Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

  • Thread starter Solid Fro
No, I want Snake to be cloned a mix of Snake's, Big Boss's and Solidus's DNA. Maybe make the next Snake game with Snakes clone but he's been cloned by the patriots and is working for them, how that for a change. Maybe keep him working for theminot the game after too , leave it a while before he discovers his origins and maybe make it a player decidion what he chooses to do next. I'd like that. The only prbblem with large player decisions though is tying the story together with the other games and future games.
No, I want Snake to be cloned a mix of Snake's, Big Boss's and Solidus's DNA. Maybe make the next Snake game with Snakes clone but he's been cloned by the patriots and is working for them, how that for a change. Maybe keep him working for theminot the game after too , leave it a while before he discovers his origins and maybe make it a player decidion what he chooses to do next. I'd like that. The only prbblem with large player decisions though is tying the story together with the other games and future games.

Hiya! :D :embarrassed: :lol: Meow! (='.'=)

Sounds like a good idea! :embarrassed: How about this one...

Make a MGS game where you can play as the bad guys! :embarrassed: It might seem kinda impossible to play from the bad guys perspective since most of the time, they are just fighting one person, aka SOLID SNAKE!

I am thinking somethign about a game for Ocelot during the time he was fighting in Russia during the Cold War. I remember him saying that he did, right? :odd:

O and then they can try making a game for Grey Fox maybe! :embarrassed:
I was thinking of something else they could do, too... remakes of MG and MG2. I mean, the story's already there, so Hideo wouldn't be a "requirement" per se. But they could update it with MGS4-style gameplay and graphics. :)

You see, I've never played the original two games.. :( My Metal Gear legacy began with MGS on PS1. Which I'm currently playing.. hehe. :)
You see, I've never played the original two games.. :( My Metal Gear legacy began with MGS on PS1. Which I'm currently playing.. hehe. :)

You are aware Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence will feature playable, complete versions of both Metal Gear and Metal Gear: Solid Snake?
Solid Lifters
You are aware Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence will feature playable, complete versions of both Metal Gear and Metal Gear: Solid Snake?

Yeah, I heard that... I'm just not keen on buying a game that I already own, is all.
If it comes out for the PC I'll get it because I'lluse the online mode, but I have no intention of hooking my PS2 up at anymore.
Thats a remake of MGS not MGS2, Jedi's played MGS and MGS2, it's the original two games that he hasn't, neither have I.
It's online is average, some games play well some don't, MGS3:S will probably be optimised well for it though, but I don't feel the need to pay for a network card and connection subscription with my isp for one or two games.
Hiya! :D :embarrassed: :lol: Meow! (='.'=)

Sounds like a good idea! :embarrassed: How about this one...

Make a MGS game where you can play as the bad guys! :embarrassed: It might seem kinda impossible to play from the bad guys perspective since most of the time, they are just fighting one person, aka SOLID SNAKE!

I am thinking somethign about a game for Ocelot during the time he was fighting in Russia during the Cold War. I remember him saying that he did, right? :odd:

O and then they can try making a game for Grey Fox maybe! :embarrassed:
a metal gear solid game without playing as snake wouldn't be a metal gear solid game... the series is about Soilid Snake... MGS3 was just made to learn more about Solid's father Big Boss (Naked Snake)... one more snake clone would maybe be too much for the series... i mean there are allready 4 of them (big boss, Solid Snake, Liquid Snake and Solidus Snake)

I think it would be cool to play Solid Snake before the Shadow Moses incident...
But who knows what they've changed on the M4! Hahaha.

I wonder if we'll get some super high powered sniper rifles in this game. Could you imagine the carnage?

edit: Here's a pic of The soldier's gun in real life. (Remember, Snake stole the gun.)


that is one kick ass Airsoft gun...

Actually no it's not the Rail system's all cockeyed..and that wanna be infared light on the top is 100% flashlight bebeh
Great if they finaly allow you to steal the weapons from the soldiers!
I doubt that very much. I say we still find guns located in certain places with an icon. I mean, they don't want to actually think this game will be a true simulation, or anything. Afterall, it's still just a video game.

Did you notice how he switched shoulders for resting the buttstock of the rifle when he peeked aroung the corner? I doubt we can do that in the game, also. Both stealing the rifle and switching shoulders was for drama effect, not actual game play features.
Solid Lifters
I doubt that very much. I say we still find guns located in certain places with an icon. I mean, they don't want to actually think this game will be a true simulation, or anything. Afterall, it's still just a video game.

Did you notice how he switched shoulders for resting the buttstock of the rifle when he peeked aroung the corner? I doubt we can do that in the game, also. Both stealing the rifle and switching shoulders was for drama effect, not actual game play features.
well the ''icon'' you r talking about could pop up when you kill someone as in previous games but now with weapons as well, cause in the trailer it seems pretty hard to steal weapons without being noticed (No place to hide!) so getting weapons may not be that easy after all...
We don' know, but I think we'l be getting weapons in the traditional way. As for Snake swapping shoulders, I think we will see stuff like that in thegame but most of it will be automated when you perform certain actions ect.
You know there is a fair amount of resistance to the charms of the trailer amongst some people. They say that the trailer was optomised for the show, that the demo on the dev kit was beyong the capabilities of the PS3 and no way will the game look that good or that even if MGS4 looked this good few other PS3 games would.
Could it be that the trailer gives a false impression? Personally I think they're talking twaddle! :sly:

I'm hoping Kojima comes up with a few new interesting game ideas and mechanics for MGS4. There's usually a few odd and unexpected surprises in MGS games!

Anyway, I'm hoping a mag will have it on their dvd soon as the chances of seeing the trailer on UK TV is next to nothing, certainly not in its entirety.
Well I mean ofcourse it was optomised for show, the grpahics will be that good but the game won't be that cinematic exept in cut scenes. It's only the cameras that have been changed to make the demo look better and more movie like. I think Kojima has already sad thats the ingame engine, and if you comapre it to the RX-7 and Lancer at the start of the VGT video Ihave no doubts that the PS3 can handle this.
You know there is a fair amount of resistance to the charms of the trailer amongst some people. They say that the trailer was optomised for the show, that the demo on the dev kit was beyong the capabilities of the PS3 and no way will the game look that good or that even if MGS4 looked this good few other PS3 games would.
Could it be that the trailer gives a false impression? Personally I think they're talking twaddle! :sly:

I'm hoping Kojima comes up with a few new interesting game ideas and mechanics for MGS4. There's usually a few odd and unexpected surprises in MGS games!

Anyway, I'm hoping a mag will have it on their dvd soon as the chances of seeing the trailer on UK TV is next to nothing, certainly not in its entirety.

Hiya! :D: O :lol: Meow! (='.'=)

I really think the PS3 can really do this because of the advanced hardware. This reminds me of how PS3 haters would bash on Killzone 2 of being a fake. :lol:
It all depends on whether developers want to be lazy bastards or not. The SPE's are waiting. Kojima just invited them for dinner.
As for stealing weapons and shoulder-changing:

I think we'll be able to steal weapons like was shown in the video. MGS3 introduced CQC, after all... disarming your opponent is simply an extention of that, and is taught as part of standard CQC training to military personnel. Granted, you'd have to be in a "disarmed" mode for it to work in the game, and if it was a weapon you already had, he would probably remove and keep the magazine, then throw the weapon itself away.

As for switching shoulders, I agree with live4speed. If we see it in the game, it will be automated, whenever we perform a certain action (like looking around a corner from that angle, where the weapon should be on the opposite shoulder). I doubt there will be any sort of button-press involved to make him do it.
Metal Gear fanatics who, following the impressive debut of MGS4 at the Tokyo Game Show, are now hungry for every tasty morsel of info director/writer/designer Hideo Kojima throws their way may end up getting a few bones every day from here on out. Kojima has started up a blog at the Kojima Productions website, and the first few entries have already managed to serve up some insider info on the Metal Gear series, from the original games all the way up to current productions like MGS3 Subsistence and MGS4.

The latest entry in the blog begins with Kojima revealing that he underwent numerous interviews from foreign press during TGS, and the most frequent questions asked were "Why is Snake an old timer in Metal Gear Solid 4" and "Why have you returned again for MGS4?"
The answer to these two questions are apparently related, with Kojima beginning with a discussion of themes. The grand theme of Metal Gear Solid, Kojima recaps in the blog entry, is "What things need to be passed on to the next generation." The original Metal Gear Solid dealt with the theme of GENE (passing on genetic information from parent to child), with MGS2 dealing with MEME (passing on cultural genes -- that is, ideologies, emotions, culture, art and other things that aren't encoded genetically). MGS3 dealt with the more complicated idea of SCENE (the idea that as human values change with generations, the things that we must pass on to our children also change). The three games formed the Metal Gear Solid trilogy, with Kojima adding, "MGS was concluded with 3."

Kojima has, in the past, stated that he would distance himself from the Metal Gear Solid series with subsequent entries. According to the blog, with the conclusion of the trilogy, he'd hoped to have conveyed the "soul" of the series not just to users, but to the his staff as well. The younger generation developers would then take over on the new battle field of Metal Gear Solid 4.

However, Kojima feels that he was unable to convey the game's soul and his intentions neither to gamers nor to his staff. Kojima uses the English word "Sense" to describe the area that remains to be conveyed. "Sense" refers to his intent with the MGS series and is something that he himself has to show. This is why "a 42-year-old middle aged game designer" has returned for Metal Gear Solid 4. "The last remaining thing that must be communicated to the next generation is an aging figure that still continues to change," Kojima states.

Kojima feels that "creators" in the game industry, including himself, are for the most part, just standard white collar workers. Most game creators, once they've had a hit, advance with their company and end up separating from hands-on development. Some even form their own companies. In the end, these creators focus on the business side of game creation.

Although grouping himself into this category, Kojima clarifies with "However, I like game creation. I want to continue making things." Apparently, we will be able to see some of Kojima's determination as a middle-aged game creator in the old Snake that appears in Metal Gear Solid 4.

In closing today's entry, Kojima states that he interviewed a number of people for jobs during the day, and he expects the interviews to continue into the future because Konami handed out fliers at TGS soliciting employees for Kojima Productions. Creation is half set when you meet people, Kojima states, and he goes on to wonder what kind of people he'll meet.

Going through the blog's previous entries (the first one was on the 24th, so there isn't too much material), we get a few insider peeks at Kojima Productions development as a whole. Development on Metal Gear Solid 3 Subsistence is nearing completion, Kojima reveals, with the development staff currently working on fine tuning and debugging. Until the 23rd, the game lacked save features, so those checking the game had to restart from the beginning.

Kojima himself is checking the Metal Gear Solid 3 part of the game using a freshly pressed disk. Subsistence adds a new "3D" camera option to the game, which Kojima states gives the game a fresh feel. He expresses surprise at this, considering that he, obviously, played a whole lot of the game in its original package when it first hit the PS2 last year. When using the new view, north is no longer the top of the screen, giving players the feeling of really being in a jungle.

There are some problems with the camera, he admits. For smaller rooms, it's better to use the standard top-down camera. Also, when lost in the jungle, players will probably want to use the right analogue stick to switch to the top-down view in order to find out where they should be heading.

Kojima finishes his MGS3 commentary by suggesting that MGS4 may end up with two camera systems, similar to Subsistence. He also adds that in the seat next to him, Subsistence producer Yoshikazu Matsuhana was testing Metal Gear 2, which comes as a bonus with the Subsistence release.

The sight of Metal Gear 2 gets Kojima talking about the past, first stating that, despite the switch from 2D to 3D, the feel of the series and the idea of "metal" hasn't changed since the original Metal Gear hit eighteen years back. He notices Matsuhana entering an elevator, then comments that MGS3 didn't have an elevator in it. Elevators are an important gameplay contraption in the Metal Gear series, Kojima states, but the idea to put an elevator into the games was inspired by an elevator scene in the movie Zombie. "What will we do for MGS4?" he asks.

Of course, Kojima shares non-gaming commentary in his blog. He recently saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, he states, and seems to be quite impressed with Johnny Depp, both in this particular movie and in general. Also, Kojima reveals that he has an iPod. The other day, he left work after loading up his iPod with Capture/Release, the first album from The Rakes. That night, he went swimming at the gym, and in the sauna, he came up with some ideas for Metal Gear Solid 4, which he said he'd share with Shuyo Murata, writer and director of MGS4 come Monday (Kojima refers to Murata as "Shoomoo").

If MGS4 has a sauna scene, you'll know the likely origins of the idea.

Hideo's Blog
MGNS sounds better, just Metal Gear No Solid's. I like MGS4:Bladder control zero. Were taking thepiss but he'd still kick Bond's arse at that age.

Metal Gear Solid 4: Swollen Prostrate Exam

Instead of soldiers and metal gears, you fight giant fingers. There's "Stinky Pinky" the pinky finger boss. "Open Wide" the thumb finger boss. "The Bird" the middle finger boss. "Knifey Wifey" the ring finger boss, (who's an expert with knives obviously). And lastly, "Joker Poker" the pointing finger boss who cracks jokes as he tries to kill you.
Solid Lifters

Metal Gear Solid 4: Swollen Prostrate Exam

Instead of soldiers and metal gears, you fight giant fingers. There's "Stinky Pinky" the pinky finger boss. "Open Wide" the thumb finger boss. "The Bird" the middle finger boss. "Knifey Wifey" the ring finger boss, (who's an expert with knives obviously). And lastly, "Joker Poker" the pointing finger boss who cracks jokes as he tries to kill you.

Hiya! :D :embarrassed: :lol: Meow! (='.'=)

:lol: That sounds really good to me! :lol: :embarrassed: