Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle
During their development all games for all platforms are PC games, it's where they're developed so if they're not finished yet what other platform are you going to use to show them off? I hope as much as anyone that MGS V will be a PC game - it would mean I don't have to get a PS4 yet - but the game being shown on it means nothing. It's unusual that they came out and said it, but I wouldn't have believed it was PS3 hardware (looks far too good for that) nor PS4 hardware (it was way too early to show off what it was capable of back then, also officially the PS4 didn't exist anyway).

I think it's a real possibility now that MGS V will be a PC game. Revengeance is being ported, the differences between PC and next gen console are now less significant than ever before, it has been proven to run on PC already, the PS4 is ditching analogue buttons (I don't know about the One but I'd be surprised if they'd adopted them for this gen) which have been put to good use in previous MGS games... If we were to grasp at straws, you could say that if MGS V were to put the DS4's trackpad to use, a mouse would be a good way to emulate it. Oh and the optical media storage size joke in MGS4 is completely irrelevant when it comes to PC as almost everything is downloaded these days anyway. But who knows? I won't be devastated if it doesn't turn up but it wouldn't be the first MGS to be ported.
I know the PC build was mentioned but I don't know why you guys have moved onto talk about PC ports. We were talking about current gen vs next gen, hence my comment about the 360 going to need several discs unless he gimps the game.
I know the PC build was mentioned but I don't know why you guys have moved onto talk about PC ports. We were talking about current gen vs next gen, hence my comment about the 360 going to need several discs unless he gimps the game.

When I said:

During their development all games for all platforms are PC games, it's where they're developed so if they're not finished yet what other platform are you going to use to show them off?

I was addressing this post:

Exactly. Also, why else would they run the GDC demo on PC?

But I didn't quote it, I don't really know why. I didn't leave it at that because the way I see it it's kind of a given MGS V will be next gen (or maybe - but not likely - next gen plus PS3) because:

a) you'll never convince me the PS3 could handle graphics like those seen in the first Phantom Pain trailer in an open world game (which is what Ground Zeroes supposedly is, and they're both supposedly MGS V),

b) as you say, it's not likely they'd make MGS V significantly smaller than MGS 4 just to fit it on a sensible number of DVDs,

c) MGS V was announced before either next gen console officially existed (which logos were they going to use then? None? That's as good as making up next gen console logos, surely?),

d) Hideo Kojima loves red herrings and misdirection and probably would have still put the current gen logos in the trailer if MGS V was being revealed at this year's E3 as a joke, or something,

e) actually I think I've run out of reasons. No wait, another extremely tenuous one: MGS 3 was supposed to be a PS3 game but KojiPro decided to release it as a PS2 game... That was in 2004, the PS3 wasn't due for another two years. That, to my mind (however it's 4am right now so my mind isn't quite 100%), suggests they were hoping to be a launch (or close to it) title for the PS3. Something made them change their mind (I'm guessing publisher pressure from Konami to get it out the door and not sit and wait for the PS3 to launch first), but I've forgotten where this point is going.

f) just thought of another: you shouldn't release a big current gen game just before a new console - one lacking backwards compatibility in particular - is released. If it sounds like a bad idea, looks like a bad idea and tastes like a bad idea, it's probably something to avoid doing.

What are the reasons supporting a current gen release? Other than to embarrass me, of course. It doesn't really make sense right now. Then again, releasing on only one of the two Playstations is going to limit the audience one way or another, so WHAT IF! Phantom Pain is released on one console and Ground Zeroes is released on the other?*

*please don't take that too seriously. Idle musing.
Konami would get more cashola from releasing Ground Zeroes in 2013 on current gen consoles, then wait until 2015 when the next gen systems are firmly at place and release The Phantom Pain.
What are the reasons supporting a current gen release? Other than to embarrass me, of course. It doesn't really make sense right now. Then again, releasing on only one of the two Playstations is going to limit the audience one way or another, so WHAT IF! Phantom Pain is released on one console and Ground Zeroes is released on the other?*

*please don't take that too seriously. Idle musing.

Same reason that GT6 is comming for PS3, rather than PS4. The install base is larger, which equals more sales. From a finiancial standpoint, it makes perfect sense to release on current generation consoles. If the game really does look that good on current gen, I see no reason for it to come out on next gen consoles. Do you people simply stop playing your odler games whenever a new platform arrives?
Konami would get more cashola from releasing Ground Zeroes in 2013 on current gen consoles, then wait until 2015 when the next gen systems are firmly at place and release The Phantom Pain.
Actually, it's more likely that this would backfire spectacularly, with custoemrs interpreting it as Sony deliberately staggering the releases between the consoles to force more people to buy the PS4.
I'm still under the impression that The Phantom Pain and Ground Zeroes are both chapters in MGSV (with The Phantom Pain coming before Ground Zeroes chapter-wise).
Konami would get more cashola from releasing Ground Zeroes in 2013 on current gen consoles, then wait until 2015 when the next gen systems are firmly at place and release The Phantom Pain.
Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain is the same game - Metal Gear Solid V.
I'm still under the impression that The Phantom Pain and Ground Zeroes are both chapters in MGSV (with The Phantom Pain coming before Ground Zeroes chapter-wise).
Yes, they are chapters within MGSV, but it's the other way around. Ground Zeroes is a prologue (1975) in which Big Boss falls into a coma and Phantom Pain (1984) is the actual game so to speak, in which he wakes up 9 years later.
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Same reason that GT6 is comming for PS3, rather than PS4. The install base is larger, which equals more sales. From a finiancial standpoint, it makes perfect sense to release on current generation consoles. If the game really does look that good on current gen, I see no reason for it to come out on next gen consoles.

I've read my post back and realised I've done that thing I hated about the 'Is GT6 going to be on PS3 or PS4?' debate, which is that I discussed it at all, when I should've just put my phone away and gone to sleep. We're very close to E3 now so I'm going to sit back and wait to be proven wrong or otherwise and continue the discussion on this particular subject. I mean, I thought GT6 would've been a PS4 game so far I've got a poor track record on this type of thing, so I'm going to do what I should've done last night and keep quiet on this subject until E3. Don't take that as me admitting you're right, I just don't want to dig my hole any deeper in case I am eventually proven wrong.

Think of it as the opposite of betting money that Sony will announce a console, then when they do announce it, denying (even now) that an announcement can be an announcement without pictures of the subject of the announcement.

Do you people simply stop playing your odler games whenever a new platform arrives?

Not quite, no. You do need software to sell new consoles though, which is kind of the crux of my point of view. That's why GT6 being a PS3 game surprises me as it does, but as it means I don't have to buy a new console I'm happy with it. I will be if MGS V is a PS3 game too, but... Yes.
I don't think that you are wrong, neema, but consider this. Konami puts out MGS V on PS3, 360, PC and next gen consoles. Sony seeing a marketing gem, dumps a bunch of cash on Konami to make the next gen version of MGS V a PS4 exclusive (meaning that the consoles of choice would be PS3, 360, PC and PS4).

Now ask yourself from the perspective of a diehard Microsoft fanboy who is ditching his 360 when the XBO hits. Can you afford the loss of a great game, if it means you don't go back to the 360 and you don't buy a sony product?


Kojima has recently started playing a "guess the keyword" game with his followers on twitter. To recap the official keywords involved in the Metal Gear Solid series, here they are in series release date order:

Gene(MGS) -> Meme (MGS2) -> Scene (MGS3) -> Sense (MGS4) -> Peace (MGS PW) -> ???e (MGSV)

We can scratch Love, Hope and Fate.
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It's funny, I've always thought there are only two people who could possibly be better choices for Snake, Kurt Russell was obviously one, Kiefer Sutherland was the other. But now I wonder if having Snake voiced by someone as well-known as KS is a good move... I'll always just picture Jack Bauer.

So I guess this means the guy with the bandages in the Phantom Pain trailer wasn't talking to you after all and it was Snake talking to himself? Apologies if that was really obvious but I'm in the middle of explaining how Transmission-Minimised Differential Signalling works so my brain is fried.
I just wanna see more gameplay of MGS5. The voice acting is whatever now since I trust Kojima to make the right call.

However I have to say, Sutherland is voicing Big Boss, but not Solid Snake as far as we know.
I just wanna see more gameplay of MGS5. The voice acting is whatever now since I trust Kojima to make the right call.

However I have to say, Sutherland is voicing Big Boss, but not Solid Snake as far as we know.

We don't know if Sutherland is doing Big Boss in Ground Zeroes. It makes sense for Hayter to do Ground Zeroes, as its set after Peace Walker.
You can quote me on this:

Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake will be remade using the Fox Engine within the next ten years.

EDIT: I must give a reason, do I not?

Since the start of the Metal Gear Solid series, the games follow one specific pattern. First they witness the rise of a Snake, and fall of a boss(in MGS it was Liquid, though he never formally inherited the code in combat unlike Solid who never was given, nor accepted the code), then there comes a point where the Snake falls into infamy.

Metal Gear Solid 3 witnessed the Mother of the Special Forces, The Boss, being branded a traitor as a cover to rob Volgun. In Metal Gear Solid 2, both Solid and Solidus fell from grace throughout the course of the game, Solid when the tanker sank under Ocelot's bomb, and Solidus for not following the Patriots Plan during the cover up of Shadow Moses. So where does that leave Daddy Snake, or rather Big Boss?

If you recall the events of the first Metal Gear, which took place in 1995, Big Boss was essentially a double agent for Outer Heaven. It was later revealed throughout the MGS series that Big Boss split from The Patriots after the Les Enfants Terrible project that, a, obtained his DNA, and b, produced Solid and Liquid.

This also proved to be the straw that shows Big Boss that Major Zero and himself do not share The Boss's dream. While Zero favored control, much like the Philosophers before him, Big Boss supported freedom(I can make that leap by his willingness to build Metal Gear TX-55 and Metal Gear D four years apart). So while he has command of FOXHOUND, Big Boss begins funneling money and materials to Outer Heaven. This includes, but limited to, nukes.

Naturally, The Patriots couldn't have that, and you know the rest of the story from here.

What I am saying is that Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake illustrate the downfall of Big Boss.
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Sanji Himura
You can quote me on this:

Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake will be remade using the Fox Engine within the next ten years.

It will probably run on 4K resolution technology by then.
Still no word on a PS4 version. Seriously, I'm gonna be bloody disappointed if this won't be a next-gen title.
I haven't watched the video or reports above but have they explicitly stated it will be a current gen game either? Or have they just used the logos?
Still no word on a PS4 version. Seriously, I'm gonna be bloody disappointed if this won't be a next-gen title.

Might I ask why? We can already say for sure that the game looks great, and the story (which is the most important aspect of an MGS game) won't be effected by an increase in power.
I haven't watched the video or reports above but have they explicitly stated it will be a current gen game either? Or have they just used the logos?
They've just used the logos I think.

Might I ask why? We can already say for sure that the game looks great...
It looks great on PC, yes. We haven't seen it run on any of the current gen consoles yet. Also, there's a lot of things in the Fox Engine demonstration that the current gen consoles won't handle, not as beautifully as it was shown anyway.

I should be the one asking you: Why would I not want it on next gen?

...and the story (which is the most important aspect of an MGS game) won't be effected by an increase in power.
Of course, but do you find MGS to be just as thrilling and exciting as MGS4 then? Because MGS has just as good a story, if not even better, as MGS4.

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