There's a whole bunch of people on this planet who base their whole measuring system on the time their planet takes to go round the star... Yeah, I know it changes, but they do it anyway. And, get this, they've redefined it to 9,192,631,770 excitation state changes of the atom with 133 fermions. I know, right? Then they take light - good start, good start - and say how far it goes in a 299,792,458th of that is a unit!
Oh, no, there's more. Then they say that one by one by one of that is another unit, but only using that fluid that sits on top of two thirds of their rock and falls out of the sky, with all the gunk removed and if measured at 278.15 clicks on some scale they came up using when that stuff changes state and they have to remove 0.025% of it to fit the unit...
You know the best bit though? 95% of them use it and they make fun of the other 5% for a silly, irregular measuring system!