, will be roughly 1 year after PS3 launch.
A few rumours floating around on a Japanese forum claim that Hideo has said in an interview with a Japanese mag that in the eventual game (MGS4) Snake will be comprised of more polygons that the entire Big Shell from MGS2. I don't know if it will be true but it certainly is doable with the PS3.

Somehow I doubt it.. More than one visible section of Big Shell? As in just what you can see on-screen at any given time without loading? Yeah, maybe. But the entire Big Shell is made up of millions of polygons (quadruple that if you count the interior as well). I doubt any single in-game model next-gen will be that big. Realistically, Snake wouldn't have to be any more than... oh, about fifty thousand polys or so. Beyond that, and the extra detail and smoothness of more polys would be invisible and thus, wasted.. better used on other objects.
The Konami TGS Report is finished and added to their website. Click on the link in my signature, and click "skip" on bottom right to pass the intro movie, and then click "Japanese" and then "TGS Report" at the bottom.
There's a big download of the Trailer here from It might take a while but it's better quality than the vid, even if it does have a few silhouetted heads in the way!
wow, i think this will absolutley be one of the worlds best games! perfect graphics, animations and probably the story will be as good as before or even better...

EDIT: Guess the Holywood composer Harry Gregson Williams will compose the music to this game too, like in MGS2 and 3. sounds like that in the trailer :D
I just realized that the Metal Gear theme music is missing from trailer. :( Would have been kick ass if it started to play right at the end when Solid Snake runs off into the distance.
The new video was a little bit better, quality wise. I could finally see the red-orange ring reticle of the reflex rifle sight in the FP view of the enenmy soldier Solid takes down. But the audio is worse, though.
Somehow I doubt it.. More than one visible section of Big Shell? As in just what you can see on-screen at any given time without loading? Yeah, maybe. But the entire Big Shell is made up of millions of polygons (quadruple that if you count the interior as well). I doubt any single in-game model next-gen will be that big. Realistically, Snake wouldn't have to be any more than... oh, about fifty thousand polys or so. Beyond that, and the extra detail and smoothness of more polys would be invisible and thus, wasted.. better used on other objects.

I don't know what they mean by it exactly. It may also be a translation error. It's more realistic to think of one strut than the entire Big Shell.
Viper Zero
I will miss Youji Shinkawa. He did all of the serie's cool line art.[/url]
are you not gonna miss Hideo? the hero who wrote the story and designed the game!

anyway... when they r leaving i hope they dont make any more MGS. that would just destroy the beutiful series cause it would never be the same... :nervous:
Viper Zero
I just realized that the Metal Gear theme music is missing from trailer. :( Would have been kick ass if it started to play right at the end when Solid Snake runs off into the distance.
yeah, it'll sure be in the game though. it has been in the last 3 games so why tha hell wouldn't it be in MGS4 ;)
The "Kojima Productions" site has the trailer for streaming now Kojima Pro . It's only at 428kbps so it's not very big (the screen) but the sound is excellent. Make sure to watch it through to the end!
Listening to the ethnic tinged music it's obvious that some of the game at least will be set in the middle east or possibly India/Pakistan.

As for game mechanics and dynamics etc...start guessing now! Let's not forget that graphics on the next-gen consoles are'nt the only thing that should be better. You can only hope that new, novel and involving gameplay will also be

Edit: beaten to it eh?! :lol:
That's the link I first posted that was "coming soon", but it's now finally availible. The sound quality is fantastic! Did you hear the breathing of the enemy soldier Solid takes out? Wow, this game is going to sound great in Dolby Digital Surround Sound! But, the video quality is worse than the other two videos! What's up with that?!? Konami needs to fix that.
It's a hell of alot better that the camera recorded vids just for the sounds alone. I picked up way more in that than the other vid I saw.
The new video looks much better than the old, and definitely sounds better.. but it's way too low-res, and too heavily compressed. Fast-moving scenes become almost unwatchable due to the compression.

Must be a Japanese thing.. they always seem to show only very small, super-compressed videos.. whereas the American sites show high-res, super-large files at much higher quality.

Hopefully they release a high-res version at some point.. so at least I can watch it hi-res on my computer, or convert it over to watch on my television downstairs.. that'd rock. :)
just downloading that trailer slackbladder. cheers, i hate streaming vids so im going to sue a stream downloader to get it, means i can watch anytime ;)
Okay, so I found this on a Brazilian forum. One of the members there mixed the image of the trailer with the sound of the Konami one. The best image + the best sound. He said the result is pretty good, I´m downloading it right now. (125mb) now have the direct streamed trailer for downloading. It's still the same bit rate (428kbps) so the pic is a little iffy. Personally I watch it at 50%, small I know but adequate. Seriously, the sound is very good. I hope by the time MGS4 comes out I'll have some decent speakers to really do the sound justice!
Okay, so I found this on a Brazilian forum. One of the members there mixed the image of the trailer with the sound of the Konami one. The best image + the best sound. He said the result is pretty good, I´m downloading it right now. (125mb)
Holy crap! It's downloading at 22kb/s! This will take over an hour! I bet it's worth it, though. Thanks for the link, FAB.
After viewing the trailer some more, and reading more interviews, I found out some pretty awesome things.

You know how Otacon shows up on that little LCD in the vid? Well, that's actually not an "LCD" per-se in the game. He is actually rendered full time, and they placed a "grid" over it to make it look like an LCD! That's just nuts, lol.

Also, each soldier (well, most) will have their own "identity" where they will look different, have different clothes, etc.

Another interesting aspect is that soldiers may become your allies this time around, as it's your choice weather to attack them etc. Soldiers are not enemies to snake, said kojima, they are neutral.

Also, did anyone notice the sweat/dirt on snakes face after the explosion? That's just freaking awesome IMO.
It was ok I guess, the vid was pretty ****ty because 1/4 into it there was a big lag and then the server was full. I'm more excited about Killzone 2 :drool:
It was ok I guess, the vid was pretty ****ty because 1/4 into it there was a big lag and then the server was full. I'm more excited about Killzone 2 :drool:
So you didn't even see it all and you're saying the vid was crappy? You're telling me you got less than 2 minutes into it and "it's okay"?

Please. This looks better than KZ IMO.