Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle

I think that this pretty much proves a theory that I have that there will be side objectives inside Main Ops. I mean what else would you need a map that huge for?

EDIT: Two new videos popped up for our mutual enjoyable consumption.

The first actually puts the map size in scale, and actually clarifies some factual errors seen in the first video.

To put that video into perspective, that little chart that we see on the recent Kojima Station video is freaking huge compared to the previous games. To sum it all up, there are two layers to the Afghanistan map chart, a sky layer and a ground layer seen from a bird's eye view. Those two layers intersect at the fixed point, thus giving a viewer the illusion that the map is smaller(though it is still huge compared to previous MGS games) than it actually is. Kojima wasn't talking out of his ass when he said that TPP was 300x larger than GZ.

The Cardboard Box analysis.
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I think that this pretty much proves a theory that I have that there will be side objectives inside Main Ops. I mean what else would you need a map that huge for?
A big part of it would be Kojima's vision for SNAKE EATER, with the player travelling over land to their objectives.

I also imagine that the conventions of sandbox gameplay would come into it, with missable content (like ACIV's smuggler dens), collectable items (like GTA V's murder mystery) and the general approach that exploration can (and indeed should) be its own reward.

But yes, I'm guessing that there will be sub-plots and side missions in TPP.
Here is the infamous map, granted it is in poor quality, so have a look for yourself. Remember that it is in 3/4 bird's eye view like in earlier MGS games, so Kojima isn't talking out of his ass here.

Video was removed, but the link has some brief clips of the video. Looks amazing. I just wish I can get used to the new controls in the game. I didn't enjoy GZ all that much. Was really difficult for me to enjoy it.
The only controls that I think need adjusting are the weapon selection. It's awkward to shuffle through; it should be smoother. I know it seems like a minor thing, but changing equipment on the fly leaves you vulnerable if you get it wrong. ASSASSIN'S CREED IV had a good system, where changing weapons brings up a sub-menu of sorts, allowing you to cycle through quickly because you can see everything you have.

From the sounds of things, the trailer is completely bonkers. So, business as usual, then.
Heh, Konami is going around taking them down. I managed to find a Japanese version, and suffice to say, it feels very chilling seeing Big Boss what Solid Snake fought him as: ruthless.
No matter how many times I watch it I can't work out that very last scene, the soldiers appear to be spectacularly dumb and useless. Also the horn is a bit much.
No matter how many times I watch it I can't work out that very last scene, the soldiers appear to be spectacularly dumb and useless. Also the horn is a bit much.
[/Directed by Hideo Kojima]

I hate to say it, but Kojima is just overdoing everything this time around, and it doesn't help that his ego is driving him to such a thing, this was proven with GZ and now the whole game.

Don't get me wrong, the game is fantastic but the story and writing is reaching fanfiction levels, and poorly included dialogue in the trailer doesn't help either.
I personally thought the Dialogue at the end was great. It kinda fits the notion that Big Boss is finally going all out to the deep end now.
I only saw the Japanese version so I have no idea what was said. Pretty powerful stuff, though. Can't wait to play the game.
So I just managed to get a hold of the English version.

Big Boss: I won't scatter your sorrows to the heartless sea...I will always be with you.:(
It hasn't been explained, but at a guess, I would say it's some kind of debris from the helicopter crash that his doctors cannot remove.
It hasn't been explained, but at a guess, I would say it's some kind of debris from the helicopter crash that his doctors cannot remove.
Cool but is that remotely possible in real life?

Anyway hype is +1000 with or without helicopter debris.
What a trailer, a man loosing his sanity and fully going for rage and revenge.

You'll die like a hero or you'll live enough to become the bad!
Give me the game now!
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I would presume so. Standard first aid for anyone with a penetrating injury is to leave the foreign object in place. If the body has survived the initial trauma, then it does not provide an immediate threat to life, and the patient can be quickly stabilised until they can receive full medical attention. Removing the foreign object immediately almost always does more harm than good.

Of course, we're talking about a head injury here. The rules are no doubt different.
I would presume so. Standard first aid for anyone with a penetrating injury is to leave the foreign object in place. If the body has survived the initial trauma, then it does not provide an immediate threat to life, and the patient can be quickly stabilised until they can receive full medical attention. Removing the foreign object immediately almost always does more harm than good.

Of course, we're talking about a head injury here. The rules are no doubt different.
Maybe he can use this after cutting hairs :)

Big Boss: I won't scatter your sorrows to the heartless sea...I will always be with you.:(
I know Kojima can be melodramatic, but that doesn't sound like him at all.

If I had to guess, I'd say one of the big themes of TPP will be Big Boss coming to terms with the idea that he can change the course of personal histories just as much as he can change the course of world history.
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I love MGS but I have to admit that I literally lost the plot some time ago :D
The SNAKE EATER-PEACE WALKER-GROUND ZEROES plot is fairly easy to follow. Hopefully THE PHANTOM PAIN will continue the trend.

The only real main offender in terms of complexity was GUNS OF THE PATRIOTS, with its heavy philosophy, retcons and nanomachines being the solution to everything. SONS OF LIBERTY was ahead of its time in terms of its themes, but in retrospect, it's easy to follow.
The SNAKE EATER-PEACE WALKER-GROUND ZEROES plot is fairly easy to follow. Hopefully THE PHANTOM PAIN will continue the trend.

The only real main offender in terms of complexity was GUNS OF THE PATRIOTS, with its heavy philosophy, retcons and nanomachines being the solution to everything. SONS OF LIBERTY was ahead of its time in terms of its themes, but in retrospect, it's easy to follow.
Kojima is on record saying that the original Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2 are on the remake block. If another dev wishes to tackle the games, then it is by all means. Keep in mind that the only reason why we even have the series as a whole rather than just one game is because of Snake's Revenge, a non-canonical sequel developed by Konami USA. That game showed Kojima that a series is possible, and development for Metal Gear 2, and eventually Metal Gear Solid, was underway.
Going by IGN's latest updates, Fulton Recovery will become a major part of the gameplay. Not only do you have to Fulton troops, but supplies and vehicles. I imagine that the sheep would be used for wool and/or meat. We will also be able to call in soldiers to scout terrain ahead of us, in addition to air strikes and resupply.

From the sounds of things, there will also be a lot of RPG and RTS elements in the game, particularly in the new Mother Base.
I can't wait to strap C4 to sheep and send them into town. :)

Any gameplay videos from E3, yet?

Oh, anybody else notice Drebin and Jack the Ripper in that trailer from E3? :D