Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle
Agreed, I kinda hope that S-Rank isn't exclusively reserved for non-lethal play throughs :indiff:

The game is supposed to be all about options and choice. Don't punish me for not sticking to one way to play the game.
@Luminis - That was an issue in GZ. Speed was the ultimate priority; there was no scope for creativity.

That's what I'm more worried about - in every Metal Gear Solid there have been loads of guns, but if you're playing it properly (i.e. to get the best ratings) you'll only use the ones with blue icons, except for bosses. There were so many guns in PW I never got to use because I just kept using the non-lethal gear. I imagine TPP will be the same, but who knows.
I think that's just Kojima working to attract as many players as possible. A bit of heavy weaponry doesn't hurt every now and again.
I think that's just Kojima working to attract as many players as possible. A bit of heavy weaponry doesn't hurt every now and again.

Yeah, and I like that they're clearly working hard to make shooting as fun as stealth - just as in the new Deus Ex - but I personally feel like I'm 'doing it wrong' if I kill anyone just because that's how I've been programmed by the series so far. Hopefully if we do decide to re-play some Ops with 'red' guns or go on free roam killing sprees they won't affect the game as a whole too much, but when I play through to get stuff done I'll most likely be doing them non-lethally or even ghost (not even using non-lethal weapons either) as much as possible.
Yeah, and I like that they're clearly working hard to make shooting as fun as stealth - just as in the new Deus Ex - but I personally feel like I'm 'doing it wrong' if I kill anyone just because that's how I've been programmed by the series so far. Hopefully if we do decide to re-play some Ops with 'red' guns or go on free roam killing sprees they won't affect the game as a whole too much, but when I play through to get stuff done I'll most likely be doing them non-lethally or even ghost (not even using non-lethal weapons either) as much as possible.
That's what the games taught us to do, yeah. However, that's not quite what I imagine Big Boss to do, given his story and all. In fact, I'd imagine the man behind Militaires Sans Frontieres to be quite ruthless. Not necessarily sadistic or 'evil' at all; just the kind of person to pull the trigger without remorse should the need arise.

I'd like that to be reflected in the gameplay.
I just hope the gunship can perform actual gunship duties this time around. Also still sad about the fictional guns. I need my custom M1911 :(
The E3 demo shows the extensive range of customisation options for guns, which is probably why they all have fictional names.

Just watched it. The helicopter actually provides support! Now that is what I want to see.
As for the guns, I don't see why you can't have real guns, just because you have customization. At the moment, all the guns we've seen thus far, have been a miss mash of various real guns. It's just a shame, considering how authentic the past games have been when it came to guns. But I doubt many people will give a damn.

Not too fond of the Fulton system though. It just seems a bit silly and overpowered. Hopefully, I can just use the helicopter extraction, leaving the Fulton for extracting vehicles and such.

The D-Walker is cool, but I agree on it being somewhat OP. Its stealth needs to go.
I don't see why you can't have real guns, just because you have customization.
Because you can completely swap out components - barrels, grips, magazines, stocks, etc. - between weapons so that they no longer resemble the original. And the manufacturers won't like that.

Not too fond of the Fulton system though. It just seems a bit silly and overpowered. Hopefully, I can just use the helicopter extraction, leaving the Fulton for extracting vehicles and such.
Fulton was good in Peace Walker. You only get a limited number of them to begin with (usually six, so it looks like this was upgraded for the demo), you can only send so much back to Mother Base, and you will only encounter low-skilled soldiers to begin with (hunting for high-skilled soldiers and soldiers with rare abilities was a good side quest). And unlike Peace Walker, you can only use it outdoors, it needs to be upgraded to carry heavy items, and enemies can spot it and be alerted since it's so visible. It also looks like you have to recover any vehicles or equipment that you take into the field with you.
But I doubt many people will give a damn.
I'm one of those folks. Licensed weapons are, in my opinion, meaningful in games such as Arma or maybe Rainbow Six. Metal Gear has so many eccentric weaponry and gadgets that I find it to be a non-issue. Then again, I've never been that much into guns, anyway, so my opinion on that matter might be a bit skewed.

However, I think @prisonermonkeys is right, going with fantasy weapons probably allowed for more customization options. To me, that's more important :D
Because you can completely swap out components - barrels, grips, magazines, stocks, etc. - between weapons so that they no longer resemble the original. And the manufacturers won't like that.

Fulton was good in Peace Walker. You only get a limited number of them to begin with (usually six, so it looks like this was upgraded for the demo), you can only send so much back to Mother Base, and you will only encounter low-skilled soldiers to begin with (hunting for high-skilled soldiers and soldiers with rare abilities was a good side quest). And unlike Peace Walker, you can only use it outdoors, it needs to be upgraded to carry heavy items, and enemies can spot it and be alerted since it's so visible. It also looks like you have to recover any vehicles or equipment that you take into the field with you.

Game companies do not have to pay license fees to the gun manufacturers, as long as they refrain from using the actual make and model name of the gun. Quote from a Eurogamer article.

"Some game makers have found ways to include real-life guns in their games while avoiding licensing costs. One ex-Codemasters employee, who asked to remain anonymous, described his experience of working on Operation Flashpoint, a franchise featuring the US Marines. "We didn't license weapons in the Flashpoint series," he says. "We covered ourselves from a legal angle [by not using any] names or manufacturers. The general rule is that you can use the model delineation but you can't use its proper name manufacturer name without prior permission.

"For example, we used 'M4A1 Carbine' which is the weapon's military code. Carbine means it's a shorter version for use in Close Quarters Battle. I forget if we refer to the weapons by name in the script but we were being so careful that we checked, double-checked and in many cases triple-checked with legal that we could use the weapon model numbers.""

Payday 2, for an example, also use real models, but fake names. Pretty sure they don't pay any licensing fees, and they have some far out customization options as well.

As for the Fulton system. I guess my main problem with it is how enemies, while not completely oblivious to it, don't seem to notice it in a realistic way. It's also just silly to have someone being dragged off by an invisible helicopter (judging from the sound).
Payday 2, for an example, also use real models, but fake names. Pretty sure they don't pay any licensing fees, and they have some far out customization options as well.
But that's pretty much what they're doing with MGS V. The AM MRS4, for example, is obviously modelled after the FN FNC:



Shortened barrel and a suppressor and flash light, but obviously the same basic design.

Same with the AM D114, that's just a Springfield 1911 with a different name:



Some minor differences here and there but they're easily recognizable... Don't know whether that's true for actual gun enthusiasts, but I wouldn't be bale to tell the difference without a side by side comparison :lol:
They are very losely based on real guns, basically mashing a bunch of different guns together.

The MRS-4 has features from the AR-15 design (pistol grip, trigger set and fire selector), FN FNC (body, stock and to a limited degree, the handguard). The mag well doesn't fit either of those weapons though, and neither does the charging handle and ejection port.

The pistol looks more like a Smith & Wesson 39, but with a bunch of different details.

To me, it's rather off putting. Espicially after MGS4 had such great models. I was amazed at the detail of the "Operator" in the cut scene where you are first given it in MGS4. The guns used by the Diamond Dogs can be explained by them making their own guns. But surely, the US and Soviet armies should be using real weapons, most noticeably the M16A2 and AK74.
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As for the Fulton system. I guess my main problem with it is how enemies, while not completely oblivious to it, don't seem to notice it in a realistic way. It's also just silly to have someone being dragged off by an invisible helicopter (judging from the sound).
Fulton recovery was a real system that was developed in the 1960s. Although planes, rather than helicopters, were the recovery vehicles.
The D114 actually looks a lot like a Browning Hi-Power. Honestly though, given how many real guns are just derivatives and improvements on real guns - try and count how many guns use M1911, AR-15 or AK actions or were developed from them - the fictional weapons thing bothers me a lot less than the fact that Fulton balloons actually lift the entire object or person off the ground. They were only meant to lift the cable for the plane to hook onto...

And that's nothing compared to some of the stuff in older games.
I thought I was perhaps taking a risk when I replaced my GTX 680 with a 960 with regards to being able to run MGS V well, but I tested Ground Zeroes last night with all the settings turned up and got 60fps... Right until I turned around or sprinted into a new area. The card's fans were super quiet, though, so I suspect it could be a CPU bottleneck since the card was clearly not struggling. I'll try it again with Afterburner running and see what the CPU is doing when the frame rate drops. It's still very playable though, it only dropped as far as the high 40fps range, so hopefully TPP will run similarly well.
Agreed, I kinda hope that S-Rank isn't exclusively reserved for non-lethal play throughs :indiff:

The game is supposed to be all about options and choice. Don't punish me for not sticking to one way to play the game.
Sorry for not getting to this sooner, but at Gamescom last year(it could be TGS), they did confirm that non-lethality wasn't the only way to earn an S-rank. You could kill people, but if you kill too many(like in the African gameplay that we saw last year) your rank will still suffer, regardless if you still meet the other requirements for an S-Rank.
The latest gameplay video is up, it's narrated in Japanese (it's not been up long and I guess an English version will be out by the time I wake up tomorrow) but it's a good one:

It probably goes without saying that this has further increased my desire to play this game ASAP. Not enough to buy it twice since the PC version is two weeks later than the console versions, but it'll be a preorder for sure.
I'm starting to think that this will break sale records (being multi-platform available to a higher market than MGS4 or MGS: PW), and Konami will probably wonder why they let go the team behind it.

This game just looks better and better, I really hope it's as good as it looks, and MGS Ground Zeroes have already proven this.
So there is a group of pigeons, standing about in the road.......

They're dumb birds, for the most part, so they just stand there while people approach in their cars and almost drive over them.
The road goes quiet.
They return to the middle of it.
Then, a cat, shaped just like the following video, jumps among them:

Especially if you didn't know that
skull face is a character that only snake can see.............

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@VEXD - That's not a spoiler tag.

This is a spoiler tag.

If you don't know how to use it, either learn how to, or don't post spoilers.

Since I'm feeling magnanimous - despite my better judgement - you need to use [*spoiler] and [*/spoiler] without the asterisks.
Ok, ok, my bad.

Thing is, am I spoiling things, or just speculating?

If I genuinely believed that skull face was an apparition, then I would have used spoiler tags.......(but thanx for the explanation prisoner)

How can he be unreal, if he can hand solid items to children trapped in cages wearing headphones plugged into their chests?

It's all just speculation, and none of us know whether I just stumbled upon an Internet video which declares the truth about one character in a video game, or whether I just made a statement which turns out to be total BS based upon someone else's theory from a very deep YouTube video analysis of a five minute trailer.
Got your attention though, didn't it. There are a few things in that vid that do that, and I don't honestly believe a lot of them, but conspiracy theories can be fun, and I thought that this video made a good contribution to the thread.

But seriously, I am sorry if you were upset by the revelation, but think about what I typed.
Can it really be true?

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How can he be unreal, if he can hand solid items to children trapped in cages wearing headphones plugged into their chests?
Because The Phantom Pain takes place nine years after Ground Zeroes. It's entirely possibly that Skull Face and the XOF were killed by Cipher, but Snake has resurrected them in his mind. After all, Volgin is dead, but he appears in the posters for the game.

Or, as another possible explanation, nanomachines.