Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle
Taken from HD upload:


I could just about make out "Purpose:" and "sustained in combat situations" from the other screencap.

Guessing the fusion reactor in the video could be located within Camp Omega?
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Taboos you say? So the protagonist will be a black Jewish lesbian who is married, but is extremely racist and has a fetish for burns victims (which is just as well because Solidus, The Fear, Big Boss, Little Boss (errr, I mean Grey Fox, in Metal Gear 2) and Volgin were looking quite crispy last time I saw them). She will probably also run a FoxConn factory.

No but really, I'm all for games pushing the boundaries of what is acceptable in themes other than violence, and I trust Hideo to deal with it well. Either that or extremely melodramatically where everyone cries, but either works for me.

You're probably going to have to kill some child soldiers.
Taken from HD upload:


I could just about make out "Purpose:" and "sustained in combat situations" from the other screencap.

Guessing the fusion reactor in the video could be located within Camp Omega?

From that pic, I gathered:

Treatment of neurological damage sustained in combat situations
Treatment of combat-related psychological stress
Treatment of combat ability following impairment
Implementation of (too dark for me without photoshopping)

I wonder if that area is related to the les efants terribles project hence the "implementation" part.
Well whatever it means, I'm so damn excited now. MGS is the only franchise I get properly excited about these days... Thanks for uploading the screenshots and for the morse code translation, interesting stuff!
From that pic, I gathered:

Treatment of neurological damage sustained in combat situations
Treatment of combat-related psychological stress
Treatment of combat ability following impairment
Implementation of (too dark for me without photoshopping)
You got the first two right, but the third one looks like "Enhancement of combat ability following impairment". And the final one starts off as "Implementation of", but it tails off into a series of punctuation marks.

Also, the top section reads like this:

Project OMEGA
AI matrix: Sector 07-A942
Contractor: Moby Dick Studios

I'm guessing that Camp Omega is going to have some kind of programme that is ostensibly designed to help injured soldiers regain mobility through the use of prosthetics controlled by artificial intelligences - but in reality, those AIs are connected to someone or something (possibly XOF) that allows them to take control of the soldier's body and/or mind against their will. Kind of an early version of the nanomachines that formed SOP.
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All this exciting stuff gives me a tingle in areas other games don't make me tingle with excitement :D
I'm guessing that Camp Omega is going to have some kind of programme that is ostensibly designed to help injured soldiers regain mobility through the use of prosthetics controlled by artificial intelligences - but in reality, those AIs are connected to someone or something (possibly XOF) that allows them to take control of the soldier's body and/or mind against their will. Kind of an early version of the nanomachines that formed SOP.

Maybe, but on the other hand, remember what Naomi said about how Big Boss was severely injured, and that was how the Patriots acquired his genes? Also consider that in Metal Gear Solid 4, Drebin found out that Snake had SOP nanomachines? How can, and it is established by MGS4, Snake have first gen SOP nanomachines that was injected inside him back at the Shadow Moses Incident, when it was only theory circa 1959? Even further, the nano-machines that were seemingly used to create the Genome Soldiers were only theory until 2000.

Now I understand that most of the Metal Gear franchise is fiction. However, it is based on history as well.
I think I called it, Ground Zeroes = Phantom Pain = MGS5. I can't remember if I said it or not (the bit about Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain being the same game, not the MGS5 bit).

Yep, can't wait. Probably jumped the gun on posting that video as it's only SD and recorded in the auditorium but if it's good enough for Edge it's good enough for me! Can't wait to see what gets gleaned from this.
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The game was running on a PC build. Yes!

It seems snake has started taking the "solidus" voice also.

They say that guy in bandages might be voiced by Kiefer Sutherland. I also still have a feeling the V might stand for something (since it's usually numerical).
From what I gathered, I am 90% certain that this is set after peace walker sometime when the outer heaven base is destroyed, as clearly miller and snake are there, and you can see the island layout in the gunfight
"Ground Zeroes" is a prologue of "MGSV". 9 years after that event will be "The Phantom Pain". MGSV is constructed w/ prologue and main game "TPP". The game play demo I presented today is the opening of "TPP" which is tutorial that starts from crawling.

Hmm. I wonder how much of the game will consist of the GZ prologue.
No David Hayter? That's disappointing and quite odd.

Yeah, here's hoping they'll get him back before it's too late... Long shot but maybe they're poking fun at the new Splinter Cell for not having Michael Ironside! Hitman Absolution didn't have 47's VO actor either until a month or two before the release.
No David Hayter? That's disappointing and quite odd.

Yeah, here's hoping they'll get him back before it's too late... Long shot but maybe they're poking fun at the new Splinter Cell for not having Michael Ironside! Hitman Absolution didn't have 47's VO actor either until a month or two before the release.

It's just a ruse. Hayter is in on the whole thing that has been the MGSV trickery.