Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle
Still haven't got that S-rank, but I think I know what I'm doing wrong - you have to wait for the Snatchers to take up their positions. Once they do, they focus on the helicopter, giving you a little more leeway. And I found a second silenced machine pistol.

I also went back and played ARKHAM CITY for a while, while has something I'd love to see MGS take on: Predator mode, a series of enclosed maps where you take on a band of armed thugs, with the objective of taking them out as quickly. Most importantly, you get a better score for variety, which is something I think would really work in MGS. GZ has so many different ways of approaching the situation that it should reward creativity. Certainly moreso than speed. And it would encourage variety in play. It's too easy to simply sneak around the perimeter; I love shutting down the power to cause a distraction, or setting a C4 charge in a guard tower and setting it off at the opportune moment. But there is nothing to reward creativity.
Still haven't got that S-rank, but I think I know what I'm doing wrong - you have to wait for the Snatchers to take up their positions. Once they do, they focus on the helicopter, giving you a little more leeway. And I found a second silenced machine pistol.

I also went back and played ARKHAM CITY for a while, while has something I'd love to see MGS take on: Predator mode, a series of enclosed maps where you take on a band of armed thugs, with the objective of taking them out as quickly. Most importantly, you get a better score for variety, which is something I think would really work in MGS. GZ has so many different ways of approaching the situation that it should reward creativity. Certainly moreso than speed. And it would encourage variety in play. It's too easy to simply sneak around the perimeter; I love shutting down the power to cause a distraction, or setting a C4 charge in a guard tower and setting it off at the opportune moment. But there is nothing to reward creativity.
I agree, sprinting through a base should not be as rewarded as being creative, taking your time and making the most of the experience.
Max-Flex run(I guess that's what they're calling this)

Also, according to Kojima Station episode 04, the cardboard box is back!
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We're getting some pretty heavy promotion for the "24" mini-series "Live Another Day", and every time I see Kiefer Sutherland, I think of him as Big Boss or Snake, not Jack Bauer.

Maybe it's because I never really got into "24". It was about halfway through the first season when I realised how poorly it was written (what was billed as a big twist at the end of the thirteenth episode had the side effect of making the first twelve episodes a waste of time). And it probably helps that, going by the trailers, "Live Another Day" mirrors parts of Big Boss' character arc.
Still haven't got that S-rank, but I think I know what I'm doing wrong - you have to wait for the Snatchers to take up their positions. Once they do, they focus on the helicopter, giving you a little more leeway. And I found a second silenced machine pistol.

I also went back and played ARKHAM CITY for a while, while has something I'd love to see MGS take on: Predator mode, a series of enclosed maps where you take on a band of armed thugs, with the objective of taking them out as quickly. Most importantly, you get a better score for variety, which is something I think would really work in MGS. GZ has so many different ways of approaching the situation that it should reward creativity. Certainly moreso than speed. And it would encourage variety in play. It's too easy to simply sneak around the perimeter; I love shutting down the power to cause a distraction, or setting a C4 charge in a guard tower and setting it off at the opportune moment. But there is nothing to reward creativity.

Sounds like you want VR Missions (like they had for many of the earlier MGS titles) for MGS5...there's still a good chance they will exist eventually; but you might have to wait for MGS5: <insert something like Substance; Subsistence; etc>; I'm going to predict/guess MGS5: Ground Zeroes / The Phantom Pain Combo Pack: Subliminal Edition when it is released as a greatest hits. ;)
Sounds like you want VR Missions (like they had for many of the earlier MGS titles) for MGS5
I know what they are.

I would like something along those lines, but I think variety and creativity should take precedence over speed. For instance, I'd like to take out a guard with a tranquiliser dart, drop his body on another guard's patrol route and then rig him with a stun grenade so that it goes off when the guard tries to rouse him. That's not something you could do sprinting around the place, but speed gets a higher score.
I know what they are.

I would like something along those lines, but I think variety and creativity should take precedence over speed. For instance, I'd like to take out a guard with a tranquiliser dart, drop his body on another guard's patrol route and then rig him with a stun grenade so that it goes off when the guard tries to rouse him. That's not something you could do sprinting around the place, but speed gets a higher score.
I would support non-lethal booby traps in TPP. Hopefully, we might see the Fulton Sleep gas mine return in TPP.
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So Kojima's big announcement is Deja Vu going to Xbox and Jaime Vu going to Playstation.

Not exactly big, since I think we all saw that coming. It's on the Kojima Station. I'd link it, but for some reason Chrome is giving me hissy fits at the moment.
So Kojima's big announcement is Deja Vu going to Xbox and Jaime Vu going to Playstation.

Not exactly big, since I think we all saw that coming. It's on the Kojima Station. I'd link it, but for some reason Chrome is giving me hissy fits at the moment.
Good, I bought the Xbox version, so I'm glad to be able to play Deja vu mission.
The Kojima Station episode does have some interesting stuff :D
Damn she's hot!!!




The more I play GZ the more glitches and limitations in the physics engine I find that I want to see fixed/improved for TPP.

I would also like to see the main mission in GZ in the final game, to work as a prologue much like the Tanker Incident (MGS2) and Virtuous Mission (MGS3) as I think that would make for a more complete experience. Also, those who didn't get GZ won't have to buy two seperate games.
Source, sir? This is the first I heard of this.
Kojima himself. He made it pretty clear that they would be released together.

I payed 39.99 for one level. Not impressed.
More fool you, then. Konami and Kojima made it pretty clear that the game would be short. If you bought it under the impression it was more than what was advertised, then that's your fault.
I payed 39.99 for one level. Not impressed. And The AI are lacking IMO.

As @prisonermonkeys said, Konami, Kojima, the entire gaming media and disappointed gamers such as yourself made it quite clear it was just one map.

Out of curiosity, what was wrong with the AI? I think it's ok, stealth games kind of need dumb, predictable AI. They're a lot sharper in hard mode, too.
AI is weird though. They can see you a mile away if you sprint, which is good.

But at the same time I can be hiding in a corner and toss mags at their face all day, as in literally hit their face, and they just stand there dumbfounded and taking it. They should at least start investigating from where the mags are flying from to hit them.

I hope KojiPro is diligently working on any issues that gamers have reported to them. But I have faith in KojiPro's craftsmanship.
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It appears that the AI is programmed to respond to sound, rather than touch. Kojima probably saw no need to program it to recognise that they had just been hit in the face with a magazine, seeing as how it is a stealth game, and success hinges on your ability to remain undetected.
While playing this today, it occurred to me that GZ/TPP could really benefit from a bonus mode ala Hitman: Absolution's Contracts mode. Ground Zeroes itself may be a little small, but if the final game is as big as Kojima-san has been claiming, it could be a perfect fit.
That would be nice too, but I imagine a "contracts" mode would be very easy to implement.