Main character looks like Solid Snake but why with no left hand? Maybe another spin off
Seems pretty clear to me, this is MGS V.
The CEO of Moby Dick games looks really Swedish...Err...American or something.
So there are two MGS games coming? GZ and V ? or maybe they are the same game?
Kojima said GZ was a prologue to MGS 5. I'm pretty sure GZ is going to be current gen next year but 5 looks next gen to me. Well I don't see a timeframe to release two more current gen titles anyway. They're certainly not the same game.
But on Moby Dick's site there are ps3 and xbox 360 logos, or kojima is just screwing with us?
wickenNow I don't know which one I should buy, either Ground Zeroes or V. (to be honest we don't know the release date of both but my bet would be 2013 for Ground Zeroes)