Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle
An interesting theory that seems plausible:

The end of the of the trailer states that 'V' is awake. Now put that into context, I is Naked Snake AKA Big Boss, II and III are Solid Snake and Liquid Snake, and IV is Solidius. Leaving V to be yet another Big Boss clone. At least that's what I think, and both Liquid and Solidius had radically different voices than Big Boss and Solid Snake.

It would explain why they're using roman numerals in the title for the first time.
I saw that at the IGN comments section :sly: But yah this is an interesting theory, and regarding Hayter's open letter on twitter, why did he publish it today? 1 April? Yes he said it's not an April Fool's but again we're dealing with Kojima here
I saw that at the IGN comments section :sly: But yah this is an interesting theory, and regarding Hayter's open letter on twitter, why did he publish it today? 1 April? Yes he said it's not an April Fool's but again we're dealing with Kojima here

The photo is indeed a joke. Take a look in the background more carefully.
What are you guys favorite MG game? Mines is #1, it made me die a bit inside when you chose Otacon to survive with you and Meryl died. It also was fun and had a great story. I played very little of the original PSone version but I played the Gamecube version like crazy. I beat it on normal, hard, extreme w/ if caught you automatically loose, it only happened to me 3 times that's it. The boss fights were pretty epic for their time. Best boss fights to me is Gray fox and Metal Gear REX.

MGS Ground Zero looks promising
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"Did you like it?"
Hideo Kojima managed to pull a fast one on us days ahead of April Fool's Day! Here's a closer look at his "Mogren" mask he wore at the GDC event last week!


Cool mask !!
So I did some googling:

Hideo Kojima
“Up until Metal Gear Solid 1 through 4, of course, we used regular Arabic numerals. But since then, the west has really caught up. And I think in many ways, we’re threatened by games from the west. There’s a lot of competition out there. So we really wanted to reinvent ourselves with this game, really invent the series. So shifting over from ’5′ to ‘V’ represents our will for victory—’V’ stands for ‘Victory.’ And that’s what we want to accomplish with this game, kind of take back our leadership and stride for victory.”

Source article.
Sounds like typical Kojima bull/swerving to me. No way that will be true.

Well, he is a lot better at telling stories and building characters and tension than the majority of Western developers.
Well, he is a lot better at telling stories and building characters and tension than the majority of Western developers.

Very true, now we just need a way of getting NPCs to stop annoying us over the codec and it'll be perfect....

(MGS4: "Snake you're going the wrong way", me: STFU FFS I'm having fun!!)
Probably David Hayter, and him not voicing Solid Snake was an unfunny April Fools Joke.
This seems a bit too obvious for it to be about Hayter... I wouldn't be surprised if this is supposed to make everyone go 'well duh, it's obviously DH!' and then the reveal will come and it won't be him and everyone will be all up in arms, then later on DH will be wheeled out and everyone will go 'oh Hideo, I could never stay mad at you' and sigh lovingly whilst stroking a photo of him on their fireplace.

Or it's not a trick, that's an option too.
I don't know about you guys, but I really hope there will be a PS4/XBONE version of this. The current gen consoles will not be able to make full use of the Fox Engine, unless they plan to run the game at 15 fps of course. :nervous:
They could release MGS V on this:


And I'd still buy it. I think I'd prefer current gen because that's cheaper and I don't really want to buy a PS4 at launch for just one game, but... We'll see I guess.
Yeah, I hope you're right. I guess we'll know in a couple of weeks.

The simple issue I have is it's currently listed for PS3 and 360. Kojima didn't want to release MGS4 on Xbox because it would have needed SEVEN discs and I doubt he's going to purposely gimp the cinematics and sound to make the new game small enough to make sense on DVD for 360.

Not to mention it just doesn't look current gen, overall.