Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle
How the hell do I S-rank the anti-air emplacements mission?

I can do it in five minutes, staying out of sight. But I keep losing points because guards are getting killed when I take out the batteries with the missile launcher.
Place c4 directly onto each gun?
I don't know, I'm just making a suggestion..

So no-one else spotted psycho mantis in the final cutscene then?........
Just me?

I've unlocked the final mission, wtf......

About this Mother Base app:

According to my spreadsheet, up to mission 19 the enemy officer is a level 1 Commando, after that it goes through the MGS3 bosses in order, each with five missions, so in 20-24 you fight The Pain, 25-29 The Fear, 30-34 The End, 35-39 The Fury and 40-44 you fight Volgin. I haven't done mission 45 yet. I'm worried because I don't know which Metal Gear it will be, so far it has gone through the Peace Walker Metal Gears in order (except for Peace Walker) twice, the second time they've appeared as level 2, so it could be Pupa level 3, Pupa Custom (I guess), Peace Walker or something completely else.

The pattern dictates, though, that mission 45 will consist of The Boss (seems harsh as she's very good, but she is the next Snake Eater boss after Volgin), six level 5 commandoes, three level 5 MBT: Customs and a Metal Gear but I have no idea which one. I'm not too thrilled about my chances though as mission 44 was basically the same and I lost my officer, two level 5 heavy armour soldiers and a level 5 heavy custom tank... So I'll run it anyway and see what happens.

Ok, so I ran it. I lost The Boss, two level 5 heavy armour soldiers, a level 5 commando (I have no idea why he was there), a level 2 heavy armour soldier, two level 5 heavy custom tanks and one level 1 heavy custom tank. That was REX's fifth or sixth fight with a Metal Gear and it still hasn't levelled up. So, basically, it wiped out all my good stuff.

My prediction was right, The Boss was the enemy officer so she'll be the officer until mission 49 and the rest of their force was as I guessed, and the enemy Metal Gear was Peace Walker at level 2... Hilariously, one of my level 5 heavy custom tanks killed it in a single shot.

My Boss did 200 points less damage than the enemy Boss, so that's hardly fair. The way the combat works doesn't really make any sense anyway though since in one turn you damage them and they damage you back, regardless of whether or not they died. Most of my units died because the enemy had, like, 16 hit points left but they attacked me back and did 400 or more points of damage to me!
How the hell do I S-rank the anti-air emplacements mission?

I can do it in five minutes, staying out of sight. But I keep losing points because guards are getting killed when I take out the batteries with the missile launcher.
Since it sounds like you have the FB MR R-Launcher at the beginning, 1)shoot the east AA first(if Marines stay near the battery shoot a barrel somewhere in the base to draw them away). Wait for units from the central AA to respond. 2)After they've left the central AA, shoot it. 3) Then, while all the Marines in front of you are responding to the central AA, shoot the south AA in front of you. (Another option is to grab the Mother Base Operative[admin facility], and prisoners in the old camp but instead using distractions or shooting barrels to destroy one or two tough to reach AA batteries. High Risk of exposure but large[er] reward.) If you keep getting spotted while firing from the initial insertion point try moving all the way back near the FB MR R-Launcher and the M2000 locations. This is an ideal spot to ambush the LAV as well. For some reason, the LAV will not see you shoot it from 90 degrees front if you disable it quickly as it enters the West gate. Call Morpho to the closest landing zone. It takes a few tries but it's one way to complete with S Rank.

I just saw a guy tranq the guards by the south AA, hop onto the Battery, and shoot the East and Central AA. C-4 placed on the road heading west out of the Camp. LAV destroyed. S Rank on Hard. haha.

Place c4 directly onto each gun?
I don't know, I'm just making a suggestion..
So no-one else spotted psycho mantis in the final cutscene then?........
Just me?
I've unlocked the final mission, wtf......
Well, if you want my opinion on the final scene: just before Paz jumps out of MSF tail no. 794, the camera zooms to a UH-60 Blackhawk with an operator, crouched inside, wearing a white helmet(likely an XOF operator [possibly] holding a detonator. Judging by the precise timing of the explosion--remote detonation as opposed to timed--this would require the triggerman to be within range of the explosive. This is why I believe this XOF operator was the triggerman). One chopper is visible as MSF 794 begins spinning. Then, another comes into view and collides with MSF 794(these could be the same chopper viewed twice). In the slow-motion moment before impact, the only visible crew member is a pilot on the right side[from inside] of the UH-60. "...several unidentified military helicopters were sighted in the area."

Any of you completed all the trials or is planning to? For example, how am I supposed to complete the Renegade Threat on Hard without using any weapons and without being caught?
Stealth and no kills is pretty easy, all I need is the silenced weapon but this objective? OMG...
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How the hell do I S-rank the anti-air emplacements mission?

I can do it in five minutes, staying out of sight. But I keep losing points because guards are getting killed when I take out the batteries with the missile launcher.
My theory? Place C4 at random points in the camp. If you need an area cleared of guards, set off a charge away from the gun in question. The charge will attract the guards allowing a clean shot at the gun.
Any of you completed all the trials or is planning to? For example, how am I supposed to complete the Renegade Threat on Hard without using any weapons and without being caught?
Stealth and no kills is pretty easy, all I need is the silenced weapon but this objective? OMG...
Since it sounds like you have the FB MR R-Launcher at the beginning, 1)shoot the east AA first(if Marines stay near the battery shoot a barrel somewhere in the base to draw them away). Wait for units from the central AA to respond. 2)After they've left the central AA, shoot it. 3) Then, while all the Marines in front of you are responding to the central AA, shoot the south AA in front of you.
I tried it. The guards spot me straight away. If they are not looking at me, there is someone too close to the battery to shoot it, so I have to wait. When they finally move away, someone is watching my position again.
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So my Mother Base app spreadsheet (Google Docs link) is done (it only really took half an hour, it's just finding time to play the app to get the info), it's a list of the enemy forces from each mission to help choose missions to farm. Personally I think 9 is good to get level 1 heavy armour soldiers to level 2, after that I just enter them into missions 16-19 and hope they survive, but if they don't it's not a big deal, just recruit some more and run mission 9 once or twice. Mission 15 is good for heavy custom tanks, they don't always survive but if they do there's a good chance one of the two will level up, so my theory is that damage the units do is their 'XP' and the reason only one tank levels up is because it one-shots the Metal Gear in the mission which counts for a lot of points.

Anyway, I've done all the missions now so I guess all there is to do is grind to level up. I'll probably try to unlock everything from Ground Zeroes too, it's a good way to find new things to do and an incentive to play over and over again. I've played Ground Zeroes, as in that mission, for over 11 hours on it's own, I've done maybe one playthrough of the rogue agents, rescue, AA battery and Deja Vu missions on normal so there's still a lot more play to be had from it for me.
S-Rank on Hard.jpg S Rank with FB MR R-Launcher.jpg
I tried it. The guards spot me straight away. If they are not looking at me, there is someone too close to the battery to shoot it, so I have to wait. When they finally move away, someone is watching my position again.
S-Rank with the FB MR R-Launcher after earning A rank. This method was tested on both Hard and Normal. It's simple, effective and fast.
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How the hell do I S-rank the anti-air emplacements mission?

I can do it in five minutes, staying out of sight. But I keep losing points because guards are getting killed when I take out the batteries with the missile launcher.
This video should work just fine for you.

There is another way to get S-rank, finish the mission with A-rank and do the exact same way as he does.
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I did get s rank one the anti air emplacement mission on 1st try, simply plant the C4 on each location quickly, I sprinted like a roadrunner all the way, after I planted 3 C4, I blew them up and finish the mission, instant S rank ( this is on normal ) I do get spotted and lots of bullet storm on my ass :lol:
How the hell do I S-rank the anti-air emplacements mission?

I can do it in five minutes, staying out of sight. But I keep losing points because guards are getting killed when I take out the batteries with the missile launcher.
What I did was to put the first two guards to sleep, then I plant a C4 at the closest AA gun, then I head straight up the watch tower in front of it and wait for the alert. Two guards will then join you in the tower. Simply grab and strangle them when they arrive and pick up the rocket launcher from the second one, then head back to where you started the mission, call the chopper, detonate the C4 you planted, shoot two other AA guns with the rocket launcher. Head up to the landing spot and wait for the chopper, and finally destroy the armed vehicle from it.

Not the most effective way perhaps, but pretty effective, and at least I figured it out on my own.
I think I know where the guard who spots me is - near the guard house opposite the tower outside the perimeter fence. I am not sure how he can see me, but the rocket launcher is not a subtle weapon.

Anyway, does anyone steeped in Metal Gear lore know of any connection within the series' mythology to Hungary? In one of the tapes, Skull Face claims to know Big Boss well, and holds him accountable for something. In that same tape, he says his injuries were sustained when a rapeseed oil plant was bombed. He says he has forgotten his mother language, but in another tape (which is bloody difficult to get) he says something in Hungarian without any explanation - the only time he uses anything other than English. He is definitely a white male, so I suspect he grew up in central or Eastern Europe during World War II (he is the right age), and that the bombing of the rapeseed oil factory was carried out by the Nazis trying to stop a resistance movement (he confirms they were repairing weapons), either in Hungary or a neighbouring country. But I cannot work out the connection to Big Boss. It's possible The Boss was working with those factions as part of the Special Operations Executive. My guess is that since XOF is a dark reflection of FOX, Skull Face was one of The Boss' apprentices, who she cut loose because of his tactics, before she found Snake. Maybe he is even a rejected Cobra, probably called The Hope as he keeps talking about hope in an interrogation tape.
I watched Rambo 3 last night..... Man, it's like watching Ground Zeros!

The scene they are riding teir horses to the base, like in the trailer of the phantom pain...

The scenes where he's trying to infiltrate the camp.... It is ground zero's!

I love the game and love the movie.
Anyway, does anyone steeped in Metal Gear lore know of any connection within the series' mythology to Hungary? In one of the tapes, Skull Face claims to know Big Boss well, and holds him accountable for something. In that same tape, he says his injuries were sustained when a rapeseed oil plant was bombed. He says he has forgotten his mother language, but in another tape (which is bloody difficult to get) he says something in Hungarian without any explanation - the only time he uses anything other than English. He is definitely a white male, so I suspect he grew up in central or Eastern Europe during World War II (he is the right age), and that the bombing of the rapeseed oil factory was carried out by the Nazis trying to stop a resistance movement (he confirms they were repairing weapons), either in Hungary or a neighbouring country. But I cannot work out the connection to Big Boss. It's possible The Boss was working with those factions as part of the Special Operations Executive. My guess is that since XOF is a dark reflection of FOX, Skull Face was one of The Boss' apprentices, who she cut loose because of his tactics, before she found Snake. Maybe he is even a rejected Cobra, probably called The Hope as he keeps talking about hope in an interrogation tape.

Actually, the Hungary connection is based on actual history, sort of. During world war 2, in 1944, there was a series of bombings in the small village called Almasfuzito by the ALLIES. The oil seed factory there was used as a front to repair the Nazi's tanks, jeeps, and things of that nature. YongYea theorizes that that he "forgot his mother language" could be because of the injuries that he sustained during that bombing. Sort of like how Harvey Dent becomes Two-Face mentally.
A traumatic injury is not necessary to explain the event. Skull Face had to be old enough to recognise what was going on, even if he did not understand it until adulthood. In theory, he could have been a young boy, whose command of his mother tongue was only developing. In the aftermath of the bombing, he became stateless and simply never heard anyone speaking that language again, possibly because his home was close to the border.

There are two problems with this theory. First, he claims to have forgotten all but a single phrase of this language - "They should let the poor thing die" - but this is not what he says in Hungarian. Of course, he may be a liar, but listening to all of the tapes, he comes across as remarkably honest during interrogations. He never lies during them, and it seems odd for him to tell such a lengthy, personal story, and then slip a lie like that in.

Secondly, it does not explain his connection to Big Boss. He seems to know Big Boss very well, and they have apparently crossed paths at some point, though Big Boss may not be aware of it. Everything about Skull Face and XOF is a dark reflection of Big Boss. Their patches are opposite one another, while both Skull Face and Big Boss have lost faith in Cipher. The game's tagline is "From 'FOX', two phantoms were born". We always thought those phantoms were Liquid and Solid, but it could be Big Boss and Skull Face. In terms of pure narrative structure, Skull Face becomes a much more complex character if the factory was bombed by Nazis - he considers the act justified, because their intelligence was right. I like the idea that he was one of The Boss' apprentices, but I think the idea works better if he was bombed by the Nazis, because it makes him much more complex: a man whose monstrous side was created to fight America's enemies, not created out of sympathy for what those enemies did.
Skull Face mentioned this in the interrogation, "Some... 'spies' told them we were making weapons. They were right.
[...]Those 'spies' reported well. We made weapons all right. As cartloads of rifles came in from the battlefields, we fixed them up and sent them back out. So our country could win. Or rather, so that little world we knew could continue. I came to realize I mustn't die. I'm their last hope, all those who perished and left me here. I have to accomplish something. If I don't, their will will be swept out of this world. So? Do you see me now? Tell me. What do you see? Hmm? You have eyes. What do your eyes see? Yes, that's right. You see a skull face. You see me. This skull is who I am. My mark, my proof of humanity. I have no country, no language, I have no face, but I haven't lost my skull. So I told myself... The pain and effort that keep me alive will never know relief, never bear fruit, never be repaid. I know that, but I told myself to focus on some hope, a nonexistent hope to guide me through this burning world. A hope - call it a dream. A melancholic delusion. As the pressures within me stretch me to bursting, and I force myself not to cry out, though the words I thought were carved into me are gone, and all I knew is dead. I know how you feel. I've felt that. So show me. That I'm not the only one. That you too can return to this world, for revenge. Do you see me? Don't die. Don't die! (Ahh...)"

I post this because of the mention of spies. Who were the spies? Any theories?
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Probably the Cobra Unit, in particular The Boss herself. That could explain the connection between Skull Face and Big Boss as each member of the Cobras carried an emotion into battle. Skull Face and Big Boss never carried one into battle (as Big Boss was betrayed by the unit before he was remotely ready to join.)

Of course, it could be entirely possible that Skull Face was actually in love with The Boss herself, but those feelings were never returned as conflicting loyalties, never mind the relationship that The Boss had with The Sorrow, kept the two apart. Of course this assumes that Skull Face was at a more respectable age at the time of the bombings that took his soul, for lack of a better term. When he "died", all that was left was hope, like Pandora's box.
I think it is more likely that Skull Face was intended to become a member of the Cobras, but was rejected or discharged because his methods were too extreme. Having unrequited feelings for The Boss seems a little too sappy, and also runs a little too close to Strangelove's backstory. I don't think he wants to kill Big Boss to avenge her - more likely he wants to kill him to *become* Big Boss, and prove that The Boss chose the wrong apprentice.
However, the helicopter is utterly dissapointing. What is the point of this thing, when all it can do is pick you up? I thought that you'd be able to call it in for CAS runs, However, I've yet to see it use any of its weapons. For crying out loud, this thing has a 30mm autocannon, 4 ATGM's and 4 rocket pods with either 57mm or 80mm rockets, yet it refuses to use any of it.
I think I have figured this one out: you are standing too close to a landing zone. I was playing around with this earlier, rushing through the main mission to get a tape I missed when an APC was dispatched to deal with me. I didn't have any heavy weaponry, so I called the gunship to the prison. It stuck around laying down covering fire while I grabbed Chico - it made pretty short work of the APC - and I made for the nearby landing zone. There seems to be some kind of invisible threshold that will divert the helicopter to the landing zone when you cross it. It's some distance from the actual landing zone, probably to give the helicopter time to get there if you're under fire.

I'm guessing that you're throwing the flare grenade close to the helipads, tricking the game into thinking you are looking for extraction rather than air support.
I think it is more likely that Skull Face was intended to become a member of the Cobras, but was rejected or discharged because his methods were too extreme. Having unrequited feelings for The Boss seems a little too sappy, and also runs a little too close to Strangelove's backstory. I don't think he wants to kill Big Boss to avenge her - more likely he wants to kill him to *become* Big Boss, and prove that The Boss chose the wrong apprentice.
You are overlooking one critical detail, Hungary was fighting for the Axis(Germany, Italy) during World War 2, as I have stated previously. The Cobras and the person who would be Skull Face would have been enemies during the war had the two fought for their respective country's sides.
^Those heartless goons. Good thing I murder the guards for video game justice.

Anyway if anyone lives in Japan, will buy anything MGS related, and have money to waste, well Konami is ready to sell you something that would probably be rather expensive!



iPhone 5 cases that are designed to make them look like iDroids. Pretty dorky and neat at the same time I have to admit. So far all signs point to Japan only.
Bah! How the hell do I S-rank "Jamais Vu"?

I know where all the guards and the Snatchers are. I can take them all out with ease. I can even do most of the heliport sequence without a problem - but I get spotted once, and it kills my score. If I try and stay concealed, I take too long to finish the mission, and it kills my score.
Bah! How the hell do I S-rank "Jamais Vu"?

I know where all the guards and the Snatchers are. I can take them all out with ease. I can even do most of the heliport sequence without a problem - but I get spotted once, and it kills my score. If I try and stay concealed, I take too long to finish the mission, and it kills my score.
Skip to 4:15. This guy is very methodical. Maybe you'll see something that will help.

At the point which you specified, this is his method:
He eliminates the chopper with the FB MR R-Launcher then uses the AM MRS-4(SL) to fire a burst into the barrel, incapacitating all six snatchers immediately after they exit the door. He switches to the FB MR R-Launcher to clear out the doorway. At this point, one is left and moving towards him but unaware(focused on the chopper). He then switches to the
Sz. -336 to eliminate him.

A second round of snatchers exit the door as he fires the launcher, killing them all. Then he fires two shots into the chopper to complete the mission.

Launcher for helicopter=>reload=>AM MRS-4(SL)=>Launcher=>reload=>Sz. -336=>Launcher=>reload=>Launcher for helicopter=> finished.
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Anyway if anyone lives in Japan, will buy anything MGS related, and have money to waste, well Konami is ready to sell you something that would probably be rather expensive!

And I thought my phone case was bulky. I'm actually half tempted to get it... It's ridiculous, but that's the point.
Well, I do pick up the two silenced guns once I have taken out the first set of Snatchers. And I plant C4 on the anti-aircraft guns and near the doors to the admin building. It's the wave of six Snatchers after the first helicopter that gets me. They always put out an alert as soon as I get one or two of them.