Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

  • Thread starter Solid Fro
I can't wait to get some info on it, it does look like it will be cool. But then it is the best game series EVER. more and more time goes by...PS3 looks far more impressive to me...than a lot of other titles I've seen on PC or any hardware at general. I'm really excited about this next generation.

New thoughts:

In this screen:

I think I can predict these characters?

1. Vamp
2. ????
3. Raiden
4. Ocelot
5. Snake (now I can tell he's old, lol)
6. Otacon
7. I think this is SOLIDUS, not Big Boss
8. ????
TGS 2005: Metal Gear Solid 4 Revealed
Prior to the show, first details on Konami's PS3 sequel appear.
by IGN Staff

September 14, 2005 - In its last issue, Famitsu promised that its upcoming issue would feature the worldwide scoop on Metal Gear Solid 4, and sure enough, that's what we've gotten in this week's issue. The magazine offers a first look at the PS3 sequel, complete with details that we're sure will be solidified once the Tokyo Game Show opens its doors on Friday and we're able to view Konami's MGS4 trailer.

The magazine actually shares just a handful of details on the game itself, leaving most of the talking to the screenshots, which show one of the most realistic real time displays ever set to the game screen. In the screenshots, Snake -- or whom we believe to be Snake -- is revealed to be an old timer this time. The old character wields a gun and assumes Snake-like stealth poses in some shots. He's also shown interacting with a robot known as Metal Gear Mark II. If you've played one of Kojima's lesser known series, Snatcher, you'll recognize this robot, as it has appeared in that series in the past.

Raiden will also return, series producer Hideo Kojima reveals to the magazine. The new Raiden will apparently be so cool that you'll rethink your opinion of the Raiden from MGS2. The TGS trailer will give us a first look at Raiden's next generation debut.

Screenshots also show what appears to be an Otacon-like character -- that is, a guy with glasses appears in the shots and he looks just like one would expect Otacon to. Although, he's far more detailed than previous Otacon characters have been thanks to the new power at the hands of Kojima Productions. And, like the new Snake, he looks a bit older this time around.

Aside from character differences, MGS4 promises some changes in world structure. The world of Metal Gear Solid 4 is meant to be a war zone. While this was said of previous MGS games, this time you'll totally feel it. As you move through the game world, you'll see tanks, soldiers and fighter robots everywhere, indicating that you really are in a war zone.

In comments with the magazine, Kojima shared some ideas on what went into the creation of MGS4. First, according to Kojima, the game's philosophy went from "real" to "natural." As an example of this, Kojima suggests that the exclamation marks, that in past MGS games have indicated when an enemy has discovered the player, may disappear from the game. MGS4 is apparently capable of expressing such an event naturally, based on the facial expressions and the motions of the enemy.

The change to a more "natural" Metal Gear Solid takes on another form, Kojima reveals. Enemies, and the way in which you view enemies, will have greater dimension than the typical two dimensions of past games. Kojima doesn't reveal specifics, but does cite examples of Snake arriving in a battle field where country A and country B are fighting. Even though just two countries are fighting, it's possible that within one of the countries, there are different organizations that have different views and are also at odds with one another. What if Snake were to kill an A country solider. Wouldn't B country become Snake's ally? Kojima promises that we'll better understand this idea once we've seen the TGS trailer.

In addition to multidimensional enemies, Kojima promises a new element of psychological warfare with MGS4. In past installments, enemies have simply targeted the player with attacks, something that Kojima refers to as being unnatural. Kojima asks, what if the enemy were to threaten the player -- what kind of psychological effect would that have on the player's concentration and ability to move? Sadly, he doesn't go into specifics.

The shots revealed in the magazine are images running on actual PS3 hardware, and as impressive as they are, they will get better, according to Kojima's comments. While the images in the magazine are pulled from a demonstration clip, the world of MGS4 that you'll control when playing the game on the PS3 will look as good. And we assume the same can be said about the TGS trailer as a whole.

Expect to get your first look at Metal Gear Solid 4 once the trailer airs on Friday. Stay tuned IGNPS3 for more around that time.
tha_con more and more time goes by...PS3 looks far more impressive to me...than a lot of other titles I've seen on PC or any hardware at general. I'm really excited about this next generation.

New thoughts:

In this screen:

I think I can predict these characters?

1. Vamp
2. ????
3. Raiden
4. Ocelot
5. Snake (now I can tell he's old, lol)
6. Otacon
7. I think this is SOLIDUS, not Big Boss
8. ????

Linky, no worky...

Yeah, it's Solidus. I guess he didn't die in MGS2. Big Boss' eye patch is over is right eye. Solidus has his over his left eye.
Solid Lifters
Linky, no worky...

Yeah, it's Solidus. I guess he didn't die in MGS2. Big Boss' eye patch is over is right eye. Solidus has his over his left eye.

lol, go gamespot!

It's just the image of snake with all the people under him.

I don't think Solidus is alive, I think that's just his corpse...but I think it might hint to something like....

Them trying to clone the ultimate soldier again since Liquid is dead (sorta) Solid wouldn't do it, and Solidus would be the last one left, so naturally I'd imagine the Patriots would take his corpse in order to clone it and stop Solid Snake once and for all.
I'm not seeing that image, just a plain white page. Can you pmme the full pic please.
Oh and I'm reading that big post, MGS games sound better and better. I don't look forward to the next GT games like this.
Oh and I'm reading that big post, MGS games sound better and better. I don't look forward to the next GT games like this.

You know what would do a GT game great? Some psychology. Like an "agression meter" so when players drive more "aggressive" the AI will be weary around you...but this isn't a GT thread!!!

Here's a link to the page on GS with the photo, I'm sure you've seen it, it's just concept art.
tha_con more and more time goes by...PS3 looks far more impressive to me...than a lot of other titles I've seen on PC or any hardware at general. I'm really excited about this next generation.

New thoughts:

In this screen:

I think I can predict these characters?

1. Vamp
2. ????
3. Raiden
4. Ocelot
5. Snake (now I can tell he's old, lol)
6. Otacon
7. I think this is SOLIDUS, not Big Boss
8. ????

One of them is probably Emma. One of them might be Fortune, too...but didn't she die in mgs2?

edit: might even be Olga...but I thought she died as well.
To my knowledge all the female characters in MGS2 died (certainly Emma and Olga...very dead in Olga's case after being shot in the head) except Rose, though was she real or a computer programme or....ahh...MGS2 screws with my head!

Am looking forward to MGS4. Hoping it'll be out by early 2007.
The one on the left looks old Olga-ish, though. How did Emma die again? Because that slipped my mind. lol.

Any possibilities of Paramedic returning?
but that's only conditional..because the story doesn't follow that line./..

pssh! So I bet Emma IS in the game. If only by communication or something.
I like the old look of Solid Snake. Sam Fisher ain't got nothin on Snake.

In the third magazine scan, those armored vehicles are Strykers and the soldiers are carrying M4 rifles. They must be American troops.

Solid Snake seems to be interacting with that small robot. Interesting...
Viper Zero
I like the old look of Solid Snake. Sam Fisher ain't got nothin on Snake.

In the third magazine scan, those armored vehicles are Strykers and the soldiers are carrying M4 rifles. They must be American troops.

Solid Snake seems to be interacting with that small robot. Interesting...
Yep. It wasn't Solidus, as I stated in my earlier post. It's yet another Kojima misdirection trick. As it turns out, that IS Solid Snake, appearing much older looking, and the eye patch is a remote control for his bipedal robot mini-tank. How cool is that?!?

This game is going to be big!

With the M4 issue you pointed out; why is Kojima still using it for his game? The M8 will soon take over the duties as the US Military's field rifle. Here is a pic of it...

Also, I hope the M25 Sniper Rifle makes an appearance. I'm getting tired of the M4. Plus, MGS4 is supposed to be set in the year, what, 2009-2011, or so? The M4 would have been a long lost field weapon by then.

EDIT: Oh, remember at E3 when Kojima said there were hints in the E3 MGS4 Trailer of what will be a new addition to the MGS game series? It wasn't just the "no place to hide" of changing enviorment, but facial expressions, too. Notice when Solid gets a "evil look" and starts to mow down badies with the M4? That's the new facial expression feature at work. Kojima is stating he's getting rid of the red "!" that appears over an enemy's head. It's being replaced with facial expressions. Wow. This game will be less of a game, compared with previous titles. Wow.
Ooh, that M8 looks sweet. Is the M8 the rifle that can aim around corners or is that the XM29?

I'm not sure why they have M4s either. A gun is a gun, just because there is a new one doesn't mean the M16/M4 will disappear instantly. But, you are right, it does seem weird to have a 50 year old weapon.
Viper Zero
Ooh, that M8 looks sweet. Is the M8 the rifle that can aim around corners or is that the XM29?

I'm not sure why they have M4s either. A gun is a gun, just because there is a new one doesn't mean the M16/M4 will disappear instantly. But, you are right, it does seem weird to have a 50 year old weapon.
Yeah, you're thinking of the XM29 OICW. It was a piece of crap, so they cancelled it. The Military is going for the M8, instead. The XM29s were killing users and testers. Plus, whenever they showed it to somebody, including TV programs that were eigther gun or military related, it malfunctioned every time. The XM29 was the weapon with the rifle on the bottom, and 20mm grenade launcer on the top. The grenade launcher was pretty cool. Dial in a range with the laser scope ranger finder, program the grenade to detonate a few meters before or after that distance, depending where you need the grenade to explode. Then, fire away, and the grenade counts how many rotations it makes in flight to determine its distance, and explodes when (where) you programed it to explode.

tha_con more and more time goes by...PS3 looks far more impressive to me...than a lot of other titles I've seen on PC or any hardware at general. I'm really excited about this next generation.

New thoughts:

In this screen:

I think I can predict these characters?

1. Vamp
2. ????
3. Raiden
4. Ocelot
5. Snake (now I can tell he's old, lol)
6. Otacon
7. I think this is SOLIDUS, not Big Boss
8. ????

#2 Is Merryl, remember her from MGS?
#8 Is most probably Olga, I mean look, Vamp got shot in the head (he isn't a real vampire) and remember, this is MGS...
2 is definitely Meryl, I doubt the last one's Olga , theres probably new characters on there. And I don't think 3 is Raiden, also he's holding a baby. Any suggestions???
2 is definitely Meryl, I doubt the last one's Olga and I'm not sure the first one's Vamp, they're probably new characters.

I reserve judgement on the women...they could defineately be other peopel.

As far as Vamp, the picture has a clear bullet wound to the head. I think it's him, lol.
Yeah I've looked at the first one again and I think it may be, I've edited my posts for that.
Eh? You need to find another host for the first image, try uploading it to imageshack.
That second one is definitely Meryl, looks justlike the concept art for her in MGS.
Number three is raiden, no doubts about it. I'm positive you will play him prior to the aged version of Snake.

Baby? Olga's. Remember, in MGS2, she does in fact ask him to take care of her child, hence, the child. Olga has passed, and that child is pretty much evidence she will not be in MGS4.

As for Meryl, yes, it does look like it, however I still will reserve that until I know for sure :P lol, I'm just a skeptic when it comes to Kojima.
Olga is dead.

1. Vamp, with Bullet wound on forehead.
2. Meryl Silverbourgh
3. Raiden and Olga's baby, or his and Rose's.
4. Revolver/ Liquid Ocelot. (Which one will he be?)
5. Solid Snake
6. Otacon
7. Big Boss
8. Naomi Hunter