I know about that Prism BS. I don't care about it. It's inevitable. The U.S will be a real life Mirrors Edge in a few years. If you don't like what the government is doing then It's either you move or deal with it. I'm not going to change my opinion on a piece of tech because of the fact that I may be spied on. This argument is like beating a dead horse. It's pointless to continue on with it. Don't buy the console. Alright. If you're suspicious of people watching you wank through your Kinect then don't buy the XB1. Simple as that. I'm done with this childish argument. Argue about something that is actually worthwhile.
Same goes for the gaming websites out there. We're all random people on the internet. Who do you believe? ^^ I'm done with this childish argument. Argue about something that is actually worthwhile.
If you have to resort to that tired old attempt to come out on top, by just trying to dismiss the debate as "childish" and to switch to something "worthwhile." You're just conceding you have nothing to put up to defend these practices anymore.
I'm not asking you to change your opinion on the piece of tech itself, but the practice of requiring the Kinect 2 in the first place.
Getting back to the issue, which you keep dodging, why does the Kinect 2 need to be connected at all? Or have you come to agree that it can be used to spy?
You're ravenous in your defense on the Xbox's right to deny us basic rights as consumers but you have provided absolutely nothing reasonable as to why we should just sit and accept it. "It's the future" "The U.S. will be real life Mirror's Edge" right, one person not buying an Xbone isn't going to make the government say "sorry" and change their ways, but the point is that if you just take all these things sitting down, without at least asking a damn question about it and actually trying to look into it for yourself, you've become less free and that's sad.
I'm not asking you to try and start a revolution or anything remotely like that, I'd be the first to tell you that was a stupid thing to try or even think about with these matters. All I'm saying is I don't think you should be ignorant toward this, just educate yourself on this a little bit, from every side, that's all.
I think if everyone did that little bit, this place would be a lot better off. So, taking in what I've just said seriously, who's being the childish one?