Metal Gear Solid game without David Hayter voice is like Terminator Movie without Arnold Schwarzenegger, it simply does not exist !
most likely an American one
Yes but I think thats because if you looked at the last scene in MGS 4 it would be a bit weird if both of the people sounded exactly the sameAh, but The Phantom Pain follows a Naked Snake who is considerably older than he has been in previous installments in the series. After all, he spends nine years in a coma. As he has grown older, his voice has naturally changed. Thus, the idea that he could continue to have David Hayter's voice is silly, especially considering that a different voice actor was cast for Big Boss in Guns of the Patriots. Although Hayter continued to voice Old Snake that game, and although Old Snake is a clone of Big Boss, their voices can be naturally different. I know identical twins who look the same, act the same and probably think the same, but they sound totally different to one another.
Honestly, the idea that you'll pass on the game simply because of the voice actor is a little ridiculous. It's fanboyism taken to the extreme.
Ah, but The Phantom Pain follows a Naked Snake who is considerably older than he has been in previous installments in the series. After all, he spends nine years in a coma. As he has grown older, his voice has naturally changed. Thus, the idea that he could continue to have David Hayter's voice is silly, especially considering that a different voice actor was cast for Big Boss in Guns of the Patriots. Although Hayter continued to voice Old Snake that game, and although Old Snake is a clone of Big Boss, their voices can be naturally different. I know identical twins who look the same, act the same and probably think the same, but they sound totally different to one another.
Honestly, the idea that you'll pass on the game simply because of the voice actor is a little ridiculous. It's fanboyism taken to the extreme.
1st: are people seriously not going to buy a game because it has a different voice actor?
2nd: please stop using "to" when you should use "too"
IMO hayter always sounded like he was trying to sound too rough, so I'd welcome a less-growly character lol
I noticed a significant change of look for Snake between MGS 1 and 2, in MGS1 his face was a bit more triangular in shape and with no mullet (although it was mentioned he cut his hair before the mission), in MGS2 his face/head became squarey and the mullet was in full bloom. A larger/wider mouth also.
I prefer his MGS1 look personally, but the changes they made proved to not be a big deal for anyone.
I'm glad Hayter's not voicing Big Boss in The Phantom Pain (is he doing Ground Zeroes?). Hes aged considerably since Peace Walker, and his voice will have become more raspy. Personally, I think they should bring back Big Boss' VA from MGS4. If Solid Snake is still alive after MGS4 and Kojima wants another game with him, Hayter must come back.
I'm glad Hayter's not voicing Big Boss in The Phantom Pain (is he doing Ground Zeroes?). Hes aged considerably since Peace Walker, and his voice will have become more raspy. Personally, I think they should bring back Big Boss' VA from MGS4. If Solid Snake is still alive after MGS4 and Kojima wants another game with him, Hayter must come back.
This is Kojima we're talking about. He made an entire game just to mock the people who liked the former game. For all we know, at the halfway mark the game will unlock "Hayter mode" and make you play the entire thing again or something; then spin that into a philosophical discussion about identity.
I have a feeling the Hayter thing is a big troll and he's actually part of it
Also what is odd is that the Japanese voice actor is NOT changing. So for them he's still going to sound the same, why not for the Western voice as well? It pretty much contradicts Hideo saying they want to start fresh.
Right and as I already said I'm pretty sure Hayter could do the same.