Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle
I've been playing Ground Zeroes again in a vague effort to 100% it before TPP is out and I've already noticed something I never spotted in the PS3, PS4 or first 12 hours of the PC version which was both sad but also a seriously impressive attention to detail: If you mortally wound an enemy while in stealth and one of their friends find them before they die, they kneel next to them offering reassurance until they die, then they express either sadness or anger before calling it in. Also, yes, the bulk of what I had left to do on Normal mode was 'fastest neutralisation of all enemies' trials so I used it as an excuse to just shoot everything since sneaking around is quite hard when you can't be bothered.

Off topic, but I figure you guys might know: In Peace Walker, what effect does weapon level have? Like, I know you can develop better ranks which may or may not alter the weapon's appearance and stats and stuff, but as you use any specific rank of any specific weapon you gain XP to level it up - what does that do? I'm trying to Google it but it seems like every time someone asks, the people who answer talk about the effects of rank rather than level.
Off topic, but I figure you guys might know: In Peace Walker, what effect does weapon level have? Like, I know you can develop better ranks which may or may not alter the weapon's appearance and stats and stuff, but as you use any specific rank of any specific weapon you gain XP to level it up - what does that do? I'm trying to Google it but it seems like every time someone asks, the people who answer talk about the effects of rank rather than level.
It's been a while since I played it, but I recall it tends to boost the overall performance stats - range, recoil, stopping power, and so on.
JP MGSV headset (HORI).
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I've gone back to Ground Zeroes to try to 100% it, I just need to S the renegade threat and AA gun ops on hard now but I'm struggling with both; last night I was trying to do the latter using the truck trick but it just wasn't having any of it; even when I finally did manage to destroy three guns I couldn't lure the LAV to the mines without being killed... Playing the same section over and over really exposed the flaws I've noticed and I hope KP staff have noticed them too:

- Diving out of a truck sometimes animated BB jumping out of the left side, but on landing it would glitch out and he'd end up on the right side, closer to the truck. This killed me a few times because the truck sometimes explodes when it hits the gun.

- Guards are very inconsistent. Sometimes they'd shoot me dead as I ran from the first gun to the second truck, sometimes they'd destroy the second truck before I even turn around, sometimes I'd only be shot a total of three times before destroying the second gun. I think that's down to how the guards spawn in, so I hope they've upped the allowance for simultaneously 'existant' guards.

- Shooting with the over the shoulder view is pretty hard. Maybe it's just the huge reticle for the WU but I - and I've seen videos of the same - sometimes line up what looks like a perfect shot and it'll miss because it's a hair over to one side (i.e. It's not elevation, I know bullet drop is a thing). And yet I have quite a high success rate when it comes to first shot headshots with rifles.

- On PC when you zoom in the game doesn't adjust the mouse sensitivity, sometimes making it literally impossible to get headshots with a scope or very awkward to use the binoculars because the smallest possible movement of the mouse results in a huge jump so often the thing you're trying to shoot or look at ends up either side of the crosshair. Other games deal with this better, the last time I can recall recognising this problem was Killing Floor.

- Movement, especially mantling, can be really awkward. Try running up one of the guard towers with stairs then climbing on the roof in a hurry, I find you usually either end up grabbing a searchlight, jumping off the side or you'll push up against the wall of the small hut at the top. I've also found the game is pretty slow to respond when I want to drop from a ledge I'm hanging from, which has led to me being spotted a few times.
I believe these are all issues they have addressed for TPP.
But maybe not on pc, I dunno.
I recently have been doing s ranx on hard mode to try to squeeze every last drop out of gz.
I plant c4 on the first gun, tranq all guards on the way to the main facility compound, snipe the barrel next to the gun on the left, hide next to the trux rear wheels, snipe the barrel next to the gun the truck is facing, roll under the truck and get in, drive a few yards avoiding all guards fields of view, run under the bridge, trigger the c4, destroying gun one, lay c4 under the bridge, head towards the prison camp near the sea, detonate when the lav is under the bridge, call the chopper, rescue a prisoner and run to extraction by the small cave.
But for gods sake, it took me like a million goes to get everything to work perfectly, and that's one thing to be praised.
If I was just a few extra seconds taking a tranq shot near the start because of guards yawning or crouching or whatever, it would totally throw me off a few minutes later when a guard was not where he should be for another shot.
It's that difference everytime if you are not totally consistent, that means we should get a new experience everytime we play.
I think that's a good thing in some respects, but it can be very frustrating when you're trying to perfect a method purely for the ranking and rewards and to satisfy the completist in you.

S ranking the renegade threat is either all about time, or all about rescuing prisoners to get the score.
If you have the sniper rifle, or fetch it out of the truck, either worx, you can snipe the bald guy on the left of the play area first, then run to the bridge, snipe the guy in the tower, and run straight out of the base through the gate over the bridge.
It's a four minute job when done correctly, but requires repetition to perfect.

Good luck.

Dont know the exact story behind it but I found it surprising news.
To give a brief recap: Konami, being the incompetent ******* that they are, is trying to break into the mobile market (and/or gambling since there is a push to legalize gambling in Japan). As a result, they are pushing everyone who has/is developing games for consoles out of the job in Konami land. Hideo Kojima is one such individual.
Yong's analysis of the E3 2015 trailers. That's right, I said trailers. It is nearly 2 hours long, so prepare for a doozy.

This video knocked me out last night.
But when I sat down to a cup of tea this morning, it was the first thing I finished watching.

Eeeeeeeeyong is pretty good, but he's got some whacked out ideas.

I'd say there may be some potential spoilers in that analysis though.

This video knocked me out last night.
But when I sat down to a cup of tea this morning, it was the first thing I finished watching.

Eeeeeeeeyong is pretty good, but he's got some whacked out ideas.

I'd say there may be some potential spoilers in that analysis though.

Well the game is pushing the envelope of what a game actually is as far as mature content can go. Three things popped out at me during the analysis, one being that Decoy Octopus could be in the game as Liquid's body double (thus making the number of FOXHOUND traitors at Shadow Moses that is appearing in the game as 4, Decoy, Ocelot, Liquid, who is all but confirmed as Eli at this point in the game, and Psycho Mantis), the second is that Snake can apparently carry more than 2 primary weapons, but I personally think that it is a bunch of BS at this point, and finally is the XOF solders doing nothing in the direct presence of an intruder (Mantis).
Agreed on the weapon point.

It's just the angle of the shot that eeeeeeyong is commenting on, nothing more.
Also they are all very customisable right?, so any primary could have a long barrel and silencer etc.....

Thoroughly enjoying the ride on the hype train though, it's almost like I'm enjoying the anticipation more than I'll enjoy the phantom pain......

I hope the whole Kojima Productions being canned thing doesn't impact on post-launch support, but then again given that I never buy console games any more I wouldn't mind too much buying it twice if the PS4 version ends up being better than the PC version due to more thorough QA. Would be a shame to not be able to play with a mouse, though.
I wouldn't buy it new though. Konami doesn't need your money.
I ordered my copy on PS3 in February so I'll be paying konami some money.
I don't care.

If they have done what the Internet says they've done, then they won't ever release any products that I'll want to buy in the future, so they won't earn anymore out of me in years to come anyway.

This would be the perfect swansong.......

In other news, my first ever copy of HD collection just arrived through the door today. No time to play just now, but I figure I'm gonna work through snake eater again for fun, then peace walker for the first time, to fill the next few weex while I agonisingly wait for phantom pain.....


Edit: wait a minute! Metal gear one and two are in here as well?.... Omg...
I've never even seen them, now I can play them, that's pretty cool.
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Agreed, I kinda hope that S-Rank isn't exclusively reserved for non-lethal play throughs :indiff:

The game is supposed to be all about options and choice. Don't punish me for not sticking to one way to play the game.
That's one of the issues I had with Ground Zeroes - the only way to get an S-Rank was to finish the missions quickly. Penalties for using the Reflex system and kills were fine, but there was no reward for creativity. I suppose that's very difficult to quantify, but rushing through felt like it was going against the spirit of the game. And now that the video shows four different ways to complete the same mission, I'm really hoping the game will reward variety - like penalising you for using the same tactics mission to mission by making the S-Rank score higher. I don't want to just sneak in or stage a direct assault, or even work from long range. I want to steal a uniform, sabotage the jeeps so that only one works and plant a time-delayed sleep gas grenade in it so that when I cause a distraction and the target runs, he picks the car I want him to and knocks himself out. Or I want to ambush a convoy to cause the base to send reinforcements and clear the way to the target.
That's one of the issues I had with Ground Zeroes - the only way to get an S-Rank was to finish the missions quickly. Penalties for using the Reflex system and kills were fine, but there was no reward for creativity. I suppose that's very difficult to quantify, but rushing through felt like it was going against the spirit of the game. And now that the video shows four different ways to complete the same mission, I'm really hoping the game will reward variety - like penalising you for using the same tactics mission to mission by making the S-Rank score higher. I don't want to just sneak in or stage a direct assault, or even work from long range. I want to steal a uniform, sabotage the jeeps so that only one works and plant a time-delayed sleep gas grenade in it so that when I cause a distraction and the target runs, he picks the car I want him to and knocks himself out. Or I want to ambush a convoy to cause the base to send reinforcements and clear the way to the target.
I can see why finishing the root mission in Ground Zeroes quickly could be a major qualification for a S-rank, after all it is indeed story driven for you to do so.
Since you are rescuing Paz and Chico right under the supposed nuclear inspection's nose.

However, in Phantom Pain, I do expect some missions to go by quickly as well (since your first Afghanistan mission has a deadline of only three in-game days), but not all of them. This conclusion is going by what they have revealed to the public as of post time.
Oh, I'm aware of the time constraints in that particular mission. But I was thinking of the Classified Intel recovery mission, where the only way to get an S-Rank is to take a short cut - ride the truck in, shoot out the camera in the tower, get the tape and hop back into the truck. Kaz even notes that the mission is not complete because the tape is wrong. It just feels so cheap because the full mission requires you to find the informant and interrogate him, recover the first tape and avoid the trap, locate and interrogate the informant again, find the actual tape, and then get out. But you can't get an S-Rank this way, because time is the dominant factor, and so what should be a fun, challenging mission is ruined.
Kojima's Ground Zeroes foreshadow?

When I played through Deja and Jamais Vu last, I found myself doing all that stuff and I couldn't help but wonder... Seems like an odd thing to get the player to do if it's not a hint, you know?
Konami fires everyone(?) at Kojima Productions. Kojima Productions is officially disbanded with The Phantom Pain unfinished:

If the next step is canning The Phantom Pain, I will have lost all faith in the Japanese gaming industry as a whole.
Yeah, six weeks out from release? I doubt it.

Konami might have dissolved Kojima Productions as a means of nullifying the contract with the company, allowing employees out of their own contracts early. It's a common enough practice.